big blrrrd................................................................


Answer 1


blrrrrrd blrrrddddd


Answer 2


im confused lol

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buatlah satu paragraf induktif dengan pola kausal/sebab-akibat​


Sorry don’t understand

why people say ruff word when they are angry ​



A ruff is a stiff strip of cloth or other material with many small folds in it, which some people wore round their neck in former times.



studies show that swearing indeed releases intense stress. yet curse words are socially problematic and can grow to a habit.

if really necessary, try using neutral for relieve.

like shouting bread and butter, will give you at maximum confused looks

hola alguin me ayuda​


Con que? Necesitas poner la problema aqui
Hola como estas??????????

can someone translate this into english for me?


answer : 3/9 black () Cactus

The play was very interesting. change in negative​



the play was not very interesting

The play was not interesting

pass pendapat anda,apakah Yang patut dilakukan bagi menyelesaikan masalah tersebut?​


U need translation mabye or what

hlo do any you spk english





i speak english coz im austrailian

In Animal Farm, the narrator _____.

is aware of the thoughts and feelings of the other characters



is aware of the thoughts and feelings of the other characters


Sita didn't gi to school change in afcirmative​



Sita went to school.


This is 100% correct.

Sita didn't go to school.


Sita went to school.

Identify the main points Mandela strives to make about the future of South Africa to the international community in his Nobel Peace Prize address. Select all that apply. Click here to read the speech. Children are South Africa’s greatest treasures. The people of South Africa must be awarded basic levels of decency as their human right. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to South Africa in recognition of its achievements. South Africa can use its past as an example of how to move forward and live up to the “ideals of humanism” Many people in South Africa and in the International community fought against the people of South Africa to bring about change. The people of South Africa must never forget the “grave insult to human dignity.”



1. Children are South Africa’s greatest treasures.

2. The people of South Africa must be awarded basic levels of decency as their human right.

3. South Africa can use its past as an example of how to move forward and live up to the “ideals of humanism”.


In his Nobel Peace Prize address delivered in the year 1993, Nelson Mandela expressed his appreciation to the Norwegian Nobel Committee for awarding him as well as his fellow recipient F. W. de Klerk with the laureate. He hoped that the end of apartheid will bring lots of benefits to South African children whom he described as their greatest treasure.

He wanted everyone in South Africa, adults and children alike to enjoy their basic human rights. He also wished that the ideals of humanism such as democracy, life, liberty ,prosperity for all, and peace be enjoyed by every South African.

1) O que significa retroceder? * 1 ponto A) Deslocar-se fisicamente para trás; voltar atrás no espaço; recuar, retrogradar. B) Tornar-se maior e/ou melhor, incorporando coisas novas ou mais modernas. C) Ter como ponto de partida; vir, provir. D) Desenvolver-se, crescer, modernizar-se.



A escolha correta é A. Deslocar-se fisicamente para trás; voltar atrás no espaço; recuar, retrogradar.


Retroceder é uma palavra cujo significado implica a ação de retroceder, ceder espaço ou perder terreno, seja voluntária ou involuntariamente. Além disso, a palavra retroceder tem um significado figurativo, ou seja, implica uma perda de valor, geralmente aplicada a posições de poder ou importância de uma pessoa em um determinado grupo ou função.

1. What are the layers of the atmosphere?
2. Do you think, living organisms can live without the atmosphere?
3 . What is a greenhouse? How does it work?
4. What do we mean by greenhouse effect?
5. What will happen if greenhouse gases absorb too much heat and radiate it back to earth?



1. What are the layers of the atmosphere?


The atmosphere is comprised of layers based on temperature. These layers are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. A further region at about 500 km above the Earth's surface is called the exosphere.


2. Do you think, living organisms can live without the atmosphere?


Without the atmosphere life as we know it would not be possible. The oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lower layers of the troposphere (that touches Earth) allow life to exist as organisms can respire and plants can photosynthesise. The atmosphere also helps to keep the Earth warm by trapping solar energy.


3. What is a greenhouse? How does it work?


A greenhouse stays warm inside, even during the winter. In the daytime, sunlight shines into the greenhouse and warms the plants and air inside. At nighttime, it's colder outside, but the greenhouse stays pretty warm inside. That's because the glass walls of the greenhouse trap the Sun's heat.


4. What do we mean by greenhouse effect?


The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the Earth's surface. When the Sun's energy reaches the Earth's atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases. ... The absorbed energy warms the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth.


5. What will happen if greenhouse gases absorb too much heat and radiate it back to earth?


The added greenhouse gases absorb the heat. They then radiate this heat. Some of the heat will head away from the Earth, some of it will be absorbed by another greenhouse gas molecule, and some of it will wind up back at the planet's surface again. With more greenhouse gases, heat will stick around, warming the planet.


Hope it helps!

#CarryOnLearning ^-^

“Marangal na pagmamahal sa bayan ang mamatay dahil dito.” Ano ang inilalarawan ng
A. Maringal na pagsasaayos para sa huling hantungan ng isang bayani.
B. Pagpapadama ng kabayanihan para sa ikauunlad ng bayan.
C. Kahandaan sa pagbubuwis ng buhay para sa kalayaan ng bayan.
D. Pagnanais na mamatay sa sariling bayan kaysa sa ibang lupain



The answer is letter B

B)- pagpadama ng kabyanihan para sa ikauunlad ng bayan


Hope it helps:)


B. Pagpapadama ng kabayanihan para sa ikauunlad ng bayan

what is the meaning of this?​



should I translate it or

hope this helps!:)))))))))

How do I make a sentence possessive in Korean?
Example: She is *my* sister. He is *my* brother. This is *my* camera.



She is my sister: 그녀는 나의 여동생이

He is my brother: 그는 나의 남동생이야

This is my camera: 이건 내 카메라야

To translate 'my', you say '나의' or '내'.

Hope this helped!

One of the main themes in this book is the appeal of the wild. It draws in Buck, and it draws in the reader.

Eventually, you will write a longer story about the wild. Now is a good time to start thinking about what you can write about. Take a few minutes to come up with a list of questions about "the wild" that you might be interested in exploring further. Perhaps it can be about how your ancestors lived a long time ago. Or, it could be about where you live and what it was like before people settled there. It can be about you, about an animal, or some other big idea connected to the wild.

Once you have written down your questions, reflect and identify one or two you might want to explore further. Note two possible sources you might be able to use to find information to help you answer at least two of your questions.


The most important reason is economic opportunity. You may have moved or your family may have moved in their lifetime, and chances are it was for an economic opportunity. Perhaps your mother or father got a new job or couldn't find a job where you were living, or your guardian was transferred or something like that. That tends to be the reason why most people move today is for better economic opportunities. Some people are looking for resources. This is very common in ancient times. If a river were to dry up or a water source would be gone, civilization would be forced to move on to find more resources. More land is another reason people migrate. That was a very popular reason for the settlement of the Western United States. Lots of settlers came from not only within the United States, but around the world in order to own their own land. Forced migration is another reason for migration. People, ethnic groups especially, have been victims of being expelled from a region and having to relocate by force. Other groups have chosen to relocate because of other forced reasons, such as disease epidemics or because of war. So all of these reasons are part of the reasons why people either have to move or choose to move, not only in the past, but also today.

एकताको माला कविताको मूल भाव लेख।​


What do you need to know about the wreath of unity

This outline is typically the longest of all three outline types.

preparation outline

speaking outline

working outline

thesis statement


The answer would be A

three consequences of the social problem on the community.​


What are consequences of the social problem on the community?

Yet another consequence of poor living conditions on the community is the degree to which they affect educational attainment. ... As discussed, poverty has a detrimental impact on mental health; further, it can negatively affect families, relationships and essential social networks

Please help me! Its due in a few minutes!!!



bueno - hello how are you etc

excelente- excellent

una opinion- my opinion of you're opinion

insufficiente - insufficient

establishmientos educativos - education establishmient

Uruguay es la vaca y el puerto in english



Uruguay is the cow and the port.


rumuskan tentang hasil pengeluaran mengikut luas kawasan penanaman pada tahun -tahun tersebut.Nyatakan sebab berlakunya pertambahan dan pengeluaran hasil pengeluaran​


I don’t understand, could you repost it in English

1:18 / 1:27
What is most likely to happen after this conversation?
Jessica will call Jose's mom
Jessica will pay Jose
Jose will pressure wash
Jose will start his chores
Previous ston
Question Not Answare


What conversation are you referring too

What is the best way to learn Japanese?


Buy a teacher and learn from her c c c c c c c c c


Personally, I would suggest Duolingo!


But here are some other options

-Take a Class or Computer Course. ...

-Listen to Language Podcasts. ...

-Watch Japanese TV With English Subtitles. ...

-Learn Hiragana and Katakana. ...

-Read Manga or Children's Books. ...

-Get a Workbook. ...

-Use Flashcards. ...

-Sing Japanese Karaoke Songs.

एक सरोवर में एक कछु आ और दो हंस रहते थे। बहुत ददनों तक वर्षा न होने पर सरोवर सखू गयष। हंस ने कछु ए से कहष “ममत्र, हमें दरू दसू रे गषवाँ चले जषनष चषदहए।“ कछु ए ने कहष, “क्यष तमु मझु े अपने सषथ ले चलोगे क्योंकक मैं तो तम्ु हषरी तरह उड़ नहीं सकतष। दोनों हंसों ने उसकी बषत मषन ली और अपनी ममत्रतष ननभषई। वे एक पतली छड़ी ले आए। उन्होंने कछुए को सलषह दी, “तमु अपने माँहु से इस छड़ी को पकड़ लो। रषस्ते में ककसी भी कषरण से अपनष माँहु नहीं खोलनष।“ कछुआ उनकी बषत मषन गयष।दोनों हंसों ने छड़ी के दोनों मसरों को अपनी चोंच से पकड़ मलयष। कछुए ने भी छड़ी को अपने माँहु से पकड़ मलयष। वे एक गषवाँ से दसू रे गषाँव उड़ रहे थे। एक गषाँव में नीचे खेलते हुए बच्चों के झंडु ने जब यह दृश्य देखष तो वे शोर मचषने लगे। कछुआ खशु ी से माँहु खोलकर कुछ बोलने ही वषलष थष कक छड़ी उसके माँहु से छूट गई और वह धरती पर गगर गयष।



What's the question ????

April is going to write a story about summer weekends at the beach. So far, she has use
the following passage:
On the weekends, I ride my bicycle to the beach on the weekends with my friends. In the
morning we play volleyball, and in the afternoons, we bodysurf. In the evenings, we have
cookouts, watch the sunset, and sit by the fire.
Which prewriting exercise would help April to choose one topic from these experiences?
looping exercise
hexagonal writing
sensory word bin



I would choose looping exercise

what is function in maths​



In math, a function is a relation from a set of inputs to a set of possible outputs where each input can be paired with only one input.

It is also my favourite branch of math! :)

In mathematics, a function is a binary relation between two sets that associates to each element of the first set exactly one element of the second set. Typical examples are functions from integers to integers, or from the real numbers to real numbers:))))

Make a 1-2 minute book trailer to freak the mighty and send me the link to it


I made the 1-2 business days book trailer


Hoped this helped

I'd it doesn't let you see the link notify me and I will see everything possible for you to see it
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