bình luận tại sao kinh doanh dịch vụ đòi nợ được coi là một loại hình thức kinh doanh dịch vụ hợp pháp trong luật đầu tư 2014


Answer 1
I don’t have any idea

Related Questions

Standard of proof of evidences


A standard of proof refers to the duty of the person responsible for proving the case. There are different standards of proof in different circumstances. The three primary standards of proof are proof beyond a reasonable doubt, preponderance of the evidence and clear and convincing evidence.

11. Which is true about the right of association?


The right of association is the right of people to join together for common purposes and goals and to pursue them together. ... This right is not absolute, as it has certain limits. Thus, for example, people cannot associate to commit crimes or carry out activities for immoral or illegal purposes

Appellate courts Group of answer choices are made up of judges only. will, on occasion, seat juries, but only when dealing with cases and controversies dealing with federal questions. are courts exclusively of original jurisdiction and, hence, seat juries as a matter of court to make determinations of fact in reaching verdicts. often seat juries to listen to new evidence being presented in criminal cases on appeal to their courts. seat a jury in criminal cases but never in civil matters.



often seat juries to listen to new evidence being presented in criminal cases on appeal to their courts.


A court refers to an enclosed space such as a hall or chamber where legal practitioners (judges, lawyers or attorneys and a jury) converge to hold judicial proceedings.

There are different types of courts and these includes;

I. Trial court.

II. Circuit court.

III. Appeal court.

IV. Supreme court.

An appellate court is also known as court of appeals and can be defined as a court of law of the judicial system that is empowered by law (jurisdiction) and saddled with the responsibility of hearing and reviewing an appeal of a trial-court or other lower court (tribunal).

This ultimately implies that, all appellate courts are empowered by law to review both questions of fact and questions of law. The appellate court can review questions of law as "De novo" or plenary review (legal error standard).

A criminal case can be defined as a lawsuit brought before a court of competent jurisdiction against someone who has been accused of committing a crime.

Typically, appellate courts (court of appeals) often seat juries to listen to new evidence being presented in criminal cases on appeal to their courts.

A grand jury can be defined as a group of citizens that are legally saddled with the responsibility of reviewing the evidence in a criminal case. Thus, grand jury are legally empowered by law to carry out an investigation with respect to a potential criminal case, engage in legal proceedings and determine whether or not an evidence is quite sufficient to warrant trial in a court of competent jurisdiction.

Hence, if the grand jury serves an indictment in a criminal case, the suspect is formally accused of committing the crime. This simply means that, the grand jury has ascertained that there are enough evidence to indict an accused.

However, if in a criminal case, the grand jury offers no indictment, the case wouldn't go to trial at the time.

Many New Orleans officers responding to crime in the wake of Hurricane Katrina wore easily recognizable blue uniforms with distinctive gold badges. Which nineteenth-century organization was among the first to adopt the practice of wearing formal police uniforms with its three-quarter-length royal blue coats, white trousers, and top hats?



The first London Metropolitan Police


On the 29th of August, 2005, New Orleans was hit with a fatal natural disaster, which was called Hurricane Katrina and it resulted in the widespread destruction of properties through flooding and storm.

During the Hurricane Katrina, many police officers serving in New Orleans wore easily recognizable blue uniforms with distinctive gold badges while responding to criminal activities.

The first London Metropolitan Police was established by Robert Peel in 1829, under the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829.

The first London Metropolitan Police is a nineteenth-century organization and it is considered to be among the first paramilitary unit to adopt the practice of wearing formal police uniforms.

Additionally, the first London Metropolitan Police wore royal blue coats of three-quarter-length, white trousers, and top hats to match.

what type of employee is most likely to steal from their employer

1. Happy

2. Fulfilled

3. Aged

4. Dissatisfied



4. Dissatisfied


If an employee doesn't feel they have enough pay or food, sometimes they will steal to satisfy themselves.




Because some may not have food or money they have to satisfy to steal

Upon a person's fourth DUI conviction,______ is mandatory


A $2,000 fine is mandatory, but the court can impose up to $5,000

what is the IUPAC name for C(CH3)4





Draw the structure of the compound. You will get a carbon atom in center surrounded by 4 methyl groups. Now take one linear chain. It's propane derived because of 3 carbons. Now two methyl groups are attached to second carbon atom. So you will get 2,2-dimethylpropane


2,2 Dimethyl propane is the IUPAC name

Can somebody help me


I’m guessing cost because, cost is the cost of taking one opportunity over another. Not only is it financial but also in time effort and utility.
Since he didn’t answer it, (choice)

Kathy receives her real estate license. Within a month of receiving her license, she gets a new job offer she can’t refuse. She decides to continue to hold a license but not practice or do any real estate work or collect any referrals at this time. She is willing to renew her license, do her continuing education, and pay the same fee for her license. What should Kathy do?
Seek an involuntary inactive license.


Answer: Seek an involuntary inactive license.


You are indeed right that she should seek an Involuntary Inactive license which is shows that she is not practicing and therefore has not met the requirements needed for her to continue practicing real estate work.

She might be ready to renew her license but the requirements are such that she would have to do some real estate work. If and ever she is willing to come back to real estate, she can then renew her license, pay the fee and meet other requirements.

g Which type of case would be appealed automatically to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Group of answer choices A capital felony conviction with imposed death sentence A state jail (fourth-degree) felony conviction A first-degree felony conviction A civil case involving a sum of over $100,000



A capital felony conviction with imposed death sentence.


The Texas Court of the Criminal Appeals is the last and the highest court of appeal incase of any criminal matters. It is situated in the Supreme court building with the Presiding judge. The court exercises a discretionary review over the criminal cases.

The only cases the Court must hear are only those cases that involves the sentence of a capital punishment or a denial of a bail. A capital felony of conviction which imposed a death sentence to the accused can be automatically appealed to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

Which of the following documents is required for any type of search according to the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
arrest order
arrest warrant
search warrant
seizure warrant


Search warrant, according to the fourth amendment if a police officer does not have a search warrant he/she cannot enter your house.

what is the importance of intra-party elections to national elections​



An intra-party election is a primary election that aims to select which candidates will be nominated for the actual election within each political party. In American politics, primary elections are important, especially in the context of presidential elections.

Primary elections are held as ballots in individual states, where voters decide how many delegates at the party convention should vote for each of the party's candidates. The primary election generally begins with the small state of New Hampshire and continues in the other states until June, when the last elections are held.

After the last primary election is over, Democrats and Republicans will hold their national conventions. Delegations from all states participate here, where they officially elect their presidential candidate. Each state is represented here with several delegates who vote based on the outcome of their respective state's primary elections.

an agreement enforceable by law is called as​





an agreement enforceable by the court of law is called as contract

It is illegal for employers to retaliate against an employee who is providing information in an investigation of
workplace sexual harassment
Choose the one correct answer.





You can't be penalized for helping an investigation.

Ways to avoid emotional stress when
driving include:

a Always have the radio off
b Obey the rules-of-the-road
c Never change lanes
d Always go
with the flow



I will go with D always go with the flow

D, always go with the flow

The Safety Responsibility Law was designed to remove irresponsible drivers from Georgia highways and to protect insured motorists from uninsured motorists. True are false


Answer: True


This law, enacted in 1945, aims to exclude irresponsible drivers from driving and to protect insured drivers from the uninsured ones. To do so, the law states that those who fail to satisfy a claim for damages caused by a motor vehicle crash must have their driving license suspended for one year. The main goal of the law is to avoid having people suffering injuries in crashes caused by uninsured motorists, and it ends up encouraging motorists to purchase liability insurance.

Mr. Farhan has sent goods to Mr. Basit, good are held by Mr. Kashif a Carrier now Mr. Farhan wants to stop the goods plz advice on which grounds he can stops the goods



go to mr.kashif to buy good

Discuss the difference between foriegn policy and domestic policy



Domestic policies are those that affect or apply to people or institutions within a particular country and tend to be internal. Foreign policy has to do with policies between two or more nations and is external. It focuses on building networks with other countries.

Can an impaired driver crash into you or someone you love? Yes or no


Yes it’s is possible

Padma is interested in becoming a US citizen. What should her first step be?


Answer: Naturalization with green car can be earn by 3-5years military service



Step One: Find Out Whether You Are Eligible for U.S. Citizenship

The first question is whether you have a U.S. green card (lawful permanent residence). With few exceptions, you must obtain a green card before you become eligible to apply for citizenship. So if you haven't yet reached this point, learn about your eligibility by reading Can You Get a U.S. Green Card?.

As a lawful permanent resident, you must meet additional requirements in order to be eligible for U.S. citizenship. These concern the length of time you've spent in the U.S. as a green card holder, your good moral character, your ability to pass a test in English, and on U.S. history and government, and more.

To check on whether you are eligible, see Who Is Eligible to Become a Naturalized U.S. Citizen?

Now would also be a good time to begin improving your English, if need be, and studying the possible questions that appear on the exam. There are 100 total questions the USCIS examiner can draw from, and you'll need to be able to answer six out of 12 correctly in order to pass.

What would be the best illustration of how federal labor regulations protect American citizens
which can impact trade?

a. Government issues a nation-wide consumer recall for one car company to replace two million faulty brake systems in its cars and trucks.

b. EPA charges fines a regional electricity company for exceeding its EPA pollution guidelines for the year.

c. Anti-discrimination laws make it illegal to discriminate against women who apply for jobs working on an
oceanic oil rig.

d. Federal Trade Commission forces the phone company to refund one million dollars to consumers who paid
an illegal internet user fee.


What would be the best illustration of how federal labor regulations protect American citizens

What would be the best illustration of how federal labor regulations protect American citizenswhich can impact trade?

a. Government issues a nation-wide consumer recall for one car company to replace two million faulty brake systems in its cars and trucks.

An act under the other acts exception must have occurred
prior to the commission of the crime for which the defendant
is being charged.


It’s true because if the defendant is doing the crime they would get charged .

An act under the other acts exception must be occurred prior to the commission of the crime for which the defendant is being charged. Therefore, the given statement is true.

What do you mean by an act?

The term act encompasses now no longer best physical acts, including turning at the water or shopping for a gun; however additionally refers to extra intangible acts including adopting a decree, edict, law, judgment, award, or determination.

Therefore,  an act under the other acts exception must be occurred prior to the commission of the crime for which the defendant is being charged. Therefore, the given statement is true.

learn more about act here:



Những đối tượng có quyền và nghĩa vụ nộp đơn yêu cầu mở thủ tục phá sản đối với công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn ,công ty cổ phần mất khả năng thanh toán?


dkhdshjsnsgzhsndbhxxhnahshsidbxvx shskdbdud

si unit brings uniformity in measurement throughout the world. give reason​



we need standard unit for measurment to make our judgement more reliable and accurate. For proper dealing ,measurment should be same for everbody.thus......


Anh A là công nhân xây dựngcuar công ty X anh ký hợp đồng lao động với công ty và được công ty mua bảo hiểm TNLĐ và BNN. Vừa qua anh A bị TNLĐ tạ công trường ( không do lỗi của anh A). Tỷ lệ suy giảm khả nắng alo động của anh A theo kết luận của Hội đồng giám đinh y khoa là 40% . Hỏi công ty X phải bồi thường cho anh A bao nhiêu tháng tiền lương? Phân tích rõ cách tính và nêu dựa trên quy định nào?






Answer: This is the meaning in english

Mr. A is a construction worker at company X. He signs a labor contract with the company and is insured by the company for occupational accidents and diseases. Recently, Mr. A had an occupational accident at the construction site (not due to Mr. A's fault). The rate of decline in working capacity of Mr. A according to the conclusion of the Medical Assessment Council is 40%. Ask company X to compensate Mr. A how many months' salary? Clearly analyze the calculation method and based on which regulations?


a When a school bus
is stopped on the roadway, you must always stop when?



When there is no land island between you and the bus.


If you are on the other side of Traffic you still have to stop, but if there is an island you don't have to stop.

A police officer stopped a driver who had run a red light. Upon approaching the car, the officer noticed a strong odor of alcohol and immediately asked whether the driver had been drinking. The driver admitted having had several alcoholic drinks that evening. The driver, charged with driving while intoxicated, moved to suppress the officer's testimony regarding the driver's statement about his drinking. The driver argued that the officer had elicited the statement without providing the requisite Miranda warnings. The prosecutor has responded that the statement should be allowed in the prosecution's case-in-chief or, at a minimum, should be allowed as impeachment in the event the driver testifies and denies drinking. How should the court rule regarding the driver's statement admitting his drinking



Police Officer Stopping a Driver Who Had Run a Red Light

The driver's statement should be allowed, as pleaded by the prosecution, because  the driver was not in custody for Miranda  purposes when the free admission of drinking alcohol was made.


The driver freely disclosed his statement about having several alcoholic drinks that evening.  At the time he made the statement, the driver was not under custody, he was not under arrest, and he was not suspected of driving under intoxication.  The officer stopped him because he had run a red light (another traffic offense) and only noticed the strong odor of alcohol after the traffic offense was committed.  Possibly, the alcohol odor could have emanated from another source altogether.

Are foreign policy and domestic policy two faces of the same coin.





Foreign policy and domestic policy are considered as the two faces of a coin because any change in both of these policies will impact on the macroeconomic variables of both the nation.

what are the six statutory elements of robbery​



(1) the taking of the property of another (2) from his or her person or in their presence (3) by violence, intimidation or threat (4) with the intent to deprive them of it permanently.


only 4 of them

what role correctional officials have to play in offenders life?​



The Correctional Official is the single most important person who mediates between an offender and society. The Official is expected to be a good role model for others in her or his presence. It is this official who holds the power over an offender's head. S/he can use this power to humiliate, and degrade the offender

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Variable finishing costs are expected to be $6.64 per unit with no increase in fixed costs. Prepare an analysis on a per unit basis showing whether Pine Street should sell unfinished or finished bookcases. The Demand function for a product is given by: D(q) = - 0.0003q^2 - 0.04q + 23.56where q is the number of units sold and D(q) is the corresponding price per unit, in dollars. What is the average rate of change of Demand between 40 and 175 units sold? A hiker in an isolated area encountered a cross-country skier who had broken her leg. The hiker created a makeshift sled and began pulling the skier to the nearest road. As the hiker was pulling her across the ice of a lake, the ice gave way and they went into the water. The hiker was unable to get out of the water and drowned. The skier was able to pull herself to shore and eventually was rescued. However, she suffered severe hypothermia and lost some of her toes to frostbite as a result of being in the water. Does the skier have a cause of action for damages against the hiker's estate Socioemotional selectivity theory suggests that:_____.a. older people withdraw from peripheral social contacts but maintain close relationships with friends and relatives throughout life.b. older people work to expand their social network as they get older and prefer quantity to quality when it comes to friendships.c. older people restrict the number of relationships of all kinds, focusing on their personal needs.d. older people work to expand all relationships by establishing more close relationships and working to meet new people. The part of the atom that carries a negative charge is the _____, and the part that carries a positive charge is the _____. Please Help!Please Help!Please Help!Please Help!Please Help!Please Help!Please Help!Please Help!Please Help!Please Help!Please Help!Please Help!Please Help! A local church holds an annual raffle to raise money for a new roof. They sell only 500 tickets at $50 each. This year's prizes include: $3,000 in cash, four $100 Amazon gift cards, and two $75 Visa gift cards. You buy one ticket. What is your mathematical expectation for this game Explain how Spain's economy became weak over time. Use details to support your answer. Cells control or regulate the flux through metabolic pathways by means of I. allosteric control of enzymes. II. covalent modification of enzymes. III. genetic control of the concentrations of enzymes. IV. genetic expression of allosteric regulators. How can we do our homework faster without dirty handwriting Biome Description Biome NameThis biome is characterized by long, cold winters. Plants living in this biome are adapted to the short summer growing season. Decomposition in this biome is slow, because of these low temperatures, high soil acidity, and a deep layer of needles from evergreen trees. ________________In this biome, very little plant litter builds up on the ground because of the hordes of decomposers living here. Under these uniformly warm and humid conditions, the nutrients that are released by decomposers allow for quick uptake by producers, resulting in lush vegetation. ___________________Although the average annual precipitation in this biome is quite high, rain falls only during certain times of the year. Grasses and widely scattered clumps of trees are the predominant vegetation, and they are well adapted to surviving alternating cycles of dry heat and heavy rains. _________________Drought-resistant perennial grasses are the dominant vegetation in this biome, as there is sparse annual precipitation. Periodic natural fires, grazing, and drought typically eliminate most seedlings (which adds to the rich organic composition of the soil). Today, much of this land is devoted to farming, with annual crops such as corn and wheat replacing the natural perennial grasses. __________ If you had a Spanish speaking ESL client (someone who used Spanish Influenced English), you could predict that he would have the following problems with SAE. a) Confusing tense and lax vowelsb) Deaffrication and affricationc) consonant devoicing at the ends of wordsd) reduction of consonant clusters at the ends of wordse) stopping of fricatives Write the scientific meaning of the following words listed below:Word List : Cells, organs, organism, multicellular, unicellular, neuron, impulse, sensory neuron, motor neuron, endocrine system, hormones, stimulus and reflex looking for the equation, slope, and y-intercept of: (1,-3) and (0,-1) how is soda made? this includes sprite, coca cola, dr pepper, exd. The disease .......... has major symptoms like severe weight loss and skinny appearance.