Which aspect of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein most clearly shows a Gothic influence in the story?

Justine is wrongfully accused and convicted for the death of another character, William.

The monster demands a life of peaceful existence in South America with a companion.

The novel begins with a series of letters written by a British explorer of the Arctic.

Frankenstein suffers mental torture from his guilt while his monster tortures others for vengeance.


Answer 1




Frankenstein or The modern Prometheus has gothic influence due to being   written to cause panic, horror and terror over the reader.

The aspects that show this influence are the scenarios, in forests where the actions happen and the psychology of fear as the story develops and the creature is described as a green monster with a deformed body made with parts of corpses.

Answer 2

Frankenstein suffers mental torture from his guilt while his monster tortures others for vengeance is the aspect of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein most clearly shows a Gothic influence in the story. Hence, option D is correct.

What was Mary Shelley's purpose in writing Frankenstein?

Mary, Percy, and Lord Byron competed in 1816 to see who could craft the scariest tale. After contemplating the idea of a scientist who had created life and been frightened by what he had produced for days, Shelley was moved to write Frankenstein.

Frankenstein: or, the Modern Prometheus, by Mary Shelley, was published in 1818 and combines science fiction and Gothic horror. The novel depicts the tale of Victor Frankenstein, a Swiss natural science student who builds a lifelike artificial man from body parts.

The message of Mary Shelley's work is that not all science and knowledge lead to advancement. The book also conveys the idea that criminals are created, not born.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about Mary Shelley's purpose in writing Frankenstein, click here:



Related Questions

Which __________, this kind of seminar or computer based training?
A. do you prefer B. did you prefer C. have you preferred D. has you preferred





Which do you prefer, this kind of seminar or computer based training?

Keep smiling and hope u are satisfied with my answer.Have a good day :)

In this sentence, "do you prefer", will come in the blank, as a question is being asked in the sentence and it is interrogative sentence.

What are interrogative sentences?

Interrogative sentences are the sentences in which a question is being asked or raised. These sentences end with a question mark.

In the statement, "Which __________, this kind of seminar or computer based training?", do you prefer will come in the blank, as the statement ends with a question mark, so it is a interrogative sentence.

Therefore, option, A, 'do you prefer', is correct.

Learn more about, interrogative sentences, here,


Help me please…………………….





Decoding is the ability to apply your knowledge of letter-sound relationships, including knowledge of letter patterns, to correctly pronounce written words.




Visualize what the letters would spell

1.No students in my class can speak English as fluently as she does. (She speaks...........……)
2.This is the most delicious cake I've ever tasted. (I have.........................)
3.I've never met any more dependable person than George. (George is...................)
4. There isn't anybody as kind-hearted as your mother. (Your mother is.....................)
5. There is no better teacher in this school than Mr John. (Mr John is....................)
6. Have you got a bigger size? (Is this....................?)
7. She does not play tennis as well as Jack. (Jack can................)
8. I did not spend as much money as you. (You spent.....................)
9. No cars in the world are more expensive than Japanese ones. (Japanese cars ........................)
10. Other oceans in the world aren't as large as the Pacific Ocean. (The Pacific Ocean is…………)


The best
Play better
Too much
Are expensive
The largest

The correct responses for the given blanks are as follows:-

FluentlyTastedDependableKindheartedThe bestBiggestPlay betterToo muchAre expensiveThe largest

What is Fluently?

Fluency in a language involves being able to communicate smoothly, swiftly, and without having to stop and halt frequently. It might take years to become proficient in a language, but here are some strategies to help you seem as natural as possible in speaking tests.

1. "No student in my class can speak English as fluently as she does. (She speaks Fluently.)"

2. "This is the most delicious cake I've ever tasted. (I have Tasted)"

3."I've never met any more dependable person than George. (George is Dependable)"

4. "There isn't anybody as kind-hearted as your mother. (Your mother is Kindhearted)"

5. "There is no better teacher in this school than Mr John. (Mr John is the best)"

6. "Have you got a bigger size? (Is this Biggest?)"

7. "She does not play tennis as well as Jack. (Jack can play better)."

8. "I did not spend as much money as you. (You spent Too much)."

9. "No cars in the world are more expensive than Japanese ones. (Japanese cars are expensive)."

10. "Other oceans in the world aren't as large as the Pacific Ocean. (The Pacific Ocean is The largest)."

Learn more about fluently here:



. In your own understanding explain briefly the seven principles of environment and give real life situation that will supplement your explanation.​


The seven principles of the environment are:

Nature knows best.All forms of life are important.Everything is connecting to everything else.Everything changes.Everything must go somewhere.Ours is a finite earth.Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God's creation.

The seven principles of the environment were created so that we can better understand our active role in preserving and maintaining the ecosystem on planet Earth.

Each principle provides us with the idea that nature has an essential intelligence and balance for life, where every living being is an integral and essential part of the balance of nature, which provides us with the ideal conditions for a healthy and happy life, where man for to be endowed with intelligence and capacity, it must know how to manage and preserve natural resources.

Principle 6, which gives us the idea that the planet's resources are finite, must be considered in every activity we perform. As an example, we can mention the garbage we produce, the use of natural resources used in the organization, the emission of polluting gases into the atmosphere, etc.

The more we become aware of the importance of the environment, the more we will be able to develop alternative solutions that enable the development of society and economy in addition to environmental preservation.

Learn more here:


Read the conversation.

CHAIRMAN REED. I’d like to call this meeting to order. Mr. Hollembeak, your willingness to meet with us today speaks to your openness and integrity in this investigation. I am looking forward to an honest and candid discussion. Members of the committee, please remember that we will reconvene in a closed session at 2 p.m. today to take a vote. Please hold your comments and questions until each statement has been read. Mrs. Louis, please begin.

MRS. LOUIS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I begin by referring to my colleague’s November 22nd testimony that the files being discussed were not properly encrypted and that their security may have been compromised. Were you aware of this at the time?

MR. HOLLEMBEAK. I was not aware. Based on the findings of an internal review board that I established after my appointment in 2016, I concluded that my department’s security protocol was up to date.

MRS. LOUIS. I understand that you released a report of your findings on February 15th of last year. Am I correct?

MR. HOLLEMBEAK. You are correct.

CHAIRMAN REED. Do you have a copy of this report with you, Mr. Hollembeak?

MR. HOLLEMBEAK. I do. I have it here.

CHAIRMAN REED. Submitted for the record, Mr. Hollembeak’s security report, dated February 15, 2016.

What kind of moderator is Chairman Reed?

Effective. Chairman Reed is reminding participants of the rules for discussion, acknowledging Mr. Hollembeak’s point of view, and asking him to support his point of view with facts.
Effective. Chairman Reed is keeping the discussion on topic by preventing other board members from participating and by challenging Mr. Hollembeak’s claim by demanding proof.
Ineffective. Chairman Reed is not following the rules for discussion that he lays out in his opening statement, and he is not properly staying on topic.
Ineffective. Chairman Reed is not allowing the other board members to share their points of view, and he is not following the discussion rules.



The kind of moderator that Chairman Reed is:

Effective. Chairman Reed is reminding participants of the rules for discussion, acknowledging Mr. Hollembeak’s point of view, and asking him to support his point of view with facts.


Chairman Reed is an effective moderator.  He specifies the rules for discussion during the investigation.  He acknowledged Mr. Hollembeak's point of view.  He also encouraged Mr. Hollembeak to support his point of view with facts by ensuring that Mr. Hollembeak provides a copy of the report on the department's security protocol.  An effective chairman does not take sides during discussions.  He concentrates on directing or moderating the discussion.

What problems has we faced because of the destruction in nature​


climate change coz today the weather was not fine

We are destroying nature at an unprecedented rate, threatening the survival of a million species – and our own future, too. But it’s not too late to save them and us, says a major new report.

add question tags to the following statements
2. please come with me,...?
3. he didn't call,...?
4. elisha lives near you,...?
5. let's go to the park,...?
6. you had fun last night,...?
7. they've already sent the invitations,...?


Can u
But why

Select the correct answer.
What should the reader do to determine an author's message?
consider the headings an author uses to organize the information
O B. consider the amount of information provided
Oc consider the words an author uses to describe a topic
OD. consider the background of the author



O B. consider the amount of information provided

Does television ___ children?(affect/effect)


Since affect means have an effect on; make a difference to.
And effects means to cause to come into being.
The correct answer is AFFECT

This is my school exercises. Can you help me?









13. dependently

14. that much different

15. industrial

16. national

17. educations

18. instructions

1Which element of plot comes after the conflict has already been established, but before the outcome can be predicted? *


Climax: Point of highest emotion; turning point; the point at which the outcome of the conflict can be predicted. 4. Resolution: (Denouement) Rounds out and concludes the action; struggles are over.

A story's plot is a series of interconnected events, each of which has a specific purpose. A storyline is all about making connections, and speculating on causes.

What is the significance of a climax?

A climax is crucial in a story because it signifies the end of the action. As a result, the climax provides a story with a high point that adds excitement and a reason to be invested in the plot.

The climax exists to relieve tension. It can provide details to the protagonist and reader that explain the relevance of the story's events. In a nutshell, it's the resolution of a struggle that has formed the foundation of the entire story.

Thus, Climax is correct.

For more information about Climax refer to the link:


do you captalize wanted to go to



In a sentence, if it's the starting line, it would look like this: Wanted to go to.

If it is the title, this is how it'd look: Wanted to Go to


Hope this helps

Ayudenme con esta tarea de Ingles porfavor


DhejsjdhhehehdhdhfhfhhdhdhdhdhgdgdHi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi bye-bye bhi hi sorry

Evaluate Griffin makes a distinction between "acceptable" reasons and "real" reasons for exploring space. Explain what he means by each type of reason. Which type of reason does he use to support his claim?


Griffin believes that NASA and the space exploration are extremely important to the American people as well as their identity.

What was Space exploration?

NASA's unique mission provides all the benefits in big as well as the small ways to the people. Millions of Dollars spent for this space exploration has created the jobs, jumpstart businesses, and also grow the economy of the World. The innovations improve daily life of people, advance medical research, support the disaster response, and many more.

The direct benefits of this space exploration include the generation of scientific knowledge, the diffusion of innovation and also the creation of markets, the inspiration of people around the world, and also the agreements which are forged between the different countries engaged in this space exploration program.

Learn more about Space exploration here:



my brother lives in__ apartment in __ city centre​



my brother lives in an apartment in the city center


a is a vowel latter therefore it will be an apartment and C is not a vowel latter , more over describing a place so there should be the

mark ms as a brilliant plz


My brother lives in an apartment in the city centre


'an' comes before the word 'apartment' because it begins with a vowel. It would be 'a' if it began with a consonant like 'a flat'.

'The' comes before city because it is a specific. 'The' is a part of speech called 'an article' and it works when the subject is known or specific. The city they refer to here, is not any general or unspecific area, but a city that is known by the writer.

Choose the appropriate prepositions from the brackets.
(a) She is cutting mangoes............ her knife. (by, in, with)
(b) She has been ill............cold. (from, with, by)
(c) The children are afraid ............ the cat. (with, of, at)
(d) I heard it ....... ..........the BBC. (at, on, in) (e) Hari sits ......... you and me. (upon, between, over)​








What are the unfamiliar words that are key to understand the text? Provide 5 and explain the meaning based on the context of the sentence.



Common Types of Context Clues

Root word and affix: People who study birds are experts in ornithology.

Contrast: Unlike mammals, birds incubate their eggs outside their bodies.

Logic: Birds are always on the lookout for predators that might harm their young.

Definition: Frugivorous birds prefer eating fruit to any other kind of food.

Example or illustration: Some birds like to build their nests in inconspicuous spots — high up in the tops of trees, well hidden by leaves.

Grammar: Many birds migrate twice each year.

What are the unfamiliar words that are key to understand the text?

The most common strategies for comprehending a new or unfamiliar word include using a dictionary or guessing word meaning from the context of the sentence.

Sorry about the rest, no, I speak very little English and about your context of a sentence because it would be better if you showed your homework in a photo to understand it.

determine which of these are either noun-verb-noun , Noun-verb , noun-linking Verb-adjective , or Noun-linking verb-noun
will mark fastest and correct answer brainlist



determine which of these

B Page view A Read aloud Grammar Practice A' Did you go to the cinema last night (go) B No. 1 at home (stay) АУ you ever to Mexico? (go) B Yes, I have last year. (go) A you any Latin American novels? (read) B Yes, 1 Spanish when i was at university (study) A What? you for dinner last night? (have) B Nothing 1 hungry (not be А . Read the sentences carefully, Identify whether it is the simple past or the present perfect form. • Change the words in the brackets into the correct forms of the simple past OR the present perfect tense. • Write your answers in the following slide. · Question no 1 is done for you. you ever to a famous actor? (speak) a famous person. (meet) 10 B No, 1 never AN you at the end of Titonic? (cry) very sad. (be) B Yes, it2 A 13 the new James Bond film? (see) you B No. Is it good? AH you your homework last night? (do) ING​





--Gwendolyn Brooks
Why does Gwendolyn Brooks use diction such as "we/ real cool" and "we/ strike
straight" In her poem "We Real Cool'?
O A.
to convey the teenagers' rebellion against their parents and teachers
• B.
to convey the teenagers* insecurity and their desire to be at school
• C.
to convey the teenagers' wish to play pool rather than focus on academics
© D.
to convey the teenagers' attitude and show of toughness



A. To convey the teenagers' rebellion against their parents and teachers


The inference shows that Gwendolyn Brooks used the diction A. to convey the teenagers' rebellion against their parents and teachers.

What is an inference?

An inference simply means the conclusion that can be deduced based on the information given in a literary work.

In this case, the inference shows that Gwendolyn Brooks used the diction to convey the teenagers' rebellion against their parents and teachers.

Learn more about inference on:




what is your perspective of the American identity?

please i need help with this….



There is an American identity, derived from the positive experience of our nation, and best exemplified by men like Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King. It is transcendent in human experience, but completely human in its aspiration. People not born here can claim it.

Read the following excerpts from the draft and revision of the Declaration of
(He has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our
frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule
of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages,
sexes, & conditions of existence.
[He has incited treasonable insurrections of our fellow
citizens, with the allurements of forfeiture & confiscation
of our property.
He has excited domestic Insurrection amongst us, and has
endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers,
the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of
warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages,
sexes and conditions.
Why might the Continental Congress have revised this portion of the draft?
O A. The second paragraph in the draft stated a falsehood that couldn't
be substantiated, so the revision makes the passage more
O B. The second paragraph was redundant in the draft, so the revision
cut it completely
O c. The second paragraph in the draft was off-topic, so cutting it in the
revision helped make this passage more linear.
O D. The revision incorporates the same idea in a more concise way.
because the second paragraph of the draft is redundant.



it’s D. The revision incorporates the same idea in a more concise way.

because the second paragraph of the draft is redundant.


i got it right

ai đó giúp mình vs ạ, thank you


The imagen won’t show up

Animal experimenting facts



Companies test on animals to provide data that they can use to defend themselves when they are sued by injured consumers—even though some courts have ruled that the FDA has failed to show that the results of animal tests can be extrapolated to humans.

Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in US labs every year.

92% of experimental drugs that are safe and effective in animals fail in human clinical trials because they are too dangerous or don't work.

We share 95% of our genes with a mouse, making them an effective model for the human body.

In the 12th Century, Arabian physician Ibn Zuhr introduced animal testing as an experimental method for testing surgical procedures before applying them to human patients.

What does the sentence most likely mean?
Tess was crying hard.
Tess was running around.
Tess was feeling playful.
Tess was out of control.



tess is out of control and might be bipolar


'today's readers are tomorrow's leaders.' Explain this for 10 marks​



We all hear this from our teachers and parents all the time - "learn from your mistakes".

Agreed. Smart people learn from their mistakes. But wise people learn from others' mistakes.

If you or I make a mistake, it could affect only us and we can probably correct it quickly. But what if our nation's leaders make mistakes? A small mistake can affect the future of our country or could negatively affect our entire population.

We can't afford it. Nobody can afford it. That's where the leaders have to be wise and well informed.

You got the point, right? I am coming to the importance of "Reading".

Why is reading so important?

As students, we face a lot of challenges. Our learning in school is limited to our academic topics. The academic topics are selected by the authorities considering the common interest of the state. But there is a huge opportunity to learn beyond academics. In today's digital era, we can find any books from anywhere in the world on our fingertips.

It gives us insights into fields outside our own experience and helps us apply in different ways. It helps us improve our awareness of the world around us. It helps us learn from the mistakes of others. Helps us to get inspiration from the great leaders and whatnot.


couldn't agree more with what Margaret Fuller said: “If you are a leader, if you want to be one, you have to read. You cannot grow in your leadership without learning from others and that requires reading”, to acquire new insights, you have to read as much as you can. ...

Question 5 of 18
Which detail is true of Mary Shelley's life?
A Ghost stories influenced her writing in the Gothic genre.
B. The success of Frankenstein led her to write Dracula.
C. Frankensten was inspired by the myth of Persephone,
Donation of the Rights of Woman



A. Ghost stories influenced her writing in the Gothic genre.


Lord Byron’s suggestion of a ghost story competition to while away their Swiss holiday inspired Shelley’s novel Frankenstein.

role of youth in pademic



we should awake the people and should give idea to be safe

role of the youth in this pandemic is to aware people about the negative effects of disobedience of rules and regulation. youth should also focus on spreading true measures that should be taken in order to be safe and also aware them about the hazards of the fake news

Which line from this excerpt best supports the author’s message that some things in life are out of people’s control?



Should be A, “I'm not saying that either Socs or greasers are better; that's just the way things are.”

Please solve all questions ​


1) After the family had had their lunch,they left to the park.

2) He did his assignments but hasn't done his chores.

3) I am leaving tomorrow.

4) I have been gardening since 11am.

5) The dark man sings beautifully.

6) She makes a cake with some butter.

I hope this helps you

Do it yourself it make you knowledgeable and intelligent
Other Questions
Help anyone can help me do the question,I will mark brainlest. whats The definition of lunatic Bowl is to fruit as dish is toA. plate.B. present.C. candy.D. paper. Mr. Wilkerson bought frozen treats for 34 children. Each child picked either a popsicle or an ice cream bar. Each popsicle cost $2 and each ice cream bar cost $5. If Mr. Wilkerson spent a total of $128, how many of each type of treat did he buy? find the animal in the sentence Magnus ate a whole bowl of popcorn while watching the movie Use the power series method to solve the given initial-value problem. (Format your final answer as an elementary function.) (x 1)y'' xy' + y = 0, y(0) = 7, y'(0) = 3 write a letter why you did not write your note in the class Write a letter to your brother who is in uproad Asking him to send a mobile phone I need help plz help Based on what we have learned, how can we ensure that we choose a sample of students that is representative of all 8:00 AM classes that take place on a given morning Are the sentences correct or incorrect1. Optical illusions are a recent idea.2. Akiyoshi Kitaoka designed his optical illusion for a car advertisment.3.There are several of Alexander McQueens optical illusions dresses.4. You can find optical illusions in the natural word.5. In Professor Wisemans experiment people had to draw a brick.6. In the experiment, the more creative people found it easier to see the duck and the rabbit. [tex] \frac{2}{3} \times \frac{2}{3} \times \frac{2}{3} = what[/tex]Answer I'll make and mark as brainlist.Answer Fast. Post on - 2 Aug 2021 Rhombus LMNO is shown with its diagonals.Rhombus L M N O is shown. Diagonals are drawn from point L to point N and from point M to point O and intersect at point P. All sides are congruent.Angle MNO measures 112. What is the measure of angle LMN? which one of these points lies on the line described by the equation below y - 5 = 6 ( x - 7 ) Check if -2 is the solution of equation 2 x = 4x + 3 You will create a molecular clock model for an arthropod gene. Follow these guidelines to make your model:Your timeline will span from 90 million years ago to the present. The common ancestor in your model is an arthropod that lived 90 million years ago. The gene that youll track codes for a protein in the species venom.The DNA sequence youll track contains 10 nitrogen bases. You can choose the order of the bases and where the mutations occur.This gene mutates at a rate of approximately 0.76 base pairs every 17.1 million years. To build your model, calculate the estimated time period it takes for 1 base pair to mutate.The first time period will only show the common ancestor. At the beginning of the second time period, three lineages will diverge from the common ancestor, each with a different mutation in their gene sequences.The first and third descendant species will survive for the rest of the timeline. The second descendant species was extinct 50 million years ago.Calculate how long it will take for one full base pair mutation to occur. Explain your reasoning by constructing a mathematical equation. Define hypothesisThx! A two year old client experiencing an anaphylactic reaction and respiratory distress with laryngeal spasms is being prepared for an endotracheal tube (ETT) placement. The healthcare provider has ordered 0.5mL of epinephrine 1:10,000 to be given STAT. The attempts to place an intravenous catheter were unsuccessful. What is another appropriate route to administer the epinephrine during this anaphylactic emergency Item 1 Which fraction is equivalent to 3.47? 3_23/50 3_47/100 3_12/25 I don't know. A person walks away from a pulley pulling a rope slung over it. The rope is being held at a height 10 feet below the pulley. Suppose that the weight at the opposite end of the rope is rising at 4 feet per second. At what rate is the person walking when s/he is 20 feet from being directly under the pulley