Besides antibodies _________ are made after an active immune response.
1 point
Complement proteins
Memory cells


Answer 1


Memory cells


Active immunity is defined as immunity to a pathogen that occurs following exposure to said pathogen. When the body is exposed to a novel disease agent, B cells, a type of white blood cell, create antibodies that assist in destroying or neutralizing the disease agent.

Related Questions

In the analogy of a cell as a school,
lysosomes could be thought of as...
A. a janitor.
B. a teacher.
C. a music teacher.



In the analogy of a cell as a school, lysosomes could be thought of as a teacher.

Because teacher helps students by solving complex problems in simple way and as teacher lysosomes also helps us by breaking down the complex thing in the cell.

Hey there!

I believe your answer would be the janitor because his/her job is very similiar to the lysosomes' job, to get rid of all extra waste.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day!

What is a likely consequence of continued human population growth? A. More rain forests B. Fewer urban centers Ο Ο Ο Ο O C. Less pollution D. Depleted natural resources​



D. Depleted natural resources​


If the human population on Earth continues to grow, depletion of natural resources is a very likely consequence.

Especially at the rapid rate that humans consume natural resources, continued population growth would eventually deplete them.

Fossil fuels are an example of natural resources that will eventually deplete, as humans use immense amounts of things like coal and natural gas.

Answer choices A, B, and C are incorrect because they would be consequences of decreased human population growth.

So, the correct answer is D. Depleted natural resources.

Skin cells are lost daily even without injury. The cell cycle responds by promoting
a. reproduction.
b. repair.
c. synthesis.
d. growth.



The correct answer is A

Hope it helps! Please mark me Brainliest!

The cell cycle responds to the daily loss of skin cells skin promoting reproduction. Details about reproduction can be found below.

What is reproduction?

Reproduction in biology refers to the process of making copies or duplicate of a cell.

According to this question, skin cells are lost on a daily basis even without injury.

However, the cell cycle through the process of mitosis responds to this loss by making more copies of skin cell in a process of reproduction.

Learn more about reproduction at:


what is the final product of tranlation





The amino acid sequence is the final result of translation, and is known as a polypeptide. Polypeptides can then undergo folding to become functional proteins.

Polypeptide chain to make a protein. I tried but I hope this can hope have an great day

What period has the least amount of biodiversity

A . Neogene
B . Cambrian
C .Permian
D . Triassic



Permian has the last amount of biodiversity since the period was covered with lava and ashes

Experiment 1:
A student tested to see if ultraviolet light made plants grow
more slowly. She followed a logical method and used
control and experimental groups. She repeated her
experiment several times, and each time found that plants
grow slightly slower with ultraviolet light.
Experiment 2:
A student tested to see if a new fertilizer made roses
bloom earlier. She used a logical method and control and
experimental groups. She performed one experiment and
found that the fertilizer had no effect.
Which experiment most likely has greater reliability, and why?



Experiment 1


This is because she repeated her experiment several times and not just one time.

In your own words, what is the definition for the word karyotype?



Karyotype is defined as the general appearance of chromosomes. An example of karyotype is the size, number and shape of chromosomes in a person's body. noun. The characterization of the chromosomal complement of an individual or a species, including number, form, and size of the chromosomes. noun.

Why are NADH and FADH2 necessities in the electron transport chain?(1 point)

They power the electron transport chain.
They power the electron transport chain.

They remove electrons from the electron transport chain.
They remove electrons from the electron transport chain.

They move down the electron transport chain.
They move down the electron transport chain.

They move electrons to the electron transport chain.


NADH and FADH2 are necessities in the electron transport chain because they power the chain by moving electrons into it.

NADH and FADH2 are both generated at the initial stages of respiration (the Kreb's cycle), a process during which food materials are broken down to generate energy. NADH is generated from NAD+ as a result of the addition of electrons while FADH2 is generated from FAD also due to the addition of electrons.

Once generated, both compounds get transferred into the innermost membrane of the mitochondrion where they travel down the electron transport chain, donating their electrons in the process and creating an electrochemical gradient to generate ATP.

Without NADH and FADH2, there will not be electrons to power the electron transport chain and the generation of ATP would become impossible.

More about the electron transport chain can be found here:


The correct answer is They move electrons to the electron transport chain.


just took the quick check!

hope this helps :)

You are overseeing a paleontological expedition at the Grand Canyon to uncover fossils. You have one group working about 10 feet above the bottom of the canyon,
uncovering a cluster of Brachiopods You have a second group working about 300 feet above the bottom of the canyon, uncovering impressions from a variety of plants
such as fems and horsetails. While you are waiting for the exact age of the rock layers to be determined, what can you tell about the age of the fossils based on
where they are
A. You cannot determine anything yet.
B. They are all about the same age.
C. The plants must be older than the Brachiopods.
D. The Brachiopods must be older than the plante





because the plants are farther down lol

Paleontology establishes the geological age of the organisms. Based on the height of the fossils discovered at the Grand Canyon, it can be concluded that plants were older than the Brachiopods. Thus, option C is correct.

What are fossils?

The dead remains and decaying materials of the plants and animals stored and preserved under the sediments and rock layers over a period of many years are said to be called fossils.

The fossils are evidence of the evolution as well are used to determine the geological age of the species based on their occurrence of them in the rock layers.

The fossils of plants like horsetails and ferns were found 300 ft above the Canyon while Brachiopods at 10 feet above Canyons that tell that plants were found earlier than the former species.

Therefore, option C. the plants existed prior to the Brachiopods.

Learn more about fossils here:


help needed asap please?



I think A

Carbon is stored on our planet in the following major sinks (1) as organic molecules in living and dead organisms found in the biosphere; (2) as the gas carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; (3) as organic matter in soils etc

Zelda is a plant geneticist and needs to see the internal details of plant cells. She needs a very high power of resolution. Which microscope should she choose?
O Compound light microscope
O Common light microscope
O Dissecting microscope
O Scanning electron microscope



'Scanning electron microscope' is the correct answer because two types of electron microscope are used to study plant cells in culture, the transmission (TEM) and scanning (sem) electron microscopes. with the TEM, the electron beam penetrates thin slices of biological material and permits the study of internal features of cells and organelles



Nitrogen fixation converts nitrogen gas to usable nitrogen for plants?




True, nitrogen fixation converts atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen that can be used by plants.


Think about water. There's plenty of water on Earth, but very few is actually drinkable, at least for humans. So we have to fix it by filtering out dangerous bacteria in the water and other dangerous stuff before being able to actually drink it. Same with atmospheric nitrogen. It must be "fixed" before plants can actually use them.

When the flow of water cuts very deep channels through the earth *
2 points



It  carves deep into the rock and soil it flows over. Mountains streams cut narrow V-shaped channels


What is species definition



a race of animal


a wolf and a dog are the same species


a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. The species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a genus and denoted by a Latin binomial

A type of animal.

urgent help please just guess Mosquitoes are small flying insects which are very harmful.
It is only female mosquitoes that bite people. Male mosquitoes do not consume blood.
Blood serves as a source of protein for their eggs.

can anyone suggest a title please and do not suggest introduction please



The difference between Male and Femal mosquitoes



characteristics of make and female mosquitoes

A bacterial cell wall is composed of: A) A polysaccharide consisting of a single type of monosaccharide unit and cross-linking oligopeptides. B) A polysaccharide consisting of 2 types of monosaccharide units and cross-linking oligopeptides. C) A polysaccharide consisting of 3 types of monosaccharide units and cross-linking oligopeptides. D) Two different polysaccharides and 1 type of oligopeptide, which are cross-linked.



B) A polysaccharide consisting of 2 types of monosaccharide units and cross-linking oligopeptides.


A cell can be defined as the fundamental or basic functional, structural and smallest unit of life for all living organisms. Some living organisms are unicellular while others are multicellular in nature.

Also, a unicellular organism refers to a living organism that possess a single-cell while a multicellular organism has many (multiple) cells.

A bacterial cell is made up of peptidoglycan and its main function is to maintain the shape of a cell while preventing it from bursting due to osmotic pressure. Also, the bacterial cell inhibits the passage of larger molecules but allows the free movement (passage) of smaller molecules in the body of a living organism.

Basically, bacterial cell wall comprises a polysaccharide that's typically made up of two (2) types of monosaccharide units and cross-linking oligopeptides.

What is a similarity between the temperate climate zone and polar climate zone?

A. Both climate zones get less than 100 cm of precipitation in a year.
B. Both climate zones have average yearly temperature of around 25°C.
C. The polar and temperate climate zones have hot and dry summers.
D. They have hot summers and cold winters because they are close to the ocean.



may be option c or b I think but I am not sure

word equation for photosynthess​



6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2.


The process of photosynthesis is commonly written as: 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2. This means that the reactants, six carbon dioxide molecules and six water molecules, are converted by light energy captured by chlorophyll (implied by the arrow) into a sugar molecule and six oxygen molecules, the products.

What is a benefit of a plant having Chlorophyll and Carotenoids?
A. The plant can absorb energy from multiple wavelengths at once.
B. They can absorb both sunlight and moonlight .
C. It is not a benefit.
D. If one becomes damaged, the other can take over.



Carotenoids have two important functions in plants. First, they can contribute to photosynthesis. They do this by transferring some of the light energy they absorb to chlorophylls, which then use this energy to drive photosynthesis. Second, they can protect plants which are over-exposed to sunlight. but the letter answer I don't know

The benefit of a plant having Chlorophyll and Carotenoids is that plant can absorb energy from multiple wavelengths at once. Option A is the right answer.

What are chlorophyll and carotenoids?

Chlorophyll is the green pigment that is responsible for the green color in the leaves of plants. Carotenoid on the other hand is a yellow, orange, and red color pigment that is produced in plants, algae, and some other forms of bacteria.

Chlorophyll actively absorbs light from wavelengths in the range of blue to red.Chlorophyll poorly absorbs light from the green range.Hence, carotenoids absorb light in wavelengths that are ineffective by chlorophyll such as the blue-green range to green range.

To learn more about chlorophyll and carotenoids, refer:


the personality of an individual involves his or her​





depends on the person's personality I guess or how they act n all

When glucose is unavailable, the liver begins to break down fatty acids to supply the rest of the body with metabolic fuel. Explain why fatty acid-derived acetyl-CoA is not catabolized by the citric acid cycle but is instead diverted to ketogenesis when no glucose is available.



Fatty acid degradation produces acetyl-CoA

When carbohydrate concentrations drop, any available oxaloacetate is diverted to gluconeogenesis to produce the glucose necessary for red blood cell and brain function. If acetyl-CoA cannot enter the citric acid cycle (and acetyl-CoA cannot be converted to pyruvate in mammals), it is converted to ketone bodies.

See the attached image, please!
16 points!




From what I can see I think......

16) True

17) False

what is meaning of hurted or what changes we feel when we are tensed ?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?​



hurt:cause physical pain or injury to. feeling depressed and sad


Which of the following statements about proto-oncogenes is false? - Proto-oncogenes are normal genes with the potential to become oncogenes. A mutation must occur in a cell's DNA for a proto-oncogene to become an oncogene. Many proto-oncogenes code for growth factors. If a proto-oncogene's gene product is produced in smaller quantities, a cell may become cancerous.



If a proto-oncogene's gene product is produced in smaller quantities, a cell may become cancerous.


The transformation of a cell to a malign cell occurs by mutations accumulation in some specific genes. These genes are grouped into two groups or families:

ProtooncogenesTumor suppressor genes

Protooncogenes direct the production of proteins of varying locations and functions that play a significant role in cell proliferation and differentiation. The proteins include cyclins, growth factors, receptors, etcetera. These genes are proteins codifiers and influence the cell cycle by favoring proliferation or inhibiting senescence and apoptosis.

Depending on the organism´s development stage, these genes can be physiologically active or reprimed.

Certain structural or functional changes in protooncogenes contribute to turning them into oncogenes. When protooncogenes mutate into oncogenes, they are capable of controlling cell multiplication and massively synthesize uncontrolled division triggers.

How far is the moon from the sun?



150 million kilometers


The Moon is approximately 150 million kilometers from the Sun on average. Because the Earth orbits the Sun at a distance of roughly 150 million kilometers, this is a fascinating coincidence. Because the Moon orbits the Earth, it follows the Earth's orbit around the Sun.


help ill give brainlist!!!!!​



I  believe the answer is B. an enzyme


the substrates attach to the active site of an enzyme.

what process produces oxygen gas in the oxygen cycle?

A. Evaporation
B. Burning
C. Photosynthesis
D. Transpiration



During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight, water, carbon dioxide to create energy and oxygen gas is liberated as a by-product of this process. Sunlight: Sunlight also produces oxygen. Some oxygen gas is produced when the sunlight reacts with water vapour in the atmosphere.

Hope this helps and good luck :))

What is the role of the fungus in the food web shown?
boa constrictor
- coati
poison dart frog
strangler fig
fungus fruit bat
A. To recycle molecular building blocks
B. To break down photons
C. To gather green light
O D. To convert light energy into chemical energy



OptionA    because decomposers are associated


The role of the fungus in the food web shown is to recycle molecular building blocks. The correct option is A.

What is food web?

A food web is a diagram that depicts the interconnection of various organisms in an ecosystem via the exchange of energy and nutrients.

The food web is made up of several interconnected food chains that represent the flow of energy from one organism to the next.

Fungi are decomposers that play an important role in breaking down organic matter and recycling nutrients in many ecosystems.

The fungus in the food web is most likely breaking down dead plant or animal matter, releasing nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus back into the soil.

These nutrients are then absorbed by plants, which are then consumed by herbivores such as the coati and sloth.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding food web, visit:


Paula has studied the effect of ultraviolet light on seed germination.
Data were collected on seeds that were exposed to UV radiation and
then allowed to germinate. Which statement is true concerning this
data? *
O UV rays help seeds germinate.
O Temperature is insignificant.
There is no control group.
UV light is toxic to seeds.



i dont know


What would be the electrostatic force between two charges of equal magnitude if the distance between them is halved



the forces between the two charges is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them


The force becomes 4 times as much when the distance is halved.


F1 = k*q1 * q2/r^2 = kq^2/r^2

F2 = kq^2/1 / (r/2)^2

Set up a proportion using F1/F2 as you reference.

Notice that you don't know any number that can be used in this equation. However k q^2 does not change as you move the two charges closer together. That being so, you can still show what happens to F1 and F2.

F1/F2 = 1/r^2 // 1/(r^2/4)

Take the denominator, invert the fraction and multiply. That creates another cancellation.

F1/F2 = 1/r^2 * r^2 /4 1

F1/F2 = r^2 // r^2/4          which allows you to cancel r^2

F1/F2 = 1/4                       Now you need to interpret F1 and F2. Cross Multiply

4F1 = F2

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