What does the author mean by the following quote from paragraph 7, and how does it
develop the central ideas of the article?: "When leaders attempt to navigate the slippery
slope of fairness, they will find themselves arbiter of public opinion and hostage to the
politically correct."


Answer 1


Leaders will get abused by people who believe they are right for their own opinion


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on their vacation the Stovin's are going to go to India which they have both been interested in visiting ever since an Indian family moved in next door for commons


Answer: what question not clear


Why did Jonathan think himself as extraordinarily lucky? (Civil peace)



a. Why did Jonathan think of himself as 'extraordinarily lucky'? ➜ In the story, Jonathan thought himself is extraordinary lucky because he and his family with his house were saved in the Nigerian war. Moreover, he got his bicycle back and could repair his house cheaply.

A counterclaim is?
A. a claim that includes a true statement.
B. an argument made against a claim.
C. an examination of a claim
D. evidence used against a claim.



I think the answer is B♥️


An argument made against a claim




what is the best thing that has happened ?



A significant milestone for me as a student, would be graduation day.

Your teacher has selected a programme for Senior secondary course. Write a letter to him explaining why you prefer different one.



Dear sir,

I am a student of your high school final year class. I have been writing this letter  to inform you that I will nit be opting for the senior year programmer that you have chosen for us. Since my childhood, I was interested in studying biological science. I will prefer to study that as the subject and ts concepts really intrigue me

Your friendly,

John marker

Please help me with this






Select the correct text in the passage . Which detall best creates tension in the plot “the tell-tale heart”


The correct answer is: I moved it slowly - very, very, slowly.


Suspense is a term to refer to the expectation about the resolution of a situation causing tension or impatient expectation of the viewer or reader. According to the above, it can be inferred that the sentence "I moved it slowly- very, very slowly" because it describes an action that is being performed slowly and is described in great detail causing tension in the reader as the reader wanders wether the protagonist of the story will be discovered as he tries to enter to the room. According to the above, the correct answer is: I moved it slowly - very, very, slowly.

Was Sandra Cisneros' choice of color a cultural declaration or a political provocation? Or Both?


Answer: A cultural declaration


The question most likely refers to the article "The Purple Passion of Sandra Cisneros," by Kathy Lowry, whose perspective of Cisneros´ actions is condemnatory and described as an uncalled-for political provocation disguised as a cultural declaration.

Looking into the case, and researching on Cisneros´own account of the events, found in "My Purple House. Color is a Language and a History," it becomes clear that she was trying to make a point about how the houses of the Latin community have been disregarded by the San Antonio Conservation Society, and her choice of a color deemed as “too vivid and modern” for its historical context is an example of how her culture is being erased.

So, in my opinion, Cisneros´choice of color was a cultural declaration and not merely a stubborn political provocation.

Question 1 of 10
Which best describes the type of rhymes used in "Lissadell"?
A. Slant internal rhymes
B. Perfect end rhymes
c. Perfect internal rhymes
D. Slant end rhymes



I belive its B

can i ask if the orange is orange, it is named orange or it called orange ? ​




Orange the fruit came first. The word came into English either from Old French 'pomme d'orenge', or from the Spanish 'naranja' (with the subsequent transfer of the 'n' over to the indefinite article, as per 'apron' and 'adder', originally 'napron' and 'nadder'). The Spanish word is itself a modification of the Arabic 'naaranj' (cf. also Persian 'naarang'). Our colour term thus derives from the name of the fruit, not the other way round; we also have apricot, peach, violet, lilac, maroon, indigo, burgundy, and so on, which show how productive this process of colour naming is

is it a claim or not a claim?



hey darlingg I think this is a weak claim because it is comparing electric to gas powered which can’t really be compared


Hello hun^^

Your answer would be...

Weak: Not a claim

*Hope I helped*


To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature. Which sentence from Nature best supports Emerson’s claim? I am glad to the brink of fear. Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece. The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child. In the woods too, a man casts off his years, as the snake his slough, and at what period soever of life, is always a child.



The sun illuminates only the eye of the man but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.

The author expresses that most adults have a very superficial way of seeing things. They cannot truly appreciate the beauty of nature. Only a true nature lover whose inward and outward senses are truly aligned and adjusted to each other is able to appreciate nature's beauty. This quality is present in every child but only a few men are able to retain this quality into adulthood

5. Imagine you are the manager of a company that organizes celebrations and

parties, and you've been put in charge of organizing a high school dance.


any three of Fayol's five management functions and describe what

performing that function will look like in preparing for this job.



You must begin by determining who will not be working on the project and who will be working on it. I would also include a list of the items we would require, as well as any decorations. Following that, I'll look at which restaurants I'd like to do catering for. Following the planning step, I must organize the tasks that each employee must do. In addition, I must order the staff in a detailed manner so that they understand their responsibilities.

"Student life is not the proper time to do things. It is the time to ‘prepare’ for things to be done in future."

How does it sound??​



While I do get what you're trying to say, try rewording your sentences. For example, instead of saying "Student life is not the proper time to do things," you can use this: Being a student means that you can not focus on your interests and study for school assignments at the same time. You are, eventually, going to have to focus on one thing, either your interests, or school. As school keeps students busy with loads of assignments, tests, and exams that students can't find a proper time to do the things they want to do. (see how I used your sentences here?)

Try doing the same for your next sentence, and come back here!

What is the best revision of the error in sentence
[1] On her way home from practice, Rebekka
found a gold man's watch. [2] She wasn't sure
what to do. [3] There was no name engraved
on the back. [4] Looking at the gold links on
the band, the watch seemed to Rebekka to be
expensive. [5] She felt badly that someone
had lost such a nice watch.
"gold watch of a man"
"man's gold watch"
"man's watch of gold"



"man's gold watch"


just got it right.


first one is BAD

second one is MANS GOLD WATCH



just took it on edge lol (。_。)

Curfews are silly and slow that don’t think I’m a responsible and mature person

Which audience would be most moved by this type of appeal


Teenagers, it seems, would be the most affected by this. Though it appears to be attempting to persuade or appeal to an older audience.

Read the sentence.
We waited for the school bus inside the museum for 30 minutes.
What is the best way to correct this sentence?



we waited for the school bus for 30 minute inside the museum.

We waited for the school bus for 30 minutes inside the museum.

If you were a principal and you had to hire some new teachers for your school, what qualities would you look for in a teacher? Explain what would make a good teacher.
Please give a good answer it doesn't have to be very long. The answer should just have very good points in them. ​


I a good teacher must:

love to teach;be a good learner, open to new knowledge that may upset or erode what he or she may have previously learned;make learning enjoyable for students- using different methods and tools, such as games, storytelling, challenges, experiments, "real-life" examples, riddles, etc.; be able to adapt to different students, learning technology and environments, and educational institutions;know about the subject matter he or she teaches;be able to learn by experience and by sharing with other teachers;use evaluations as a development tool for self and students- not as an instrument for punishmentconsider each failing student a challenge;help students become full members of the Knowledge Society- by developing their skills to learn and teach.



1. The teacher has to be loyal and trustworthy.

2. She/he should maintain a good bond with the children.

3. They should be always willing to help the kids

1. Make a list of festivals that you celebrate. Then, share your list with your friends.​



The festival that I celebrate are as follows :

DashainTihar Holi ChristmasBudhajayanti Maghe sankranti ID etc


Hansik, Korean Traditional Food, is known to start and finish on the ground: slow, humble and vivid. The practice of fermenting vegetables, peppers and beans inside jars reveals their need to keep the land close. It exposes the secret behind the characteristic deep and complex flavor of ingredients.


Hansik is a korean festival we used to celebrate. It starts 105 days after Dongji(Water Solstice).

Hope it will be helpful!

Buna, intrebarea aata e doar pt romanii din Uk:
Mama poate sa imi faca cont la Barclays chiar daca am 16 ani, fac in Septembrie 17.​



I dont understand


I don't Understand bro

what is the impression of the war does Casablanca portray



Casablanca is also a political allegory of World War II. Rick Blaine represents the United States, which initially insisted that it should be neutral in World War II. However, when the United States was bombed at Pearl Harbor, it had no choice but to get involved

What are some reasons adults should read fairy tales? Reasons I've already listed:
-Can encourage creativity
-Can teach lifelong lessons

I need one more!



helps to relax and drive away stress

6. Which is NOT a complete sentence?
I smell the flowers.
Tammy bought a purse today.
Red and blue socks in her room.
Did you eat breakfast?



I smell the flowers


Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence in the Gettysburg Address supports the claim that President Lincoln did not recognize the historical importance of his speech?
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, concelved in liberty, and dedicated to the
proposition that "all men are created equal."
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met
on a great battle field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of it, as a final resting place for those who died here, that the nation
might live. This we may, in all propriety do. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate-we can not consecrate-we can not hallow, this ground
- The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have hallowed it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note,
nor long remember what we say here; while it can never forget what they did here.
It is rather for us, the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that, from these honored dead we take increased
devotion to that cause for which they here, gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in
vain; that the nation, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people by the people for the people, shall not perish from
the earth.



C. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here; while it can never forget what they did here.


The Gettysburg Address is one of the most well-known speeches in history. In this sentence, Abraham Lincoln expresses his belief that "The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here."

Which revision would best help the author support the thesis more effectively?



The author should explain how Rapunzel’s story fits into the thesis.

can u help me plz asap
plz plz
i will give brainliest u


Answer: You want to be a doctor. Make sure you be very specific and detailed, ok?


Will be doing: I'm a doctor, I specifically work for the lower rank emergency.

Will still want to do: I really hope to be higer ranked one day.

Will have done: I went through my med school with flying colors. I tried hard to my top of my classes.

Won't have done: Unfortunately, my first plan as a lawyer didnt make the cut. I went for the second best option!

Ok people listen.........
We are just like tacos......
We all fall apart every now and then.


Hiiiii? Is there something you need to know? If so please edit your question or tell me! I’d be happy to help. Have a nice day!

why did abe decided to look after the injured dog​



because the dog is injured and he want to help the dog


Ch and ch name is not given plz give it then we will answer the question from any chapter and story


Hope it helps




Write a two-paragraph objective summary of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow
Wallpaper." Identify a theme of the story and explore how characterization and setting
develop that theme. One paragraph will be about character and the other
paragraph will be about setting, but both paragraphs must be about the same theme. Your
story should include the following elements:
Two paragraphs, each about a different detail (character or setting) that shows the theme
Objective summaries that emphasize details related to each paragraph topic
Clear, formal, academic language that shows your professionalism



    According to "The Yellow Wallpaper," a person's labor and self-expression can assist overcome a difficulty while failing to do so might aggravate the situation. Throughout the novel, the main heroine discreetly writes in a journal without telling her spouse. Her spouse, a doctor, advises her to relax and avoid activities in order to recover from her depressive disorder. As she is unable to accomplish what she wants, her mind wanders to the awful yellow background and the imprisoned lady. His objection to her writing worsens her mental state until he faints when he realizes the degree of her craziness.

  When it comes to the fundamental subject of labor and self-expression, the location of the narrative plays a major role. The narrative is set in a tiny room with bars on the windows and dirty yellow wallpaper, which contributes to the narrator's despair and mental decline. This leads her to believe that a lady is trapped behind the wallpaper. She rips the paper to liberate the woman. The narrator feels she is the imprisoned lady, locked in the wallpaper, crawling about the room.


I hope this is helpful, and remember that as long as you try, you will never fail.

The man behaved foolishly towards his chicken.--> The man had a ...................

That young man is very generous. He always helps the poor, the old and the handicapped. (enough) --> That young man.........

Our close friend, Tuan Minh usually told us his joke. --> Our close friend, Tuan Minh used ......



The man had a chicken towards whom he behaved foolishly.

That young man who always helps the poor, the old, and the handicapped is a very generous man.

Our close friend, Tuan Minh used to tell us jokes usually.

Other Questions
Hello everyone can someone answer this question please please help with these two questions!! Help on English 10 cdsvfgdgbvdvgdgdgbdb/gdkjlgmbdbgdbdbd Write the equation of each line in slope intercept form. Slope is -6, and (1,-2) is on the line Choose all the answers that apply. Silicon (Si) has 14 protons and an atomic mass of 28. Silicon has _____. three electron shells 14 electrons 14 neutrons two electron shells 28 electrons Solve for x. X/5-x/6=1/3 x = 10 x = 1/90 x = 1/10 ()- (two over three to the power minus 4)I need answer asap pleaseeeee What is the initial value of 34.2 x 3^x Determine the constant of variation for the direct variation given. (0, 0), (3, 12), (9, 36)1243 Please help ASAP!!!! Sally is serving lemonade to four friends. She is serving 4/7 cup per person. Estimate how much lemonade she needs. Then calculate exactly how much she needs. What is the difference between the estimate and actual amount?pls help, :) Plz help me with this thank you (-1/2^5)2^3(3/4^2) [EVALUATE] If the temperature of a volume of dieal gas ncreases for 100 to 200, what happens to the average kinetic energy of the molecules? Help me please guyyyyy CHANGE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES INTO INDIRECT SPEECH1. Anuj said, I will leave for Delhi tomorrow.2. My uncle said to me, I am tired now.3. I said, I am waiting for my sister to arrive.4. The teacher said to us, you are very naughty.5. Veena said to her mother, I have finished my homework.6. Mr. Ravi said to his neighbor, My house is being built.7. Mrs. Gupta said to the doctor, My baby was crying all night.8. Chitra said, I will go to the shop today.9. The old man said to me, I have been trying to cross the road, but have not beenable to do so.10. Poonam said, I do not know how to make tea. When parents are unable to resolve the conflicts between them, a common pattern is to continue to argue through the children. When father says mother is too permissive, mother says father is too strict. Father may in turn withdraw, and mother responds to the child with excessive concern, focus, and devotion. The structural term which best describes the resulting family structure is _______________. Which of the following are not used to prevent flooding during storms?A.damsB.levees C.breakwaters D.sandbags State what is meant by a gravitational potential at point A is -170 109 J kg-1. find the volume of each figure. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary.