¿Crees que este derecho fue un gran avance en el reconocimiento de los pueblos indígenas y originarios? ¿Por qué


Answer 1


sí, antes ellos no tenían tantos derechos como ahora, así que obviamente lo es


Related Questions

Please help ASAP
Read the English sentences carefully and match each one with the impersonal expression that best fits the meaning or intention of the sentence.
Pollution affects humans and animals. A) Es bueno
Straightforward hunting regulations could prevent rhinos from being extinct. B) Es importante
You care for the common species. C) Es malo
You must feed the hens every morning so they are healthy. D) Es fácil


polutions affect = es malo
straightforward regulations = es importante
you care for common species = es bueno
you must feed the hens = es facil

The most appropriate impersonal expressions for each sentence correspond to:

C) Es malo: Pollution affects humans and animals.

B) Es importante: Straightforward hunting regulations could prevent rhinos from being extinct.

A) Es bueno: You care for the common species.

D) Es fácil: You must feed the hens every morning so they are healthy.

What are impersonal expressions?

They are defined as expressions that do not have a subject or a specific subject, it is usually possible to identify an impersonal expression due to the absence of the subject in a sentence.

Therefore, it is possible to relate each sentence above to a specific impersonal expression according to the context that best suits each one.

Find out more about impersonal expressions here:



5. Which of the following letters is NOT a common ending of adjectives in Spanish? *
A: i
B: n
C: e
D: o


The answers is I. :)


B. n


a, e, i, o, and u are common adjectives in Spanish just like in English they are vowels.

Hope that this helps!! :)

Traduzca: Who could it be?
¿Quién fue?
¿Quién es?
¿Quién será?
¿Quién ser?



Quien Sera? = who could it be?


from a Native Spanish speaker

hope  i helped


Quién sería?

Who was?

Who is?

Who will be?

Quién ser - this is a mistake. It is like saying “who be.”


Es necesario
____el piso (the floor).
O trapear
O doblar
O limpiar
O lavar



La repuesta correcta



Es necesario TRAPEAR el piso

Using the order indicated, in Spanish write 3 sentences telling in what order Juan did these activities. You should also replace the direct object in each sentence with a direct object pronoun.

Example: 7th/miró la televisión

Response: Séptimo, Juan la miró.

1. 1st/comió la cena con su familia

2. 2nd/lavó los platos

3. 3rd/hizo la tarea para mañana



Primero comio la cena.

Segundo lavo platos

tercero hizo la tarea


also make sure to add the accents where needed

Cocinar me gusta tanto _____ limpiar.
A. Como
B. Que
C. Del
D. De


A is the correct answer.

Subraya o resalta la palabra que debes excluir:

a. jauría, ejército, arboleda, planta

b. Rímac, Marañón, Nilo, Ucayali,

c. Vargas Llosa, Bryce, Ribeyro, García Márquez

d. tenis, vóley, golf, equitación

e. Miraflores, Carabayllo, La Molina, San Isidro

f. blusa, falda, chompa, pantimedias

g. mandarina, naranja, lima, melón

h. Sócrates, Platón, Lao Tse Aristóteles

i. amapola, dalia, Delia, crisantemo

j. telégrafo, locomotora, computadora

porfavor lo necesito para hoy




a. jauría, ejército, arboleda, planta  

b. Rímac, Marañón, Nilo, Ucayali,  

c. Vargas Llosa, Bryce, Ribeyro, García Márquez  

d. tenis, vóley, golf, equitación

e.. Miraflores, Carabayllo, La Molina, San Isidro  

f. blusa, falda, chompa, pantimedias  

g. mandarina, naranja, lima, melón  

h. Sócrates, Platón, Lao Tse, Aristóteles  

i. amapola, dalia, Delia, crisantemo

j. telégrafo, locomotora, computadora

¿Qué entienden al usar la expresión “Él o Ella tienen estilo”?


If I had written your question in English, I could have helped you

Help me plz I need help


this is for the second half

las mujeres
los autobuses
los estudiantes
las comunidades
las lecciones

In the verb tener, which is the only form that is not irregular?






It's the only regular one as it would be nosotros tenemos

the rest are irregular and don't follow regular conjugation

complete the following sentences:
Yo ______ una rica ensalada (comí)(juego)
A el le ________ mucho el tenis (gusta)(Pica)
Ayudenme u:


Yo comí una rica ensalada

A él le gusta mucho el tenis



Yo ___comí___ una rica ensalada

A el le ____gusta____ mucho el tenis

BRAINLIEST Completa el espacio en blanco con la mejor respuesta con el Presente Subjuntivo Irregular (Present Subjunctive
El sacerdote les aconseja que ellos_____
amables con sus compañeros. (ser)


El sacerdote les aconseja que ellos SEAN amables con sus compañeros.
El sacerdote les aconseja que ellos sean amables con sus compañeros.

Translate this to english
(btw its snapish to english)

Eres precioso


You’re beautiful is the answer
“you're beautiful” bit of an odd thing and I kinda feel like you just want this to be said lol

Completa el espacio en blanco con la mejor respuesta con subjuntivos (subjunctives).
Tu madre dijo que tú no ____
acostarte tan tarde. (deber)






Answer: debes


Ordena las letras de los enunciados siguientes siguiendo la estructura de los cuentos.
m. Al conde le parce apropiado el consejo y lo pone en práctica con buenos resultados.
s. Patronio establece una semejanza entre el caso que plantea el conde y un cuento.
t. Patronio manifiesta y explica al conde el consejo que le ha pedido.
h. Patronio narra el cuento(ejemplo).
i. El conde Lucanor plantea un problema a Patronio, su servidor, y le pide que le aconseje.
j. Don Juan Manuel resume la enseñanza del cuento en dos versos pareados, a modo de moraleja.










Structure of the stories of Juan Manuel (El Conde Lucanor)

porque los prejuicios hace que discriminamos a las personas



Porque los estereotipos al ser algo que pasa comúnmente en algún tipo de raza, cultura o genero, al intentar cambiar eso y probar algo distinto, la gente no lo acepta del todo o simplemente no lo apoya



Cómo la palabra prejuicio lo dice, pre significa antes, se tiene ya un juicio formado antes de conocer los hechos. Pensamos algo acerca de una cosa o persona sin ninguna base o información educada.


1.-Elabora un ensayo que explique la significación del nosotros.
2.-¿Cuál es la diferencia entre las preguntas por nosotros los latinoamericanos y por el yo?



1. La palabra nosotros es usada basicamente para describir otras personas y yo. Por Ejemplo, "nosotros limpiamos la casa"

2. En españa se le puede llamar tambien vosotros es casi lo mismo pero con el vos y en latinoamerica seria con nos al principio.

Enter the word that correctly completes the sentence.

Ana is afraid of spiders.

Ana _____ miedo de las arañas.





I know Spanish fluently, therefore you can trust me!

Tiene miedo! Hope this helps! Safe learning :)

The trauma of war can have lasting consequences. Countries like the United States and ________ recognize this fact. This country recognizes the importance of offering services not only for soldiers, but also for their families. Unfortunately, there are some soldiers who suffer from PTSD after their experiences in the military. Argentina Germany Australia Ancient





The trauma of war can have lasting consequences. Countries like the United States and ____ Germany ____ recognize this fact. This country recognizes the importance of offering services not only for soldiers, but also for their families. Unfortunately, there are some soldiers who suffer from PTSD after their experiences in the military.

Señas en una oración. Por favor



Cuando corría en un día soleado, vi muchas señales por la carretera.

When I was running on a sunny day, I saw many signs by the road.



Your answer is buen sueldo.

[tex]\purple{\bold{\huge{{{He_{llo} \: ♡ \: !}}}}}[/tex]

Además de que se ofrece beneficios, también se ofrece un buen sueldo.

[tex]MissSpanish \: ♡[/tex]

the sum of two numbers is 15 the numbers are such that one third of the larger is equal to half the smaller find the numbers​.....



The numbers are:

9 and 6


a+b = 15   (eq. 1)

a/3 = b/2  (eq. 2)

from eq. 2:

a = 3b/2   (eq. 3)

Substituting the value of the eq. 3 into the eq. 1:

3b/2 + b = 15

3b/2 + 2b/2 = 15

(3b + 2b)/2 = 15

3b + 2b = 15*2

5b = 30

b = 30/5

b = 6

from eq. 1:

a + 6 = 15

a = 15 - 6

a = 9


from eq. 2:

9/3 = 6/2 = 3

Answer: 6 and 9


X + y = 15

X/3 = y/2 2x = 3y 2x - 3y = 0


(3x+3y=45) +( 2x - 3y=0). 3y-3y=0

3x + 2x = 45

X = 45/5

X = 9

15-9 =6

Y = 6

listen, read the question, and choose the option that best answers the question.
What volunteer opportunity does María Luisa do?
She serves food in a retirement home.
She raises money for the local retirement home.
She raises money for a homeless charity.
She serves food in a soup kitchen for the homeless.


Answer: Recauda dinero para unq organizacion benefica para persona sin hogar


recauda dinero para unq organizacion benefica para persona sin hogar

what spanish pronoun whould be used for the following
( Siliva, the secretary of your school's main office ) ​


The pronouns that we use in Spanish are feminine, which would be her or she /ella

Sliva, la secretaria de la oficina principal de su escuela

#1. What good luck charm from around the world struck you as the most interesting or different and why?
#2. If you had a choice, would you rather visit the Callejón del Beso or the Lover's bridge in Paris? Why? (Personal opinion right answer only) please help



rabbit foot


Conteste con pregunta retomada, redacción correcta, respetando puntuación y Ortografía, las siguientes preguntas derivadas de su lectura de "Arrugas" de Paco Roca. (1 punto) 1. Llene la frase o expresión propia de cada personaje de la historia: (3 puntos) ¿Qué dijo? ¿Qué efecto produjo? El hijo de Emilio Miguel de Juan Doña Sol Miguel a Emilio Dolores a Modesto Pellicer a Emilio Félix a Miguel



I don't understand your question

a quien les toca contestar la pregunta




¿A quién les toca contestar la pregunta?    (Incorrect)

¿A quienes les toca contestar la pregunta? (Correct)

¿A quien le toca contestar la pregunta? (Correct)

When is the “a” personal used in Spanish?
A. The “a” personal is used when the direct object of a sentence is a person
B. The “a” personal is used when there is a direct object in the sentence
C. Every sentence has the “a” personal.
D. The “a” personal is used when the direct object is an indefinite person.





I don't really know just trying

Look at the sentence that follows. When translated to Spanish, would it use the subjunctive?
It's certain that Marcos is coming to the party.
No or yes.


Yes the answer would use the subjunctive

When the given sentence in English is translated into Spanish, the statement that it will use the subjunctive form of the verb is: not true.

Present Tense in Spanish

The conjugation of the verb "venir" in present tense, taking into account the personal pronouns is:

Yo: vengoTú: vienesUsted: vieneÉl: vieneElla: vieneEllo: vieneNosotros / Nosotras: venimosUstedes: vienenEllos / Ellas: vienen

Since the sentence assures that Marcos will come, while the subjunctive form is used for hypothetical situations where it is not certain that the events will occur, the correct option is that it will not use the subjunctive form.

If you want to learn more about Subjunctive Form in Spanish, you can visit the following link: https://brainly.com/question/23223200


1. gazpacho
2. kilómetro
3. béisbol
4. Honduras
5. Frida
6. quimica
7. yo
10. México
Translate to English



1. Gazpacho

2. Kilometre

3. baseball

4. Honduras

5. Frida

6. chemistry

7. me

8. Whom

9. Vamps

10. Mexico


1. gazpacho = gazpacho ( it's same cause   it is a name own name.)

2. kilómetro = Kilometer

3. béisbol = Baseball

4. Honduras = Honduras ( it's same cause   it is a name own name.)

5. Frida = Frida ( it's same cause   it is a name own name.)

6. quimica = chemistry

7. yo = me / I

8.Jota = Jot

9.Vamps = Vamps ( it's same cause   it is a name own name.)

10. México = México ( it's same cause   it is a name own name.)


HI! i hope this help

Brainliest pless

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