complete the sentences with the correct form of these words.
[ be in the public eye] [be on the big screen] [go viral] [have a lot of hits] [make a name for yourself] [make the headlines]

1. many stars don't like being watched all the time. They aren't kee on ___ every minute of the day
2. the story about the singer's car crash ___ yesterday. it's on the front page of every newspaper in britian
3. ken liked being a TV actor, but since he appeared in his first time he loves ___ even more
4. how many people have to like an online video before it ___?
5. a person should go to Hollywood if they really want to ___ in the acting business.
6. wow! our video ___, yesterday it had a thousand and today it has twice as many!​


Answer 1


1)make a name for yourself ( not sure of this one)

2) make the headline

3)be in public eyes

4)go viral

5) be in big screen

6)have a lots of hit ( this too)

Related Questions

Kristin is reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for class, and she takes note of the setting, especially the mountains. She thinks about how mountains are set apart from the rest of society and begins to think about what impact this has on the story itself. Kristin is: Select one: a. Reading and responding b. Interpreting c. Evaluating



b. Interpreting


A play can be defined as a literary work that presents the dialogue between characters, as well as portrayal of fictional and non-fictional events in a theatre. A plot simply describes the order of events in a literary work such as a play.

In this scenario, Kristin is reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for class while taking note of the setting, especially the mountains.

Consequently, Kristin thinks about how mountains are set apart from the rest of society and begins to think about what impact this has on the literary work itself. Thus, we can safely deduce and conclude that Kristin is interpreting the book.

Explain how form Impacts meaning in the poem "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou.



Maya Angelou does not let the standard meter, rhyme, and pase to control her poetry. She is the one who determines the structure or the lack of it and uses form  to achieve what she wants. The sound, tempo,  rhythm, and the rhyme are in service of each line. The poem “Caged Bird” is a great example of unstructured verse. The number of beats per line differs. The number of lines in each stanza changes as well. In addition, she uses  the intermittent stanza as well.  She also uses sporadic rhyme. The repetition of the third stanza serves to give some predictability to the poem and it draws the reader to participate with caged bird. Other parts of the poem are unpredictable. The joy of the free bird makes it possible for the reader understand the tragic story of the oppressed.In "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou, the free bird is an extended metaphor for a free person, and the caged bird is an extended metaphor for an oppressed person. Angelou creates a comparison between the two birds to make her point. For example, a free bird that "leaps on the back of the wind" is a metaphor for being free to do anything, while a caged bird with clipped wings and tied feet is a metaphor for being kept from doing most things. Angelou alternates the focus of the stanzas between the free bird and the caged bird. This emphasizes the contrast between the two and highlights the emotions her extended metaphors convey.

pls Mark me as brainliest trust me

Anyone else got summer school??



I did and it was boring and was like 4 days

Spll How does the author's point of view that humans are the biggest threat to sea otters affect the type of details included in the article?1 The author explains that human pollution is the only way that humans are affecting the sea otters' habitat. 2The author gives many examples of how human behavior is threatening the sea otters' habitat. O 3The author includes facts about humans building homes close to the water and endangering the sea otters' habitat. 4The author describes the laws that humans have passed to help restore the sea otter population.​



1) The point of view of the author establishes that humans are the biggest threat to sea otters because they endanger the environment of the sea otters and don't rebuild it. Explanation: ... Humans have had a very large and negative impact on them, without doing enough efforts to fix their effects on the sea otter's habitats.

2) Humans are the biggest threat to sea otter populations. Direct conflict with humans, through shootings, fishing gear entanglements and boat strikes, take a toll on sea otters, but oil spills, pollution, disease and loss of kelp pose major threats.

3) sea otters are a keystone species, meaning their role in their environment has a greater effect than other species. As top predators, sea otters are critical to maintaining the balance of nearshore ecosystems, such as kelp forests, embayments and estuaries. Without sea otters, sea urchins can overpopulate the sea floor and devour the kelp forests that provide cover and food for many other marine animals. By maintaining healthy kelp forests, sea otters also indirectly help to reduce levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, a prevalent greenhouse gas, as kelp absorbs and sequesters carbon.

4) Sea otters have been protected by the International Fur Seal Treaty since 1911. This treaty between U.S., Russia, Japan, and Great Britain was established to ban large-scale commercial hunting of sea otters and fur seals and to allow their populations to recover. Since then, sea otter numbers have increased.

Which phrase best describes how flash fiction writers use pacing to manipulate time?
They hint at something that will happen later.
They spend more time on important events or scenes. They describe an event from before the story began. They leave out some stages of the story’s plot.



describing a scene that occurred before the story began

describing or hinting at future events


They spend more time on important events or scenes


justastudentlss answered it

How does Dickens use language here to create sympathy for Pip?
The first paragraph tells us how Pip got his name. Why do you think Dickens does this?



Learning Task 4 Imagine you are the principal in an institution. As the school head, how are you going to address the social issues that circulate in your school? In your pad paper, copy the table. Write in the second column your suggested solution to the social issue indicated in the first column.

Social Issues

1. Gender Bias /Discrimination

2 Overpopulation

3. Bullying

4. Fake News

5. Child Abuse

Proposed Solution

he birds of the sea joined together to save the woman and they broke her fall. The great sea turtle floated in the ocean and received the woman on his back without harm. The frightened woman looked around and all she could see was water and sky. She felt helpless, but the animals were determined to save her. She told them that if they could find some soil, she could plant the roots from the Great Tree that were still tangled in her hands.

Based on the animals' behavior toward the woman, it is reasonable to conclude that the animals
were frightened by a creature they had never seen.
felt compassion for the woman because she was scared.
were hoping to live on land that the woman would create.
wanted the roots from the sacred Great Tree.



Felt compassion for the woman because she was scared.


trust me

Walt Whitman is known for his imagery.



Whitman's use of imagery shows his imaginative power, the depth of his sensory perceptions, and his capacity to capture reality instantaneously. He expresses his impressions of the world in language which mirrors the present. He makes the past come alive in his images and makes the future seem immediate.


The underlined part of the sentence is a

restrictive phrase.
nonrestrictive phrase.
restrictive clause.
nonrestrictive clause.





The underlined part of the sentence is a restrictive clause. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is a restrictive clause?

A restrictive clause is a type of subordinate clause that provides essential information to the sentence, without which the meaning of the sentence would be unclear or incomplete. It is also known as an essential clause.

A restrictive clause is usually introduced by a relative pronoun, such as "who," "whom," "that," "which," or "whose," and it modifies the noun or pronoun that immediately precedes it in the sentence.

It is important to note that a restrictive clause is not set off by commas, as it is an essential part of the sentence. In contrast, a non-restrictive clause, which provides additional, non-essential information to the sentence, is set off by commas.

Learn more about restrictive clause, here


He is as tall as you. (negative)


He is not as tall as you


Why do you think Charles Hooper’s appointment as Assistant National Sales Manager is considered to be a tribute to Duke?

No spam! This question is from the story "A Dog Named Duke"​


Gud afternoon dude

Hope it helps uh ✌️

Read the excerpt from activist cesar Chavez 1984 address to the commonwealth club of San Francisco. Which ideas from the excerpt would be most appropriate to include in a summary ?select two options


Could we have the excerpt? Then I will try and answer.

What is the main purpose of paragraph 5?


What do you mean paragraph 5?

Can you give me a example of creative simile please



As cute as a kitten

As happy as a clam


Answer and Explanation:

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things in an interesting way using the word "like" or "as." The purpose of a simile is to spark an interesting connection in a reader's or listener's mind. A simile is one of the most common forms of figurative language. Simile examples can be found just about anywhere, from poems to song lyrics and even in everyday conversations.

Mathematics father's favorite subject . a. were b. will c. was d.are​





only was and is are correct since they are pairs in past and present tense

pls help i really need it

Summarize how the English language developed into what it is today.


The English language begins with the Anglo-Saxons.  The Romans, who had controlled England for centuries, had withdrawn their troops and most of their colonists by the early 400s.  Attacks from the Irish, the Picts from Scotland, the native Britons, and Anglo-Saxons from across the North Sea, plus the deteriorating situation in the rest of the Empire, made the retreat a strategic necessity.  As the Romans withdrew, the Britons re-established themselves in the western parts of England, and the Anglo-Saxons invaded and began to settle the eastern parts in the middle 400s.  The Britons are the ancestors of the modern day Welsh, as well as the people of Britanny across the English channel.  The Anglo-Saxons apparently displaced or absorbed the original Romanized Britons, and created the five kingdoms of Northumbria, Mercia, Kent, East Anglia, Essex, Sussex, and Wessex (see map below).  Notice that the last three are actually contractions of East Saxon, South Saxon, and West Saxon, and that the Welsh still refer to the English as Saxons (Saesneg).

Use this but change ur words but this would work


The English language is an old language. It is spoken in almost all parts of the world.

In the early times, spoken English evolved around five centuries ago. The language soon became widespread because of the British Empire. The Industrial Revolution also gave rise to the spread of the English language.

Nowadays, globalization has made it easy for almost all human beings to communicate and speak in English. It has become the language of the world. People traveling to all parts of the country speak in English as a medium to translate their native language to others. Thus the English language has developed to be a world language today.


Select the correct answer.
In this excerpt from the poem "Thanatopsis" by William Cullen Bryant, what is the meaning of the word infant?

Yet not to thine eternal resting-place
Shalt thou retire alone, nor couldst thou wish
Couch more magnificent. Thou shalt lie down
With patriarchs of the infant world -- with kings,
The powerful of the earth -- the wise, the good,
Fair forms, and hoary seers of ages past,
All in one mighty sepulchre. The hills



The answer is

E: New

30. Which of the following explains why a speech should be precise and concise

Ensure statements are humorous and believable.

Ensures statements are clever and repetitive.

Ensures statements are accurate and to-the-point.

Ensures statements are supportive and strategic



Ensures statements are accurate and to-the-point.


A speech should be precise and concise because it ensures that statements are accurate and to-the-point.

Speeches are encouraged to be precise and concise so that the speaker can avoid unnecessary details and go straight to the point without boring his listeners but making them understand his point quickly.

What adjective best describes the tone of this excerpt?





(Confused is wrong btw since I took the test)



worried is the answer that u need

So I'm going into my freshman year in high school on August 12th and I wanted to ask some questions to you guys what can I do to survive my 9th grade year also study tips and things to do to be really good in class supplies I can use and how I can have a good GPA also want to talk about final exams and all that stuff​


Answer: Be committed, do not be afraid to ask questions, track your grade, stand up for yourself, do not let your peers change you.

Explanation: The assignments are going to get hard, so you must stay committed and put in the effort. If you fall behind, it will be very difficult to get back up. Do not make a habit out of procrastination. If you don't understand something, do not be afraid to ask questions, if a good GPA is what your aim is, then it's important to get an understanding. Stay current with your grades, it's important to know your standings, so that you know what you mastered, and what still needs more practice. Always stand up for yourself, do not allow yourself to get picked on. If people see you to be weak, and an easy prey, they will challenge and clown you in order to boost their clout. And most importantly, do not allow your peers to change you. stay away from drugs, they're addictive, and they ruin your body. If your goal is to get good grades, then make sure your managing your time wisely. Your friends might want to talk during class, but it's important that you listen, they will want to hangout, but make sure you've mastered or have at least a decent understanding of all your class lessons before proceeding into leisure. Now remember, this is only if your goal is to be a good student. I on the other hand don't follow any of these rules except the "don't do drugs". I'm legit answering your question for brainly points so I can continue cheating my summer school homework lol. I'm not the best example, but I'm a Sophomore soon to be Junior in August who has a good concept and understanding of how High School works..

Read the excerpt from The Dark Game: True Spy Stories from Invisible Ink to CIA Moles.

[T]he Germans committed some blunders in the way they sent their secret radio messages, giving the British help in their task. The first mistake of German intelligence was the error of arrogance, believing that the British were not up to the challenge of deciphering their messages. Another mistake they made was sending duplicates and even triplicates of some of their messages, with each one using a different cipher key.

Which word best describes the tone of the passage?

Mark this and return


It’s C i just took that test




Please help me. Thank you ​



1. e

2. f

3. a

4. g

5. c

6. d


Match the items.The task is to match the lettered items with the correct numbered items. Appearing below is a list of lettered items. Following that is a list of numbered items. Each numbered item is followed by a drop-down. Select the letter in the drop down that best matches the numbered item with the lettered alternatives.

a. Thesis
b. Bridge
c. Memorable Idea
d. Hook
e. Habitat for Humanity
f. History
g. 5

1. This essay will be _______ paragraphs in length.
2. A ______ will engage the reader and draw them into the essay.
3. A _________ is the main idea of the essay.
4. A ________ transitions from the hook to the thesis.
5. A ___________ is oftentimes emotional so that the reader remembers what you wrote.
6. The first body paragraph topic will be on the __________ of your organization.
7. _____________ was the example organization explained in the video.



1. 5

2. hook



5.memorable idea




i dont know the rest

before typing it in make sure it correct with other people

1. Choose the option that presents the
information clearly and correctly.
A. Unlike his brother. John loved books of
all kinds,
B. Unlike his brother: John loved books, all
kinds of books.
C. Unlike his brother, John loved books of
all kinds.
D. Unlike his brother John loved books; all
kinds of books.



C. Unlike his brother, John loved books of all kinds.

C.Unlike his brother,John loved books of all kinds.

Read the sentence. Determine if the appositive is restrictive or nonrestrictive based on punctuation. My dog Zeus won at the county dog show. What can be concluded about Zeus? Zeus is the speaker's only dog, because Zeus is a restrictive appositive. The speaker owns more than one dog, because Zeus is a restrictive appositive. Zeus is the speaker's only dog, because Zeus is a nonrestrictive appositive. The speaker owns more than one dog, because Zeus is a nonrestrictive appositive.


Answer: The speaker owns more than one dog, because Zeus is a restrictive appositive.


An appositive noun or phrase is said to be restrictive when the word that it modifies is being narrowed down. It simply tells the noun that one is writing about. A restrictive appositive is not separated from rest of the sentence by commas.

Since the sentence "My dog Zeus won at the county dog show" isn't separated by comma and tell us that the speaker owns more than one dog.

Answer: B The speaker owns more than one dog, because Zeus is a restrictive appositive


sumina said to father what is your name into indirect speech​



I think it goes like this...


Sumina asked her father what his name was.

Why is the town of Poker Flat banishing some of its residents?
A. The town committee considers them immoral and responsible for some bad luck.
B. These residents actually live in Sandy Bar and need to return to their city.
C. The town has been caught in a gambling scandal and must turn in some cheaters.
D. The town has a shortage of food and needs to eliminate some citizens.


This question can’t be answered without the passage that comes along with jt.

Based on inferences, what is the most likely meaning of misanthrope?



misanthrope: a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society.


This is the dictionary definition :)

what is the most interesting part of a story
Eg:- plot,setting,theme​


probably the setting, it creates imagery and allows the audience to have a sense of imagination
I say the plot. It’s what makes the story and gives many details

Any help is great


1. Enterprise

2. retinue

3. bankrupt

4. beset

5. alien

Answer: 5-alien,4-beset,2-retinue,1-enterprise


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