Which formula below correctly states Coulomb's Law?
A. F = kqq/r2
B. F = kqq/r
C. F = qq/kr2
D. F = kr2/qq


Answer 1
QUESTION:- Which formula below correctly states Coulomb's Law?


[tex]A. \: \: \: \: F = kqq/r^ 2 \\B. \: \: \: \: F = kqq/r \\C. \: \: \: \: F = qq/kr^ 2 \\D. \: \: \: \: F = kr^2 /qq \\ [/tex]


F is directly proportional to the product of the charges


F is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

[tex]F∝ \frac{1}{ {r}^{2} } [/tex]

from above 2 equation:-

we get:-

[tex]F∝ \frac{qq}{ {r}^{2} } [/tex]

To remove proportionality sign we use constant for this case we r using constant k

[tex]F = \frac{Kqq}{ {r}^{2} } [/tex]

So your answer is :-


[tex]F = \frac{Kqq}{ {r}^{2} } [/tex]

Answer 2
Stop playing before I do a flip on the super saiyan

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pls write full question

A 0.22LR caliber bullet has a mass of 1.90 g and a muzzle velocity of 500 m/s. The bullet is fired into a door made of a single thickness of pine boards, with a thickness of 0.75 in. The average stopping force exerted by the wood is 960 N. How fast (in m/s) would the bullet be traveling after it penetrated through the door



The final speed of the bullet is 480.4 m/s.


mass of bullet, m = 1.9 g

initial speed, u = 500 m/s

thickness, d = 0.75 inch = 0.01905 m

Force, F = 960 N

Let the final speed is v.

According to the work energy theorem,

Work = change in kinetic energy

[tex]W = F d = 0.5 m{\left (v^2 - u^2 \right )}[/tex]

-960 x 0.01905 = 0.5 x 0.0019 x (v^2 - 500 x 500)

-18.288 = 0.00095 (v^2 - 250000)

v = 480.4 m/s

What is the electric potential 15 cm above the center of a uniform charge density disk of total charge 10 nC and radius 20 cm?
a) 360 V
b) 450 V
c) 22.5 V
d) 0 V



b) 450 V


We are given that

Total charge, q=10nC=[tex]10\times 10^{-9} C[/tex]


Radius, r=20 cm=[tex]\frac{20}{100}=0.2m[/tex]

1 m=100 cm

x=15 cm=0.15 cm

We have to find the electrical potential 15 cm above  the center of a uniform charge density disk .

We know that

[tex]\sigma=\frac{q}{A}=\frac{q}{\pi r^2}[/tex]

[tex]\sigma=\frac{10\times10^{-9}}{3.14\times (0.2)^2}[/tex]

Where [tex]\pi=3.14[/tex]

[tex]\sigma=7.96\times 10^{-8}C/m^2[/tex]

Electric potential,[tex]V=\frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon_0}(\sqrt{x^2+r^2}-x)[/tex]

Where [tex]\epsilon_0=8.85\times 10^{-12}[/tex]

Using the formula

[tex]V=\frac{7.96\times 10^{-8}}{2\times 8.85\times 10^{-12}}(\sqrt{(0.15)^2+(0.2)^2}-0.15)[/tex]

[tex]V=449.7 V\approx 450V[/tex]

Hence, option b is correct.


The potential is given by 449.7 V.


radius of disc, R = 20 cm = 0.2 m

distance, x = 15 cm = 0.15 m

charge, q = 10 nC

surface charge density

[tex]\sigma = \frac{q}{\pi R^2}\\\\\sigma = \frac{10\times 10^{-9}}{3.14\times 0.2\times 0.2 }\\\\\sigma = 7.96\times 10^{-8} C/m^2[/tex]

The electric potential is given by

[tex]V=\frac{\sigma}{2\varepsilon 0}\left ( \sqrt{R^2 + x^2} - x \right )\\\\V = \frac{7.96\times 10^{-8}}{2\times 8.85\times 10^{-12}}\left ( \sqrt{0.2^2 + 0.15^2} - 0.15 \right )\\\\V = 449.7 V[/tex]

Need help! Need help! Need help! Need help! Need help! Need help!



i can help you i know this answer

Answer: the side two are 50 then the other two are 140  i thank


Select the only true statement:

A)A beam in bending experiences tensile stresses on one side and compressive stresses on the other side.

B)A beam in bending experiences tensile stresses along the beam center and compressive stresses along the beam’s edges.

C)A beam in bending experiences only compressive stresses.

D)A beam in bending experiences only tensile stresses.



Sorry I dont know this answer sorry

Principal axis is the:________

a. straight line drawn from the center of curvature to the mid point of the mirror.
b. straight line drawn from the center of curvature to a point on the outer edge of the mirror.
c. straight line drawn from the center of curvature to any point of the mirror.
d. straight line joining any two points on the mirror.
e. None of the other answers given is correct.



d. straight line joining any two points on the mirror


Principal axis is the straight line that passes through the center of a mirror, which is also perpendicular to the surface of the mirror.

The principal axis connects the principal focus and the center of curvature of the mirror. In other words, it is a straight line or axis on which the center of curvature and principal focus can be found. The principal axis joins these two points; the center of curvature and principal focus.

Therefore, the correct option is "D"

d. straight line joining any two points on the mirror

State how you agree or disagree with the following statement. A good circuit cannot have internal resistance.​


Answer: I do


Resistance opposes current thereby reducing the amount of current that flows through a circuit. In other words, it leads to a loss of electrical energy.

Ideally speaking, a good circuit should have no internal resistance as this would lead to more energy having to be supplied to overcome that resistance. External resistance however, is not a bad thing. For instance, oxygen being removed from lightbulbs.

We will determine the amount of electric energy stored in a capacitor by discharging it through a light bulb. Light bulbs are rated according to their power output at a given voltage. Considering that power is the rate that energy is converted from one form to another (or, equivalently, work is done) per unit time, the energy stored in an initially-charged capacitor that is hooked up to the light bulb through which the capacitor discharges is approximately
A. the power rating of the light bulb divided by the time that the bulb remains lit.
B. simply the time that the light bulb remains lit.
C. the product of the power rating of the light bulb and the time that it remains lit.
D. the time that the light bulb remains lit divided by the power rating of the bulb.



C. the product of the power rating of the light bulb and the time that it remains lit.


The power rating of the light is bulb is defined as the energy supplied to the light bulb divided by the time the bulb is lit up. Therefore,

[tex]P = \frac{E}{t}\\\\E = Pt[/tex]


E = Energy Supplied to the bulb = Energy stored in capacitor = ?

P = Power rating of the bulb

t = time the bulb is lit up

Hence, the correct option is:

C. the product of the power rating of the light bulb and the time that it remains lit.

Categorize each statement as true or false.
1. Electric field lines radiate away from positive charges and towards negative charges.
2. Electric field is always perpendicular to equipotential lines.
3. The electric field points in the direction of increasing electric potential.
4. The electric field inside a parallel plate capacitor decreases as it approaches the negative plate.
5. The units of electric field are either newtons per coulomb or volts per meter.



1. True

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. True

Determine the magnitude as well as direction of the electric field at point A, shown in the above figure. Given the value of k = 8.99 × 1012N/C (figure is in attached file)



The magnitude of the electric field is [tex]8.99*10^{12}N/C[/tex] in the r direction.


The equation of the electric field is given by:



k is the Coulomb constant is [tex]8.99 *10^{9}\: Nm^{2}C^{-2}[/tex]q is the charger is the distance from A to q


[tex]\vec{E}=9.29*10^{12} \vac{r} \: N/C[/tex]

Therefore, the magnitude of the electric field is [tex]8.99*10^{12}N/C[/tex] in the r direction.

I hope it helps you!

Physics question plz help ASAP


After studying the question for a while I’m pretty sure it’s D)

You throw a Frisbee of mass m and radius r so that it is spinning about a horizontal axis perpendicular to the plane of the Frisbee. Ignoring air resistance, the torque exerted about its center of mass by gravity is: __________

a. 0.
b. mgr
c. 2mgr
d. a function of the angular velocity.
e. small at first, then increasing as the Frisbee loses the torque given it by your hand.



the correct answer is a


The torque is

        τ = F x r

where the bold letters indicate vectors, in this case the vector of the center of mass is perpendicular to the weight of the body

          τ = mg r

in body weight it is applied at the point of the center of mass, therefore as the distance of the force from the axis of rotation (center of amas) is zero, the die is zero

the correct answer is a

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enchantment table language


enchantment Language table

how does the use of standard units of measurement solve problems in measurement regarding validity and reliabiility? explain it​



Reliability can be estimated by comparing different versions of the same measurement. Validity is harder to assess, but it can be estimated by comparing the results to other relevant data or theory.

Can an electron be diffracted? Can it exhibit interference?



Yeah, it can be diffracted. Though it depends on a diffracting medium.

It must have some magnetic fields .

Forexample; X-ray diffraction where electrons are diffracted to the target filament.

A monochromatic light falls on two narrow slits that are 4.50 um apart. The third destructive fringes which are 35° apart were formed at a screen 2m from the light source. The light source is 0.30 m from the slits. () Calculate Ym. (4 marks) Compute the wavelength of the light. (4 marks)​



 y = 1.19 m  and λ = 8.6036 10⁻⁷ m


This is a slit interference problem, the expression for destructive interference is

          d sin θ = m λ

indicate that for the angle of θ = 35º it is in the third order m = 3 and the separation of the slits is d = 4.50 10⁻⁶ m

          λ = d sin  θ / m

let's calculate

          λ = 4.50 10⁻⁶ sin 35  /3

          λ = 8.6036 10⁻⁷ m

for the separation distance from the central stripe, we use trigonometry

         tan θ= y / L

         y = L tan θ

the distance L is measured from the slits, it indicates that the light source is at x = 0.30 m from the slits

         L = 2 -0.30

         L = 1.70 m


let's calculate

        y = 1.70 tan 35

        y = 1.19 m

1. A positive electric charge in a region of changing electric potential will: A. move in the direction of decreasing potential B. move in the direction of increasing potential C. move in an undetermined way; we need more information D. remain at rest



The correct option is (B).


The electric potential is the amount of work energy needed to move a unit of electric charge from a reference point to the specific point in an electric field. The electric potential due to a point charge is given by :



k is the electrostatic constant

Q is the electric charge

r is the distance from the charge

So, a positive electric charge in a region of changing electric potential will move in the direction of increasing potential.

In a calorimetry experiment, three samples A, B, and C with TA> TB> Tc are placed in thermal contact. When the samples have reached thermal equilibrium at a common temperature T, which one of the following must be true?

a. QA > QB >QC
b. QA< 0, QB <0, and Qc > 0
c. T> TB
d. T e. TA > T> Tc



e. TA>T>Tc


a) In this case, we cannot say for sure QA>QB>QC. This is because the magnitude of the heat flow will depend on the specific heat and the mass of each sample. Due to the equation:


if we did an energy balance of the system, we would get that>


For this equation to be true, at least one of the heats must be negative. And one of the heats must be positive.

We don't know either of them, so we cannot determine if this statement is true.

b) We can say for sure that QA<0, because when the two samples get to equilibrum, the temperatrue of A must be smaller than its original temperature. Therefore, it must have lost heat. But we cannot say for sure if QB<0 because sample B could have gained or lost heat during the process, this will depend on the equilibrium temperature, which we don't know. So we cannot say for sure this option is correct.

c) In this case we don't know for sure if the equilibrium temperature will be greater or smaller than TB. This will depend on the mass and specific heat of the samples, just line in part a.

d) is not complete

e) We know for sure that A must have lost heat, so its equilibrium temperature must be smaller than it's original temperature. We know that C must have gained heat, therefore it's equilibrium temperature must be greater than it's original temperature, so TA>T>Tc must be true.

The distance between the two object is fixed at 5.0 m. The uncertainty distance measurement is? The percentage error in the distance is?


Your answer would be: New force between them will become 1/36 times :)

Two distinct systems have the same amount of stored internal energy. 500 J are added by heat to the first system and 300 J are added by heat to the second system. What will be the change in internal energy of the first system if it does 200 J of work? How much work will the second system have to do in order to have the same internal energy?



The change in the internal energy of the first system is 300 J

The second system will do zero work in order to have the same internal energy.



heat added to the first system, Q₁ = 500 J

heat added to the second system, Q₂ = 300 J

work done by the first system, W₁ = 200 J

The change in the internal energy of the system is given by the first law of thermodynamics;

ΔU = Q - W


ΔU is the change in internal energy of the system

The change in the internal energy of the first system is calculated as;

ΔU₁ = Q₁ - W₁

ΔU₁ = 500 J - 200 J

ΔU₁ = = 300 J

The work done by the second system to have the same internal energy with the first.

ΔU₁ = Q₂ - W₂

W₂ = Q₂ - ΔU₁

W₂ = 300 J - 300 J

W₂ = 0

The second system will do zero work in order to have the same internal energy.

• Explain how sound travels ​


Sound is a type of energy made by vibrations. These vibrations create sound waves which move through mediums such as air, water and wood. When an object vibrates, it causes movement in the particles of the medium. This movement is called sound waves, and it keeps going until the particles run out of energy.

Sound is a type of energy made by vibrations. These vibrations create sound waves which move through mediums such as air, water and wood. When an object vibrates, it causes movement in the particles of the medium. This movement is called sound waves, and it keeps going until the particles run out of energy.

Consider a uniform electric field of 50 N/C directed toward the east. If the voltage measured relative to ground at a given point in the field is 80 V, what is the voltage at a point 1.0 m directly east of the point



30 V


Given that:

The uniform electric field = 50 N/C

Voltage = 80 V

distance = 1.0 m

The potential difference of the electric field = Δ V

E_d = V₁ - V₂

50 × 1 = 80V - V₂

50 - 80 V = - V₂

-30 V = - V₂

V₂ = 30 V

A long, current-carrying solenoid with an air core has 1550 turns per meter of length and a radius of 0.0240 m. A coil of 200 turns is wrapped tightly around the outside of the solenoid, so it has virtually the same radius as the solenoid. What is the mutual inductance of this system





From the question we are told that:

Coil one turns N_1=1550 Turns/m

Radius [tex]r=0.0240m[/tex]

Turns 2 [tex]N_2=200N[/tex]

Generally the equation for area is mathematically given by



[tex]A=\1.81*10^{-3} m^2[/tex]


The mutual inductance of this system is


[tex]M=(4 \pi*10^{-7})*1550*200*1.81*10^{-3}[/tex]


An artificial satellite circling the Earth completes each orbit in 125 minutes. (a) Find the altitude of the satellite.(b) What is the value of g at the location of this satellite?



(a) Altitude = 1.95 x 10⁶ m = 1950 km

(b) g = 5.9 m/s²



The time period of the satellite is given by the following formula:

[tex]T^2 = \frac{4\pi^2r^3}{GM_E}[/tex]


T = Time period = (125 min)([tex]\frac{60\ s}{1\ min}[/tex]) = 7500 s

r = distance of satellite from the center of earth = ?

G = Universal Gravitational Constant = 6.67 x 10⁻¹¹ N.m²/kg²

[tex]M_E[/tex] = Mass of Earth = 6 x 10²⁴ kg


[tex](7500\ s)^2 = \frac{4\pi^2r^3}{(6.67\ x\ 10^{-11}\ N.m^2/kg^2)(6\ x\ 10^{24}\ kg)}\\\\r^3 = \frac{(7500\ s)^2(6.67\ x\ 10^{-11}\ N.m^2/kg^2)(6\ x\ 10^{24}\ kg)}{4\pi^2}\\\\r = \sqrt[3]{5.7\ x\ 10^{20}\ m^3} \\[/tex]

r = 8.29 x 10⁶ m

Hence, the altitude of the satellite will be:

[tex]Altitude = r - radius\ of\ Earth\\Altitude = 8.29\ x\ 10^6\ m - 6.34\ x\ 10^6\ m[/tex]

Altitude = 1.95 x 10⁶ m = 1950 km


The weight of the satellite will be equal to the gravitational force between satellite and Earth:

[tex]Weight = Gravitational\ Force\\\\M_sg = \frac{GM_EM_s}{r^2}\\\\g = \frac{GM_E}{r^2}\\\\g = \frac{(6.67\ x\ 10^{-11}\ N.m^2/kg^2)(6\ x\ 10^{24}\ kg)}{(8.23\ x\ 10^6\ m)^2}[/tex]

g = 5.9 m/s²

g A CD is spinning on a CD player. You open the CD player to change out the disk and notice that the CD comes to rest after 15 revolutions with a constant deceleration of 120 r a d s 2 . What was the initial angular speed of the CD





From the question we are told that:

Number of Revolution [tex]N=15=30\pi[/tex]

Deceleration [tex]d= -120 rads/2[/tex]

Generally the equation for  initial angular speed [tex]\omega_1[/tex] is mathematically given by

 [tex]\omega_2^2=\omega_1^2 +2(d)(N)[/tex]

 [tex]0=\omega_1^2 +2(-120)(20 \pi)[/tex]

 [tex]\omega_1^2=7200 \pi[/tex]


A wheel rotates at an angular velocity of 30rad/s. If an acceleration of 26rad/s2 is applied to it, what will its angular velocity be after 5.0s


A wheel rotated at an angular velocity of 30 roads . if an acceleration of 26road is applied to it waht eill be the ans

A building is being knocked down with a wrecking ball, which is a big metal sphere that swings on a 15-m-long cable. You are (unwisely!) standing directly beneath the point from which the wrecking ball is hung when you notice that the ball has just been released and is swinging directly toward you. How much time do you have to move out of the way? answer in seconds.



Time to move out of the way = 1.74 s


Time to move out of the way is one fourth of period = 6.95/4 = 1.74 seconds.

Time to move out of the way = 1.74 s

Two positive charges ( 8.0 mC and 2.0 mC) are separated by 300 m. A third charge is placed at distance r from the 8.0 mC charge in such a way that the resultant electric force on the third charge due to the other two charges is zero. The distance r is





From the question we are told that:





Distance [tex]d=300m[/tex]

Generally the equation for Force is mathematically given by








When a car's starter is in use, it draws a large current. The car's lights draw much less current. As a certain car is starting, the current through the battery is 54.0 A and the potential difference across the battery terminals is 9.18 V. When only the car's lights are used, the current through the battery is 2.10 A and the terminal potential difference is 12.6 V. Find the battery's emf.



12.74 V


We are given that

Current, I1=54 A

Potential difference, V1=9.18V

I2=2.10 A

V2=12.6 V

We have to find the battery's emf.


Using the formula

[tex]E=9.18+54r[/tex] ....(1)

[tex]E=12.6+2.10r[/tex]  .....(2)

Subtract equation (1) from (2)




Using the value of r in equation (1)


[tex]E=12.74 V[/tex]

Two objects moving with a speed v travel in opposite directions in a straight line. The objects stick together when they collide, and move with a speed of v/2 after the collision.

a. What is the ratio of the final kinetic energy of the system to the initial kinetic energy?
b. What is the ratio of the mass of the more massive object to the mass of the less massive object?




Let the mass of objects be m₁ and m₂ .

Total kinetic energy = 1/2 m₁ v² + 1/2 m₂ v²= 1/2 ( m₁ + m₂ ) v²

Total kinetic energy after collision= 1/2 ( m₁ + m₂ ) v² / 4  =  1/2 ( m₁ + m₂ ) v² x .25

final KE / initial KE = 1/2 ( m₁ + m₂ ) v² x .25 / 1/2 ( m₁ + m₂ ) v²

= 0.25

b )

Applying law of conservation of momentum to the system . Let m₁ > m₂

m₁ v -  m₂ v = ( m₁ + m₂ ) v / 2

m₁ v -  m₂ v = ( m₁ + m₂ ) v / 2

m₁  -  m₂  = ( m₁ + m₂ )  / 2

2m₁ - 2 m₂ = m₁ + m₂

m₁ = 3m₂

m₁ / m₂ = 3 / 1


(a) The ratio is 1 : 4.

(b) The ratio is 1 : 3.


Let the mass of each object is m and m'.

They initially move with velocity v opposite to each other.

Use conservation of momentum

m v - m' v = (m + m') v/2

2 (m - m')  = (m + m')

2 m - 2 m' = m + m'

m = 3 m' .... (1)

(a) Let the initial kinetic energy is K and the final kinetic energy is K'.

[tex]K = 0.5 mv^2 + 0.5 m' v^2 \\\\K = 0.5 (m + m') v^2..... (1)[/tex]

[tex]K' = 0.5 (m + m') \frac{v^2}{4}.... (2)[/tex]

The ratio is

K' : K = 1 : 4

(b) m = 3 m'

So, m : m' = 3 : 1

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