Can someone help me with this math homework please!


Answer 1

Here's your answer.



Answer 2




Hope it helps...

Related Questions

Moosonee: -1.5°C
Cold Lake: -4.5°C
Anchorage: -9.5°C and
Moscow: -1°C
Which city is warmer?




Step-by-step explanation:

In negatives the greater number is less. So -1 is the greatest, and thus, Moscow is the answer.

Moscow with a temperature of -1°C is warmer than Moosonee (-1.5°C), Cold Lake (-4.5°C), and Anchorage (-9.5°C).

The temperatures provided for the cities are as follows:

Moosonee: -1.5°C

Cold Lake: -4.5°C

Anchorage: -9.5°C

Moscow: -1°C

To determine which city is warmer, we compare the temperatures.

The higher the temperature, the warmer the city.

Moscow has the highest temperature of -1°C.

Therefore, Moscow is the warmest city compared to Moosonee, Cold Lake, and Anchorage, as it has a temperature that is closer to 0°C (warmer) compared to the other cities.

To learn more on Number system click:


The cost of a pound of nails increased from $2.22 to $2.46. What is the percent of increase to the nearest whole-number percent?


Subtract to find the amount of the increase then divide the amount of increase by the original amount:

2.46 - 2.22 = 0.24

0.24/2.22 = 0.108

Multiply by 100 to get percent:

0.108 x 100 = 10.8%

Rounded to nearest whole number = 11%

When you flip a biased coin the probability of getting a tail is 0.34. Find the probability of getting a head.



If you want to know what the probability is to get at least one Heads, then that is the same as the probability of all the events (100%, or 1) minus the probability of getting all Tails.

There are 100 coins. 99 are fair, 1 is biased with both sides as heads. With a fair coin, the probability of three heads is 0.53=1/8. The probability of picking the biased coin: P(biased coin)=1/100.

Step-by-step explanation:

Considering that getting tails is a 34/100 chance, getting heads would be 66/100.

Add 1,249 and 594.
what is their sum rounded to the nearest hundred?

A. 700

B. 1,800

C. 1,900​



1249+592=1843, rounding that you get B, 1,800

This will be C as it is rounded to the nearest 100 as 1,249 plus 594= 1833 we can infer the 1 is from the “thousands” column and the second one is “8” which is the hundreds column now if it’s 5 and above we round up if it’s below 5 we will round down therefore the answer is C-1900



A) 4.5×10¹¹ B) 3.5×1000

Hope it helped you

Anyone? Ive tried and its not clicking



Hello Bro How Are You....?

here you go. is this correct?

22. If y = 1/3(x - 2), express x in terms of y A. X = 3y - 2 B. x = 3y + 2 C. x=y D. x=-Y​



B. x= 3y+2

Step-by-step explanation:





There are 1500 pupils in a school. 23% of the pupils in the school are Malays. 68% of the pupils are Chinese. The rest of the pupils are indians. how many more Chinese pupils than Malay pupils are there?​



there is 77% more chinese students.

Step-by-step explanation:

subtract the 23% of malay students from the 100% of the students in  the school.


a car can complete a journey of 300 km with a speed of 60 km per hour I) how much does it take the to complete the journey and what is the speed of the car if it covers only 200 km in the same interval of time ​


Step-by-step explanation:

First step:

Distance = 300km

Speed = 60km/hr

We know,

Using Speed = Distance ÷ Time

Time = Distance ÷ Speed

we have Total Time = 300÷60

Total Time = 5hr


Distance = 200km. (Time = 5hr,

Speed =? Distance = 200)

Speed = Distance÷ Time

= 200÷5

= 40km/hr

The equation of the line that goes through the point .............................................................



m = 3/4b = -3/4

Note: 3/4 = 0.75



The first thing we need to do is solve that given equation for y

4x+3y = 3

3y = 3-4x

3y = -4x+3

y = (-4x+3)/3

y = (-4x)/3 + 3/3

y = (-4/3)x + 1

This last equation is in slope intercept form, y = mx+b, where,

m = -4/3 = slopeb = 1 = y intercept

These m and b values are not the final answer unfortunately, as we have yet to determine anything about the perpendicular line. However, it helps us build toward the answer.

We'll focus on the slope.

Apply the negative reciprocal to -4/3 to get 3/4. We flip the fraction and the sign from negative to positive.

This means the perpendicular slope is 3/4 and this value goes in the first box.


From here, we'll use the fact that the perpendicular line goes through the point (x,y) = (5,3)

i.e. we have x = 5 and y = 3 pair up together.

Use that perpendicular slope we found earlier to say,

y = mx+b

3 = (3/4)*5 + b

3 = 15/4 + b

3 - 15/4 = b

12/4 - 15/4 = b

(12-15)/4 = b

-3/4 = b

b = -3/4 is the y intercept of the perpendicular line


y = 3/4 x -3

Step-by-step explanation:

4 x + 3y = 3

3y = -4x + 3

y = -4/3x + 1


y = 3/4 x + b

3 = 3/4(5) + b

12 = 15 + b

B = -3

I need help pleaseee


Since this is a right triangle, we can use one of the three main trigonometric functions: sine, cosine, tangent.

Remember: SOH-CAH-TOA

From the angle, we know the opposite side and want to figure out the adjacent side. Therefore, we should use the tangent function.

tan(35) = 6/RS

RS = 6 / tan(35)

RS = 8.6

Hope this helps!

The number 55 is attached to a two-digit number on its left, and the formed 4-digit number is divisible by 24. What could be the two-digit number? List all options.



the answer will be 44 I think I hoped I helped if not sorry.

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the area of the surface generated by revolving the curve xequals=StartFraction e Superscript y Baseline plus e Superscript negative y Over 2 EndFraction ey+e−y 2 in the interval 0 less than or equals y less than or equals ln 20≤y≤ln2 about the​ y-axis.


Solution :

[tex]$x=f(y) = \frac{e^y + e^{-y}}{2} , \ \ \ \ \ 0 \leq y \leq \ln 2$[/tex]

[tex]$\frac{dx}{dy} = \frac{e^y + e^{-y}}{2}$[/tex]

[tex]$\left(\frac{dx}{dy}\right)^2 = \frac{e^{2y} - 2 + e^{-2y}}{4}$[/tex]

[tex]$1+\left(\frac{dx}{dy}\right)^2 = 1+\frac{e^{2y} - 2 + e^{-2y}}{4} = \frac{e^{2y} + 2 + e^{-2y}}{4}$[/tex]

                  [tex]$ = \left(\frac{e^y + e^{-y}}{2}\right)^2$[/tex]

[tex]$\sqrt{1+\left(\frac{dx}{dy}\right)^2} = \sqrt{\left(\frac{e^y + e^{-y}}{2}\right)^2}=\frac{e^y + e^{-y}}{2}$[/tex]

[tex]$S = \int_{y=a}^b 2 \pix \sqrt{1+\left(\frac{dx}{dy}\right)^2 } \ dy$[/tex]

  [tex]$=\int_{0}^{\ln2} 2 \pi \left(\frac{e^y+e^{-y}}{2}\right) \left(\frac{e^y+e^{-y}}{2}\right) \ dy$[/tex]

  [tex]$=\frac{\pi}{2}\int_{0}^{\ln 2}(e^y+e^{-y})^2 \ dy = \frac{\pi}{2}\int_{0}^{\ln 2}(e^{2y}+e^{-2y}+2) \ dy $[/tex]

  [tex]$=\frac{\pi}{2} \left[ \frac{e^{2y}}{2} + \frac{e^{-2y}}{-2} + 2y \right]_2^{\ln 2}$[/tex]

  [tex]$=\frac{\pi}{2} \left[ \left(\frac{e^{2 \ln 2}}{2} + \frac{e^{-2\ln2}}{-2} + 2 \ln2 \right) - \left( \frac{e^0}{2} + \frac{e^0}{-2}+0\right) \right]$[/tex]

  [tex]$=\frac{\pi}{2}\left[ \frac{e^{\ln4}}{2} - \frac{e^{\ln(1/4)}}{2} + \ln 4 - \left( \frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{2} + 0 \right) \right]$[/tex]

  [tex]$=\frac{\pi}{2} \left[\frac{4}{2} -\frac{1/4}{2} + \ln 4 \right]$[/tex]

  [tex]$=\frac{\pi}{2} \left[ 2-\frac{1}{8} + \ln 4 \right]$[/tex]

  [tex]$=\left( \frac{15}{8} + \ln 4 \right) \frac{\pi}{2}$[/tex]

Therefore, [tex]$S = \frac{15}{16} \pi + \pi \ln 2$[/tex]


please help with the fourth part ​



ofc its p/q

Step-by-step explanation:

Show that x = -5 is a solution to the inequality 18x – 42 ≠7x



It works.

Step-by-step explanation:


So 42/11 is not a viable solution for x. All other real numbers work, so x=-5 is a solution.

Please help me❤️ I keep getting it wrong



[tex] = { \tt{ \frac{30}{120} + \frac{40}{120} }} \\ = \frac{7}{12} [/tex]

Solve for 2. Round to the nearest tenth of a degree, if necessary.



Step-by-step explanation:

sin x0= 7/9.4

sin x0= 0.745

x0 = sin^-1 0.745

x0= 48.2


Complete the ordered pairs, using the given equation:
4x + 3y = 12 (0, ) (-1, ) ( ,10 )



(0, 4) (-1, 16/ 3) (-9/ 2, 10)

Step-by-step explanation:

In an ordered pair the term before the comma is the x variable and the term after the comma is the y variable.


4x + 3y = 12 . . . . . .(0, _)

here were given the x variable

finding the other term

4× 0 + 3y = 12

3y = 12

y = 4

therefore the ordered pair is (0, 4)


. . . . . . . (-1, _)

here were given the x variable

4 × -1 + 3y = 12

3y = 12 + 4

3y = 16

y = 16/ 3

ordered pair is (-1, 16/ 3)


. . . . . . . . (_, 10)

here were given the y variable

finding the other term

4x + 3 × 10 = 12

4x + 30 = 12

4x = 12 - 30

4x = -18

dividing both sides by 2

2x = -9

x = -9/ 2

ordered pair is (-9/ 2, 10)

mr.brown can type 80 words in two minutes. how many words can he type in 40 minutes?




Step-by-step explanation:

We can setup a ratio in terms of words per minute.

Mr. Brown can type 80 words in 2 minutes, so our ratio looks like this:


In order to find how many words he can type in 40 minutes, we must set the minutes side of our ratio to 40. In order to do that, we must multiply our minutes side by a factor that makes it equal 40, and then multiply the words side by the same factor. We can divide 40 by 2 to figure out the factor, which is 20. Since the factor is 20, we must multiply it by the words side to figure out how many words he types in 40 minutes, which is 20 · 80 = 1600 words.




y = 5/2

Step-by-step explanation:

An inverse variation is of the form

xy = k where k is a constant

From the first pair of point

2*5 = k

10 = k

xy = 10

Using the second pair of points

4y = 10

Divide by 5

4y/4 = 10/4

y = 5/2



Step-by-step explanation:

it went up two so i guess the other has to go down two?

Which choice shows the coordinates of C' if the trapezoid is reflected across the y-axis?



(-5, 3)

Step-by-step explanation:

two football tickets and one basketball ticket cost $126.77. one football ticket and 2 basketball tickets cost $128.86 find the cost of each ticket



Cost of each football ticket=$41.56

Cost of each  basketball ticket=$43.56

Step-by-step explanation:


Cost of each football ticket=x

Cost of each basket ball ticket=y

According to question


[tex]x+2y=128.86[/tex] ....(2)

We have to find  the cost of each ticket.

Equation (1) multiply by 2 then we get

[tex]4x+2y=253.54[/tex]  .....(3)

Now, subtract equation (2) from (3)




Now, using the value of x in equation (2)





Hence, cost of each football ticket=$41.56

Cost of each  basketball ticket=$43.56

0.5 + 1/9 show step by step and ill make you brainliest


Answer: 11/18          

1. Convert 0.5 to a fraction


5/10 simplifies to 1/2

2. Add 1/2 and 1/9 by finding a common denominator

Common deniminator is 18 (2*9=18, 9*2=18)



3. Add


4. The answer is 11/18

[tex]\displaystyle\ \Large \boldsymbol 0,5+\frac{1}{9} =\frac{1^{/9}}{2} +\frac{1^{/2}}{9}=\frac{9+2}{18} =\boxed{\frac{11}{18} }[/tex]

Help me ASAP please people


Answer: 36

Step-by-step explanation= First let's calculate the area of the the inner rectangle so 6x4=24. Now let's add the area of the rectangle,(BY CUTTING IT INTO HALF) this part is hard but first lets add 3 cm then, 2 cm then lets add, 1 cm. So (3x2 is 6) now lets multiply that by 1, so you get 6. Multiply that by 4 it = 24 now let's add 24+24 which = 48. Hope it helps!!

Which proportion would you use to find what percent 6 is of 40?



6/100 = x/40

Step-by-step explanation:

6% is represented by 6/100, x is the variable in the proportion, and 40 is the whole you are finding the percentage of

If the area of a rectangle is x^2 + 10x + 21 and the
width is x + 7, then what is the perimeter?
a) 4x + 20
b) 2x + 14
c) 2x + 10



OPTION A is the correct answer.

Can someone help me with this math homework please!




Step-by-step explanation:

From the graph,

x1 = 0

x2 = 4

y1 = 0

y2 = 14

Formula : -

Slope = ( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 )


= ( 14 - 0 ) / ( 4 - 0 )

= 14 / 4

= 7 / 2

= 3.5



Step-by-step explanation:

the slope of a line is the ratio of y/x.

it describes how many units y changes, when x changes a defined number of units.

an increase is indicated by "+", and a decrease by "-".

the point with full integer/natural numbers as coordinates is (4, 14).

that means that when coming from point 0 (0, 0) x increases by 4 units, and y increases by 14 units.

so, the slope of line is 14/4 = 7/2

Find BD , given that line AB is the angle bisector of < CAD​




Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is 23 by the definition of angle bisector.

Can someone help me please hurry


9 tiles lay along each wall

Pls give step by step explanation



6.   A    5c + 3e + 2

7.   A    w = P/2 - 125

8.   D   point S

Step-by-step explanation:


3 triangles + 5 hexagons + 2 squares =

= 3e + 5c + 2(1)

= 5c + 3e + 2


perimeter = P

length = 250 m

width = w

P = 2L + 2W

P = 2(250) + 2w

2w = P - 500

w = (1/2)(P - 500)

w = (P - 500)/2

w = P/2 - 250

Incorrect expression: w =  P/2 - 125


X = 5

Y = -25

X - Y = 5 - (-25) = 5 + 25 = 30

S = 30

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