Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica in 1769. He went to military schools in France. By age sixteen, he was an active
member of the French army. He fought in the wars against France's enemies during the revolution. He became known as a great
leader. He won campaigns against the British and the Italians. He made sure that news of his victories reached the right ears. Before
long he met the key political leaders in Parls.
What is this paragraph mainly about?
OA, the defeat of British armies
OB. the life of Napoleon Bonaparte
OC. French military history
OD. famous people born in Corsica


Answer 1


he was active in the French Army


French Military History would have the info that he had been in the army

Related Questions

Which resource will help you to pronounce a word correctly? Dictionary Encyclopedia Glossary Thesaurus



Dictionary or Glossary


They have the words or word in sylibals for better understanding on how to sound out the words.

for example:



Hope this helps!




is typing reeeeeeeee in the comments REALLY funny anymore?


Eh not really. I don’t see anyone do it anymore and when I do I personally never laugh .

here's some more :)
(I love Jenna marbles but that is sooo true)


It’s Netflix because most of the people wack


hell yeah



how does Caribbean carnival communicate through history



Did you mean Celebrate? They had masquerade balls.

they had mascarada balls

Hi guys my final grades were due yesterday and I thought I wasn't gonna be able to pass but I made it!! As and Bs after the most stressful month ever! Just need one more semester of high school and I’m done



Heyy thx for the points!!!


Congrats on passing your first semester!!!


Well congratulations glad you made it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year early.


Hope you have a great weekend

Yall i need some girl name ideas! For my 2 new rescue guinea pigs!
They are brown and white


Oml there so cute and I’d with like angel and Oreo


medusa, lilith, oprah, alice, ????

if yall want to play kahoot join this metting 365 566 9069 password macei12





Keet was riding the bus and saw a man wearing a new pair of shoes from his favorite brand. He liked them but thought they'd look better in black. When he got home, he went online and found them in black at an online store, Zaps. They were pretty expensive, so he decided to post a picture of them on his social media account to see what his friends would think. The next day, he started seeing ads for the exact shoes and for the online store he had visited. He saw the ads appear when he typed in a search, when he went to his favorite news site, and when he was scrolling through his social media feed. At first he thought it might've just been a coincidence, but when it kept happening, he started to wonder, why am I seeing this everywhere?

1.How did the advertising company know he was interested in those shoes? Or in that store?
2.If Keet didn't want to be tracked by the advertising company, what could he have done differently?



The advertising knew that he was interest in those shoes Or in that store as he he went online store Zaps, to search those shoes.  If Keet didn't wanted to be tracked by the advertising campany he must have not searched those shoes online nor had posted the pictures of shoes on Social Media.


need help plez FAST!





Sorry about that

Write 6-8 sentences about your favorite building


Answer: My favorite building personally is The World Trade Center (previously known as the Twin Towers) What I like about it so much is 2 things, 1. It has a lot of history behind it, it was a terrorized attack led by Osama bin Laden, the leader of the attacks on Pentagon too, and my second thing is the height, 1,776, and if you didn't know, they specifically done this because The Declaration of Independence was signed on August 2, 1776. But in all, The World Trade Center is a really cool place.


Which of the following situations could best be used to demonstrate the
meaning of the word "reeling"?*
-a busy woman striding to work.
-a confused man pausing at an intersection.
-a dizzy child unable to stop spinning around.



a dizzy child unable to stop spinning around


reeling means: to lose balance and stagger

it is raining is a phrase or clause?


Answer: Yes it is!


: )

Find the verbs
there are none i just wanna say hi and how your days



I can’t live this life anymore



hi! but if you want to make a fake question then make it longer bc i could see the hi part before i pressed on it! good day!

Read the passage. First identify the text structure used in the passage, and then explain how this structure helps develop the writer's central idea. Use evidence from the text in your response.
The rise in popularity of farmers' markets has caused many people to rethink their use of regular grocery stores. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Farmers' markets have fresh and local produce, and often you get a chance to meet the people who grow your food. This isn't the case with grocery stores, where you'll never get to meet the farmers. Grocery stores are starting to have more local products, though, and they have a better variety of goods. Another thing to consider is the setting itself. Farmers' markets are usually in more pleasant, open-air locations where there's often live music playing. Grocery stores, on the other hand, can be busy and uncomfortable if you don't like shopping. The pleasant atmosphere comes at a price, though, as your bill at a farmers' market is likely to be 25 percent more than at a grocery store. All in all, the freshness and quality of food is worth a little more money. Farmers' markets are the way to go. Thanks!! Best answer I promise brainliest



but mine is diferent so i cant say that. :(



I need help on that one too


the hotel agent receive the tourist at the airport change into passive voice

plz solve this​



The tourist were received at the airport by the hotel agent

What happens when you put Justin Bieber and lady Gaga together you get JUSTIN GAGA



EwewEW JuStiN BiEbEr?


Oh my satannnn




What is the main idea of the articles? A. There were heavy casualties at the Battle of Shiloh. B. A Confederate leader, General Johnston, died at the Battle of Shiloh. C. The Confederate army planned a surprise attack at Pittsburg Landing. D. In a tough battle, the Union army defeated the Confederate army at Shiloh.


Incomplete question. I assumed you are referring to the article found on the History website entitled, "The Battle of Shiloh"


A. There were heavy casualties at the Battle of Shiloh.


We can make this conclusion because throughout the text there were several mentions about the losses on both sides (on the Confederate side and the Union army side).

For example, the first paragraph of the article explicitly stated,

"Both sides suffered heavy losses, with more than 23,000 total casualties, and the level of violence shocked North and South alike."

Also after mentioning the wins and losses experienced by the opposing sides during the Civil war, the article concluded, "It was a sobering reminder to all in the Union and the Confederacy that the war would be long and costly." This continuous reference to this forms the main idea of the articles.

Which word has a VCe syllable with a long u sound?
A. applause
B. conclude
C. injure
D. purple



Its conclude


I know its conclude because it has that long u sound and its has 2 syllables.

Hope this helps!!!

Can I have Brainliest???


1. What is a code of ethics? Describe two types of ethical behavior that might be included in a journalist’s code of ethics.
2. Why are ethics important in journalism?
3. What is a conflict of interest? Why would this be a problem for a journalist?
4. Why is it important that journalists stay objective?
5. Why is freedom of the press important?



Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.

Journalists should:

– Take responsibility for the accuracy of their work. Verify information before releasing it. Use original sources whenever possible.

– Remember that neither speed nor format excuses inaccuracy.

– Provide context. Take special care not to misrepresent or oversimplify in promoting, previewing or summarizing a story.

– Gather, update and correct information throughout the life of a news story.

– Be cautious when making promises, but keep the promises they make.

– Identify sources clearly. The public is entitled to as much information as possible to judge the reliability and motivations of sources.

– Consider sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Reserve anonymity for sources who may face danger, retribution or other harm, and have information that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Explain why anonymity was granted.

– Diligently seek subjects of news coverage to allow them to respond to criticism or allegations of wrongdoing.

– Avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information unless traditional, open methods will not yield information vital to the public.

– Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable. Give voice to the voiceless.

– Support the open and civil exchange of views, even views they find repugnant.

– Recognize a special obligation to serve as watchdogs over public affairs and government. Seek to ensure that the public’s business is conducted in the open, and that public records are open to all.

– Provide access to source material when it is relevant and appropriate.

– Boldly tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience. Seek sources whose voices we seldom hear.

– Avoid stereotyping. Journalists should examine the ways their values and experiences may shape their reporting.

– Label advocacy and commentary.

– Never deliberately distort facts or context, including visual information. Clearly label illustrations and re-enactments.

– Never plagiarize. Always attribute.

Minimize Harm

Ethical journalism treats sources, subjects, colleagues and members of the public as human beings deserving of respect.

Journalists should:

– Balance the public’s need for information against potential harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance or undue intrusiveness.

– Show compassion for those who may be affected by news coverage. Use heightened sensitivity when dealing with juveniles, victims of sex crimes, and sources or subjects who are inexperienced or unable to give consent. Consider cultural differences in approach and treatment.

– Recognize that legal access to information differs from an ethical justification to publish or broadcast.

– Realize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than public figures and others who seek power, influence or attention. Weigh the consequences of publishing or broadcasting personal information.

– Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity, even if others do.

– Balance a suspect’s right to a fair trial with the public’s right to know. Consider the implications of identifying criminal suspects before they face legal charges.

– Consider the long-term implications of the extended reach and permanence of publication. Provide updated and more complete information as appropriate.

Act Independently

The highest and primary obligation of ethical journalism is to serve the public.

which statement best evaluates the use of evidence in this passage look at pic. hurry please I give brainlyest if it is correct ​


Would have to be D because the Dr is addressing a different topic besides the video games

There is a one story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs?


there are no stairs. it’s a one story house.


purple no sairs


Attack of the Dragons
Attack of the Dragons

If the Viking raids from the north and the Briton raids from the south weren’t bad enough, now we have a new challenge to our castle walls: dragons.

Here in Northumberland, summers are full of war. We are used to fighting in the summer. That’s when the lands to our north thaw enough for the Vikings to venture south to our lands hoping to steal our livestock and crops. Our walls, however, protect our farms. As the Norsemen try to come ashore, we fight them back with ease. Our arrows, bolts, and rock are more than enough to fend them off as they attempt to land on our beaches. They may not have what is ours, and soon they turn toward other coasts and other forts as ours are too strong for them.

Then come the Britons from the south. The Britons‘ claim to this land is admittedly greater than ours. They were here before the Romans and will probably outlast our Saxon rule, but that does not matter today. Today this land belongs to Ida the Saxon king, and we will hold it for him and his heirs. Their numbers cannot stand against our fortifications. Our steel is superior to theirs, as our swords and spears cut through their armor with ease. We have the higher ground, for Bamburg stands on a dolerite outcrop. Not only do we use the rock as our foundation, we have cut into the earth and used it to build our walls, and we launch our rocks toward our enemy as they attempt to storm the hill. With these rocks and our arrows and bolts, we cut half their army down before they even reach our battlements. Their spirit weakens as their forces are cut down, as we easily strike down those foolish enough not to break ranks and run. No man can defeat us once we lock ourselves behind these walls. We have plenty of land and cattle here. We can outlast any siege. Thanks to Lord Ida of Bernecia, we are protected.

Lord Ida had us build this stronghold high above the shore, and we are invincible from attacks by land and sea, but now we must deal with airborne enemies as well.

The dragons have come out of the East somewhere and bring with them fire. They attack when the sun is high. They know our bows and crossbows are worthless against them, as our arrows and bolts bounce off their thick hide. They swoop down and take our sheep in their claws and maws, returning to whereever they came from before dusk with a fifth of our provisions. The fire drives our bravest men inside as we cower with the women and children, hoping to avoid the death that the dragons bring.

Aston, the ironsmith, and his fisherman brother, Aethel, claim to have a solution. They have combined their tools and designed a contraption that might bring the winged monsters out of the sky. Fishing nets with iron barbs launched from paired ballistae. The ballista is a giant crossbow left from the Roman invasions. The contraptions take three men to crank, and aiming the ballistae pairs has proven difficult, but we hope to fight when they return tomorrow.

Nets are weighted down with iron spikes. As we launch the projectiles at the dragons, we hope to drop them into the sea, or at least pin them to the ground where our swords and spears can do harm. Aethel believes that dragons falling into the water will surely drown, and Aston believes that we should attack the wings of the grounded dragons so that they cannot escape our mighty warriors. But that lesson is for tomorrow when the dragons return at high noon. Tonight we plan our attack and hope our weapons prove their design.

Based on the information found in the passage, which invaders attack the Saxons by land?

the Vikings

the dragons

the Britons

the Romans



im working on it will you mark me as brainliesy


The sentence "One day the South will recognize its real heroes" (paragraph 3) serves all the following purposes EXCEPT
A forecast future events
B. set up the sentences that follow
C. emphasize the difference between the police and the demonstrators
D. elevate the importance of the demonstrators
E accentuate the differences between the South and the North



E accentuate the differences between the South and the North



I think it might be D.


Not 100% sure, but I think it fits the context of the paragraph pretty well.

Which sentence uses figurative language to convey a mood of fear or dread?



The lake weeds clutched my legs, almost dragging me down to their murky deathtrap


The lake weeds grabbed my legs and nearly dragged me into their gloomy deathtrap.

What is Fear?

We refer to our emotional response to something that appears harmful as being in fear. However, the word "fear" is also used to describe something that a person frequently feels fearful of.

When something or someone makes them feel unsafe or uncertain, people become afraid. As an illustration, a weak swimmer can be afraid of deep water. In this situation, the dread is advantageous since it warns the person to be cautious. By mastering safe swimming techniques, one may be able to get over this anxiety.

If a fear serves as a warning to avoid potentially risky situations, it might be beneficial. However, there are situations when a concern is unwarranted and leads to greater care than is necessary.

Public speaking is feared by many people. Speaking in front of others is one of the most prevalent phobias people have, whether it's giving a report in class, speaking at an assembly, or reciting lines in the school play.

To read more about Fear, refer to -


1. Georgina is a rock collector. She is looking at some information about two of the rocks she has collected on her travels. The information is as follows: Rock A formed from small pieces of rock. Rock B formed from liquid rock in a different place. Rocks A and B formed at about the same time. Are Rocks A and B the same or different types of rock?The rocks are *



The rocks are different types because they formed in different ways.


Processos diferentes resultam em sistemas diferentes. Nesse caso, ao ler o texto mostrado na pergunta acima, podemos afirmar que as duas rochas que Georgina possui foram não apenas formadas por processos diferentes, mas por elementos em estados diferentes também. Isso influencia muito no resultado da rocha final, mas cada rocha se formou de formas distintas e por isso podemos afirmar que elas são diferentes uma da outra.

Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful
Assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable mangled up in tangled up knots!

Find the figurative language



The person about me is right


Keep scrolling down...

Also, I do actually love you ❤

The figurative language is metaphor. Additionally, he describes the Grinch as "as cuddly as a cactus."

What do you mean by metaphor?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that, for the sake of rhetorical effect, refers to one thing while simultaneously addressing another. Clarity may be offered (or obscured), and it may also reveal unnoticed connections between two disparate concepts.

Metaphors and other figurative language devices like antithesis, hyperbole, metonymy, and simile are frequently contrasted. Similes and metaphors are frequently contrasted.

A metaphor is described as "a condensed analogy," "analogical fusion," "operating in a similar way," "based on the same mental process," or even that "the essential processes of analogy are at work in metaphor," among other things.

Additionally, it is noted that the distinction between a metaphor and an analogy is hazy and that it could be conceptualized (metaphorically) as the distance between the objects being compared.

A simile only establishes a similarity through the use of terms like "like" or "as," whereas a metaphor asserts that the items in the comparison are same on the point of comparison. Because of this, a common-type metaphor is typically regarded as having greater impact than a simile.

Learn more about metaphor, here


what are Top 10 Fastest Land Animal Species and Speed. (need 10) and their speed



1. Cheetah

113 km/hr (70 mph)

They can accelerate from 0 - 60 mph in only 3 seconds.

2. Pronghorn Antelope

98 km/hr (61 mph)

They have a large heart and lungs which help them to go so fast.

3. Springbok

90 km/hr (56 mph)

They are extremely agile animals, they can leap 4 m into the air and jump up to 15 m in length.

4. Quarterhorse

88.5 km/hr (55 mph)

They excel at sprinting short distances.

5 = Thomson's Gazelle

80 km/hr (50 mph)

They have the ability to out last cheetah's in long chases and they can make swifter turns.

5 = Blue Wildebeest

80 km/hr (50 mph)

In order to defend themselves from predators, they run in large herds.

5 = Lion

80 km/hr (50 mph)

When hunting they combine stealth with bursts of speed.

8 = Elk

72 km/hr (45 mph)

They can outrun their main predators, grey wolves, coyotes and dogs.

8 = African Wild Dog

72 km/hr (45 mph)

They are endurance runners and they can achieve an average speed of 48 km/hr (30 mph) over a distance of 4.8 km (3 miles).

10. Coyote

69 km/hr (43 mph)

They use their speed to hunt rabbits, mice, squirrels and livestock.


Answer: 1. Cheetah

120.7 km / 75 m per hour

2. Pronghorn

88.5 km / 55 m per hour

3. Springbok

88 km / 55 m per hour

4. Wildebeest

80.5 km / 50 m per hour

5. Lion

80.5 km / 50 m per hour

6. Blackbuck

80 km / 50 m per hour

7. Hare

80 km / 50 m per hour

8. Greyhound

74 km / 46 m per hour

9. Kangaroo

71 km / 44 m per hour

10. African wild dog

71 km / 44 m per hour

Help me re-word this please!!! I don't want my teacher to be suspicious.....
The motivating force for seafloor spreading ridges is tectonic plate pull rather than magma pressure, although there is typically significant magma activity at spreading ridges.


The force for sea floor spreading is tectonic plates pulling eachother but there is mostly magma activity and ridges that are spreading

Eleanor Roosevelt was studied by Maslow because she was so successful
and gave so much to others. Maslow believed that Roosevelt was at the
level in his hierarchy.
A. self-actualized
B. esteem
C. physiological
D. safety


Answer: Self-actualized

Explanation: it’s right because I got it right

Answer: self-actualized

Explanation: his research dictated that she was at the highest level in the hierarchy which would be self-actualization.

early christmas gift :)!! i'll brainllest someone !

&' friends anyone ? :)



Thank You



Answer:can we be frends?


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