Biology MCQs please help


Answer 1


TissueUnicellular Prokaryote Must be correctNot include in any kingdom


(1) Group of cell that work together as one to perform a single function is termed as Tissue . Then the group of tissue combine to form organs and further they combine to organ systems and further they combine to form organ system .

(2) They are unicellular green algae which belongs to family Volvocaceae of the Plantae Kingdom

(3) Hypothesis is the assumption which are taken on the behalf of the observation on small scale . They can be correct or incorrect depends on the number of observation and Hypothesis.

(4) Viruses are included in any of the kingdom because they are on the intermediate line of living and non living as they show properties of non living outside the host and properties of living inside the host

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Why do

you think that organizing the Earth into levels is important?



Hope this helps!

Knowledge about the different levels of biological organization will help you understand their relationship. The hierarchy is an important means for the understanding of biological laws. Through it, we can make informed decisions regarding how to manage our resources.

Could you also help me with my social studies assignment go to my profile go to questions and the subject is social studies, giving brainliest, please help with all questions!

Some of the smallest cells in the human body are red blood cells. They make up nearly half the volume of blood. A typical red blood cell is 8 µm across. The largest artery that blood flows through is the aorta, which is about 20 mm (2 cm) across. How many red blood cells would fit side-by-side across the aorta? Show your working.



[tex]$1.6 \times 10^{-3}$[/tex]


Given data :

Size of a typical red blood cells = 8 µm

                                                     = 0.0008 cm

The size of the largest artery through which the blood flows, known as aorta

                                                     = 20 mm

                                                     = 2 cm

Thus the number of the red blood cells that would fit side by side across the aorta would be =   2 cm x 0.0008 cm

                          =    [tex]$1.6 \times 10^{-3}$[/tex]

Which of the following is not a scale of atmospheric motion?









All the other options are scales of atmospheric motion

While you and your little cousin are walking through a natural history museum, she points out the skull of an australopithecine with a large crest on the top and asks you what its purpose was. How might you correctly sum up this complicated evolutionary trait for your little cousin



The purpose of the crest was to provide a surface for masticatory muscle attachment or insertion.


This crest is called the sagittal crest. It is present in extinct hominids, such as Australopithecus and Paranthropus, and can also be found in living animals such as gorillas or lions and some reptiles.

The sagittal crest is a bony structure that crosses the hominids´ skull longitudinally, and it is so well-developed that it stands out notoriously.

This crest, like others in the skulls, provides an attachment surface for many muscles. In the particular case of the sagittal crest, it is believed to provide an insertion area to mastication muscles.

It seems that Australopithecus had a special diet composed of tough items. The hominid probably needed to strong bite while eating. The strong jow muscles gave them the possibility to bite but needed a wide area for insertion. The sagittal crest provided that wide surface. There was a direct relationship between the size of the crest and the muscle mass. The bigger the crest was, the more developed the muscle was.

It is believed that in living animals, such as gorillas, the development of the crest in males is for sexual selection and reproductive success. The bigger the crest is, the more attractive the male is, and the more chances to be selected by the female to mate it will have. Some hypothesize that the development of the crest in Australopithecus could also be related to sexual selection.

urgent please answer ​


The correct answer is DNA WITHOUT HISTONES.


Prokaryotes are unicellular organisms without membrane-bound organelles. They lack a true nucleus. Instead, they have nucleoid, a genetic material without the nuclear envelope. In prokaryotes, the genetic material is single circular double-stranded DNA without histones. Thus, the correct answer is 'DNA without histones.'


the correct answer is 'DNA without histones.'


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is formed by capillary knots called the ________________________, which hangs inside the ________________________ of the brain. Ordinarily, CSF flows from the lateral ventricles into the ____________ ventricle and then through the _______________ into the fourth ventricle. Some of the fluid continues down the ________________________ of the spinal cord, but most of it circulates into the ________________________ by passing through three tiny openings in the walls of the ________________________. As a rule, CSF is formed and drained back into the venous blood at the same rate. If its drainage is blocked, a condition called ________________________ occurs, which results in increased pressure on the brain.



1. Choroid Plexuses

2. Ventricles

3. third

4. Cerebral Aqueduct

5. Central Canal

6. Subarachnoid space

7. Forth Ventricle

8. Hydrocephalus


Cerebrospinal fluid formed by capillary knots called Choroid Plexuses which is hanged inside ventricles. There are four ventricles in which CFS flows from lateral to third and from cerebral aqueduct to forth ventricle. The meninges covers spinal cord which extends more inferiority to form a sac from which cerebrospinal fluid can be withdrawn without damage to spinal chord.

What do we call the likelihood that in event will occur



It's Called Probability.


It’s not A it’s wrong dose anyone know the answer



its c i think its ok ok I can u send the


i think

write the four names of disease,causative agent,disease spread mechanism, precautions.

give the correct answer.​



hhxuxjxcjieidie you doing today I don't euheudux ruurjf don't know e u you have uhcjfudjrjfju jfjfjfjfjjffj y I will call him tomorrow is fine with Grace to call you back I don't think so much and have been in contact and o I don't think so I have no clue how was the office and they are going home for the holidays so much energy and o o to working together you are welcome dear I will

Which is one function of steroids


Steroids have a number of different functions but essentially all act as hormones in the body.

Trees grow more quickly in the ________ than the ________, and the tree rings show up as ________ colored bands.

summer, winter, darker
summer, winter, lighter
winter, summer, lighter
winter, summer, darker



Its summer, winter, darker.


This is the answer I hope it helps you out.

Trees grow more quickly in the summer than in the winter, and the tree rings show up as darker colored bands.

What are seasons?

A season exists the year that stands determined by particular climate conditions. The four seasonsspring, summer, fall, and winter—follow one another regularly. Each includes its light, temperature, and weather designs that repeat yearly.

Summer exists the hottest of the four temperate seasons, happening after spring and before autumn. At or centered on the summer solstice, the earlier sunrise and latest sunset happen, daylight hours exist longest and dark hours exist shortest, with day length falling as the season progresses after the solstice.

Winter, the coldest season of the year, between autumn and spring; the name arrives from an old Germanic word that represents “time of water” and guides to the rain and snow of winter in middle and increased latitudes.

Hence, Trees grow more quickly in the summer than in the winter, and the tree rings show up as darker colored bands.

To learn more about seasons refer to:


A common genetic mutation that lowers levels of the enzyme cathepsin C severely reduces a person’s ability to ward off periodontitis, or gum disease. The enzyme triggers immunological reactions that destroy diseased cells and eliminate infections
in the mouth. But researchers are developing ways to restore the enzyme to normal levels. Once that happens, we will be able to eliminate periodontitis.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) Restoring cathepsin C to normal levels is the only way to eliminate periodontitis.
(B) Genetic mutation is the only cause of lowered levels of cathepsin C.
(C) Researchers will soon succeed in finding means of restoring cathepsin C to normal levels.
(D) Persons who do not have the genetic mutation that lowers levels of cathepsin C do not get gum disease.
(E) A person whose cathepsin C level has been restored to normal will not suffer from periodontitis.



(E) A person whose cathepsin C level has been restored to normal will not suffer from periodontitis.


Considering the fact that there may be some other causes of periodontitis aside from the lowered levels of the enzyme.

Therefore, should there be some other causes of periodontitis, hence, it can be concluded the process of restoring the enzyme to normal levels might not be sufficient for eliminating periodontitis.

Hence, the author's argument is solely based on this assumption, and option. Hence, option (E) is the correct answer.

Which of these statements is true about autotrophs, but not heterotrophs?
They use sugar and oxygen to make carbon dioxide and water.
They use chlorophyll and oxygen to make carbon dioxide and water.
They use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to make sugars.
They use sunlight, water, and oxygen to make chlorophyll.



3rd one i think


autotrophs make own food

think about the photosynthesis equation which requires lights, co2 and water to make glucose

Which of the following is not a type of white blood cell?



Erythrocytes is the answer





All the following rely on ATP as a source of energy except
Select one:
a. the active transport of glucose from the small intestine to the blood
b. diffusion and osmosis across semi-permeable membranes
c. the movement of the flagella of sperm for motility
d. exocytosis of waste substances across a semi-permeable membrane



b. diffusion and osmosis across semi-permeable membranes


ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a high energy carrying molecule in the system of living organisms. It posseses the ability to store and release energy for use by organisms during biochemical activities. However, some processes do not require ATP to occur and are called PASSIVE TRANSPORT while those that require energy (ATP) are called ACTIVE TRANSPORT.

In the above options, the processes listed as follows require ATP to occur:

- The active transport of glucose from the small intestine to the blood

- The movement of the flagella of sperm for motility

- Exocytosis of waste substances across a semi-permeable membrane

However, the diffusion and osmosis across semi-permeable membranes, which is a passive transport does not require ATP.

How could the genetic engineering process affect the genetic variation of your organism?


Genetically engineered traits may be too advantageous
In addition to crossbreeding, GMOs can also affect genetic diversity through uncontrolled growth of a genetically engineered population. If advantageous genes are introduced into GMOs, it may allow them to become more fit than their wild relatives

please answer this:)) :((​



Southern Hemisphere


the sun's angle change causing the intensity to be stronger in the southern Hemisphere while angling in the north Hemisphere

Asexual reproduction results in offspring being genetic material being...... to the parent organism
a) mitosis
b) diverse
c) identical
d) mutated​


the answer is C) identical

asexual reproduction can be a disadvantage to a population if



it can be a disadvantage to population because it produces many offsprings which can lead to high increase in population.

The disadvantage of asexual reproduction is that it limits the evolutionary process

1. What is another name for artificial selection?

genotypic selection
kin selection
selective breeding
adaptive evolution



selective breeding


Artificial selection is also known as selective breeding

Selective breeding

Reason: The person above me thinks it’s correct and I think him/she/it is correct

Why are there many separate ecosystems in a rain forest? A. There are three different seasons in a rain forest . B. Rain forests have very few primary consumers.C. Different conditions support different organisms.D. There are three levels of consumers in rain forests. ​



C. Different conditions support different organisms

Identify the steps of the lytic cycle.
The pieces made in replication are
assembled to complete the new virus
The new viral nucleic acid and viral
proteins are replicated.
The virus attaches to the host cell.
The original virus releases a protein that
causes the cell wall to burst (lysis), killing
the cell and releasing viruses.
The host's DNA is disassembled and the
virus takes over the call's motoholi




During the lytic cycle, bacteria takes over the cell, reproduces new phages, and destroys the cell. It works in 5 phases

1. The virus or phage attaches itself to the cell

2. The phage enters the cell

3. Biosynthesis- Phage DNA replicates and makes phage proteins

4. New phage cells assemble

5. The cell lyses emerge with a new plague









Biodiversity refers to numbers of species. What difference in biodiversity would you expect between an undisturbed wetland ecosystem and one that has been partially drained and replaced with farmland?


The populations of some organisms have increased due to human influence, while the populations of others have decreased. What difference in biodiversity would you expect between an undisturbed wetland ecosystem and one that has been partially drained and replaced with farmland? The wetland would have more biodiversity.

¿El agua es un compuesto formado por moléculas de hidrogeno y oxigeno; dicho compuesto es un tipo de enlace?



Cómo se unen los átomos en la molécula de agua? ... Los dos hidrógenos están unidos al oxígeno por enlace covalente, que es un enlace bastante fuerte y estable en el que los átomos implicados comparten pares de electrones.

An individual with two different versions of a gene is genetically ____________ . In traits with a simple pattern of inheritance, only the trait conferred by the ____________ form of the gene will be visible. The other form of the gene is ____________ : it confers a trait that is only visible when the individual is genetically ____________ , or has two identical copies of the gene.



heterozygous; dominant; recessive;


Genetics can be defined as the scientific study of hereditary in living organisms such as humans, animals and plants.

In Genetics, co-dominance can be defined as a phenomenon in which two (2) alleles of the same gene are present in a living organism and both are equally expressed to a degree or simultaneously.

This ultimately implies that, co-dominance is a phenomenon that typically involves the relationship between alleles i.e the two (2) versions of a gene present in living organisms. Also, a single version of a gene expressed by a living organism is referred to as an allele.

Trait can be defined as a distinguishing quality or characteristic of a living thing.

Simply stated, a trait refers to the specific features or characteristics possessed by a living organism. It is essentially transferred from the parent of a living organism to her offspring and as such distinguishes him or her.

Some examples of traits in genetics are colorblindness, handedness, curly hair, height, complexion, weight, hair color, dimples, tongue-roll, etc.

In Genetics, when an individual has two (2) different versions of a gene, he or she is said to be genetically heterozygous.

In traits with a simple pattern of inheritance, only the trait conferred by the dominant form of the gene from the parent organism will be visible in the offspring of a living organism. The other form of the gene is recessive : it confers a trait that is only visible when the individual is genetically , or has two identical copies of the gene.

The circulatory system is like a one-way traffic system. Describe two different routes by which blood in the left side of the heart can get to the right side of the heart.



to the right ventricle and the right lung


hope this helps

Two different routes by which blood in the left side of the heart can get to the right side of the heart in circulatory system are the right ventricle and the right lung

what is circulatory system ?

The circulatory system is involve in for delivering nutrients, oxygen, and hormones and removing waste from the body.

The major components are the heart, blood, and blood vessels.

The heart is a muscular organ present in the chest pumps blood continuously around the body through the network of blood vessels.

The heart ensures every cell of the body receives nutrients and oxygen through the blood.

Blood is a fluid connective tissue, the major types of cells are red blood cells, white blood cells or leukocytes, and platelets or thrombocytes.

The function of blood include transporting oxygen and nutrients, removing waste, protecting our immune system, and maintaining  homeostasis.

Learn more about circulatory system, here:


A book that weighs 20 N sits on a table. How big and in what direction does the force of gravity from the Earth act on the book?

A. 20 N down

B. 20 N up

C. 10 N down

D. 10 N up

Two astronauts are floating in space far away from any planets or stars. What is the direction of the gravitational force that they experience, if any?

2 astronauts floating a few feet apart in space.

A. They do not experience a gravitational force because there is no large object nearby.

B. Away from each other because they are pulled by distant planets and stars.

C. Toward each other, because there is a gravitational force between them.

D. They experience a gravitational force, but its direction cannot be determined.

If the net force acting on a stationary object is zero, then the object will

A. remain at rest.

B. decelerate at a steady rate of speed.

C. begin moving backwards.

D. accelerate in the direction of the strongest force.

A 2 kg cat is stuck in a tree 10 m above the ground. How much GPE does it have?

A. 250 J

B. 20 J

C. 150 J

D. 200 J

Friction typically __________ objects.

A. Slows down

B. Doesn't affect

C. Speeds up

D. Destroys

A toy mouse has a mass of 2 kg and kinetic energy of 25 J. What is its speed?

A. 5 m/s

B. 4 m/s

C. 3 m/s

D. 6 m/s

What was the initial speed of a car if its speed is 40 m/s after 5 seconds of accelerating at -4 m/s2?

A. 25 m/s

B. 20 m/s

C. 50 m/s

D. 60 m/s

Suppose a car is moving in a straight line and steadily increases its speed. It moves from 35 km/h to 40 km/h the first second and from 40 km/h to 45 km/h the next second. What is the car’s acceleration?

A. 40 km/h/s

B. 10 km/h/s

C. 5 km/h/s

D. 35 km/h/s

Planets A, B and C are identical. A and C have a giant moon orbiting them, while B has a lightweight artificial satellite orbiting it, as shown in the diagram. Which planet has the strongest gravitational interaction with its satellite?

Planets A, B, and C are all identical. Planet A has a moon orbiting closely to it. Planet B has a small artificial satellite orbiting closely to it. Planet C has a moon orbiting far from it. Planet C

A. Planet A, because its moon is heavy and close to it.

B. Planet C, because it can interact with a heavy object that is far away.

C. Planet B, because only a lightweight object can orbit without falling down.

D. All have the same gravitational attraction, because the planets are all the same mass.

If the mass of an object were to be cut in half, what will happen to its GPE?

A. Not enough info

B. Disappear

C. Halve

D. Double

What is the reaction force for the apple falling to the ground while it is still in the air?

A. Apple pushes down on the ground.

B. Ground pushes up on the apple.

C. Apple pulls up on the Earth.

D. Earth pulls down on the apple.



1. A

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. A

6. B closer to 4 than 3

7. A

8. C

9. A

10. C

11. C

The answer to the first question is A

W = ma
20 N = m (9.8)
M = 20/9.8
M = 2.04
Fg= 2.04 x 9.8
≈ 20 N [down]

Hope this helps and please mark brainliest thanks

how does the presence of an acid in a water solution affect the pH of the solution


Error #728372

[Content retrieved]

Explanation: When a solution has pH less than 7 then it is known as an acidic solution. In an acidic solution there are more number of hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions. ... Hence, we can conclude that the presence of an acid in a water solution affect the pH of the solution as it raises the pH.

Which percentage is closest in value to 0.0201?





Multiply 0.0201 by 100 to get 2.01%.


Hope this helps!

Have a great day

How does random mating keep a
population in Hardy-Weinberg
A. Choosing a random mate creates variation which helps
the population evolve.
B. Individuals choose their mates causing only certain
traits to be passed on.
C. Mates aren't chosen based on traits so all alleles are
equally likely to be passed on.
D. When all the females of a population randomly choose a
mate and only certain alleles get passed on.





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