Book information (overriding member functions) Given main() and a base Book class, define a derived class called Encyclopedia. Within the derived Encyclopedia class, define a PrintInfo() function that overrides the Book class' PrintInfo() function by printing not only the title, author, publisher, and publication date, but also the edition and number of volumes. Ex. If the input is: The Hobbit J. R. R. Tolkien George Allen & Unwin 21 September 1937 The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Universe James W. Guthrie Watson-Guptill 2001 2nd 1 the output is: Book Information: Book Title: The Hobbit Author: J. R. R. Tolkien Publisher: George Allen & Unwin Publication Date: 21 September 1937 Book Information: Book Title: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Universe the output is: Book Information: Book Title: The Hobbit Author: J. R. R. Tolkien Publisher: George Allen & Unwin Publication Date: 21 September 1937 Book Information: Book Title: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Universe Author: James W. Guthrie Publisher: Watson-Guptill Publication Date: 2001 Edition: 2nd Number of Volumes: 1 Note: Indentations use 3 spaces. LAB ACTIVITY 11.14.1: LAB: Book information (overriding member functions) File is marked as read only Current file: main.cpp cin >> numVolumes; main.cpp Book.h 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 myBook. SetTitle(title); myBook. SetAuthor(author); myBook. SetPublisher(publisher); myBook.SetPublicationDate(publicationDate); myBook.PrintInfo(); Book.cpp Encyclopedia.h myEncyclopedia. SetTitle(eTitle); myEncyclopedia. SetAuthor(eAuthor); myEncyclopedia. SetPublisher(ePublisher); myEncyclopedia. SetPublicationDate(ePublicationDate); Encyclopedia.cpp


Answer 1



Related Questions

the computer that process data that are represented in the form of discrete values are called​



Digital computer


The computer that process data that are represented in the form of discrete values are called digital computer.

Select the correct answer.
Adam is part of a software design team assigned to create the interface for a kiosk application. What tool will he use to design the interface?
timing chart
block diagram
data dictionary


I will say that the answer is b


its not block diagram

it could be data dictionary


Write a program that first gets a list of integers from input. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. Then, get the last value from the input, which indicates a threshold. Output all integers less than or equal to that last threshold value. Assume that the list will always contain fewer than 20 integers.

Ex: If the input is
5 50 60 140 200 75 100

the output is
50 60 75



The program in Python is as follows:

num = int(input())

numList = []

for i in range(num+1):

   numInput = int(input())


for i in range(len(numList)-1):

   if numList[i] <= numList[-1]:

       print(numList[i],end=" ")


This gets input for the number of integers

num = int(input())

This initializes an empty list

numList = []

This iterates through the number of integers and gets input for each

for i in range(num+1):

   numInput = int(input())

The inputs including the threshold are appended to the list


This iterates through the list

for i in range(len(numList)-1):

All inputs less than or equal to the threshold are printed

   if numList[i] <= numList[-1]:

       print(numList[i],end=" ")

There is an interface I that has abstract class AC as its subclass. Class C inherits AC. We know that C delegates to an object of D to perform some computations. Besides, C consists of two C1s and one C2 as subcomponents. Object of C2 is still reusable when its major component C is depleted. C1 has a method that takes in an object of E as argument. Which one is invalid



are u in HS or college work

I am trying to understand

Write a program that divides mystery_value by mystery_value #and prints the result. If that operation results in an #error, divide mystery_value by (mystery_value + 5) and then print the result. If that still fails, multiply mystery_value #by 5 and print the result. You may assume one of those three things will work.
1 mystery_value = 5 2 3 #You may modify the lines of code above, but don't move them! 4 #when you submit your code, we'll change these lines to 5 #assign different values to the variables. 6 I 7 #write a program that divides mystery value by mystery_value 8 #and prints the result. If that operation results in an 9 #error, divide mystery value by (mystery_value + 5) and then 10 #print the result. If that still fails, multiply mystery_value 11 #by. 5 and print the result. You may assume one of those three 12 #things will work, 13 # 14 #You may not use any conditionals. 15 # 16 #hint: You're going to want to test one try/except structure 17 #inside another! Think carefully about whether the second 18 #one should go inside the try block or the except block. 19 20 21 #Add your code here! 22



mystery_value = 5  


   print(mystery_value / mystery_value)



       print(mystery_value / (mystery_value + 5))


       print(mystery_value * 5)

Select the correct answer.
Which design diagram uses the crow’s foot notation to show cardinality?
activity diagram
ER diagram
class diagram
sequence diagram





In an ERD, the Crow Foot Notation Symbols are used with cardinality.

Hope it helps you

When in global configuration mode, which steps are necessary to edit an ip address on an Ethernet interface?



I. You should enter interface configuration mode.

II. Configure the IP address and subnet mask.


A node refers to the physical device that make up a network and are capable of sending, receiving, creating and storing data in communication.

Some examples of network nodes are modem, hubs, computer, switches, phone and printers.

In Computer networking, network devices such as routers and switches are usually configured (programmed) through the use of specific network commands commonly referred to as configs e.g show int description, config terminal (config t), show IP address, etc.

In Cisco devices, there are five (5) main types of command modes;

1. Sub-interface configuration mode.

2. Interface configuration mode.

3. Line configuration mode.

4. Router configuration method.

5. Global configuration mode.

Global configuration mode is a configuration mode that avail network engineers and end users with the ability to modify or edit the running (global) system configuration of a networking device. Thus, any change effected at the global configuration mode will affect the network device as a whole.

In global configuration mode, the steps which are necessary to edit an ip address on an Ethernet interface include;

I. You should enter interface configuration mode using the "configure terminal" command.

II. Configure the IP address and subnet mask.

See an example below;

"Router(config-if)# IP address"

Select the correct statement(s) regarding PONS. a. only MMF cables can be used, since MMF enables greater data capacities compared to SMF b. PONS systems require active amplifiers, since high frequency signals attenuate quickly over distance c. PONS systems use passive devices between OLT and ONT d. all are correct statements



The correct statement regarding PONS is:

c. PONS systems use passive devices between OLT and ONT


PON means Passive Optical Network. Based on fiber-optic telecommunications technology, PON is used to deliver broadband network access to individual end-customers.  It enables a single fiber from a service provider to maintain an efficient broadband connection for multiple end-users (homes and small businesses).  OLT means Optical Line Terminal, while ONT means Optical Network Terminal.  They provide access to the PON.

In which generation of computers are we in?​


It should be the Sixth generation

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreate checkDuplicates method that receives an array of ints, and an int as parameters. It will return true if the int is found in the array, and false if the int is NOT found in the array. Call the checkDuplicates method from both the MegaMillionsLottery constructor, and the getUserPicks() method.




The MegaMillions Lottery class was not provided and neither was the getUserPicks() method. Since they were not found online either, I have created the checkDuplicates method so that it works standalone. Therefore, you can simply call the method from wherever you need by pasting the call line where it needs to be called. A test case has been created in the main method so that you can see the method in action. The output is seen in the attached image below.

   public static boolean checkDuplicate(int[] myArr, int element) {

       for (int x : myArr) {

           if (x == element) {

               return true;



       return false;


A chain of dry-cleaning outlets wants to improve its operations by using data from
devices at individual locations to make real-time adjustments to service delivery.
Which technology would the business combine with its current Cloud operations
to make this possible?
O Edge Computing
O Blockchain
O Data Visualization
O Public Cloud



explanation cause it is

major characteristics of the bus in computer architecture​



A bus is characterized by the amount of information that can be transmitted at once. This amount, expressed in bits, corresponds to the number of physical lines over which data is sent simultaneously. A 32-wire ribbon cable can transmit 32 bits in parallel.

In computer architecture, a bus (related to the Latin “omnibus”, meaning “for all”) is a communication system that transfers data between components inside a computer, or between computers. This expression covers all related hardware components (wire, optical fiber, etc.)


what are the application areas of the computer ? list them.​



Home. Computers are used at homes for several purposes like online bill payment, watching movies or shows at home, home tutoring, social media access, playing games, internet access, etc. ...

Medical Field.







which animal is the computer to store data information and instruction ​



human is the answwr of the quest

It's currently 1:00 in the afternoon. You want to schedule the myapp program to run automatically tomorrow at noon (12:00). What two at commands could you use



at 12 pm tomorrow

at now +23 hours


The at command could be used in the command line to perform a scheduled command in Unix related systems. The at command coule be ua d to program a complex script or used to perform simple scheduled reminders.

The at command is initiated by first writing the at string followed by the condition or statement to be performed.

Currently (1:00 pm) ; To make a schedule for 12pm then that will be at noon the following day:

at 12:00 pm tomorrow

Or :

Using the number of hours between the current tone and the schedule time : 12 pm tomorrow - 1:00 pm today is a difference of 23 hours ;

Hence, it can be written as :

at +23 hours

What tool can help discover and report computer errors when you first turn on a computer and before the operating system is launched?



a post diagnostic



post diagnostic Card


a post diagnostic card helps discover computer errors.

Consider a system with seven processes: E, F, G, H, I, J, K and six resources: U, V, W, X, Y, Z. Process E holds U and wants V. Process F holds nothing but wants W. Process G holds nothing but wants V. Process H holds X and wants V and W. Process I holds W and wants Y. Process J holds Z and wants V. Process K holds Y and wants X. Is this system deadlocked?

a. Yes
b. No



a. Yes


System is deadlock due to process HIK. Process H holds X and wants V and W. Process I holds W and wants Y. Process K holds Y and wants X. The system will become deadlock due to these three different processes.

When planning out the new data center where he is building a private cloud, Juan knows that he needs to account for all of the physical and logical resources that the servers will need in that new network. Which of the following must he account for in regard to the network part of his planning?
a. Ensure that he has enough MAC addresses for the virtual machines.
b. Ensure that he has enough IP addresses for the networks and subnets to account for the vNICs that are in bridging mode.
c. Ensure that there is one network card or port per virtual machine on each host.
d. Ensure that all of the virtual machines are configured with the same VLAN so that they can all communicate with one another.


b. ensure that he has enough IP addresses for the networks and subnets to account for the vNICS that are in bridging mode.

When a virtual machine is
created, it is assigned
_____such as the CPU,
_____,Network Interface,
and storage..



Resources, RAM


May be another choice for resources but the second one is definently RAM

what is example of application of machine learning that can be imposed in eduction. (except brainly.)



Machine Learning Examples

Recommendation Engines (Netflix)

Sorting, tagging and categorizing photos (Yelp)

Self-Driving Cars (Waymo)

Education (Duolingo)

Customer Lifetime Value (Asos)

Patient Sickness Predictions (KenSci)

Determining Credit Worthiness (Deserve)

Targeted Emails (Optimail)

What is the full form of USB​ ?



universal serial bus: an external serial bus interface standard for connecting peripheral devices to a computer, as in a USB port or USB cable.


The process by which the kernel temporarily moves data from memory to a storage device is known as what?


Answer: Swapping


Swapping is referred to as the process by which the kernel temporarily moves data from memory to a storage device.

Swapping is simply a memory management scheme whereby the process can be swapped temporarily from the main memory to the secondary memory in order for the main memory to be available for other processes. Swapping is used for memory utilization.

If x=50.7,y=25.3 and z is defined as integer z,calculate z=x+y​



Ans: 76



=50•7 + 25•3


when describing a software lincense what does the phrase "open source" mean?


Open source is like we’re you can your your notes

What opeartions will acquire memory from heap? Select all that apply. Group of answer choices malloc new free declaraion



malloc, new


Heap memory is that part of the memory which is allocated to the JVM and it is shared by all the executing threads in the application. This memory is used by the programming languages to store the global variables. All the global variables are stored in the heap memory by default. This memory is also known as the dynamic memory.

In C programming, the library function,  malloc is mainly used to allocate the block of the memory on the heap.

The new operation also acquires memory form the heap.

Thus, the answer is 'malloc' and 'new'.

Imagine you are trying to choose what restaurant to visit. You have a list of restaurants, each with a collection of star ratings. You also have a minimum standard; you will only go to a restaurant whose star rating is at least your minimum standard. Write a function called restaurant_rating. restaurant_rating has two parameters. The first is a dictionary, where the keys are restaurant names and the values are lists of ratings. The second parameter is your minimum rating. If a restaurant's average rating is above your minimum rating, you might visit it. If it is not, you won't. restaurant_rating should return a list of restaurants eligible for you to visit. That is, it should return a list of restaurant names from the dictionary whose average ratings (the average of the ratings in their lists) is greater than or equal to your minimum rating. This list should be sorted alphabetically. For example: rest_and_rating



The function in Python is as follows:

def restaurant_rating(restaurants,minRatings):

   restaurantList = []

   for key in restaurants:

       if restaurants[key] >= minRatings:




   return restaurantList


This declares the function

def restaurant_rating(restaurants,minRatings):

This initializes the list of eligible restaurants

   restaurantList = []

This iterates through the restaurant dictionary

   for key in restaurants:

If the ratings is greater than or equal to minimum ratings

       if restaurants[key] >= minRatings:

The restaurant name is appended to the restaurant list


Sort the eligible lists            


Return the list

   return restaurantList



Answer: See explanation


Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer, which includes the monitor, mouse, central processing unit (CPU), keyboard, computer data storage etc.

Hardware are the physical, computer devices, which helps in providing support for major functions like input, processing, output, and communication. The computer hardware is directed by the software to perform an instruction.

If one wish to create a loop such that it will continuously add time elapsed between two functions with variable computation time until 1 hour is passed, what type of loop would be best


"Between two functions" not sure of what you mean there but here's a quick way to execute a function for an hour

Answer and Explanation:

var interval=setInterval(function(){

var i=0;

for (i=0; i <=60; i++){

for (i=0; i <70; i++){

console.log(i); }

}}, 60000);

Study the following two class interfaces: class Question { public: Question(); void set_text(string new_text); void set_answer(string new_answer); void display() const; private: string text; string answer; }; class ChoiceQuestion : public Question { public: ChoiceQuestion(); void set_text(string new_text); }; Which member function from the Question class is overridden in the ChoiceQuestion class?



The question function


The ChoiceQuestion function inherits from the Question class and should have it's functions and attributes as it is now a child of the Question class. It however overides the Question class function where it sets the ChoiceQuestion class function in the first function definition of the ChoiceQuestion class definition. This allows the child class to have it's own functions as well have access to the attributes and functions of the parent class.

Your friend Amy calls you asking for help with her new LCD monitor. She says the monitor isn't showing the whole picture. What is the resolution you should recommend for her to use


Answer:     probably 1080p (which is HD)

Explanation:    Lcd monitors mainly support 1080p.

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