Define Pareto's law. Multiple choice question. It is the ranking of all items of an inventory according to a specific criterion of importance. It is a method of estimating the impact of changing the number of locations on the quantity of inventory held. It is the rule that a small percentage of items account for a large percentage of sales, profit, or importance to a company. It is used to determine the order size for a one-time purchase.


Answer 1


It is the rule that a small percentage of items account for a large percentage of sales, profit, or importance to a company


Pareto's law is a law that describes the points or direction to concentrate the firm's activities and resources on to achieve optimum productivity.

It usually follows the principle that 80% of returns come from 20% of the customers or clients.

Hence, in this case, the correct answer is Pareto's law is defined to be "the rule that a small percentage of items account for a large percentage of sales, profit, or importance to a company."

Related Questions

Which behavior demonstrates teamwork?
A) Write a blog post about the value of teamwork.
B) Go out to lunch with coworkers.
C) Collaborate with coworkers to solve a technical problem.
D) Read a book about what one can learn from participating in team sports.





collaborate with coworkers to solve a technical problem that's definitely teamwork

Collaborate with coworkers to solve a technical problem, behavior demonstrates teamwork. Therefore, option C is correct.

What is the technical problem ?

Technical problems are unanticipated equipment issues, including hardware malfunctions or software defects, that make it difficult or impossible to carry out a desired operation.

Important disputes are resolved through collaboration, especially those that have an impact on relationships between groups. Integrating solutions, advancing perspectives, securing commitments, and learning more about the other parties and the conflict itself are the main collaborative actions.

Technical problems are equipment issues. The knowledge and skills required to carry out particular activities are known as technical skills. They are applicable and frequently have to do with mathematical, scientific, information technology, or mechanical jobs. Knowledge of design software, mechanical tools, or programming languages are a few examples.

Thus, option C is correct.

To learn more about the technical problem, follow the link;


When consumers and businesses have greater confidence that they will be able to repay in the future, _______________________. Question 5 options: the quantity demanded of financial capital at any given interest rate will remain unchanged. the quantity demanded of financial capital at any given interest rate will shift to the left. the quantity demanded of financial capital at any given interest rate will shift to the right. the quantity demanded of financial capital at any given interest rate will achieve equilibrium.


When consumers and businesses have greater confidence that they will be able to repay in the future, the quantity demanded of financial capital at any given interest rate will shift to the right.

Juan argued that bluegrass is the best food for cattle in the Midwest. Sammy objected by citing how the authorities at the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommended alfalfa over bluegrass for Midwestern cattle. If Juan counters this objection by arguing that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is a bloated bureaucracy with too much fat that deserves to be cut in the next federal budget bill, then Juan has



committed the fallacy of avoiding the issue.


The fallacy of avoiding the issue is also called the fallacy of irelevant conclusion or a red herring.

It occurs when an individual avoids dealing with an issue that he has a problem with.

In the given scenario the issue is whether bluegrass is better than Alfa Alfa for cattle in the Midwest.

Instead of Juan to address the issue he is arguing that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is a bloated bureaucracy with too much fat that deserves to be cut in the next federal budget bill.

He is not addressing the main issue

Marginal benefit is the * 1 point a) increase in net benefit that a person receives from consuming another unit of a good. b) additional efficiency from producing another unit of a good. c) increase in profit from producing another unit of a good. d) change in total benefit that occurs when a person consumes another unit of the good. e) total benefit from consuming all the units of the good or service.



d) change in total benefit that occurs when a person consumes another unit of the good.


Marginal cost can be defined as the additional or extra cost that is being incurred by a company as a result of the production of an additional unit of a product or service.

Generally, marginal cost can be calculated by dividing the change in production costs by the change in level of output or quantity.

Utility can be defined as any satisfaction or benefits a customer derives from the use of a product or service.

This ultimately implies that, any satisfaction or benefits a customer derives from the use of a product or service is generally referred to as a utility.

Furthermore, the marginal utility of goods and services is the additional satisfaction that a consumer derives from consuming or buying an additional unit of a good or service.

Marginal benefit can be defined as the highest amount of money (in dollars) that a consumer (buyer) is willing to pay to a seller in order to acquire an additional unit of a product i.e one more unit of the product.

Hence, marginal benefit would be described as the change in total benefit that occurs when a person consumes another unit of the good.

Susan has three credit cards - 1) an Old Navy card she got her last year of high school and now doesn't use that much, 2) a Visa card she got while in college and pays an $50 annual fee for benefits she doesn't use that much, and 3) a Mastercard she opened last month which has no annual fees. Susan has decided that she only needs two credit cards, which one should she get rid of


Answer: Visa card


Since Susan has decided that she only needs two credit cards, then she should keep the old Navy card she got her last year of high school and the Mastercard that she opened last month which has no annual fee.

In this case, since she doesn't use the Visa card that she got while in college and th e card pays an $50 annual fee for benefits that she doesn't use that much, thus means that the card isn't beneficial to her. Therefore, she should get rid of the Visa card.

Which type of banking system did the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 establish?
A. A system composed of twelve privately owned regional banks that were regulated by the Federal Reserve Board
B. A system composed of twelve small privately owned banks that were not subject to federal oversight
C. A system consisting of multiple state-owned banks that were subject to oversight by the State Reserve Board
D. A system consisting of a large national bank publicly run by the federal government



A. A system composed of twelve privately owned regional banks that were regulated by the Federal Reserve Board


The Federal Reserve System ( popularly referred to as the 'Fed') was created by the Federal Reserve Act, passed by the U.S Congress on the 23rd of December, 1913. The Fed began operations in 1914 and just like all central banks, the Federal Reserve is a United States government agency.

Generally, it comprises of twelve (12) Federal Reserve Bank regionally across the United States of America.

Hence, the type of banking system that the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 establish is a system composed of twelve privately owned regional banks that were regulated by the Federal Reserve Board.

Like all central banks, the Federal Reserve is a government agency that is saddled with the following responsibilities;

I. The Fed controls the issuance of currency in United States of America: it promotes public goals such as economic growth, low inflation, and the smooth operation of financial markets.

II. It provides banking services to all the commercial banks in the country because the Federal Reserve is the "lender of last resort."

III. It regulates banking activities in the United States of America: it has the power to supervise and regulate banks.

Also, the Fed is saddled with the responsibility of selling government securities such as treasury bills to the public.


Each of twelve regional districts has a Federal Reserve Bank.


explain two sector model with saving and investment.​



sector economy, there are only two sectors of the economy, are , household sector and business sector.

Question Mode Multiple Select Question Select all that apply A cost accounting system: (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. is used to control costs of manufacturing activities. provides general information used by investors. is used only with a perpetual inventory system. helps managers' determine selling prices.



✓is used to control costs of manufacturing activities

✓helps managers determine selling prices



A cost accounting system: (Check all that apply.) is used to control costs of manufacturing activities. is used only with a perpetual inventory system. provides general information used by investors. helps managers' determine selling prices

A cost accounting system can be regarded as product costing system, it can be explained as framework that is been used by firms in estimation of the cost of their products when carrying out inventory valuation as well as cost control and profitability analysis, inventory valuation.The two cost accounting systems are;

✓ the job order costing

✓ the process costing.

Job order costing system gives the accumulation of the costs that is been associated with particular batch of products.

Process costing helps in tracing as well as in accumulation of direct costs as well as allocation of indirect costs of a manufacturing process.

It should be noted that cost accounting system;

✓is used to control costs of manufacturing activities

✓helps managers determine selling prices

explain the importance of office to an organisation​



Answer to the following question is as follows;


The office aids in the management of the operations of various employees and departments inside an organisation or corporation. Controlling guarantees that the different company operations are carried out with great precision. Remembering Facility: The office safeguards vital statistical information.

So, we say that offices are necessary for organisation​s.

A system using an automated work cell controlled by electronic signals from a common centralized computer facility is called: an adaptive control system. robotics. a flexible manufacturing system. an automatic guided vehicle (AGV) system. a manufacturing cell.



flexible manufacturing system.


flexible manufacturing system can be regarded as production method that is set up with features that enables it have the capability of adapting to any

alteration in the type as well in quantity of the product that is been produced. With good configuration, Machines and computerized systems can be used in production of variety of parts, it can be used to take care and adapt to changing levels of production.

It should be noted that flexible manufacturing system uses an automated work cell controlled by electronic signals from a common centralized computer facility is called: an adaptive control system. robotic

Jasper is interested in making a lot of money. He is a very good salesperson. People tell him he could sell sand in the Sahara Desert! He is also a very hard worker and is willing to work a lot of hours to make the kind of money he wants. Jasper should most likely look for the kind of job that is paid
A. in a situation with team-based compensation.
B. on salary with overtime.
C. with a high hourly rate.
D. by commission.



b its b  because it says he works hard and he is willing to get a good salary

If the corporate human resource function in an organization is primarily concerned with selecting and training managers for foreign assignments, developing appropriate compensation packages for those managers, and handling adjustment issues when the manager is reassigned back home, it is evident that the organization has adopted the _____. a. ethnocentric staffing model b. polycentric staffing model c. regiocentric staffing model d. geocentric staffing model



a. ethnocentric staffing model


In the case of the international staffing, the ethnocentric staffing means the strategy for the multinational company for hiring the management with respect to the important position from the parent headquarters instead of hiring the local staff

So as per the given situation, the option a is correct

And, the same should be relevant

which of the following is the best example of social regulations?
a. inflation rate regulations
b. anti-trust legislation
c. health and safety standards
d. regulations against price gouging




The answer is C


Health and safety standards


I just got it correct on the test!!!

outline two benefits to Mohammed's business of all his workers being able to do all of the jobs in the bakery. pls help!



1. Saved time

2. Saved cost


If Mohammed owns a bakery where all his workers are able to do all the jobs, he benefits because he would;

1. Save time: Time that would have been spent in outsourcing the job to people who can do them with the accompanying risks of delays and disappointments are bypassed. Time is an essential factor in business because when goods are not available on customer's demand, they might have to seek other options.

2. Save cost: Mohammed will save the additional cost of payments to businesses that do other jobs for him. He saves money when he only has to pay three workers instead of four or more workers. This will mean more profit for his business.

A country's current national savings and investment identity is expressed in algebraic terms as X-M = S + (G-T) - 1. In this instance:
A. there is an inflow of capital investment from the rest of the world economy.
B. there is no connection from domestic savings and investment to the trade balance.
C. the trade balance is determined by performance of certain sectors of the economy.
D. private and public domestic savings are higher than domestic investment.



The answer is "Option A".


The present national reinvestment identity of a nation is expressed as  [tex]X-M = S + (G-T) - 1.[/tex] In mathematical terms Inside this example, all remainder of the said world economy would be inflowing capital expenditures.

Capital investment from all around the world is coming in.

CurrentAccount and Investment Saving

[tex]C=consumption\\\\ I= investment\\\\ G=government\ spending\\\\ (X-M) = foreign \ net \ demand[/tex]

So, the [tex]CA = GNP (C+I+G)[/tex]

Domestic savings are greater than the corresponding investment, both private and public.

The rate of pay rises when capital investment exceeds anticipated saving in a given year. With a larger salary, more money can be saved, and so therefore planned saving equals intended investments. And from the other hand, when projected saving exceeds planned investments over a time, income levels decline.

So, Option "D" is the correct answer to the following question.

Learn more:

1. If average fixed cost is 40 and average variable cost is 80 for a given output, we then know that average total cost is





Average total cost = average fixed cost + average variable cost

average fixed cost = Total fixed cost / quantity

40 + 80 = 120

Fixed costs are costs that do not vary with output. e,g, rent, mortgage payments

average variable cost = total variable cost / quantity

Variable costs are costs that vary with production. Hourly wage costs and payments for production inputs are examples of variable costs

Bardwell Manufacturing, Inc. began 15 years ago. The two co-owners now earn $300,000 per year each. Four supervisors earn $40,000 each annually and have been with the company for 10 to 11 years. Fifteen line employees earn a total of $300,000 and have been with the company from 2 months to 5 years. All employees are over age 21. The co-owners want to install a 15% money purchase plan and structure the plan in a way that maximizes their plan contributions. Which vesting schedule would be most appropriate for Bardwell



3 year cliff


The most appropriate vesting schedule for Bardwell Manufacturing Inc is the 3 year cliff

Products produced in a competitive market are


standardized and differentiated






Firms that are purely competitive provide a standardised (same or homogenous) product. Consumers will be unconcerned about whose vendor they acquire the goods from as long as the pricing is the same.

Monopolistically competitive companies make a typical profit in the long run since entrance into the market is easy. The sort of goods supplied distinguishes oligopoly from perfect competition.

12. One of the seven factors given to help minimize the chances of setting unfair wages and salaries is that a. If wages conform with the law, they are fair wages. b. A fair wage is whatever an employee is willing to accept. c. An employer's financial capabilities affect what constitutes a fair wage scale for that employer's employees. d. Avoiding the prevailing wage in the industry and community wage level.



C. An employers financial capabilites affect what constitutes a fair wage scale for that employers employees


In preparing its bank reconciliation for the month of April 2018, Crane, Inc. has available the following information. Balance per bank statement, 4/30/18 $78200 NSF check returned with 4/30/18 bank statement 950 Deposits in transit, 4/30/18 9600 Outstanding checks, 4/30/18 10300 Bank service charges for April 50 What should be the adjusted cash balance at April 30, 2018



the adjusted cash balance is $77,500


The computation of the adjusted cash balance is shown below:

Adjusted cash balance = balance pler bank statement + deposit in transit - outstanding checks

= $78,200 + 9,600 - 10,300

= $77,500

Hence, the adjusted cash balance is $77,500

The same should be considered and relevant

General Snacks is a typical firm in a market characterized by the model of monopolistic competition. Initially, the market is initially in long-run equilibrium, and then there is an increase in demand for snacks. We expect that: Group of answer choices in the long run, new firms will enter the market. there will be a short-run increase in the number of firms, but in the long run the number of firms will return to the original level. firms will leave the market in the long run. firms will shut down, but they will not leave the industry in the long run.



Firms will leave the market in the long run.


Firms will leave the market in the long run.

Generally, the new firms enters in the market because the incumbent firms makes super normal profit. So in the long run, the continuous entry of firms will make the profit zero. Thus, when there is zero profit in the long run then the firms will start leaving the market and the demand for remaining firms will start rising because when firms start leaving the market then supply falls.

Cardinal Company manufactures vitamin capsules. For the month of June, Cardinal's encapsulating department had 18,000 tons in beginning inventory (with transferred-in costs of $4,400) and 81,000 tons completed inventory during the month. Further, the mixing department completed and transferred out 72,000 tons at a cost of $22,300 in June. Calculate unit cost for the transferred-in category. (Note: Round answer to two decimal places.)


Answer: $0.30 per unit


The unit cost for the transferred-in category is calculated as:

= (Transfer cost of beginning inventory + transfer cost of transferred out inventory) / (Beginning inventory + Inventory transferred out)

= (4,400 + 22,300) / (18,000 + 72,000)

= 26,700 / 90,000

= 0.2967

= $0.30 per unit

Suppose Stan owns a piece of property with a large lake. Initially, Stan and his family were the only people who swam in the lake. Then Stan started selling tickets to people who wanted to go swimming in the lake. When Stan died, he left the lake and the land it was on to the state, stipulating that the lake be left open to the public for swimming. Due to the lake’s remote location, it was never crowded. After Stan died, the lake became a ______ good.





A public good is a good that is non excludable and non rivalrous.

An individual's access to the pool does not limit another person's access

Also, the pool is free, so it is non excludable

Before his death, the pool was a private good

A private good is a good that is excludable and rivalrous.

It's very urgent
which of the following statements about corporation is true

1) they are more common then partnerships in the U.S.
2) they are the most inexpensive form of business to start.
3) they are very easy to start
4) all business debts are the personal responsibility of the owners


Answer: While not usual they can be held responsible for all business debts.

Explanation: If you pledge a asset as a collateral a creditor may be able to take said asset and sell it.

When Jorge became one of three final candidates for a managerial position with a large pharmaceutical company, the hiring manager scheduled a special meeting with him. The two talked about the stressful deadlines and heavy travel required of the position, as well as the compensation and benefits. Jorge appreciated that the hiring manager took the time to provide a(n) _________.



Realistic job preview


Realistic Recruitment

This is made presents to outsiders with all good information without error or ommission.

Realistic Job Preview (RJP)

This is regarded as any attempt by the organization to give an accurate (both positive and negative) description of the relevant aspects of the job and organization. It is important because it gives an applicant realistic expectations about the job. This in turn should increase employee job satisfaction and reduce turnover.

Pelican Bay Apartments is a complex consisting of 80 units. The units are available in studio and one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments. Kimberly Bracco is the property manager of Pelican Bay. She has decided to stay in her condo and not reside at Pelican Bay. She is also pursuing her California real estate license as she manages the property. Is anything wrong with this scenario





According to California law an onsite manager is required for an apartment complex that has more than 16 rental units.

In the given scenario Pelican Bay Apartments is a complex consisting of 80 units. The units are available in studio and one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments.

Kimberly Bracco is the property manager and has decided to stay in her condo and not reside at Pelican Bay which is off site.

However if she is to be off site then she will need a broker's licence.

China allows U.S. companies to ally with Chinese firms by purchasing minority ownership positions in the Chinese firms. These relationships are called
A) joint ventures.
B) network strategies.
C) equity strategic alliances.
D) nonequity strategic alliances.



C) equity strategic alliances.


100% correct

When a transfer has no effect on fixed costs, to be acceptable to the selling division, the transfer price must ______. Multiple select question. cover any opportunity cost from lost sales cover a reasonable portion of the selling division's fixed costs cover any lost contribution margin due to the transfer equal the product's normal selling price cover the variable costs per unit



• cover any opportunity cost from lost sales

• cover any lost contribution margin due to the transfer

• cover the variable costs per unit


A transfer is done from one division in a company to another.

When such is done, the transfer price should cover any opportunity costs that the division doing the transferring would be incurring to do so that way they would not make an economic loss.

Lost contribution margin should be covered as well for the same reason which is avoidance of cost.

Variable costs have to at least be covered so that the division does not make an accounting loss.

Required: Journal entry Received Rs.18,000 from debtors and discount allowed him Rs. 2,000. please help. ​



If there was a discount allowed of Rs. 2,000 then it means that the total amount the debtor was owing was:

= Cash paid by debtor + Discount allowed

= 18,000 + 2,000

= Rs. 20,000

Journal entry is therefore:

Date                       Account Title                                          Debit             Credit

XX-XX-XXXX        Cash                                                     $18,000

                              Discount allowed                                $  2,000

                              Accounts Receivable                                               $20,000

what skills does a farm manager need?​



Strong decision-making.



The ability to work with people.


Administration skills.

Knowledge of key equipment practices.


They need to have free time. Without that free time...When will you be able to feed the plants? When will you be able to groom your horse? It also costs A LOT!! Because of the farm animals.

These are quite obvious but just in case I am going to list these for you:




Donkeys (Optional)

Cats (Optional)

Peacocks (Very Optional due to the prices)


Dogs (For the mice. Dogs have a supreme sense of smell. They can sniff out the mice.)

Other Questions
a If a stationary body of water has a constant temperature from top tobottom it is most likely a(n)a. lakeb. pondC.oceand. lagoon Roanoke Company produces chocolate bars. The primary materials used in producing chocolate bars are cocoa, sugar, and milk. The standard costs for a batch of chocolate (1,827 bars) are as follows: Ingredient Quantity Price Cocoa 600 lbs. $0.40 per lb. Sugar 180 lbs. $0.60 per lb. Milk 150 gal. $1.70 per gal. Determine the standard direct materials cost per bar of chocolate. If required, round to the nearest cent. Write the complies number z=3-3i in trigonometric form Find the area in the right tail more extreme than z=0.93 in standard normal distribution, rounded to three decimal places. Can anyone please help? What is the measure of angle x? The correlation coefficient, r, between the prices of smartphones, x, and the number of sales of phones, y, equals 0.63.Select the statement which best describes the relationship between the price and sales.The value of r indicates that the number of sales decreases as the price decreases.The value of r indicates that the number of sales decreases as the price stays the same.The value of r indicates that the number of sales decreases as the price increases.The value of r indicates that the number of sales is not related to the price.I think its (C): The value of r indicates that the number of sales decreases as the price increases. Which artist photographed the above images? What did he pioneer?Name the series of photographs above, and its significance. The absolute value of the dilation factor is the ratio of each side length of the dilated quadrilateral to the corresponding side length of the preimage. How does the ratio of the perimeters in parts B and D compare with the ratio of corresponding side lengths 1.2miles=__________km The ratio of red beads to blue beads on a necklace is 4:7. If there are 16 red beads, how many blue ones are there? Please Help !! Cause I Dont Know Need help someone knows the answer Help me with my work plz. easy algebra question below first correct answer gets brainliest What is the verbs and adverbs in this passage please help A new homeowner had two dogs that frequently barked at birds and squirrels in the yard, especially during the day while the homeowner was at work. A neighbor who worked nights was aggravated by the barking, which disturbed his sleep, and decided to let the homeowner know how he felt. One evening, upon learning that the homeowner was entertaining her boss and several clients, the neighbor came to her front door with a boombox and started playing a recording of the dogs barking, putting it at full volume. When the homeowner came to the door, he began yelling at her and berating her in front of her guests for having no consideration for her neighbors, while continuing to play the recording. The homeowner was very upset, especially because her guests decided that they had better leave, and she ended up losing a bonus that her boss was going to give her at the end of the evening. If the homeowner asserts a claim based on intentional infliction of emotional distress against the neighbor, what will be the probable result which type of scientific inquiry requires variables and control group Please help!!!The figures to the right are similar. Compare the first figure to the second. Give the ratio of the perimeters and the ratio of the areas (integer or a simplified fraction) express 04393939... as a fraction in its lowest term