Cheetah Copy purchased a new copy machine. The new machine cost $100,000 including installation. The company estimates the equipment will have a residual value of $25,000. Cheetah Copy also estimates it will use the machine for four years or about 8,000 total hours. Actual use per year was as follows:

Year Hours Used
1 3,000
2 2,000
3 1,200
4 2,800

Prepare a depreciation schedule for four years using the straight-line method.


Answer 1


Results are below.


Giving the following information:

Purchase price= $100,000

Salvage value= $25,000

Useful life= 4 years

To calculate the annual depreciation, we need to use the following formula:

Annual depreciation= (original cost - salvage value)/estimated life (years)

Annual depreciation= (100,000 - 25,000) / 4

Annual depreciation= $18,750

Year 1:

Annual depreciation= 18,750

Accumulated depreciation= 18,750

Book value= 100,000 - 18,750= 81,250

Year 2:

Annual depreciation= 18,750

Accumulated depreciation= 18,750*2= 37,500

Book value= 100,000 - 37,500= 62,500

Year 3:

Annual depreciation= 18,750

Accumulated depreciation= 18,750*3= 56,250

Book value= 100,000 - 56,250= 43,750

Year 4:

Annual depreciation= 18,750

Accumulated depreciation= 18,750*4= 75,000

Book value= 100,000 - 75,000= 25,000

Related Questions

Fiat announces its intention to build an all-electric car plant in Belvidere, Illinois. Fiat also announces it intends to sell one million vehicles per year. It hires 3000 additional workers - enough to keep the plant operating at full capacity. Fiat also signs contracts with its unions committing to pay all of its workers at this plant for 2 full years whether or not the production at the plant reaches capacity. Is this a strong strategic commitment by Fiat?



Yes, this is Fiat's strong strategic commitment, as a company's strategy corresponds to the set of actions that a company plans to achieve its long-term goals and objectives.

When the company then announces to stakeholders its intention to build an electric car plant in Illinois, as well as its plans to sell one million vehicles a year, hire 3,000 additional workers, and sign workers' pay contracts for 2 full years, it is assuming to its target audience a commitment to comply with their declarations, which means that the new investments and launching of new products will impact the company as a whole, its profitability, market value and competitiveness, which can then be understood. as a strong strategic commitment by Fiat.

Profit Center Responsibility Reporting for a Service Company
Thomas Railroad Company organizes its three divisions, the North (N), South (S), and West (W) regions, as profit centers. The chief executive officer (CEO) evaluates divisional performance, using income from operations as a percent of revenues. The following quarterly income and expense accounts were provided from the trial balance as of December 31:
Revenues—N Region $1,039,000
Revenues—S Region 1,281,400
Revenues—W Region 2,205,700
Operating Expenses—N Region 658,400
Operating Expenses—S Region 762,600
Operating Expenses—W Region 1,333,900
Corporate Expenses—Dispatching 518,400
Corporate Expenses—Equipment Management 259,700
Corporate Expenses—Treasurer’s 158,000
General Corporate Officers’ Salaries 349,000
The company operates three service departments: the Dispatching Department, the Equipment Management Department, and the Treasurer’s Department. The Dispatching Department manages the scheduling and releasing of completed trains. The Equipment Management Department manages the railroad cars inventories. It makes sure the right freight cars are at the right place at the right time. The Treasurer’s Department conducts a variety of services for the company as a whole. The following additional information has been gathered:
North South West
Number of scheduled trains 5,400 6,500 9,700
Number of railroad cars in inventory 1,200 2,000 1,700


Question Completion:

1. Prepare quarterly income statements showing income from operations for the three regions. Use three column headings: North, South, and West. Do not round your interim calculations Thomas Railroad Company Divisional Income Statements For the Quarter Ended December 3:1 North South West Revenues Operating expenses Income from operations before service department charges Service department charges: Dispatching Equipment Management Total service department charges Income from operations

2. What is the profit margin of each division? Round to one decimal place Region North Region South Region West Region Identify the most successful region according to the profit margin Profit Margin 0%6

3. What would you include in a recommendation to the CEO for a better method for evaluating the performance of the divisions?

a. The method used to evaluate the performance of the divisions should be reevaluated

b. A better divisional performance measure would be the rate of return on investment (income from operations divided by divisional assets).

c. A better divisional performance measure would be the residual income (income from operations less a minimal return on divisional assets).

d. None of these choices would be Included

e. All of these choices (a, b & c) would be included.


Thomas Railroad Company

1. Thomas Railroad Company

Divisional Income Statements

For the Quarter Ended December 3:

Divisions                          North (N)       South (S)         West (W)

Revenues                     $1,039,000    $1,281,400    $2,205,700

Operating expenses        658,400       762,600        1,333,900

Income from operations

before service

department charges     $380,600      $518,800        $871,800

Service department charges:

Dispatching                     $63,600      $106,000         $90,100

Equipment management 39,500          47,550           70,950

Total service

department charges     $103,100      $153,548       $161,050

Income from operations 277,500    $365,252       $710,750

2. Profit margin ratio      26.7%           28.5%             32.2%

West's performance is above all the rest, with a profit margin of 32.2%.

3. e. All of these choices (a, b & c) would be included.


Divisions                      North (N)       South (S)         West (W)

Revenues                $1,039,000    $1,281,400    $2,205,700

Operating expenses   658,400       762,600        1,333,900

Corporate Expenses—Equipment Management 259,700

Corporate Expenses—Treasurer’s 158,000

General Corporate Officers’ Salaries 349,000

Additional data:

Divisions                                           North (N)   South (S)     West (W)  Total

Number of scheduled trains              5,400        6,500         9,700   21,600

Number of railroad cars in inventory 1,200        2,000          1,700    4,900

Corporate Expenses—Equipment Management 259,700/4,900 = $53

Corporate Expenses—Treasurer’s 158,000/21,600 = $7.315

                                               North (N)   South (S)     West (W)  Total

Service departments costs:  

Dispatching                           $63,600   $106,000    $90,100  $259,700

Equipment management       39,500       47,550      70,950     158,000

General Corporate Officers’ Salaries 349,000

Aztec Inc. produces soft drinks. Mixing is the first department, and its output is measured in gallons. Aztec uses the FIFO method. All manufacturing costs are added uniformly. For July, the mixing department provided the following information:

Units in process, July 1, 60% complete 18,000 gallons
Units completed and transferred out 141,000 gallons
Units in process, July 31, 45% complete 16,000 gallons
Work in process, July 1 $36,000
Costs added during July 398,460

Prepare a production report.



Aztec Inc.

Mixing Department

Production Report

For the month of July

Equivalent units of production:

Beginning work in process       18,000                  7,200 (40%)

Units started and completed 139,000               139,000 (100%)

Ending work in process           16,000                   7,200 (45%)

Total equivalent units of production                 153,400

Cost per equivalent unit:

Costs added during July $398,460

Equivalent units                 153,400

Cost per equivalent unit = $2.60 ($398,460/153,400)

Cost to be accounted for:

Work in process, July 1                  $36,000

Costs added during July               398,460

Total costs to be accounted for $434,460

Costs assigned:

Beginning work in process = $18,720 (7,200 * $2.60)

Units started and completed = $361,400 (139,000 * $2.60)

Ending work in process =  $18,720 (7,200 * $2.60)

Costs assigned to:

Units completed and transferred out:

 Beginning work in process costs:

   60% completion =     $36,000

   40% completion =        18,720

 Units started and

  completed in July =   361,400

Total costs assigned to

 units transferred out =                 $416,120

Cost of ending work in process =    18,720

Total costs assigned =                 $434,840


a) Data and Calculations:

FIFO Method

                                                      Units       Degree of Completion

July 1 work in process                 18,000                   60%

Units transferred out                 141,000

July 31 work in process              16,000                    45%

Production units available       157,000

Beginning work in process       18,000                   40% to be completed

Units started and completed 139,000                   100%

Should we, as Americans, be concerned with the economies and standard of living of other countries?


Answer: No the economy and standard of living should be american's focus.

Explanation: If we as american's can't find a solution to our own problem's then it's unlikely that we would be able to solve another countries problems.

No, If we as Americans can't find a solution to our own problem because there exist many differences in the levels of living between various countries.

What is the standard of living?

Standards of living can concern multiple aspects of a population, including satisfaction and productivity. This stands significant because the more significant productivity and happiness exist, the more suitable an economy grows to be as a whole.

The real cause for the dissimilarities in the levels of living between various countries exists the dissimilarity in their levels of national income. The group of national income relies upon the entire volume of an exhibition in the country.

To learn more about standard of living refer to:


You're trying to save to buy a new $207,000 Ferrari. You have $57,000 today that can be invested at your bank. The bank pays 6.5 percent annual interest on its accounts. How long will it be before you have enough to buy the car?



19.84 years


Number of years =  in ( fv / pv) / r  

FV = future value

PV = present value

r = interest rate

IN(207000 / 57000) / 0.065

IN (3.631579) / 0.065 = 19.84

At the end of the previous year, a customer owed Days Company $400. On February 1 of the current year, the customer paid $600 total, which included the $400 owed plus $200 owed through February 1st. The journal entry on February 1 is? (Check all that apply.)



The relevant journal entry would be:

Date                    Account Title                                           Debit            Credit

February 1          Cash                                                       $600

                          Accounts Receivable                                                   $400

                           Revenue                                                                       $200

The entire $600 will be debited to cash to show that $600 was received in cash.

$400 will go to Accounts Receivable to cancel out the debt owed by the customer.

Revenue will be credited $200 for the amount owed through February 1st. Revenue is credited when it increases.

Answer: Cash will debited for $600

Accounts receivable will be credited for $400

Service revenue would be credited for $200

Explanation: it’s was the correct answer on the homework

A firm has net working capital of $560, net fixed assets of $2,306, sales of $6,700, and current liabilities of $870. How many dollars worth of sales are generated from every $1 in total assets?
a. $1.70.
b. $2.52.
c. $1.63.
d. $1.87.
e. $2.09.





Net working capital is $560

Net fixed assets is $2,306

Sales is $6,700

Liabilities is $870

Therefore the amount of dollar wort sales generated in every $1 can be calculated as follows

= 560+870

= 1,430


= 6700/3736

= 1.79×1

= 1.79

In markets where the government imposes an excise tax on unit sales, it also has a tendency to dabble with restrictions on advertising (for example, cigarettes and hard liquor). Do potential (or actual) restrictions on advertising in these markets serve the interest of a government that is interested in maximizing its tax revenue from the sale of these products? Explain your answer



I am sorry I don't know sorry again

Capstone Inc. collects 85% of its sales on account in the month of the sale and 15% in the month following the sale. If sales on account are budgeted to be $265,000 for September and $225,000 for October, what are the budgeted cash receipts from sales on account for October? $fill in the blank 1


Answer: $231,000


The budgeted cash receipts in October is:

= (85% * October sales) + (15% * September sales)

= (85% * 225,000) + (15% * 265,000)

= 191,250 + 39,750

= $231,000

Each of Professor A and Professor B at UTD has a private secretary, who can type four letters per hour. The letters are generated at a rate of three per hour by each of the two professors, who have been wondering if they would benefit from pooling the two secretaries. Perform a queuing analysis. What is the average waiting time of a letter in the system.



Average waiting time = 7.5 minutes


UTD private secretary can type the number of letters = 4  per hour by each.

By professor, the letter generated = 3 per hour by each

Thus by pooling the average time will be the time that comes by dividing the one hour with total letters in an hour.

Use the below formula:

Average waiting time = Minutes in one hour / total letters

Average waiting time = 60 / 8

Average waiting time = 7.5 minutes

On June 30, 2021, Moran Corporation issued $9.0 million of its 8% bonds for $8.1 million. The bonds were priced to yield 10%. The bonds are dated June 30, 2021. Interest is payable semiannually on December 31 and July 1. If the effective interest method is used, by how much should the bond discount be reduced for the six months ended December 31, 202





Calculation to determine by how much should the bond discount be reduced for the six months ended December 31, 202

First step

Semiannual interest paid on 31.12.2021 = $9,000,000*8%*6/12

Semiannual interest paid on 31.12.2021= $360,000

Second step

Effective interest expense on 31.12.2021 = $8,100,000 * 10% * 6/12

Effective interest expense on 31.12.2021= $405,000

Last step

Bond discount to be reduced for 6 months ended 31.12.2021 = $405,000 - $360,000

Bond discount to be reduced for 6 months ended 31.12.2021=$45,000

Therefore by how much should the bond discount be reduced for the six months ended December 31, 202 will be $45,000

Beasley, Inc., reports the following amounts in its December 31, 2021, income statement. Sales revenue $ 340,000 Income tax expense $ 39,000 Interest expense 10,000 Cost of goods sold 129,000 Salaries expense 32,000 Advertising expense 24,000 Utilities expense 42,000 Prepare a multiple-step income statement.



Beasley, Inc.

Beasley, Inc.

Income Statement

For the year ended December 31, 2021:

Sales revenue                    $ 340,000

Cost of goods sold                129,000

Gross profit                          $211,000

Operating Expenses:

Salaries expense                   32,000

Advertising expense             24,000

Utilities expense                   42,000

Total operating expenses $98,000

Operating income (EBIT)  $113,000

Interest expense                  10,000

Income before taxes       $103,000

Income tax expense        $ 39,000

Net income                       $64,000


a) Data and Calculations:

Beasley, Inc.

Income Statement

For the year ended December 31, 2021:

Sales revenue $ 340,000

Cost of goods sold 129,000

Salaries expense 32,000

Advertising expense 24,000

Utilities expense 42,000

Interest expense 10,000

Income tax expense $ 39,000

A job was budgeted to require 5 hours of labor per unit at $12.00 per hour. The job consisted of 8,100 units and was completed in 37,500 hours at a total labor cost of $489,800. What is the direct labor rate variance



3,800 unfavorable


A job was budgeted at 5 hours of labour unit at $12 for an hour

The job consists of 8,100 units

It was completed in 37,500 hours

The total labor cost is $489,800

The direct labor rate variance can be calculated as follows

= 5×12×8100

= 486,000


= -3,800(since It has a negative sign it is unfavorable)

= 3,800 unfavorable

The goods that the enterprise wants or intends to add to its capital stock are inventories.





Because for their profit

a granary allocates the cost of unprocessed wheat to the production of feed flour and starch 100000. how much of the 120000 cost should be allocated to feed if the value basis is used


Question is incomplete : Find complete version in the comment section:




Product __ pound ___ price/pound ____ value

Feed ___ 100000 ____ 0.70 ________ 70000

Flour ___ 50000 _____ 2.20 ________ 110000

Starch __ 20000 _____ 1.00 ________ 20000

Total value _____________________ 200000

In value basis :

Feed's percentage of total value :

(Feed value / total value) * 100%

(70000 / 200000) * 100%

0.35 * 100% = 35%

Feed percentage * joint cost

35% * 120,000 = 42,000

Many exchange-traded funds limit their portfolios to:___________
a. high quality securities
b. stocks and bonds of companies in a particular industry
c. stocks included in an aggregate measure of stock prices
d. stocks that respond to changes in consumer prices (the Consumer Price Index or CPI)


I honestly don’t know because I honestly don’t know

Marble Books, Inc., is expected to pay an annual dividend of $1.80 per share next year. The required return is 16 percent and the growth rate is 4 percent. What is the expected value of this stock five years from now





Calculation to determine the expected value of this stock five years from now

Expected value= 2.19/(0.16-0.04)

Expected value= 2.19/0.12

Expected value =$18.25

Therefore the expected value of this stock five years from now is $18.25

________ refers to a method of matching a single project of a company to another company with a single business focus in an effort to assign an appropriate level of risk to the project. A. Outside assignment B. Ghosting C. Subjective assignment D. Pure play


The method that should be matched the individual project of a company to the other company having an individual business focus for allocating a risk level is pure-play.

The information related to the pure-play is as follows:

It is to be focused on one business line only.It is distinct from the expanded companies where there are diversify product lines and revenue sources. It determined the beta coefficient because it compared to the other project as an individual business focus.

So it cannot be as the outside assignment, ghosting, and subjective assignment.

Therefore we can conclude that the method that should be matched the individual project of a company to the other company having an individual business focus for allocating a risk level is a pure-play.

Learn more about the level of risk here:

Vera PLC uses exponential smoothing with trend to forecast monthly sales. At the end of September, Small Industries PLC hopes to forecast sales for October. The trend through August has been 500 additional unit sales per month (Tt-1). Average sales have been 1800 units per month (St-1). The demand for September was 1780 units (AL). Vera PLC uses alpha (a) - 0.2 and Beta (B)-0.3. Note: This Forecasting Question relates to Questions 65-67. Following the first stage of the trend-adjusted exponential smoothing method, smooth the level of the series and calculate St for Vera PLC. (retain your answer and calculation for:________
a) 1985
b) 2563
c) 2196
d) 2144
e) 2373



Option c (2196) is the right solution.



[tex]\alpha = 0.2[/tex]



By using the formula, we get

⇒ [tex]S_t=\alpha\times A_t+(1-\alpha)\times (S_{t-1}+T_{t-1})[/tex]

By substituting the values, we get

        [tex]=0.2\times 1780 + (1 - 0.2)\times (1800+500)[/tex]

        [tex]=356+0.8\times 2300[/tex]



A dependency requiring a design be completed before manufacturing can start is an example of a(n):_________
A. Discretionary Dependency.
B. External dependency.
C. Mandatory dependency.
D. Scope dependency.



C. Mandatory dependency.


A dependency that requires a design to be completed before manufacturing can begin is an example of a mandatory dependency, which contractually mandates that certain tasks be completed on the design as a requirement.

Mandatory dependency is more used when a project has certain limitations that require the fulfillment of other activities.

Antoine transfers property with a tax basis of $535 and a fair market value of $652 to a corporation in exchange for stock with a fair market value of $555 in a transaction that qualifies for deferral under section 351. The corporation assumed a liability of $97 on the property transferred. What is Antoine's tax basis in the stock received in the exchange


Answer: $438


Antoine's tax basis in the stock received in the exchange will be gotten as the adjusted basis of asset exchanged which will then be decreased by the liability assumed on the property that's transfered. This will be:

= $535 - $97

= $438

Therefore, Antoine's tax basis in the stock received in the exchange is $438.

Jarrod receives a scholarship of $28,000 from East State University to be used to pursue a bachelor's degree. He spends $16,800 on tuition, $1,400 on books and supplies, $5,600 for room and board, and $4,200 for personal expenses. Jarrod may exclude _______ from his gross income.





Calculation to determine what Jarrod may exclude from his gross income.

Using this formula

Gross income=Tuition+Books and supplies

Let plug in the formula

Gross income= $16,800 + $1,400

Gross income=$18,200

Therefore Jarrod may exclude $18,200 from his gross income.

Inventors in developing countries are usually unable to capture the full benefit of their innovations. They therefore tend to devote too few resources to research. Government can address this problem of under-investment in research by (i) increasing restrictions on trade; (ii) establishing a patent system to provide inventors with exclusive control over their inventions for a period of time; (iii) subsidising the purchase of technology from other countries.
a. only (i) is used.
b. only (ii) is used.
c. only (iii) is used.
d. (i), (ii) and (iii) are all used.



establishing a patent system to provide inventors with exclusive control over their inventions for a period of time.this way inventors will devout a lot of resources to research.

I hope this helps and sorry if it's wrong

On September 1, Home Store sells a mower (that costs $320) for $620 cash with a one-year warranty that covers parts. Warranty expense is estimated at 8% of sales. On January 24 of the following year, the mower is brought in for repairs covered under the warranty requiring $43 in materials taken from the Repair Parts Inventory. Prepare the September 1 entry to record the mower sale (and cost of sale) and the January 24 entry to record the warranty repairs. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.) View transaction list Journal entry worksheet 3 4 Record the cost of mower sales. Note: Enter debits before credits. General Journal Debit Credit Date Sep 01 Record entry Clear entry View general journal



Sep 1

Dr Cash $620

Cr Sales revenue $620

Sep 1

Dr Cost of Goods Sold $320

Cr Inventory $320

Sep 1

Dr Warranty expense $47

Cr Estimated warranty liability $47

Jan 24

Dr Estimated warranty liability $43

Cr Repair parts inventory $43


Preparation of the September 1 entry to record the mower sale (and cost of sale) and the January 24 entry to record the warranty repairs

Sep 1

Dr Cash $620

Cr Sales revenue $620

( To record sale )

Sep 1

Dr Cost of Goods Sold $320

Cr Inventory $320

(To record costs)

Sep 1

Dr Warranty expense $47

Cr Estimated warranty liability $47


(To record Warranty expense )

Jan 24

Dr Estimated warranty liability $43

Cr Repair parts inventory $43

(To record Warranty incurred)



1 September:

Dr Cash $620

Cr Sales revenue $620

(To record cash receipt from mower sale)

1 September:

Dr Cost of goods sold $320

Cr Finished goods inventory $320

(Cost of mower sale recorded)

1 September:

Dr Warranty expense $49.60

Cr Warranty liability $49.60

(To record estimated warranty expense)

24 January:

Dr Warranty liability $43.00

Cr Repair Parts Inventory $43.00

(To record cost of warranty repairs)


Warranty Expense = Sales Revenue × Estimated Warranty Expenses

= $620 × 8%

= $49.60

Joe had made an agreement with Auto Insurance Co. not to use his van for commercial business purposes when he purchased auto insurance. Joe had an accident while delivering pizzas for Bigger Pizza, Inc. For which type of violation will Joe not be covered under his insurance?





From the question we are informed about Joe who had made an agreement with Auto Insurance Co. not to use his van for commercial business purposes when he purchased auto insurance. Joe had an accident while delivering pizzas for Bigger Pizza, Inc. the type of violation that Joe will not be covered under his insurance is Concealment.

Concealment can be regarded as omission of information during insurance process, which would definitely has effect on the issuance as well as the rate of an insurance contract. In a case whereby the insurer is unable to get access to the nondisclosed information and the

nondisclosed information is material as regards the decision-making process, nullification of the insurance contract can be carried out by the insurer.

The finished goods inventory on hand on December 31, 2018 was 21,000 units. It is the company's policy to maintain a finished goods inventory at the end of each quarter equal to 20% of the next quarter's anticipated sales. Prepare a production budget for 2019.


Question Completion:

Benet Company has budgeted the following unit sales for 2019 and 2020:

                        Quarter 1   Quarter 2   Quarter 3   Quarter 4   Quarter 1

Sales units       105,000       60,000       75,000      120,000      90,000


Benet Company

Production Budget for 20198:

                               Quarter 1   Quarter 2  Quarter 3   Quarter 4

Sales units               105,000       60,000      75,000      120,000

Ending inventory       12,000        15,000      24,000        18,000

Units available for

sale                          117,000       75,000      99,000      138,000

Beginning inventory 21,000        12,000       15,000       24,000

Production               96,000       63,000       84,000      114,000


a) Data and Calculations:

Budgeted unit sales for 2019 and 2020:

                               Quarter 1   Quarter 2  Quarter 3   Quarter 4   Quarter 1

Sales units               105,000       60,000      75,000      120,000     90,000

Ending inventory       12,000        15,000      24,000        18,000

Units available for

sale                          117,000       75,000      99,000      138,000

Beginning inventory 21,000        12,000       15,000       24,000      18,000

Production               96,000       63,000       84,000      114,000

The first three cars I bought all fell apart around 50,000 miles. It was called planned obsolescence and no one seemed to care until companies entered the market and promised 70,000, then 80,000, and finally 100,000 warranties. What sets a great car apart from a good one now is not the quality, which is assumed, but performance, safety and fuel economy. A car that can achieve all three is highly sought after. In the automotive market, performance, safety and fuel economy are sterling examples of:



Order Winners


Order winners basically mean the winning attributes that customers will seek in order to successfully buy a product.

This is in fact because a customer's decision in buying a product is based on the value for money, so things such as price, availability, performance, and design are things to be considered by customers before deciding on the product.

As in the case above, the winning attributes in making a car great are performance, safety, and fuel economy. If such is found in a car then it would lead the car to be highly sought by the customers.

A group of workers normally consists of 60 men, 30 women and 20 boys. They are paid at standard hourly rates as under:

Men Rs. 280.00

Women Rs. 160.00

Boys Rs. 140.00

In a normal working week of 40 hours, the group is expected to produce 5,000 units of output.

During the week ending on March 21, 2021 the group consisted of 70 men, 25 women, and 25 boys. The actual wages paid were Rs. 270, Rs. 165 and Rs. 130 respectively. 4,500 units were produced.

The Company is using Flexible Budgeting.


2(a) Labour cost variance

2(b)Labour rate variance

2(c) Labour efficiency variance


Labour cost variance =  R.s 33,000 (F)Labour rate variance = R.s 33000 (F)Labour efficiency variance = 0


Standard Number of men = 60

Standard Number of women = 30

Standard Number of boys = 20

Standard hour rate for men = R.s 280

Standard hour rate for women = R.s 160

Standard hour rate for boys = R.s 140

Weekly working hour = 40 hours

Expected unit = 5,000 units

Number of men in march week = 70

Number of women in march week = 25

Number of boy in march week = 25

Actual wage for men = R.s 270

Actual wage for women = R.s 165

Actual wage for boys = R.s 130

Actual units = 4,500 units


Labour cost varianceLabour rate varianceLabour efficiency variance


Labour cost variance = [SC for AO] - AC

Labour cost variance =  [( 70 × 280) + (25 × 160) + (25 × 140)] - [(70 × 270) + (25 × 165) + (25 × 130)] × 40  

Labour cost variance = (27,100 - 26,275 ) × 40

Labour cost variance =  R.s 33,000 (F)  

Labour rate variance = (SR - AR) × AH worked

Labour rate variance = [(280 - 270)70 + (160 - 165)25 + (140 - 130)25]40

Labour rate variance = [700 - 125 + 250]40

Labour rate variance = [825]40

Labour rate variance = R.s 33000 (F)

Labour efficiency variance = (SH allowed - AH worked)SR

Labour efficiency variance = (0 - 0)SR

Labour efficiency variance = 0

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VICTORIA COMPANY CVP Income Statement For the Month Ended April 30, 2020 Total Per Unit Sales (9,000 units) $450,000 $50 Variable costs 225,000 25.00 Contribution margin 225,000 $25.00 Fixed expenses 184,950 Net income $40,050 Management is considering the following course of action to increase net income: Reduce the selling price by 5%, with no changes to unit variable costs or fixed costs. Management is confident that this change will increase unit sales by 20%. Using the contribution margin technique, compute the break-even



Follows are the solution to the given question:


In this question, we assume that there is no change in selling price.


[tex]\text{Break-even point}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \frac{184950}{25}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 7398\ units\\\\\text{Break-even point} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 7398\times 50 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 369900\\\\ \text{Margin of safety}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 450000-369900 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 80100\\\\[/tex]

A project manager forgets to assess how national holidays and team member vacations will affect the project’s completion date. Now, because of team member time off, the project delivery will be two weeks late. What flexible planning strategy could the project manager have used to avoid the delay?


The flexible strategy is used to avoid the delay in assessing the external constraints.

The following information regarding accessing external constraints:

It could be thrust upon an organization.It permits for uncovering the things that are beyond the control.The example involved national holidays or sick leaves.

If we accessing the external constraints so the delay could be avoided.

So, The other options seem incorrect

Therefore we can conclude that the flexible strategy is used to avoid the delay in assessing the external constraints.

Learn more about the external constraints here:

To reduce delays in considering external restrictions, a flexible technique is employed. The following details about external limitations are available:

It has the potential to be imposed on a company.It enables us to see what we can't see.National holidays and sick leave were used as examples.The delay may be minimized if we used external limitations.It concludes that the flexible technique is employed in order to prevent a delay in considering external limitations.

Therefore, "Assessing external constraints" is correct.

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