
Answer 1

Answer: See explanation


Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer, which includes the monitor, mouse, central processing unit (CPU), keyboard, computer data storage etc.

Hardware are the physical, computer devices, which helps in providing support for major functions like input, processing, output, and communication. The computer hardware is directed by the software to perform an instruction.

Related Questions

Write a program that asks the user to enter 5 test scores. The program will display a letter grade for each test score and an average grade for the test scores entered. Three functions are needed for this program.



The program in C++ is as follows:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

double average(double s1, double s2, double s3, double s4, double s5){

   double avg = (s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5)/5;

   return avg;}

char lGrade(double score){

   char grade;

   if(score>= 90 && score <= 100){ grade ='A'; }

   else if(score>= 80 && score <= 89){ grade ='B'; }

   else if(score>= 70 && score <= 79){ grade ='C'; }

   else if(score>= 60 && score <= 69){ grade ='D'; }

   else if(score < 60){ grade ='F'; }

   return grade;}

int main(){

   double s1,s2,s3,s4,s5;


   double avg = average(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5);

   cout<<s1<<" "<<lGrade(s1)<<endl;

   cout<<s2<<" "<<lGrade(s2)<<endl;

   cout<<s3<<" "<<lGrade(s3)<<endl;

   cout<<s4<<" "<<lGrade(s4)<<endl;

   cout<<s5<<" "<<lGrade(s5)<<endl;

   cout<<avg<<" "<<lGrade(avg)<<endl;

   return 0;}


The three functions to include in the program are not stated; so, I used the following functions in the program

1. The main function

2. average function

3. Letter grade function

The average function begins here

double average(double s1, double s2, double s3, double s4, double s5){

This calculates the average

   double avg = (s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5)/5;

This returns the calculated average

   return avg;}

The letter grade function begins here

char lGrade(double score){

This declares the grade

   char grade;

If score is between 90 and 100 (inclusive), grade is A

   if(score>= 90 && score <= 100){ grade ='A'; }

If score is between 00 and 89 (inclusive), grade is B

   else if(score>= 80 && score <= 89){ grade ='B'; }

If score is between 70 and 79 (inclusive), grade is C

   else if(score>= 70 && score <= 79){ grade ='C'; }

If score is between 60 and 69 (inclusive), grade is D

   else if(score>= 60 && score <= 69){ grade ='D'; }

If score is less than 60, grade is F

   else if(score < 60){ grade ='F'; }

This returns the calculated grade

   return grade;}

The main begins here

int main(){

This declares the 5 scores

   double s1,s2,s3,s4,s5;

This gets input for the 5 scores


This calls the average function for average

   double avg = average(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5);

This calls the letter grade function for the 5 scores

   cout<<s1<<" "<<lGrade(s1)<<endl;

   cout<<s2<<" "<<lGrade(s2)<<endl;

   cout<<s3<<" "<<lGrade(s3)<<endl;

   cout<<s4<<" "<<lGrade(s4)<<endl;

   cout<<s5<<" "<<lGrade(s5)<<endl;

This calls the average function for the average

   cout<<avg<<" "<<lGrade(avg)<<endl;

Prime numbers can be generated by an algorithm known as the Sieve of Eratosthenes. The algorithm for this procedure is presented here. Write a program called primes.js that implements this algorithm. Have the program find and display all the prime numbers up to n = 150




The following code is written in Javascript and is a function called primes that takes in a single parameter as an int variable named n. An array is created and looped through checking which one is prime. If So it, changes the value to true, otherwise it changes it to false. Then it creates another array that loops through the boolArray and grabs the actual numberical value of all the prime numbers. A test case for n=150 is created and the output can be seen in the image below highlighted in red.

function primes(n) {

   //Boolean Array to check which numbers from 1 to n are prime

   const boolArr = new Array(n + 1);


   boolArr[0] = boolArr[1] = false;

   for (let i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(n); i++) {

      for (let j = 2; i * j <= n; j++) {

          boolArr[i * j] = false;



   //New Array for Only the Prime Numbers

   const primeNums = new Array();

  for (let x = 0; x <= boolArr.length; x++) {

       if (boolArr[x] === true) {




  return primeNums;



hãy giúp tôi giảiiii​



fiikslid wugx uesbuluss wuz euzsbwzube

Question: Name the person who originally introduced the idea of patterns as a solution design concept.



architect Christopher Alexander is the person who originally introduced the idea of patterns as a solution design concept.

The person who originally introduced the idea of patterns as a solution design concept named as Christopher Alexander who was an architect.

What is architecture?

Architecture is referred to as an innovative technique or artwork based on buildings or physical structures that aims at creating cultural values for upcoming generations to understand the importance of history.

The external layout can be made to best support human existence and health by using a collection of hereditary solutions known as the "pattern language." It creates a set of helpful relationships by combining geometry and social behavior patterns.

Christopher Alexander, a British-American engineer and design theorist of Austrian heritage, is renowned for his several works on the design and construction process introduced the idea of patterns as a solution design concept.

Learn more about pattern language architecture, here:


explain the reason why vector graphics are highly recommended for logo​



Currently, raster (bitmap files) and vector graphics are used in web design. But if you want to make a great logo and fully enjoy the use of it you should pick vector graphics for it in the first place. And this is why most designers opt for it.


Easier to re-editNo image distortionIt is perfect for detailed imagesVector drawings are scalableVector graphics look better in print

1) Declare an ArrayList named numberList that stores objects of Integer type. Write a loop to assign first 11 elements values: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024. Do not use Math.pow method. Assign first element value 1. Determine each next element from the previous one in the number List. Print number List by using for-each loop.




The following is written in Java and uses a for loop to add 10 elements to the ArrayList since the first element is manually added as 1. Then it calculates each element by multiplying the previous element (saved in count) by 2. The program works perfectly and without bugs. A test output can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.ArrayList;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       ArrayList<Integer> numberList = new ArrayList<>();

       numberList.add(0, 1);

       int count = 1;

       for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) {

           numberList.add(i, (count * 2));

           count = count * 2;


       for (Integer i : numberList) {





Gimme Shelter Roofers maintains a file of past customers, including a customer number, name, address, date of job, and price of job. It also maintains a file of estimates given for jobs not yet performed; this file contains a customer number, name, address, proposed date of job, and proposed price. Each file is in customer number order.

Design the logic that merges the two files to produce one combined file of all customers whether past or proposed with no duplicates; when a customer who has been given an estimate is also a past customer, use the proposed data.



Hre the complete implementation of python code that reads two files and merges them together.

def merge_file(past_file_path,proposed_file_path, merged_file_path):



   proposed_customer_name = []

   for row in proposed_file_contents:


   with open(merged_file_path,'w') as outputf:

       outputf.write("Customer Number, Customer Name, Address\r\n")

       for row in proposed_file_contents:

           line = str(row[0]) +", " + str(row[1]) + ", " + str(row[2]) +"\r\n"


       for row in past_file_contents:

           if row[1] in proposed_customer_name:



               line = str(row[0]) + ", " + str(row[1]) + ", " + str(row[2]) + "\r\n"


       print("Files merged successfully!")

# reads the file and returns the content as 2D lists

def load_file(path):

   file_contents = []

   with open(path, 'r') as pastf:

       for line in pastf:

           cells = line.split(",")

           row = []

           for cell in cells:

               if(cell.lower().strip()=="customer number"):




           if  len(row)>0:


   return file_contents

past_file_path="F:\\Past Customer.txt"

proposed_file_path="F:\\Proposed Customer.txt"

merged_file_path="F:\\Merged File.txt"


What type of address do computers use to find something on a network?


An Internet Protocol address is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two main functions host or network interface identification and location addressing which can help you a lot.

Wilh the aid of the the diagram using an algorithm to calculate table 2 of multiplication​



See attachment for algorithm (flowchart)


The interpretation of the question is to design a flowchart for times 2 multiplication table (see attachment for the flowchart)

The explanation:

1. Start ---> Start the algorithm

2. num = 1 ---> Initializes num to 1

3. while num [tex]\le[/tex] 12 ---> The following loop is repeated while num is less than 12

 3.1 print 2 * num ----> Print the current times 2 element

 3.2 num++ ---> Increment num by 1

4. Stop ---> End the algorithm

Write a program that defines an array of integers and a pointer to an integer. Make the pointer point to the beginning of the array. Then, fill the array with values using the pointer (Note: Do NOT use the array name.). Enhance the program by prompting the user for the values, again using the pointer, not the array name. Use pointer subscript notation to reference the values in the array.




using namespace std;

int main()


  int a[20],n;

  int *p;

  cout<<"\n enter how many values do you want to enter:";


  for(int i=0;i<n;i++)


      cout<<"\n Enter the "<<i+1 <<"th value :";


      //reading the values into the array using pointer


  cout<<"\n The values in the array using pointer is:\n";

  for(int i=0;i<n;i++)


      cout<<"\n (p+"<<i<<"): "<<*(p+i);

      //here we can use both *(p+i) or p[i] both are pointer subscript notations




In PyCharm, write a program that prompts the user for their name and age. Your program should then tell the user the year they were born. Here is a sample execution of the program with the user input in bold:What is your name? AmandaHow old are you? 15Hello Amanda! You were born in 2005.



def main():

   name = input("What is your name? ")

   if not name == "" or "":

       age = int(input("What is your age? "))

       print("Hello " + name + "! You were born in " + str(2021 - age))



Self explanatory

Write a program that opens the salesdat.txt file and processes it contents. The program should display the following per store:
The total sales for each week. (Should print 5 values - one for each week). The average daily sales for each week. (Should print 5 values - one for each week).
The total sales for all the weeks. (Should print 1 value)
The average weekly sales. (Should print 1 value)
The week with the highest amount in sales. (Should print 1 week #)
The week with the lowest amount in sales. (Should print 1 week #)
The file contains the dollars amount of sales that a retail store made each day for a number of weeks. Each line in the file contains thirty five numbers, which are sales numbers for five weeks. The number are separated by space. Each line in the file represents a separate store.
public class FileIO {
//Franchise readData(String filename)
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
FileReader file = new FileReader("Salesdat.txt");
BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(file);
boolean eof = false;
while (!eof) {
String line = buff.readLine();
if (line == null)
eof = true;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error -- " + e.toString());
public class Store {
private float salesbyweek[][];
Store() {
salesbyweek = new float[5][7];
//getter and setters
//setsaleforweekdayintersection(int week, int day, float sale)
public void setsaleforweekdayintersection(int week, int day, float sale){
//float [] getsalesforentireweek(int week)
//float getsaleforweekdayintersection(int week, int day)
//a. totalsalesforweek
//b. avgsalesforweek
//c. totalsalesforallweeks
//d. averageweeklysales
//e. weekwithhighestsaleamt
//f. weekwithlowestsaleamt
//analyzeresults //call a through f
public class Franchise {
private Store stores[];
public Franchise(int num) {
stores = new Store[num];
public Store getStores(int i) {
return stores[i];
public void setStores(Store stores, int i) {
this.stores[i] = stores;
public class Driver {
public static void main(String[] args) {



I'm going to try and help you with this question.


Just give me a few minutes.

Can anyone code this ?



simple Reflex action it is the simplest from of reflex and does not depen on learning

A business should choose the platform as a service (PaaS) cloud model when: a. it designs its own applications but doesn't customize the operating system b. it doesn't need any operating system c. it doesn't design its own applications and doesn't customize the operating system d. it designs its own applications and customizes the operating system e. it doesn't design its own applications but customizes the operating syste



a. it designs its own applications but doesn't customize the operating system.


Cloud computing can be defined as a type of computing that requires shared computing resources such as cloud storage (data storage), servers, computer power, and software over the internet rather than local servers and hard drives.

Generally, cloud computing offers individuals and businesses a fast, effective and efficient way of providing services.

Cloud computing comprises of three (3) service models and these are;

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

2. Software as a Service (SaaS).

3. Platform as a Service (PaaS).

Platform as a Service (PaaS) refers to a type of cloud computing model in which a service provider makes available a platform that allow users (software developers) to build code (develop), run, store information in a database and manage applications over the internet.

The main purpose of a Platform as a Service (PaaS) is to provide an enabling environment for software developers to code without having to build and maintain complex infrastructure needed for the development, storage and launching of their software applications.

Simply stated, PaaS makes provision for all of the software and hardware tools required for all the stages associated with application development over the internet (web browser).

Some of the advantages of Platform as a Service (PaaS) is that, it avails software developers with enough convenience as well as simplicity, service availability, ease of licensing and reduced costs for the development of software applications.

Basically, platform as a Service (PaaS) providers (vendors) usually provide their clients (software developers) with server and data storage, operating system, data center, networking resources, etc., while the software developers design, deploy and manage their software applications.

Hence, a business should choose the platform as a service (PaaS) cloud model when it designs its own applications but doesn't customize the operating system.

What does the AVERAGE function calculate? the total sum of a list of values the arithmetic mean of a list of values the total number of values in a list the percentage of values in a list



B) the arithmetic mean of a list of values


on Edge

The Average function calculates the arithmetic mean of a list of values. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

What is the average?

In its most general definition, an average can be considered as the representative number or figure from the whole list. The average of a list containing multiple values is obtained by adding all the values and dividing them up by the total number of values.

The ultimate objective of calculating the average is to discover the value that represents the whole list. Average is also known as mean, and it works as a central value in the list, which is comprehensive in nature. It works as an approximate or rough estimate, which helps us in making decisions in daily life.

Thus, the average function calculates the arithmetic mean of a list of values. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

To learn more about the average, visit the link below:


rules used in naming variables in object oriented programming​



Explanation: Name your variables based on the terms of the subject area, so that the variable name clearly describes its purpose.

(4 marks)
(d) Outline the steps involved in inserting a picture from a file in a word processing document using
copy and past




What should businesses do in order to remain competitive under the current Cloud



Cloud Landscape

They must evangelize the benefits of cloud computing to company executives in order to assist them in developing and extracting business benefits that will give them a competitive advantage and increase profits


The most successful organisations carefully plan out a multiyear effort to improve their cloud adoption, focusing on multiple streams of work across several stages of maturity.

Cloud computing governance is difficult even when only one cloud provider is involved, and it becomes even more difficult as organisations move toward multi cloud.

Continuous workload placement analysis involves reassessing workloads at a regular cadence, evaluating whether the current execution venue sufficiently meets the organization’s needs and if migrating to an alternative model provides higher value without adding significant risk to the organization’s operations

They must evangelize the benefits of cloud computing to company executives in order to assist them in developing and extracting business benefits that will give them a competitive advantage and increase profits.

In this question, the response is "Cloud Landscape" which can be defined as follows:

The organizations should adopt these new technologies to benefit from the digital transformation offered by the cloud.New enterprises were embracing cloud computing management strategies, placing established companies at risk.In the multi-year efforts for improving cloud security were meticulously planned by even the most successful enterprises. In several contributing to higher at various maturity levels are addressed.The multi-cloud plan enables governance of cloud computing increasingly challenging, even and there is only one cloud service provider involved in the agreement.  

Learn more:

cloud computing:

A small e-commerce company uses a series of Robotic Process Automation solutions to manage the backup of data from individual workstations to an on-premise server. However, the company is opening another office and would like to more easily share data between locations, along with better protecting the data from loss.
Which technology could be combined with their current automated processes to do this?





Cloud computing can be defined as a form of data computing which requires the use of shared computing resources such as cloud storage (data storage), servers, computer power, and software over the internet rather than local servers and hard drives.

Generally, cloud computing offer individuals and businesses a fast, secured, effective and efficient way of providing services over the internet.

Basically, cloud computing comprises three (3) service models and these include;

1. Platform as a Service (PaaS).

2. Software as a Service (SaaS).

3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Additionally, the two (2) main characteristics of cloud computing are;

I. Measured service: it allows cloud service providers to monitor and measure the level of service used by various clients with respect to subscriptions.

II. Resource pooling: this allows cloud service providers to serve multiple customers or clients with services that are scalable and provisional.

For example, the provisioning of On-demand computing resources such as storage, network, virtual machines (VMs), etc., so as to enable the end users install various software applications, database and servers.

Hence, the technology that could be combined by the small e-commerce company with its current automated processes is cloud storage.

There are different tools used in data sharing. The technology that could be combined with their current automated processes to do this is blockchain.

Blockchain is known to use different kinds of distributed ledger that is often shared across networked devices. Through this, people on the network can share files and values securely and even on a peer-to-peer basis. This is no need any middlemen.

Data protected in blockchain is very vital.  All records on a blockchain are known too be secured through the act of cryptography. Here, Network people do have their own private keys that are given to them for any  transactions they make.

Learn more about Blockchain from

In the revised version of the library system with Book and Periodical, Question 16 options: a) Book is a subclass of Periodical b) Periodical is a subclass of Book c) Book and Periodical are subclasses of LoanableItem d) Book and Periodical implement LoanableItem



c. Book and Periodical are subclasses of LoanableItem


Books are kept in library in a periodical manner. Both classes are not superior, they are subclasses of LoanableItem. Library uses common guide which makes it easy to find a book.

When a Select Case statement executes, the value of the test expression is compared with the values that follow each of the _______ keywords.





In Computer programming, a variable can be defined as a placeholder or container for holding a piece of information that can be modified or edited.

Basically, variable stores information which is passed from the location of the method call directly to the method that is called by the program.

For example, they can serve as a model for a function; when used as an input, such as for passing a value to a function and when used as an output, such as for retrieving a value from the same function. Therefore, when you create variables in a function, you can can set the values for their parameters.

A Select Case statement can be defined as a conditional statement that avails software developers or programmers the ability to test a variable by comparing it with a list of values.

In a Select Case statement, each variable is referred to as a Case.

Generally, when a Select Case statement executes, the value of the test expression is compared with the values that follow each of the Case keywords.

15) Three primary activities of a program are: A) Variables, Operators, and Key Words B) Lines, Statements, and Punctuation C) Input, Processing, and Output D) Integer, Floating-point and Character E) None of the above​



yes sir


Write a method rearrange that takes a queue of integers as a parameter and rearranges the order of the values so that all of the even values appear before the odd values and that otherwise preserves the original order of the list. For example, suppose a queue called q stores this sequence of values: front [3, 5, 4, 17, 6, 83, 1, 84, 16, 37] back Then the call of rearrange(q); should rearrange the queue to store the following sequence of values: front [4, 6, 84, 16, 3, 5, 17, 83, 1, 37] back Notice that all of the evens appear at the front of the queue followed by the odds and that the order of the evens is the same as in the original list and the order of the odds is the same as in the original list. You may use one stack as auxiliary storage.



i got the answer


hope you can too

In cell K8, create a formula using the SUM function that calculates the total of the range D17:D20 and subtracts it from the value in cell J8.



so like what are you asking for so i can help u just tell me what u need and i will help u :)


Write a program that asks a user to enter a date in month day year format (for example 10 12 2016) and displays the day of the week for that date, in this case, Wednesday.


Answer and Explanation:

Using javascript:

function dayof_theweek(){

var TodayDate = window. prompt("enter today's date in the format 'year, month, day' ");

var Datenow=new date(TodayDate);

var Dayofweek=Datenow.getday();

var Days=["monday","Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"];






The program above uses a date object which uses the method getday to get the day of the week(get day returns an integer from 0 to 6).we then use a comparison operator == to test the condition that returned value Dayoftheweek is same with the index of the array Days and then print to a html document. The program may need improvements such as the fact that errors may arise when proper input isn't given, and therefore must be handled.

Write a C++ program that takes a single character and prints the corresponding digit on the old-style dial or touchtone telephone keypad, if it exists, or a message stating that the character does not correspond to a digit on the keypad.


Ok thanks Ianswer: c++

Implementing HTML best practices and writing code to match the original intentions of each element is known as __________ HTML. standard attribute-based industry semantic





The description provided is describing the practice known as semantic HTML. This is basically code that provides both the user and the developer a description on what the code was originally supposed to do. For example, a method that calculates the total cost of a set of prices could be called calculateTotal(). By doing so you are describing the intention of the method clearly so that the individual using the method does not need to look at anything else to know what it does.

Implementing HTML best practices and writing code to match the original intentions of each element is known as __________ HTML.


Based on the knowledge of semantics HTML which is a programming language used to write codes for the building blocks of any website, it gives the user and programmer the details of what the code is supposed to perform.

Furthermore, this helps them to match the original intentions of the code which helps in understanding of the code which also helps with debugging.

Therefore, the correct answer is semantic

Read more about HTML practises here:

1. According to Turner and Wilson (2018), Information Literacy consists of
tasks EXCEPT...
A applying previous knowledge.
C. finding appropriate information
B. determining information need.
2. Outlining your problem, developing research questions, selecting keywords a
developing concept charts are activities during...
D. using information ethically
A. communicating information.
B. determining information need.
C. evaluating search results.
D. finding appropriate resources,
3. Asking questions such as what, why, where and how is an effective way to
A. craft your research questions.
B. develop good keywords
C. find good information
D. understand your topic,
4. In asking "what" questions, you intend to find...
A. answers and solutions.​



Answer my first question

The U.S. government has put in place IPv6-compliance mandates to help with the IPv4-to-IPv6 transition. Such mandates require government agencies to have their websites, email and other services available over IPv6.
Let’s consider that you’ve been appointed as the IPv6 transition manager at a relatively small branch of a government agency (e.g., a branch of the Social Security agency in a medium-size town). Your main responsibility is to produce a plan with a timetable for achieving compliance with the IPv6 mandate. The plan should specify the guidelines, solutions, and technologies for supporting IPv6 throughout the agency branch. The plan should include the following, among other things:
Summary of the applicable government IPv6 mandate
Brief description of the networking facility at the branch (LANs, servers, routers, etc.)
Summary of the main IPv6-related RFCs that pertain to the IPv6 support
Cooperation with ISPs and equipment vendors to implement IPv6 support
Summary of the solutions and technologies to be employed in implementing IPv6 (e.g., dual-stack, tunneling, translation)
Timetable for completion of IPv6 transition
Plan for testing the IPv6 compliance in expectation of an audit by the government
The deliverable is a report (in Word) of 6 to 10 pages, excluding the name and biblio pages, with 3 to 5 solid references (APA format), at least. The use of drawings and other graphics is highly recommended.



The U.S. Government has put in place an IPv6 mandate that comes into affect on September 30th. That new mandate requires all government agencies to have their public facing websites and email services available over IPv6.

At this point, it’s not likely that every government website will meet the deadline, though a large number of them will. Christine Schweickert, senior engagement manager for public sector at Akamai, told EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet that she expects over 1,800 U.S Government websites will be on IPv6 by the mandate deadline.

From an Akamai perspective, the company has a large number of U.S. Government customers that it is enabling for IPv6 with dual-stack servers. In a dual-stack implementation, a site is available natively over both IPv4 and IPv6. Akamai’s Content Delivery Network has a mapping technology that optimizes traffic around the Internet. Getting the government websites to run on IPv6 is just a matter of putting the site configuration on the Akamai dual-stack server maps.

“So if a request comes in to a government website from an IPv6 client, we will go ahead and route them to the best performing Akamai Edge server that can speak IPv6 back to that request,” Schweickert explained.

Another approach that some network administrators have tried for IPv6 support has been to tunnel the IPv6 traffic over an IPv4 network, or vice-versa. In Schweickert’s view, that’s not an ideal solution as it tends to break things.“When you’re tunneling, you’re routing through IPv4 packets and that’s not in the spirit that we have to operate in globally,” Schweickert said.

In contrast, Schweickert noted that with dual-stack, the server will respond to IPv4 requests with IPv4 content and to IPv6 requests with IPv6 content. “If you’re using tunneling, you’re really just doing a workaround,” Schweickert said.

To make it even easier for the U.S. Government websites, Akamai isn’t actually charging more money for the dual-stack service either. Schweickert noted that the dual-stack capability is a feature that is already part of the delivery service that Akamai is providing to its U.S Government customers.

David Helms, Vice President, Cyber Security Center of Excellence at Salient Federal Solutions is among those that are backers of the Akamai approach to meeting the September 30th IPv6 mandate. In his view, it’s all about enabling interesting services and locations over IPv6 in order to spur adoption.

The Fourth Amendment does not allow police to randomly test people for drunk driving. True or False





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Dentro de los distintos motivos que se pueden considerar como causas de la muerte masiva de la poblacin indgena del Nuevo Mundo, segn denominacin europea, se puede afirmar que el principal de todos es:1-La poblacin del Nuevo Mundo se redujo drsticamente por motivos del genocidio y los malos tratos, ya que se calcula que el 95 por ciento de los pobladores indgenas de Amrica perecieron en los primeros cien aos de la llegada de Cristbal Coln, reducindose de unos cien millones a slo tres, por obra de las matanzas, primero, y, luego, de los malos tratos, como las inhumanas condiciones de trabajo impuestas por los nuevos amos2-Segn la Leyenda Negra, difundida en primer lugar por los ingleses y los franceses celosos del podero espaol, pero iniciada por la indignacin cristiana de un sacerdote dominico que tena por nombre Bartolom de Las Casas, el cual llev a cabo todo un plan de exterminio contra la poblacin indgena con su poltica llamada Leyenda Negra.3-Debido a mortferas epidemias de enfermedades nuevas y desconocidas, venidas del Viejo Mundo Europa-, entre el choque de pueblos que llevaban separados trescientos siglos (desde la Edad de Piedra), como la viruela y la sfilis, el sarampin, el tifo, o ante el simple catarro trado de ultramar. X( = [?]DKx AK140BHCAngles are not drawn to scale en chile. una caracterstica de la situacin poltica una vez terminado el gobierno de OHiggins en 1823? what gender of offspring are most often affected by sextinked inheritance?-What gender-are-usmally-carriers-of the trait?-males, males -males, females -females, females -females, males O O Imagine that you wanted to write a program that asks the user to enter in 5 grade values. The user may or may not enter valid grades, and you want to ensure that you obtain 5 valid values from the user. Which nested loop structure would you use?A. A "for" loop inside of a "while" loopB. A "while" loop inside of a "for" loopC. None of the aboveD. Either a or b would work What two dynasties were able to unite india Noah Webster's A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language, written in 1806, is significant for which two reasons?It listed American words omitted from British dictionaries.It distinguished between American and British definitions whenever necessary.It showed the complete etymology of each word.It was continuously updated. What is the length of the line? PLS HELP ME ON THIS QUESTION I WILL MARK YOU AS BRAINLIEST!! What type of factors would have thegreatest influence on a denselypopulated area?A. droughtB. density-dependent factorsC. density-independent factors ? 1) 1. What is the central idea of the article?A People have a large influence over others when they are in a group.B One can avoid a group's influence by staying aware of who they are.C People lose a sense of who they are as individuals when they are in a group.D One can look to group behavior for the cause of some of the worst atrocities in history. Simplify Square root (150n^2) Imagine you found S. aureus to be resistant to Penicillin by Kirby Bauer analysis, but susceptible to Penicillin treatment in liquid culture (in other words, a MIC was determined). Which of the following are possible explanations for this inconsistency?a. The concentration of Penicillin was higher in the Penicillin antibiotic disk than that used in liquid culture treatment. b. The Penicillin disks used for Kirby Bauer analysis were expired/no longer active. c. The concentration of bacteria was lower on the Mueller Hinton plate for Kirby Bauer analysis than that used in liquid culture treatment Each of Professor A and Professor B at UTD has a private secretary, who can type four letters per hour. The letters are generated at a rate of three per hour by each of the two professors, who have been wondering if they would benefit from pooling the two secretaries. Perform a queuing analysis. What is the average waiting time of a letter in the system. On June 30, 2021, Moran Corporation issued $9.0 million of its 8% bonds for $8.1 million. The bonds were priced to yield 10%. The bonds are dated June 30, 2021. Interest is payable semiannually on December 31 and July 1. If the effective interest method is used, by how much should the bond discount be reduced for the six months ended December 31, 202 After World War Hollywood studios were responsible for the majority of the great film . True False 3000 dollars is invested in a bank account at an interest rate of 7 percent per year, compounded continuously. Meanwhile, 20000 dollars is invested in a bank account at an interest rate of 5 percent compounded annually.To the nearest year, when will the two accounts have the same balance? 40) what is the area of a rectangular porch measuring 8 ft x 12/f45) Create a stem and leaf plot to represent this set of data.30, 62, 32, 63, 43, 77, 48, 78, 49, 82, 51, 84, 60,please make sure to answer both questions An electron is moving at speed of 6.3 x 10^4 m/s in a circular path of radius of 1.7 cm inside a solenoid the magnetic field of the solenoid is perpendicular to the plane of the electron's path. Find its relevatn motion.