classroom layout

1.What other additional classroom furniture such as filling cabinets, bookshelves, working tables will there be?
2.Do you have other specific needs that is important for your specific subject?
3.How many classroom bulletin boards will you have?
4.What other classroom display ideas as swimming pool around in your head?​


Answer 1


1. I'm looking for a Multi-Use Storage Center with Drawers. This addition will facilitate the organizing of supplies and educational activities and crafts for children. This will be situated on a red carpet to avoid distracting youngsters while the more focused topic is being taught.

2. My goal is to learn about different people's needs so that I can adjust to them. The word "attention to diversity" refers to a wide variety of themes, including educational system activities, school operations, and even the most precise interventions of teachers in their classes. As a result, it's critical to cater to each individual's needs, which can be a tough and time-consuming task when teaching a large group.

3. I intend to have six bulletin boards, allowing for two per wall.

4.To keep youngsters interested, I'll be updating the bulletin boards with contemporary graphics of color and attention, which means I won't be performing a significant redesign. I can leave the majority of the board alone and only update a tiny portion of it on a regular basis. Two half-bulletin, half-white-erase combo boards per wall, featuring current homework assignments, inspiring quotes, facts, and other information.

Related Questions

6. He was ... in a car crash. (wounded/injured)
7. Are you .........
in astronomy? (interesting/interested)
8. Yes, it's an
subject. (interesting/interested)
9. Columbus .... America. (invented/discovered)
10. Bell ............ the telephone. (invented/discovered)
11. What is the ... fashion from Paris? (latest/last)
12. The lake weter is ....... in the morning before people begin
swimming. (clear/clean)
13. Stay for
instruction. (farther/further)
14. Take ............ day as it comes. (every/each)
15. Derek is......... for his age. (big/old)
Exercise 7
We are rather ..... about the way we cook. (careless/
She had been lively and ........... (careless/carefree)





1 Ex You live in an area that is currently engulfed 21st July, 2021 with filth. Wite a letter to your tembunan ! complaining about at least two health hazards that the present condition is posing to tants on do to Livest the situation soy you think the inhabitants can do to address the situation



Explanation:One survey found that 38 percent of renters have called it quits with someone while sharing a place with their partner, yet continued to live together anyway (61 percent stayed put for a month or more, and 13 percent stayed for up to a year).

Choose the word/phrase that best fits this blank below:

You ________ touch anything electrical with wet hands.

Select one:

don't have to




b. must not touch mustn’t is must not

What Fallacies do we say in every day life? And give two examples of them.



Fallacies are mistaken beliefs based on unsound arguments. They derive from reasoning that is logically incorrect, thus undermining an argument's validity. Explore the different types of fallacies you can find through examples.

Examples of Fallacious Reasoning

There are many different types of fallacies, and their variations are almost endless. Given their extensive nature, we've curated a list of common fallacies so you'll be able to develop sound conclusions yourself, and quickly identify fallacies in others' writings and speeches. Explore several common fallacies and examples.

you have faced / witness an act of bullying in your school write a letter to the principal of your school reporting the incident​




journey home from school ​



is paradise


i feel like i am going to the right place where i deserve to be.

i always wish home-schoooing is an option

It says 5.60€ on the label. You've ... me 6.50€.
a. taken
b. deducted
c. reduced
d. charged



it should go with the sentence pronunciation

Your newest coworker is not as productive as other members of your team. You and your coworker have to work harder to make up for this



(C)  Give her advice and tips for how to get things done correctly and efficiently.


Your newest coworker is not as productive as other members of your team. You and your coworker have to work harder to make up for this

What would you be most and least likely to do?

(A) Be patient. Give her more time to learn the job so that her productivity will increase.

(B) Ask her how the job is going. Let her know you're available if she has any questions.

(C) Give her advice and tips for how to get things done correctly and efficiently.

(D) Talk to your supervisor about the situation. Suggest that this might not be the best role for your coworker.

You would be most and least likely to: Provide her with suggestions and pointers on how to complete tasks correctly and efficiently.

What Is the Main Topic in this sentence, or is there none?

The Spanish Club is holding its annual bake sale. Club members will meet in the gym at 11:30 A.M. to start the sale. Each item is only $1!



The Spanish Club is holding its annual bake sale.


The main sentence is what describes what will happen in the rest of the text and this sentence basically explains that there will be an annual bake sale hosted by the Spanish club

Fill in the blanks using appropriate reflexive and emphatic pronouns. 1. She washes her clothes ………………….. a) herself b) her c) herselves 2. We enjoyed ………………….. at the party. a) ourself b) ourselves 3. The little boy sat by ………………… a) himself b) him c) himselves
He absented ………………… from the class.

a) himself

b) himselves

c) him

5. The minister …………………… said this.

a) himself

b) him

c) himselves

6. She was so much in love with …………………… that she thought of none else.

a) her

b) herself

c) herselves

7. He …………………… told me this.

a) himself

b) themselves

c) him

8. You …………………… know better than anybody else.

a) yourself

b) yourselves

c) your
He ..................................... is responsible for this.

a) himself

b) themselves

c) himselves

10. She is old enough to dress................................... now.

a) her

b) herself

c) herselves​




I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and give brainliest pls

due in 30mins. please help ​




I cant quite tell what this is about but is this for ESL or something? if so

it's a girl making a secret birthday arty for her friend??

It is harder to get in shape than staying in shape


yes what type of questions


Hello my friend ............,:

Read this excerpt from a passage.
"Her purchase got me thinking about the early days of online shopping, when people were anxious about ordering
merchandise from the Internet. What if the items never arrived? Was putting all my personal information online safe? Should I
really disclose my credit card information to some unknown entity? Is this online company legitimate? And last but not least,
who would buy something without seeing it first? But my grandmother's transaction made it clear: online shopping has
become as commonplace as brushing your teeth.
"As millions of consumers flock to online shopping, I wondered how and why people make the decision to shop online or
in person. To get a better understanding of how e-commerce has affected our buying decisions, I decided to gain some insight
from friends and family. The reviews were varied but insightful."
Which of the following subjects will be compared in the rest of the passage?
o delivery to a home and delivery to a store
O shopping online and shopping in person
O online shopping and brushing your teeth
O prices of items online and prices of items in stores





The main idea is to present the feelings the person had before amazon became what it is today. I had my own misgivings about ordering on line until I realized that I really had no choice. I live in a small community of about 800 people. There is a Walmart in the next town over (which has a population of 5000), but I'm not fond of what they did to small businesses.

So the choice was shop at a place I don't like or order through the mail. I didn't really make up my mind until about 2 years ago. Then it was fine.

The author of what you quoted had many of the same feelings. It's a gamble putting money where the system can be broken into and that is what this is all about --  fear of trying something you don't trust.

The answer is B, I think

What role does religion play in Asimovs life? How does he undergo a spiritual transformation in the story



In "God Sees the Truth, But Waits" by Leo Tolstoy, religion plays a significant role in Aksionov's life, and Aksionov undergoes a spiritual transformation in prison after being falsely arrested for the murder of another merchant. He realizes that only God can know the truth and turns to prayer for solace.

Help me please………………..





you have to learn that people say certain things because they are jealous or of anger


the answer is b.


media-literacy is being able to understand subliminal messages in the media

freeware software is are available for low cost t or f​





A software can be defined as a set of executable instructions (codes) or collection of data that is used typically to instruct a computer how to perform a specific task and to solve a particular problem.

Basically, softwares are categorized into two (2) main categories based on their shareability and availability, these are;

I. Shareware.

II. Open-source software.

III. Closed-source (subscription-based) software.

IV. Freeware.

A freeware software refers to a type of software application (program) that can be downloaded over the internet and used at no extra cost i.e without an end user having to pay an amount of money as fees.

This ultimately implies that, a freeware software isn't available for low cost because they're generally made by software developers to be completely free to all end users.

what is a paradox ? is silence a good or a bad thing ? give reason . plz answer​



a character who is both charming and rude might be referred to as a “paradox” even though in the strict logical sense, there's nothing self-contradictory about a single person combining disparate personality traits.

7 years earlier, there was a boy called Jason Grant. His parents decided to change his place of education cause of his poor persistent performance with low scores. In his new school, Helton Garver high school, he found a girl whom he thought was an angel sent from above. The girl was named Melissa Grey, the boy experienced what is referred to as "love at first sight". Time past on. One day, Melissa felt a severe stomach pain. On rushing to hospital, Melissa had "Irritable Bowel Syndrome (ISB)". Unfortunately, the situation got worse, Jason prayed and prayed, he did everything. One day, the doctor announced that Melissa has no anymore pain and infection, "This is a miracle I think", said the doctor. As Melissa was discharged, and Jason was the happiest man on Earth. On their way home, Melissa got a deep pain, and she kicked the bucket just in a blink of an eye. Jason collapsed cause it was unbelievable, Jason lost faith in his feeble prayers he had to God. If you were Jason, what would've u done???
[tex]{ \tt{ref : image01}}[/tex]


First, love the story! What's its name?

Second, if I was Jason I would still pray to god and never lose faith because God might send another "angel". Also, because life is short, you should move on with your normal life.

Hope this helps :)

Have a great day!

the movie I watched last week​


What about the movie

Do you think that an abusive person can change ? How ?



yes if he/she is in friendly environment and given proper support and attention.

this keeps food and drink cold



freezer or refrigerator.


The correct and the most suitable answer is Fridge or Freezer or Refrigerator which keeps the food safe and preserve and keeps the drinks cold.

The Refrigerator  is the instrument which keeps our food good in condition for the long time so we can re use the food next time and also keep the drinks cold so we can enjoy the cold drink in summer.

There were various types of Refrigerator  now available in market or in showrooms like :

Double door Single doorMini Refrigerator

For more information on Refrigerator , please refer the below link :

How is Teenage Brian are malleable and vulnerable, researchers say and the teen Brian still under construction have anything alike


I can't understand your question sorry

In Mesopotamia, writers communicated using:
hand signals.
None of the choices are correct.



It is c) cuneiform


Cuneiform was used by people throughout the ancient Near East to write several different languages.

what is sandracisneros's thesis in "only daughters"? ​



Sandra Cisneros thesis is that being the only daughter in a family of six brothers meant that she had to overcome hardships and challenges in her life. Additional, this ties into the theme of the story, which is that the "traditional" Mexican family's gender stereotypes can be broken and are not true.

what do you think is the main idea of the essay explicit or implicit?​



Explanation: Essay is a common form of academic writing in many subjects that students often have to do. Before you start writing your essay, you need to understand the details of the topic so you know how to approach the essay and where to focus. Once you've chosen a topic, research and narrow down the main argument(s) you want to make. You will then outline and develop your essay, including an introduction, body, and conclusion. Once you've finished your draft, you need to spend some time reviewing and editing to make sure your essay is persuasive.  

Route 66 MOST significantly impacted America during the era of
the 1930s.
World War II.
the 1960s.
D. highway expansion.





The Route 66 MOST significantly impacted America during the era of the 1930s. It ran from Chicago  to Santa Monica, California. Thus option (A) is correct.

What is Route 66?

Route 66, also known as the Main Street of America, was a historic highway in the United States that ran from Chicago, Illinois to Santa Monica, California. It was established in 1926 and became one of the most famous and iconic highways in the country.

Route 66 served as a major route for people traveling west during the 1930s and 1940s, particularly during the Dust Bowl and Great Depression. The road became a symbol of the American spirit of exploration and adventure and inspired songs, movies, and television shows.

In the 1930s, the important route that impacted America during the era is Route 66. Therefore, option (A) is correct.

Learn more about Route 66 here:


Beauty calls and gives no warnin, figurative language?





give branliest pls

Topic 1
You are a student in Danang city. You will describe your neighborhood for new students. You should say:
1/ Where to buy food
2/ Where to buy furniture
3/ Where to get a bus to university
4/ Where to send a package
5/ How do you feel about Danang city?
Remember to:
- Introduce yourself before starting talking on your topic
- Use structures “There is” and “There are”
- Start and end the talk properly



Hello, I'm (insert name)!

Today I will show you around.

In Danang city,there are many things you can explore

1/You can buy food at (insert the grocery store). It has a variety of foods and other assential things.

2/ Buying furniture is an important part but don't worry,(insert shop name) there is alot of old and vintage furniture that you'll like.

3/ Near the (insert district)There is a bus stop ,you can wait there for the buses.

4/You can send packages through the near by personal courier services.

5/ You'll get used to this city in a couple of days and make sure to focus on your studies too.


I hope this will help^^

It shows a lot in winter in America.
Can someone change this sentence into Negative Form?​


Maybe this: It shows nothing, I say NOTHING in winter in America.


It doesn't snow a lot in America.


"doesn't" is the same as "does not", and that is negative.

The question 4 down , can you help me guys?


Answer:Well this makes you feel sorry for the sentry because he's the only one who hasn't get used to the aliens.

Regarding the aliens (personal opinion) make me feel angry because they're just soulless killers

Explanation:And well the aliens seem to be repulsive, and don't forget the fact they don't want to negotiate anything, they kill whatever moves

Other Questions
my neighbors ( are always playing _ always play _ always playing _ have always playing) music late at night. it drives me crazy Complete the conversation. Use the present simple or present continuous of the verbs in the box be do film finish fly leave meet not do start A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: Hi, Jo. This is David. Do you want to meet for lunch today? I can't. I have an audition this afternoon. They (34) . A scene for a TV series in town next week and they need extras. Wow! And what time (35) . The audition? It (36) . At twelve o'clock, but I don't know exactly when it (37) . Well, (38) you anything tonight? I (39) . Some friends tonight, actually. What about tomorrow? I (40) . To Munich tomorrow. Don't you remember? Of course. What time (41) . Your flight .? At two. But I (42) . Anything in the morning. You could help me pack my bags! Write balanced equations for the reaction of each of the following carboxylic acids with NaOH. Part A formic acid Express your answer as a chemical equation. A chemical reaction does not occur for this question. Request Answer Part B 3-chloropropanoic acid Express your answer as a chemical equation. nothing A chemical reaction does not occur for this question. What is the lesson in this story? Is that lesson specific to this time, or can it be applied today? o Whats the Difference Between Non-Formal and Informal Learning A roller coaster uses 800 000 J of energy to get to the top of the first hill. During this climb, it gains 500 000 J of potential energy and pauses (velocity = 0) for a fraction of a second at the very top before heading down the other side.a) Draw a sankey diagram for a roller coaster's climb. In how many different ways can the letter of wordCORPORATION" bearranged. So that the vowel alwayscome together" 2065 Q.No. 2 a A firm produced 100 calculator sets during its first year. The total number of calculator sets produced at the end of five years is 4,500. Assume that the production increases uniformly each year. Estimate the increase in production each year. [3] Ans: 400 being a role model speech please help me analysis this 2x-3=5(x+2)(3x-15)=0 What point of view does Emily Bront use in this excerpt from the novel Wuthering Heights?In all England, I do not believe that I could have fixed on a situation so completely removed from the stir of society. A perfect misanthropists heaven: and Mr. Heathcliff and I are such a suitable pair to divide the desolation between us. A capital fellow! He little imagined how my heart warmed towards him when I beheld his black eyes withdraw so suspiciously under their brows, as I rode up, and when his fingers sheltered themselves, with a jealous resolution, still further in his waistcoat, as I announced my name.A. first-person point of viewB. second-person point of viewC. third-person limited point of viewD. third-person omniscient point of view Answer is D , others say its 64 but I got it wrong kx - c = 9 solve for x Which tools would I use to heat 400 mL of water solve this set of equation, using elimination or substitution method. Help meeee!!!!Why is it necessary to check total aerobic microorganisms in microbiological quality control but not to test total anaerobic microorganisms? Which is immobile?A car being driven Or...A parked car (18x+11x+1) divided by (x+2) Round 2.12747677748 to the nearest ten-thousandth.