can you do this question?


Answer 1


A. Sandy :- 1 - must

Lucky :- 2- must 3- mustn't

Sandy :- 4 - must 5- don't 6 - have to

Lucky :- 7 - mustn't.


B. 1 - shouldn't

2- should

3- shouldn't

4 - should

5 - shouldn't

6 - should

7 - should

8 - should


C. 1 - My sister must tidy her bedroom now.

2 - You mustn't shout in the class.

3 - My parents must do sport every day.

4 - They mustn't wake the baby.

5 - We mustn't walk on the glass.

6 - He must buy some fruits.

7 - You must go to the hospital if you have a cold.


I hope this is helpful to you!!

Related Questions


Read the following excerpt from the ending of Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun:
WALTER (A beat. The tension hangs; then WALTER steps back from it) Yeah. Well — what I mean is that we come from people who had a lot of pride. I mean — we are very proud people. And that's my sister over there and she's going to be a doctor — and we are very proud —

LINDNER Well — I am sure that is very nice, but —

WALTER What I am telling you is that we called you over here to tell you that we are very proud and that this — (Signaling to TRAVIS) Travis, come here. (TRAVIS crosses and WALTER draws him before him facing the man) This is my son, and he makes the sixth generation our family in this country. And we have all thought about your offer —

LINDNER Well, good . . . good —

WALTER And we have decided to move into our house because my father — my father — he earned it for us brick by brick. (MAMA has her eyes closed and is rocking back and forth as though she were in church, with her head nodding the Amen yes) We don't want to make no trouble for nobody or fight no causes, and we will try to be good neighbors. And that's all we got to say about that. (He looks the man absolutely in the eyes) We don't want your money. (He turns and walks away)

LINDNER (Looking around at all of them) I take it then — that you have decided to occupy . . .

BENEATHA That's what the man said.

How does this excerpt contribute to the theme of A Raisin in the Sun? What aesthetic impact did the author intend it to have on the reader? Be sure to cite evidence from the reading to support your claim.


Answer: The theme of pride is a clear manifest in the ending part of Lorraine's excerpt.

We canidentify that the play is depicting characters who have little to identifywith.

We see that neighborhood representative shows up and offers to buy outtheirhouse.

The play depicts this decision as pride overmoney, and although money doeswin out for a little bit, the Walter family maintains itspride in the end.

We see how Walter blatant about this pride that he claims that the housewasearned through their late father's sweat.

The author intends to bring out the blatant idea of pride in the Younger familythrough thecharacter of Walter in the excerpt.

He portrays Walter as aggressively boastful to fit thisfamily trait.

Is this good

Answer:Among the two characters, Walter and Linder, the conversation conveys Pride and Discrimination.

The line "And that's my sister over there and she's going to be a doctor - and we are very proud" tells that the entire family of Walters are a very proud family. That is overlooking the fact that Walter Lee states that, “...we come from people who had a lot of pride. I mean — we are very proud people”. Also, Walter has quite a bit of self-importance, you can see from the way he interrupts Lindner on multiple occasions as he tries to convince the man that they will not be taking his offer.

The general plot of A Raisin in the Sun centers around the Younger family selfishly trying to live out their own individual dreams- with Mama wanting to purchase a nice house for her family. Lindner clearly does not wish for the family to move into the house, and he is trying to convince them to sell it back. At one point he tries to “appeal” to Mama, implying that she is “older and wiser” and should understand why they cannot move into their new home which is canonically located in a predominantly White area. He is not happy about their decision, leaving them with an ominous, “I sure hope you people know what you're getting into”.


This is what I wrote for mine, but I'm not sure how much this will help...

Paragraphs 1 and 2 suggest that Ray likes Lilly because
he believes she is original and stands out in the community
he believes she is hard working and is considered a success at school
he values her polite reactions when people are kind to her
he values her appearance and confidence


Still wondering hmmmmmmmmm

if asteroid plowed into Earth who'd get the worst of it​



sea animals would get the worse of it because the water would be heated up to astounding temperature that would instantly vaporize all ocean dwelling species.

rất vui khi được gặp bạn


Answer:  Nice to meet you


Both the nervous and endocrine systems send electrical and chemical signals for internal communication.





The endocrine system uses chemical signalling (hormones, produced by glands) while the nervous system uses electrical signalling (neural impulses).

the endocrine system uses chemical signalling

Which scenario most accurately represents James Green's rea





I've Done This Question Before<3

What are they doing?_They’re .............. with paper boat.
A. doing B.making C.playing



they're playing with paper boat


they playing with paper boat.

It is believed that many yogis meditate without food or water for weeks.
pls help me change active to passive∧∧



It is a belief that many yogis meditate without food or water for weeks.

How has Jerry’s behavior changed from the beginning?


Jerry has matured because he’s able to swim trough the tunnel by himself.

why is health is a wealth



Health is a wealth beacuse there is nothing important other than health in this world . Without our proper health we cannot do anything . Thus, health is the greatest wealth .

Health is wealth because of you are not taking care of your health then you will die and the wealth doesn’t go to heaven with you..

write an email to your friend about the Colombo International book fair to be organised next week at the BMICH I invite him or her to visit that exhibition.​


The answer to the given question is explained below

Dear Brian,

Hope you are fine, I have come across an event that is going to take place next week at the BMICH, it is Colombo International Book Fair. I will also be visiting the book fair and i hope you will also visit there because your exams will be over by the next week and you will be able to spend more time on reading more books and attend such events.


learn more at

1. Do you use public transport? Why / why not?





Because it helps reduce the levels of emissions caused by my movement, and in turn helps my impact on Global warming.


in my country(tr) we use public transport like metrobüse metro, bus, and train


million of people use bus station every day. generally of people want to go to work or school or office. We can protect atmosphere if we use public transport from individual cars. Because when we use public transport we we give damage to ozon just a bi Lt due to carbon dioxide.

1.Sue went shopping so she could buy herself a new television
-> Sue …



sue went shopping so that she could buy a new television for herself

My family will open a new restaurant change passive voice



A new resturant will be opened by my family.

over population is causing more problem than we can imagine


When we use the term “overpopulation,” we specifically mean a situation in which the Earth cannot regenerate the resources used by the world’s population each year. Experts say this has been the case every year since 1970, with each successive year becoming more and more damaging. To help temper this wildly unsustainable situation, we need to understand what’s contributing to overpopulation and overconsumption and how these trends are affecting everything from climate change to sociopolitical unrest.

Today the Earth is home to more than 7.8 billion people. By 2100 the population is on track to hit 10.8 billion, according to the United Nations — and that’s assuming steady fertility declines in many countries. Interestingly, if extra progress is made in women’s reproductive self-determination, and fertility falls more than the United Nations assumes is likely, the population in 2100 might be a relatively smaller 7.3 billion.

Conversations about overpopulation can quickly become controversial because they beg the question: Who exactly is the cause of the problem and what, if anything, should be done about it? Many population experts worry discussions around overpopulation will be abused by small-minded people to suggest some are the “right people” to be on the planet (like themselves), and some people are “the wrong people” (usually people in poverty, people of color, foreigners, and so on—you get the drift). But there are no “right” or “wrong” people on the planet, and discussing the problems of global overpopulation can never be an excuse, or in any way provide a platform, for having that type of conversation.

(riddle) Why can't someone living in kathmandu be buried in pokhara?​



I honestly don't know lol why?



It was many and many a year ago


What was? I don’t understand sorry


It was many, many years ago.


many, many years

In your opinion, what factors lead to succes



In my opinion :


positive thinking



Help me please……………………..


Yes answer is D read before u study vocabulary

What prevents the Time Traveller from going to kill the Morlock impulsively in The Time Machine, as soon as he finds weapons?

A. He concludes the Morlocks are too strong to beat with a crow bar.
B. The Eloi people
C. Logic—he needs to plan first.
D. Weena





In the book it states "Now that he has a weapon, he wants to go kill Morlocks. But he doesn't want to leave Weena alone".

The correct option is D. Weena prevents the Time Traveller from going to kill the Morlock impulsively in The Time Machine, as soon as he finds weapons. The Time Traveler saves an Eloi woman named Weena from drowning. Weena surprises and charms the Time Traveler by following him everywhere from that point on and showering him with flowers regularly as a token of appreciation and affection, even though he does not expect appreciation or acknowledgment in exchange for his bravery.

What happened to the Time Traveler in The Time Machine?

The Time Traveler vanishes and is never seen again. We have no idea where or why he left. The unidentified narrator makes some educated guesses to illustrate the variety of scenarios that could occur: perhaps he is in the distant past or among dinosaurs (but obviously not at the same time).

When Weena was first encountered by the Time Traveler, her Eloi comrades were disregarding her misery as she was drowning in a river. He jumped in and saved her, and she immediately showered him with love and devotion. She followed him as he scoured the area in search of The Time Machine.

Learn more about The Time Machine here:


Although she is not rich,she always wear.......clothes. a) respected b) respective c) respectful d) respect​


The most appropriate word to fill in the blank is; c) respectful.

In English language, an adjective is one of the parts of speech and it can be defined as a word that qualifies or describes a noun in a sentence. Some examples of an adjective are big, small, happy, tall, short, fat, rambunctious, respectful, etc.

Respectful simply means to be characterized by respect, politeness or showing deference.

In this context, respectful is an adjective that qualifies or describes the clothe (a noun) she is wearing. Thus, we can infer that her clothes command respect and shows deference.

In conclusion, she always wear respectful clothes even though she's not rich.

Read this claim from paragraph 2 of the passage:

Ten years later, mobile phones were available to the public, and since then cell phone technology has completely changed

Which type of evidence does the author use to support this claim?

Select one:
O a. Facts and statistics
O b. Expert opinion
O c.
Anecdotal evidence
O d. No evidence



O a. Facts and statistics.


The given sentence is taken from the text "Cell Phones: Classroom Technology of the Future" which talks about the influence of cell phones in our lives. The text also ventures into how this once-simple device for phone calls became an extreme, even at times, over the top, priority in our daily lives.

In stating that "ten years later, mobile phones were available to the public, . . . completely chang[ing] communication", the author is using facts and statistics to support his argument.

Thus, the correct answer is option a.

You need a venue for your company's annual Sales
convention. Call a hotel in Dallas and find out about
• location (distance to stations, airports)
• number of rooms
• meeting rooms
• relaxation facilities.
Arrange a meeting. You are busy on 26th May (p.m.)
and 27th May. You are free on 28th May (p m.)



Yes, then you arrange the meeting on the 28th May (pm) since you are free.

What is the meaning of Moral Decadence as a theme in Literature



moral or culture decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury .

Read the passage and then answer the question:
I set the wrench upon
a bare countertop
in my workshop.
Which term best describes the poetic device used in the passage?
A. Personification
B. Metaphor
C. Symbolism
D. Enjambment



D, enjambment


Why does Momma "keep her cool” so well when she is being “aped” by
the "powhitetrash” girls? How does witnessing this incident affect
pieces of evidences


The question is from the book "I know why the cages birds sings". Momma has two vital rules which are that one should not be impudent and dirty.

Momma "keep her cool” so well when she is being “aped” by the "powhitetrash” girls as she believed that the girls were not worth her time and due to this, she was calm and wasn't bothered.

Momma continued humming a tune. On the other hand, Maya really felt humiliated.

Can someone help me please





I hope it helps choose me the brainest

We go for a walk every day



Oh that's good for healthy body


I think it's great for your body. Walking also helps to relax the mind. Walking on a fresh air day is not a bad idea. But the epidemic is still raging, remember to stay healthy! <333


“Consequently, we are running of resources without a more energy efficient
option." is an example of
A. Causeleffect transition
B. Addition transition
C. Concluding transition
D. Rhetorical question



A). Causal effect transition


The transition words are described as the words that are employed to connect ideas in a fluent manner. They function as a bridge to ensure the smooth flow of ideas by relating one sentence to the other to show the association.

In the given sentence, the use of the causal effect transition word 'consequently' which shows that how a specific cause brought a particular effect('we are running of resources...efficient'). These causal effect transitions show the reason behind a certain event, action, or idea which is followed by the effect led by that cause. Hence, option A is the correct answer.

hello, Students here is your qna
Who is the president of Nepal Now,
1. Kp Baaa
2.puspha kamal dahal
3.sher Bahadur Deuba​



Bidhya Devi Bhandari is a present President of Nepal.

None of Three choice that you have given


Aarne. hello students

student. Yes teacher.

Aarne. Who is the president of Nepal Now,

1. Kp Baaa

2.puspha kamal dahal

3.sher Bahadur Deuba

student. Sir, where is four choice

Aarne. I have not shown because 4 choice is answer.


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