cương lĩnh chính trị đầu tiên của Đảng diễn ra vào ngày nào?


Answer 1


Cương lĩnh chính trị đầu tiên của Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam (2-1930) Cương lĩnh đầu tiên của Đảng được đề ra tại Hội nghị hợp nhất các tổ chức cộng sản trong nước có ý nghĩa như Đại hội để thành lập Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam.


Related Questions

what is negritude and. where and how did it develop



Negritude is the literary and intellectual movement that developed in Paris among the black writers in France. This movement was a sort of open declaration and acceptance of their black or African origin and their public expression of being accepted as Black writers.


The term "Negritude" refers to the literary movement during the early 19th century that originated in France. This literary movement was a result of the collected group of black writers and intellectuals banding together to raise concerns and cultivate their African identity and origin.

The concept of negritude developed first in Paris among the black or African writers and intellectuals who speak French and desired to express and openly declare their African origin. It was a result of their desire to be accepted and identified as black writers, their acceptance of their culture and identity. The movement was a sort of reaction against the European colonization of Africa and the need to assert the cultural racism that the Europeans had directed against the colonies.

What was one benefit of living in cities? Choose 1 answer:
(Choice A)
Low population densities meant little competition for resources

(Choice B)
High population densities made for cleaner living conditions

(Choice C)
High population densities allowed for specialization and division of labor



choice c


high population densities allows Specialiazation and decision of labv

which of these was a major cause of the Mexian-American war


Answer:C     also ... the United States annexed Texas.


Prejudice and racism are the same true or false


Those two things are wrong, it is necessary to have an objective view and be in harmony with society

why did George Stevens include the preface and introduction in the book anne frank



This diary is the story of Anne— a young Jewish girl and aspiring writer in hiding from the Nazis. When her family’s hiding place (the "Secret Annex") was raided, Anne and her family were imprisoned in concentration camps.

Anne’s diary, a devastating and relatable coming-of-age story, was left behind in the Secret Annex, but kept safe by a family friend, Miep Gies. Anne's father, Otto Frank, was the Secret Annex's sole survivor of the Holocaust. After Otto was liberated from a concentration camp, Miep gave him the diary. Otto Frank edited the diary and removed a few sensitive passages—some that weren’t so nice about Anne’s mom, other Secret Annex members, or parts that seemed too sexual for a teenager in the 1940's. However, the most currently printed versions are more complete.

It's impossible to overstate how phenomenally influential The Diary of a Young Girl is. It was first published in 1947 in Dutch as Het Achterhius (Secret Annex), but later became the most translated Dutch book ever—it's been translated into seventy languages in sixty countries. So far, it's sold 30 million copies. It's also been produced as a play and has been adapted into several films.

In 1960, the building containing the Secret Annex was made in to a museum called The Anne Frank House. Anne’s diary has also inspired numerous educational and human rights organizations in her name.

Anne Frank wanted to be a writer. And it's tragic, moving and life-affirming that she became a well-known writer around the world after her death in a Nazi concentration camp. But then again, the poignant mix of the tragic, the moving, and the life-affirming runs throughout The Diary of Anne Frank. It's what makes this book so incredible.

prejudice involves the ex ride of power . What the correct answer true or false





because Prejudice[1][need quotation to verify] can be an affective feeling towards a person based on their perceived group membership



a group of dedicated to promoting civil rights would most likely focus on addressing which problem?


A group dedicated to promoting civil rights would likely focus on addressing lack of knowledge on right to constitutional remedies.

During the war, Tories: Group of answer choices came from all classes of society refused to take prisoners generally lived at peace with their Whig neighbors probably outnumbered Patriots controlled large areas for an extended time


The correct answer is "came from all classes of society."

During the war, Tories came from all classes of society.

During the Revolutionary War, a Tory was a colonist that was still loyal to the King. These loyalists came from all classes of society and considered that the colonies had no chance to exists without the presence of the British government

In opposition to Loyalists who supported the presence of the British monarchy and the English government in the colonies, Patriots were American colonists that wanted independence from the British king.

Patriots were tired of the many injustices and heavy taxation imposed by the English government, as was the case of teh Navigation Acts, the Stamp Act, the Tea Act, and many others.

Patriots were also furious that they had to pay taxes but had no voice or representation in the British Parliament. Indeed, all these were major causes for the beginning of the Revolutionary War of Independence.

why do you think much of the music from the
1960s and 1970s remains so popular today?



Old people


One reason why music from the 1960s and 1970s is still popular is because there are still a lot of people still alive from that time. Since they are still alive they most likely shared their taste in the music with the younger generation (like their children or grandchildren). Because of that the popularity of 60s and 70s music still goes on to this day.

Hope this helps

Read the passage from the novel The Outsiders.

Darry didn't deserve to work like an old man when he was only twenty. He had been a real popular guy in school; he was captain of the football team and he had been voted Boy of the Year. But we just didn't have the money for him to go to college, even with the athletic scholarship he won. And now he didn't have time between jobs to even think about college. So, he never went anywhere and never did anything anymore, except work out at gyms and go skiing with some old friends of his sometimes.

Which thesis statement would be best supported by this quote?

Anyone can be successful if they work hard enough.
Responsibility can change a person’s life for the better.
Sometimes you must sacrifice your goals to help your family.
You should not let family responsibilities interfere with having fun.


According to the text above, we can see that Darry had to abandon his goals of going to college, like his high school friends, to help meet the family's needs.

With that, we can say that the third answer option is the correct answer.

Darry is the older brother of Ponnyboy, who is the narrator of "The Outsiders." After they lost their parents, Darry had to find several jobs to support himself and meet the needs of his brothers, including Ponnyboy.

With that we can see that Darry:

Sacrifice for the family.Give up his own dreams and goals to allow the brothers not to go out of necessity.He was a good student and would have a promising future.He became the main responsible for the family.

"The Outsiders" tells the story of Ponnyboy, who lives in a situation of social vulnerability, along with his brothers and ends up getting involved with street gangs, while struggling to discover who he really is.

You can find more information about "The Outsiders" at the link below:


I need help with these please


1 is A And 2 is D I believe

What created the demand that drove the transatlantic slave trade?
A. The colonists' belief in white superiority
B. The creation of manufactured goods in Europe
C. The desire to convert indigenous people to Christianity
· D. The need for labor in the Americas



D. The need for labor in the Americas



The need for labor in the Americans has created a demand which drove the Transatlantic Slave Trade. This demand had developed since the Europe's conquest and colonization both northern and southern America along with the Caribbean Islands.

What is Transatlantic Slave Trade?

" Transatlantic Slave Trade is a trade between Europe and Africa. This demand of slaves for labor had increased during seventeenth and eighteenth century through Atlantic Ocean to work in the European states."

What is meant by colonization?

" Colonization is an act of settling in a foreign area by establishing control over the indigenous people."

What are Caribbean Islands?

" Caribbean Islands are a set of american Islands in Caribbean sea situated in the southeast region of The Gulf of Mexico."

To learn more about Slave Trade here



Answers anyone ? Please and thank you:)


Answer: B- there were many different competing ethnic groups.


These states do not have stand your ground laws a) Connecticut b) Oregon c) New York d) Arkansas e) California



Connecticut, Oregon, New York, and California all do not have stand your ground laws.

Arkansas is the only state here that does have stand your ground laws.

Therefore, the answer(s) would be A,B,C,E


¿qué significó, para nuestro país, tener conflictos territoriales? porfavor que sea la respuesta correcta



Territorial conflicts can indeed be effectively addressed through nonviolent conflict resolution mechanisms like arbitration and international court determination. The successful completion of border conflicts fosters democratisation and, in the lengthy period, helps to ensure the stability of shared boundaries.

Select the correct answer.
Think of the different political philosophies in Europe during the early nineteenth century. Which statement best describes a way that liberalism and nationalism differed?

Liberalism expected equal rights for all people within a state, while nationalism favored a specific identity based on culture.
Liberalism required government power to be delegated to local organizations, while nationalism opposed local governments.
Liberalism required individual ownership of all property, while nationalism required collective national ownership of all property.
Liberalism supported the absolute rule of monarchs, while nationalism required monarchs to work under constitutional limits




Liberalism expected equal rights for all people within a state, while nationalism favored a specific identity based on culture

Answer: A


What does Cassius foreshadow to be the outcome of the war?
A victory for his army
B. the falling of two eagles
C. defeat for his army
D. the return of Caesar's ghost





Cassius foreshadows defeat for his army in the war. Cassius foreshadows defeat for his army in the war.




This star originated the stand your ground laws A) Florida b) Maryland c) California d) Georgia


I believe it’s A) Florida
I guess the answer is Florida mate

The U.S. Constitution provides for a structure of government that….



C. grants state and national governments delineated authority


Question 1 of 5
Why did the author most likely include information about the Spanish-
American War in the reading?



because it was still a war or battle that happen si that means its a part of history

Water usage in the United States has





increased due to population needs increasing.

which of the following communities lasted the longest?New Harmony, The Oneida Community, Red Bank, Brook Farm


The original passage is shown below

While many nineteenth-century reformers hoped to bring about reform through education or by eliminating specific social evils, some thinkers wanted to start over and remake society by founding ideal, cooperative communities. The United States seemed to them a spacious and unencumbered country where models of a perfect society could succeed. These communitarian thinkers hoped their success would lead to imitation, until communities free of crime, poverty, and other social ills would cover the land. A number of religious groups, notably the Shakers, practiced communal living, but the main impetus to found model communities came from nonreligious, rationalistic thinkers.

Among the communitarian philosophers, three of the most influential were Robert Owen, Charles Fourier and John Humphrey Noyes Owen, famous for his humanitarian policies as owner of several thriving textile mills in Scotland, believed that faulty environment was to blame for human problems and that these problems could be eliminated in a rationally planned society. In 1825 he put his principles into practice at New Harmony, Indiana. The community failed economically after a few years but not before achieving a number of social successes. Fourier, a commercial employee in France, never visited the United States. However, his theories of cooperative living influenced many Americans through the writings of Albert Brisbane, whose Social Destiny of Man explained Fourier-ism and its self-sufficient associations or “phalanxes”. One or more of these phalanxes was organized in every Northern state. The most famous were Red Bank, New Jersey, and Brook Farm, Massachusetts. An early member of the latter was the author Nathaniel Hawthorne. Noyes founded the most enduring and probably the oddest of the utopian communities, the Oneida Community of upstate New York. Needless to say, none of these experiments had any lasting effects on the patterns of American society.


Oneida Community


From the passage, it can be concluded that the community that lasted longer is the "Oneida Community."

This is evident in the passage which says "Noyes founded the MOST ENDURING and probably the oddest of the utopian communities, the Oneida Community of upstate New York.

By MOST ENDURING, that implies that it is the one that lasted longer

The map shows occupied Germany in 1945.

Based on the map, why were tensions high in Germany after World War II?

A. The country was unified, and everyone involved worried about unrest from the German population.

B. The country was divided into satellite states, and everyone involved worried about a German revolt.

C. The country was unified under four countries, but all sides feared a German revolt.

D. The country was divided under four countries, but all sides feared attack from one another.






They are incorrect its D


¿Qué relación hay entre el sentido de nuestra existencia con el sentido del mundo?

el trabajo es de filosofia ayudenme porfavor



I do not know I’m interested


Like At allll

In 35 words or fewer, predict how the changes brought about by industrialization would impact the world.


Industrialization impacted the world as it led t the development of technology and the economy.

What is industrialization?

It should be noted that industrialization simply means the development of industries in a particular region on a large scale.

In this case, industrialization impacted the world as it led t the development of technology and the economy.

Learn more about industrialization on:



How did the New Deal expand the role of the federal government in nation's economy



It gave the federal government more power by forming regulatory organizations and setting the groundwork for a social welfare system. To avert social and economic difficulties in the future, the government will regulate business and fund social welfare programs.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

Justice is a natural part off the life cycle of the United States true or False




Some mods take real exceptions to this kind of question. If it is not school related, it will get deleted. I would make sure you state  why you are asking the question, and it should not be out of curiosity or worse malice.

I think you will find that the answer is false. There many instances in American history that you have to conclude that Justice is not a natural thing. It is generally hard fought. I think the worst example of Supreme court injustice is probably  Dred Scott vs. Sanford

The best (or worst depending on your point of view) is the murders of JFK and MLK in the 50s and 60s surrounding the civil rights movement.  Or Army McCarthy hearings in the late 50s. Those instances point to something totally unjust.

Which type of market is the least likely to have an official currency?



Traditional economy


The traditional economy is known to be an original economic system in which it has factors that helps in shaping the services and goods in terms with the economy produces.


The type of market that is least likely to have an official currency is the traditional economy. The traditional economy is known to be original economic system in which it has factors that helps in shaping the services and goods in terms with the economy produces.

By 1932, a. President Hoover was sullen and withdrawn. b. All of the above. c. The army had dispersed the Bonus Marchers, veterans of World War I, using tanks and mounted cavalry. d. Unemployment in the United States was almost 24 percent.



All of the above


By 1932,

a. unemployment in the United States was almost 24 percent.

b. President Hoover was sullen and withdrawn.

c. the army had dispersed the Bonus Marchers, veterans of World War I, using tanks and mounted cavalry.

d. all of the above

By 1932, all of the above. There was the all the statement are the president, Unemployment, and the army. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is President?

The term President refers to the service provided to the country. The president leads the country. The president has greater decision-making authority for the nation. The President is relying on a variety of legal mandates and rewritten laws. The President are the different roles and powers.

According to the period was the based of the historical events such as President Hoover was the withdrawal of the position. Using tanks and mounted cavalry, the army had dispersed the Bonus Marchers, World War I veterans. The ratio of the unemployment 24% are the United States. The all the terms are the classified the period of the 1932.

Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on President, here:



What problem was the caused by the quick growth of tobacco farming in Jamestown?



Tobacco farming changed the settlement at Jamestown in many ways like- tobacco farming saved Jamestown by ensuring its economic success by becoming the colony's cash crop. As it required lots of land and labor, it sped up the growth of the colony.

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