"Choose one of the following countries—Japan, Sweden, Russia, Mexico, Germany, Canada, China, or England—and prepare an economic report comparing the United States to the country you selected."


Answer 1


Comparing Sweden economy with USA.


The economy of Sweden is economically economically free. The Sweden economy has a lower score than US government. Bu has an higher composites of economic freedom and has an open market system.

Related Questions

Discuss the assertion that non-formal institutions have no role to play at the processing stage of the systems theory is an empty rhetoric.



The assertion occurs when non normal institutions who want to work are unable to find work, which reduces economic productivity. However, Institutions still need care. High institutions levels are a sign of economic stress, but the lowest processing stage levels can be a sign of overheating. Unemployment can be classified as a structural or institutional cycle. Assertion data is collected and published by government agencies in various ways.


Which groups' main disagreement at the framing was over the basis of representation in Congress?
Group of answer choices

small states and large states

populists and elitists

states' rights advocates and advocates for strong national government

the North and the South



small states and large states


New Jersey wanted equal amounts (ended up as Senate), but Virginia wanted population-based representation (ended up as House). Connecticut or Great Compromise came up with the United States' current style of Congressional government, which incorporates elements from both plans. :)

take an interview of your parents about the difficulties faced during the pandemic while running their household activities.plz answer correctly it is my project work.​



frequently disinfection

difficult to disinfect food items

having to pay more attention to child

high waste  and difficult to keep home orderly as most family members often stay at home


e. Heat is transferred in liquids by________________________

plz i dont wanna get grounded



by convection


it happens when particles with a lot of heat energy in

liquids or gas move and take the place of particles

with less energy.

About Turkey, Israel and Iran, which of the following statement is true A. These countries are not members of Arab League B. These countries are not in the map of West Asia. C. Arabic is the native language of these countries D. None of the above​



c.Arabic is the native language of these countries

The answer is A. These countries are not members of the Arab League

Which of the following best describes most of the climate and geography of Egypt?
A. Mountainous
B. Barren
C. Rich
D. Plentiful



C. Barren


The climate of Egypt is scorching hot because of the desert, as it has dry summers and mild winters. The desert surrounding the ancient Egyptians is barren and hot.  The geography of the ancient Egyptians allowed Egyptians to live all along the Nile River. The places closer to the delta allowed them to irrigate and access water.

List some rights of children and explain each in brief.​



right to food . they also need food to survive.

right to education . if we don't read then we can't get any job.

right to information. if we don't say anything then we never get justice

right to justic. if we don't say anything then we can't get justice.

Are people in your country generally interested in studying , do you think?



people are all different so yes, some may be interested in studying while others don't.

people are in interested in studying but this could be on methods we learn in our daily lives, in term of academic performance and many other things one can think of

What are the level wise professions?


I hope it may help you!

stay home ,stay safe

Please could any bady
Help me this


ik from Reddit that it’s the last choice :)

- Cụ bá quát, bắt đầu bao giờ cụ cũng quát để thử dây thần kinh của người.
Anh này lại say khướt rồi!
Hắn xông lại gần, đảo ngược mắt, giơ cái tay lên nửa chừng:
- Bẩm không ạ, bẩm thật là không say. Con đến xin cụ cho con đi ở tù, mà nếu không được thì... thì... thưa cụ...
- Hắn móc đủ mọi túi, để tìm một cái gì, hắn giơ ra: đó là một con dao nhỏ nhưng rất sắc. Hắn nghiến răng nói tiếp:
- Vâng, bẩm cụ không được thì con phải đâm chết dăm ba thằng rồi cụ bắt con giải huyện.
- Rồi hắn cúi xuống, tần mần gọt cạnh cái bàn lim. Cụ bá cười khanh khách – cụ vẫn tự phụ hơn đời ở cái cười Tào Tháo ấy, cụ đứng lên vỗ vai hắn mà bảo rằng:
- Anh bứa lắm. Nhưng này anh Chí ạ, anh muốn đâm người cũng không khó gì. Đội Tảo nó còn nợ tôi năm mươi đồng đấy, anh chịu khó đến đòi cho tôi, đòi được tự nhiên có vưởn.



we must treat all our neighbor's ____




and help


because neighbor'after it will be and because treat our neighbour's and so and help treat means something like help

Why are some people evil? Jealous, condescending and criticize you constantly.



jealousy. they are envious of what others have


Some people are jealous, condescending and criticize us constantly because they don't digest our development and they also cannot do anything because they are not enough powerful to compete us so they criticize us or be jealous.


what is social study



various aspects or branches of the study of human society, considered as an educational discipline.

"arts and social studies"

a part of a school or college curriculum concerned with the study of social relationships and the functioning of society and usually made up of courses in history, government, economics, civics, sociology, geography, and anthropology.

Social studies is the study of history, people or society. ... The study of history, geography, civics, sociology, economics, and other social-science subjects, especially in primary and secondary school.


various aspects or branches of the study of human society, considered as an educational discipline.


Common mistakes in determining organizational goals, causes and solutions


Common mistake

1)settings unrealistic goals

2)neglecting the things that brings you joy

3)not appreciating failure .

4)settings other people goals


1)lack of belief



4)comfort zone


1)settings life time goals

2)settings smaller goals

3)make smart goals

4) staying on a course

What is the biggest man made lake in the world​



Lake Kariba


Hope this helps.

The best technique for obtaining information regarding student entry skills and readiness levels to be successful for a planned activity is Group of answer choices classroom observations. sociograms. administering a pretest. review of the cumulative folder.



administering a pretest.


Administering a pretest helps teachers learn where students stand in terms of their class and grade.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

The best technique is administering a pre-test.

A pre-tests is an assessment tool used in school to determine the pre-existing knowledge of a student.

The assessment tools helps to obtain information about the intelligence level of a students.

In conclusion, this technique is very effective because its helps to see the level of proficiency of a student(s) as well as readiness levels to be successful for a planned activity.

Learn more about Pre-test administering here


lake balkhash is made of ____ in the eastern part and ____ in the western part.



Fresh water, Salt water

1) Explique a visão de Aristóteles sobre Democracia.
2) O que você pensa sobre a democracia? Funciona? É uma boa opção para o Brasil?
3) Como poderíamos criar uma democracia pura no Brasil? Quais seriam as principais mudanças?
4) Escolha um país, elabore slides apresentando a forma de governo desse país, as leis diferentes do Brasil e leis curiosas


If I had written your question in English, I could have helped you

What type of government was established following the English Civil War?
A. Limited Monarchy
B. Constitutional Monarchy
C. Dictatorship
D. Absolute Monarchy



constitutional monarchy


The English revolution established a constitutional monarchy; it also inaugurated an age of aristocratic government, which lasted at least until 1832 and in many ways until 1914.


Constitutional Monarchy



A. Dictatorship

B. Constitutional Monarchy

C. Absolute Monarchy

D. Limited Monarchy

what are the phages of development ?​



The use of the viruses of bacteria, bacteriophages (phages), as therapeutic agents to treat bacterial infections began 20 years before the first clinical use of an antibiotic drug, but the introduction of broad-spectrum antibiotics in the 1940s rapidly eclipsed and displaced the development of phage therapeutics in much of the world

A group of preogressives that worked to coreect problems in American life were called



They were called muckrakers.

f) “Although the people of various religions live here, there is religious tolerance in Nepal”. Justify the statement.​



f) “Although the people of various religions live here, there is religious tolerance in Nepal”. Justify the statement.

15. Judicial control of a traditional leader’s actions in terms of common law entitles an aggrieved party to inter alia apply for
(1) review of the decision in the tribal court.
(2) mandamus in the High court.
(3) mediation by the traditional council.
(4) issue of summons in a tribal court.



4 issue of summons in a tribal court.

hope that helps you mark me brainliest

please follow

what is diplomatic relation in simple words.​


relationship between two countries in which they send diplomats to work in each other's country!

what makes apples from jumla or Mustang so expensive in Kathmandu



Prices of Mustang apples have more than doubled in the local market during this festive season as demand for the famed fruit from the ...


mustang is answer

Ben works as a medical assistant. He needs to take a patient's vitals, but the patient is refusing to cooperate. He hasn't experienced this before, so he decides to ask a nurse for advice on how to handle it. This is making a decision by O a) delegation. O b) command. c) vote. O d) consult. Question





consult is most appropriate

What's your least favorite subject and why?



History is my least favorite subject just because of how dull and monotonous the topics are. It's interesting to learn about segregation and how we have came a long way for gender/race equality, but the rest is just about past architecture and random leaders' victories, as well as a bunch of battles that are too trivial for me to even want to remember.

My least favorite subject is English because it can be so subjective. Math is very definitive, your answer is either right or wrong. But in English, it's all up to interpretation and how you convey your argument, and so there's no black and white answer.

How are we best able to subject our ideas to the scrutiny of others?

Only by opening ourselves to information, insights, and critique from a variety
of different people

By eliciting insights and information relevant to understanding issues

By identifying, articulating, and applying reasoned responsive assessments of
issues, and take into account assumptions, facts, values, and perspectives of

Engaging in disagreement, questioning deliberatively, assessing the credibility
of information, and thinking critically


Your question can be efficiently answered with the following answer option: By identifying, articulating, and applying reasoned responsive assessments of issues, and take into account assumptions, facts, values, and perspectives of others

However, before answering this question, you need to know the meaning of the word "scrutiny." This word means "detailed thinking" and you can find that meaning in any dictionary or research platform. So we can understand that your question wants you to show how best to submit your ideas to people's detailed thinking.

The best way to present these ideas is presented in the answer option selected above. This is because this answer option shows that it is important that we identify our idea and that we work on it, before presenting it, that is, we must research our idea, structure it, evaluate issues that it can raise and how these issues can be resolved. All of this must be done with a strong foundation, which is achieved through well-produced research. This will allow people to understand our idea well and be able to evaluate it in depth, taking into account all the points we raised about this idea.

Not least, it is important that, after presenting our idea, we know how to consider and respect people's opinions about it. This avoids stress, unpleasant situations and can even enrich our ideas, because we can take those opinions and criticisms to improve the way we structure and present our idea to other people.

You can find more information in the following related question:


1/ Bằng kiến thức đã học trong tâm lý học; hãy lý giải và phân tích, tại sao trong bài thơ “Trăng của mỗi người” của tác giả Lê Hồng Thiện, mỗi người lại có một cảm nhận khác nhau về hình ảnh Trăng .
Trăng của mỗi người

Mẹ bảo trăng như lưỡi liềm
Ông rằng trăng tựa con tuyền cong mui
Bà nhìn như hạt cau phơi
Cháu cười quả chuối vàng tươi ngoài trời
Bố nhớ khi vượt Trường Sơn
Trăng như cánh vọng chợp chờn trong mây.

2/ So sánh quá trình tư duy và tưởng tượng. Cho ví dụ minh họa






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