Common lit diagnostic


Answer 1


Yessssiirrrr!  Ha...... My Guy.



Related Questions

How does Crooks' interaction with Lennie in part 4 help to develop both characters and advance the plot in Of Mice and Men?


Crooks interaction with Lennie in part 4 developed by showing how Crooks warmed up to Lennie.

At the appearance of Lennie in his room , Crook had wanted to send him away. But he let Lennie stay after he smiled at him.

Lennie told Crook some farm secrets, while Crook on the other hand told Lennie that George had left him and he was not coming back. This gets him upset and scared, with Lennie trying to calm him. He recants his statement and said he just assumed what he said about George.

From the conversation in this chapter, Crook is discriminated on. He is black, lonely and had started to resent the others. We can see this from the way he tried to trick Lennie into believing that he had being abandoned.


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Sophia damaged the chamoise with guile in her heart.She always found it easy to tolerate her sister but not this time.She wanted the critic to scrutinise her sister's work because through her perspective,she thinks she doesn't deserve it.Sophia removed the thread with irrepressible and steadfast hatred,hoping her obscurity still remained unbothered.

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it is a positive ion that has one more valence electron than a neutral bromine atom.

According to Lidsky, what determines our



here's what I found


Reality isn't something you perceive; it's something you create in your mind. Isaac Lidsky learned this profound lesson firsthand, when unexpected life circumstances yielded valuable insights.

Write and introductory paragraph based on a claim you can make about whether or not plastics are harmful to the environment

Including a opening statement,bridge sentences, and thesis

Please help i will give brainiest




Avoid single-use plastics such as drinking straws. ...

If you go shopping, remember to take a cloth bag. ...

Recycle chewing gum... it's also make of plastic! ...

Buy more bulk food and fewer packaged products. ...

Replace plastic Tupperware for glass or steel containers.

Avoid single-use plastics such as drinking straws. ...

If you go shopping, remember to take a cloth bag. ...

Recycle chewing gum... it's also make of plastic! ...

Buy more bulk food and fewer packaged products. ...

Replace plastic Tupperware for glass or steel containers.

What image does edwards use when preaching about gods wrath



an Edwards uses very angry imagery in his sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." The most famous image used is that of a "loathsome insect.

Why was Charles Darwin an important figure?



Charles Darwin was an important figure because of development of scientific and humanist ideas because he first made people aware of their place in the evolutionary process when the most powerful and intelligent form of life discovered how humanity had evolved.

help help help help lol



The tourist from Spain


That's the answer as the verb is 'visit', without a 's'. This shows that the subject should be a single person instead of a group, therefore the first option is the answer.

What do you learn from internment that you don't learn from any of the other selections


Internment is the only selection that explores the forced relocation of Japanese Americans during World War II, shedding light on a lesser-known aspect of American history and the impact of government policies on marginalized communities.

What exactly did internment imply?

Internment during World War II referred to the forced relocation and imprisonment of approximately 120,000 Japanese Americans, many of whom were US citizens, in internment camps across the United States. This was a result of Executive Order 9066 signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, which authorized the forced relocation of Japanese Americans from their homes and businesses to designated internment camps. The internment implied a violation of the civil liberties and constitutional rights of Japanese Americans, as they were forced to leave their homes and possessions behind and were subjected to harsh living conditions in the camps.

To learn more about World War II, click


Read these lines from “Grass” by Carl Sandburg.

Pile the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo.
Shovel them under and let me work—
I am the grass; I cover all.

How does the personification in these lines affect the poem?

It suggests that the grass consumes the tragedies of war so the living can move on.

It implies that nature plays its role in helping man bury those who lost their lives in war.

It portrays the grass as a being without any empathy for all the lives lost in war.

It explains that nature takes over the landscape once the war has ended.


The personification in these lines affects the poem in this way: It suggests that the grass consumes the tragedies of war so the living can move on.

What is Personification?

Personification is the assignment of the attributes of living things to inanimate things. In this excerpt, the grass was personified as covering all after the tragedies of war.

This means that the grass covers those who are victims of war, thus allowing the living to move on.

Learn more about personification here:


It portrays the grass as a being without any empathy for all the lives lost in war.


Which excerpt from "The Beginnings of the Maasai” is the best example of a feature found in myths?

1. My job is important, so I work hard to do it well, even though the cattle can sometimes be troublesome.

2. You see, soon after I was born, a massive volcano erupted right in the middle of the cattle plains.

3. When we have rituals or community celebrations, I have to bring the cattle, because their presence is essential.

4. One by one, Enkai sent the cattle walking down branches of the fig tree, all the way down to the roots at the ground.


The excerpt that provides the best example of a feature found in myths is

4. One by one, Enkai sent the cattle walking down branches of the fig tree, all the way down to the roots at the ground.

A myth is a story, most times untrue that provides an explanation for certain natural events or historical accounts. It could also seek to provide a narrative of how the universe began.

This feature is found in this excerpt from "The Beginnings of the Massai". We learn of how a volcano erupted in the cattle plains making the cattle move to the air. Enkai, the wise god, grew a fig tree that helped the cattle come back to earth.

This is a myth because it is unproven and most likely untrue.

Learn more about "The Beginnings of the Maasai” here:

what are your thoughts about poetry's connection to sports



currently, it`s pretty hard to think about sports and poems in the same sentence, but it actually goes back as far as ancient greece. they would write poems as victory songs for the winning team.

i think that this tradition disappeared because of new methods to celebrate, but it wouldn`t be so bad to bring back around. today, we use similar means of celebration with more modern songs.

why did none of the characters in the poem "the cold within" share there wood


Answer:None of the characters in the poem "The Cold Within" shares the wood they have because of their prejudiced outlook.

Help ASAP I’ll give brainliest


Answer: Heres a real text message from me and a friend about a football game

Kaylee: ava said she wouldn’t care to go drive to the game. DO YOU WANT TO GO. or if we don’t go to the game let’s make other plans

Skat: Yea idc. Like bet

Kaylee: so you wanna go ?

Skat: Yea. I gotta go find sum to wear. So how we gonna do this. We gonna meet up at her house and zoom away from there or what


please help me

Why is it important for every student to take Civics?


civics education also teaches students that when they become adults they can rightfully lay claim to the government as lawful citizens. They learn that it is the voice of the citizenry, not that of obscure elected politicians, that ultimately matters when it comes to shaping the government. Politicians ideally should represent the people. The people in turn have the power to vote politicians in and out of office if the changes they want do not come to fruition.

Proactive and Knowledgeable Voting

Students who receive a comprehensive civics education in school learn that voting is an important duty of every citizen. Every vote counts in each election, and it is through voting that people can make sure that their voices are heard. Civics education also gives students the knowledge they need to make informed decisions as they listen to politicians’ campaign speeches or read news stories about people running for office. They can reference their civics lessons to separate fact from fiction, allowing them to become educated and proactive voters.

Answer: Because you have to know about the history of the United States


Why did Kerchak have hostility towards Tarzan



Kerchak refuses to state that while Tarzan is willing to risk the family's safety, he is not. Angered by his judgmental, unkind opinions of him, Tarzan gets into Kerchak's face and aggressively confronts him on why he feels threatened by anything he considers different.


What is ironic about Effie trinket calling the place where Katniss grew up barbaric?



Because she is from the Capitol, which engages in the barbaric act of making people from the outer districts engage in a kill-or-be-killed battle royale every year for the Capitol citizens' entertainment.

Why is it important to learn about another person's point of view?



When you see others point of view it allows you to be more empathetic. It improves both your life and the life you're interacting with. It helps you by making you think of others, it helps others by giving them a fair chance


can a hero go unnoticed?



We all have the ability to be heroic.For any hero, it's enough just knowing they helped someone else. That's what makes them a true hero. Heroic actions don't go unnoticed.


(Happy to help!)

Weeeee all can be a hero honey
And we don’t need to be noticed by any one

The meaning of speculate ^^ example



Definition: Form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence.

Example: Speculate is to buy land way out in the country to build housing because you hear that a new manufacturing plant might be built close buy. To assume to be true without conclusive evidence.


Basically a theory you believe is right, but isn't clearly correct until evidence backs it up...

which group is the author primarily addressing in paragraph 7. in a "quilt of a country"



what groups and you forgot to post the paragraph


whats the tone of the story THE SKY TREE



In the first, the tone is light hearted while the second one is serious.


like if it were be shouting out without an exclamation

or if being shown like if it were a very serioirs story.

Need help with this asap



Do you want me to do jobs hearing from you

Does anyone see the missing apostrophe? There should be 2 missing

Has a moth ever ruined one of your sweatshirts or sweaters? If so, you might be able to prevent future incidents by knowing the difference between a moth and a butterfly. Recognizing the difference won’t be easy. First, look at the insects’ feelers. If they’re thin, they belong to a butterfly. A moth’s feelers are usually broad and feathery. Next, observe the insect when it’s resting. Butterflies’ wings are folded in an upright position, with the wings undersides facing you. A moth sits holding its wings horizontally, with only the upper sides of the wings showing. Hopefully this helps, but if it doesn't, you’d better buy a winters supply of mothballs!



Yes I see


Yes I see pls mark me brain liest

Ixl 6th grade language arts,Please help




B 3

C 4

D 2


The given answer may matches in the following order d, a, c, b.

What is the theme of Midnight Children's ?

The theme of Salman Rushdie's novel "Midnight's Children" is primarily the search for personal and national identity in post-colonial India.

The story is told through the eyes of Saleem Sinai, who was born at the exact moment that India gained its independence from Britain on August 15, 1947, and who is one of the 1001 "midnight's children" who share the same birthday.

Throughout the novel, Rushdie explores the idea of cultural hybridity and the struggle to reconcile conflicting identities, as Saleem and the other characters navigate the complex and rapidly changing political and social landscape of post-independence India.

The novel also deals with the legacy of colonialism, the tension between tradition and modernity, and the role of language and storytelling in shaping national identity.

Learn more about Midnight Children here:


is hyperbole dangerous






nahh its a type of figurative language.. Lol


Write a story that ends with " All is well that ends well"


Once there lived a slave called Androcles who was yearning to be set free by his master since he was treating him badly. So Androcles hatched a plan and escaped into a nearby forest. After he had traveled a while Androcles suddenly heard a roar behind him and found a lion standing close by. He was sure the lion was going to kill him. But instead the lion slowly limped towards him and held out its paw. There was a thorn stuck to its paw and there was a lot of blood oozing out.

Androcles removed the thorn and the lion walked away peacefully into the forest. After a few days Androcles was captured by his master who was so angry that he had run away. The master decided to throw Androcles to a lion. This was a common practice in ancient Greece where the slaves were often thrown into an arena to fight a starving lion.

The next day a huge crowd had gathered to watch the fight. The King was also present. A lion that had been starved for a number of days was brought into the arena in a cage. As soon as Androcles was brought in, the guards let the lion out of the cage. Androcles was trembling in fear as the lion rushed at him with great rage. Much to the astonishment of the crowd the lion suddenly stopped in its path looked intently at Androcles and then went and lay down near his feet. Androcles was delighted as he realized that it was the same lion that he had helped in the forest. He hugged the lion as the entire arena watched in stunned silence. The King was overjoyed at seeing such a brave act and permitted Androcles to be freed. When he entered the arena, Androcles thought that he was a dead man but the turn of events ensured the opposite his freedom.

All is well that ends well. {You can use another name than Androcles}

Give me protest/ change quotes




"Profiting on the Backs of Child Laborers" By Victoria Riskin and Mike Farrell, Co-chairs of the California Committee (South) of Human Rights Watch

Please write a response in full and complete sentences and explain how Riskin and Farrell built an argument to persuade their audience that child labor in the U.S. agricultural sector is a disgrace and needs to be changed.

In your response, please analyze how Riskin and Farrell use ethos (credibility), logos (facts/data), and pathos (emotion) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of their argument using evidence from the text. Your response should NOT explain whether you agree with Riskin and Farrell’s claims but rather explain how the authors build an argument to persuade their audience. Conclude your essay by restating the main ideas in your analysis, including your evaluation of the authors’ use of rhetorical elements.


An analysis of the rhetorical appeals and methods used by the authors in writing this passage is given below:

To build their argument, the authors of the passage started by providing an example of a child labor case and the amount of suffering that was suffered by children. Three rhetorical appeals were used to buttress the point.

The authors of this article that was published in 2000, used the ethos, logos, and pathos logical appeals to persuade the readers of the fact that the U.S government was being hypocritical in its approach to child labor.

Ethos was used when the authors cited individuals who were credible authorities that had some experience on the subject.

The Human Rights Watch who conducted a study where child farm workers were interviewed are credible sources whose data can be relied on.

Logos was also used extensively in the article. Several facts and statistics were used to back the points made.

Child farm workers' ages were said to be as low as 13 and they spent up to 14 hours on the farms. 300,000 - 800,000 child laborers were said to be working on U.S farms when the article was written.

Fatalities among child laborers in agriculture were said to be five times higher than those in other sectors. An estimate of 100,000 children was said to have suffered injuries related to agriculture.

These figures are concrete data that can persuade readers of the author's grasp of the subject matter.

Pathos which is an appeal to emotion was used to arouse the reader's sense of pity. For example, at the outset of the story, Damaris was said to have suffered nosebleeds and other illnesses related to her exposure to pesticides.

Cancer and brain damage were mentioned as sicknesses that the children were prone to.

The children dropped out because they were too exhausted to study. They were said to be given no masks and paid low wages. The act was described as "shameful tolerance" of child labor by the government.

All of these points are appeals to the emotions of the readers who will feel appalled at this amount of suffering.

Summarily, the aim of the writers was to expose the unfair child labor that was prevalent in the U.S. They praised the efforts of people like Senator Tom Hakin who were trying to make child labor laws that will protect the children in agriculture.

The authors were also successful in their use of rhetorical appeals as the main points were made.

Learn more here:

Bart was 16 years old when he moved to New Jersey. He was not happy because there were very few kids his age in his new neighborhood. During the winter, he watched his elderly neighbor, Mr. Jones, remove snow from his sidewalk. After watching, he would go back to playing video games. In the summer, Bart wanted to go swimming in Mr. Jones’s pool but was afraid to ask.



Bart was 16 years old when he came to New Jersey from his home in Pennsylvania. He was dissatisfied with his new area since there were so few children his age there. The winter months were spent watching his elderly next-door neighbor, Mr. Jones, clear snow from his sidewalk. After viewing, he would return to his video game console and continue playing. During the summer, Bart expressed an interest in swimming in Mr. Jones' pool but was too embarrassed to ask.


Hope this is helpful

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