describe the economic, environment and social aspect of sustainable development.​


Answer 1


Meeting goals/human goals, while being able to sustain the ability of nature or something in order to provide natural resources and materials.

Related Questions

How does this show an unhealthy expectation or negative aspect of dieting culture? In three sentences, explain how your ad depicts something unhealthy or negative in terms of dieting, weight loss, or what we see as "normal."​



Dieting or weight loss is a really great thing to loss wight and fitness. It's specially good for fat or unhealthy person. If a person is thin and If he/she does diet, there is great chance that they can be sick or even die due to lack of energy.

Which phase of mitosis is shown in the illustration?

A diagram of a cell. The spindle fibers have shortened, chromosomes have split in half, and matching halves of chromosomes are carried to opposite ends of the cell.


metaphase i think is the correct answer

Individuals with personality disorders exhibit a personality style that is inflexible, causes distress and impairment, and creates problems for themselves and others.





a. True


The answer is a. (True)

define neurons

please give me it's answer


neurons are the messenger system of the body they send messages to ur brain and throughout ur whole body

A warm-up routine should _______
your body temperature.
O A. stabilize
O B. increase
O C. destabilize
O D. decrease




A warm-up routine should "increase".



The athletes, dancers, wrestlers they perform the warm up so as to stretch their muscles, improve their strength and flexibility. It actually prepares the muscles for straineous activities.

Does the color blue make people feel calmer?

explain in two to three sentences what your hypothesis will be for your research question and how you could test your hypothesis.


Yes blue makes people calmer because it’s a low color and makes people relaxed

Siento que podría ser feliz, si no fuera por mi familia. Siempre me tratan mal y se enoja conmigo. (Vivo con mi abuela porque no tengo padres) y amo a mi abuela, pero cuando se enoja... dice cosas que duelen y resuenan en mi cabeza, como "Maldita sea la hora en la que me hizo cargo de vos" tan sólo tenía 11 años cuando dijo eso :(
Tengo miedo que estén cerca de mis amigos por lo que me vayan a decir en frente de ellos. Y me da verguenza como me tratan a cada rato, por cosas inesesarias de tantos insultos. ¿qué puedo hacer para que ya no me afecte? :(



lo que puedes hacer es hacer preguntas. Siempre me dijeron que si nunca preguntaste, nunca sabrán lo que está mal o nunca sabrás por qué te trataron de la manera en que lo hacen mejor para hablar y obtener respuestas si eso no funciona. a alguien que te dé respuestas que funcionen para ti


es mejor hablar para que pueda obtener respuestas en lugar de estar callado en lugar de seguir pasando por lo mismo

(:      (:       (:

how is the y chromosome different from the x chromosome?



y chromosome is responsible to determined the sex of the child

x chromosome don't determined the Sex of the child


Everyone has at least one x chromosome. If you're a girl, you have two x chromosomes and no y chromosomes (xx). If you're a boy, you have one x chromosome and one y chromosome (xy). When a future mother and father are expecting a child, it's actually up to the father to determine the gender since the mother will always give the child an x chromosome, and the father can give an x or a y.


Brainliest, please!

Please Help !! Cause I Don’t Know


Where is the question

The term "peer influence" is best described as when

A. an individual or group has an impact on another person's choice of behavior
B. a parent encourages a child to improve their health through daily activities
C. one friend encourages another friend to improve their health through daily activities
D. print media influences teenagers to engage in unhealthy and risk behaviors





Peer influence is best described as when an individual or group has an impact on another person's choice of behavior. The correct option is A

What is peer influence ?

The concept of "peer influence" describes how people or groups who are the same age, social rank, or background as you can impact your peers' attitudes, behaviors, and decisions. It concerns how one's decisions and behavior are affected by those of friends or other members of the same social group.

Therefore, Peer influence is best described as when an individual or group has an impact on another person's choice of behavior.

Therefore, Option A is correct.

Learn more about peer influence here


Aziz sees his friend Khamal take some pills while at a party. A short time later, Khamal says that he can't breathe very well, and Aziz notices that his breathing is shallow and that he seems confused.

What should Aziz do first in this situation?

A. Call 911 and monitor his friend carefully until someone arrives.
B. Encourage Khamal to drink some water to rehydrate and refresh.
C. Get Khamal into a car and drive him home from the party.
D. Help Khamal get to a bedroom and tell him to sleep it off.​





whenever someone cant breathe that well and they have taken pills, that's an early stage of an overdose, always monitor them while you wit for the police to arrive

Aziz should first in the situation is Call 911 and monitor his friend carefully until someone arrives. The correct option is A.

What is an emergency situation?

An emergency situation is a situation in which there is a danger to life and or immediate need for anything. The emergency situation requires a sudden supply of safety or any help. An example is someone having an attack or any accident occurring in a house like a gas leak.

A friend of Aziz took a pill at the party, and then he felt short of breathing and confused, so the first step Aziz should do is to call 991.

Thus, the correct option is A. Call 911 and monitor his friend carefully until someone arrives.

Learn more about an emergency situation, here:


what does blood pressure readings mean


Answer: :


Arterial blood pressure is most commonly measured via a sphygmomanometer, which historically used the height of a column of mercury to reflect the circulating pressure. Blood pressure values are generally reported in millimetres of mercury, though aneroid and electronic devices do not contain mercury.

pLeAsE Help me
What healthful condiments might you suggest to take the place of pancake syrups and sugary jellies for breakfast?
What are some ways you could use fruit as a dessert?
What does the “heart-healthy” symbol indicate?
What are some possible career opportunities in corporate nutrition?
Name some healthful hot-weather breakfast menu items.



The answer I would put for the first one is agave nectar or honey because they are much healthier and are a lot more natural and still taste sweet.

Objective of environment education​



Awareness, knowledge, attitudes, skill and capacity building,participation and so on..


you explain it with your own language .....I hope u can do this.....and also this answer is matched with urr question......

Giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a drowning victim
Low risk
O High risk



high risk because you can pass sickness and dieses around

High risk because of diseases, there are others ways to do CPR on a drowning victim

Results of testing for HIV/AIDS can be obtained in:
30 minutes
3 days
3 weeks
30 days



30 min


3 weeks aids can be hard to discover for a long time

plz help me I need help​



Hope it is helpful

1: what is safety aid?
2: what is first aid ?



1. Safety aid is similar as First aid

2. First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by a non-expert person .

What are three ways you can protect yourself from infectious diseases?



Frequent washing of hands, cleaning and patching up of cuts, not sharing eating or cleaning utensils with other people, not touching open cuts or face with uncleaned hands or items, list could go on and on.

If there are specific answers you are to choose from then those would need to have been provided, furthermore a more specific question is recommended because there are a loooot of answer to this question.

Sorry if this didn't help much :)


Which best describes the communication strategy of "being flexible"?

A. Avoiding a focus on "right vs. wrong" and listening instead
B. Encouraging others to express genuine thoughts and feelings
C. Negotiating needs and meeting someone else halfway
D. Repeating back what you've been told to confirm the message​



Which best describes the communication strategy of "being flexible"?

C. Negotiating needs and meeting someone else halfway

What health risk associated with high blood pressure


It can lead to a heart attack and also affect all the other major organs in your system.

What are the five physical and chemical defenses that prevent pathogens from entering your


Skin, mucous membranes, cilia, saliva and tears, digestive system and immune system
Tears , etc

I. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) educates the public about food.
A. The information the FDA provides helps consumers stay safe.
B. The FDA educates consumers in different ways.

II. The FDA labels processed foods.
A. FDA labels identify the ingredients used to make products.
B. FDA labels explain the nutrition content of food.
C. FDA labels explain if the product might harm people who have allergies.

III. The FDA warns the public about harmful food.
A. The FDA issues a warning when a foodborne illness breaks out.
B. The FDA tells consumers which foods to avoid.
C. The FDA tells consumers what to do if they get sick.

IV. The American public relies on the information the FDA provides.
A. The FDA labels food and issues warnings about foodborne illnesses.
B. This information helps protect consumers from harmful food.

Which statement would best fit in section III?



A - The information the FDA provides helps consumers stay safe





EDG 2021

Force doesn't change the __________of a body
a) shape b) volume c) direction. d) taste​


Force doesn't change the __shape

________of a body

shape (i’m sorry if this is wrong)

What component is an example of skill-related fitness



agility, balance, coordination, speed, power, and reaction time

What happens in Diabetes?​


Diabetes occurs when the pancreas, a gland behind the stomach, does not produce enough of the hormone insulin, or the body can't use insulin properly. Insulin helps carry sugar from the bloodstream into the cells. Once inside the cells, sugar is converted into energy for immediate use or stored for the future.

Think of a serious stressful situation. Imagine a person your age going through that situation.
Briefly describe the situation. (Remember that the Discussion Board is public, so please do not share any information that is of a very personal or private nature.)
List problems or symptoms that would suggest the person should seek professional help. Consider changes in mood, thought patterns, sleep, physical health, activities, and social connections.
Where might a person in this situation go for support?​


I’m in school, I’m a single mom, and I have a full time job. Anyone in this situation is probably super stressed as am I, my sleep pattern is messed up, lake of sleep has caused me to personally be more depressed, I’m not as active due to being exhausted and depressed, and I don’t see my friends nearly as much as I should; so anyone in my situation is probably feeling the same way. so my suggestion is that They could go to a dr, A trusted administrative staff member at their job, a friend, but the number one person you should see is your dr, they could get you in touch with things or people that can help.

I’ll give u 20 points



Physical fitness gives you a better/nice body image. Your body image is one part of your self-concept. If you are physically fit your healthy mentally and physically.

Michaela would like to reduce her risk of skin cancer. To help reduce her risk, she can do all of the following except

A. Choose to use a tanning bed instead of sitting in the sun.
B. Make sure she stays in the shade between 10am and 4pm.
C. Reapply sunscreen every two hours or after swimming or sweating.
D. Use a water-resistant, broad-spectrum sunscreen.​





Never use tanning beds. Tanning beds give out ultraviolet (UV) rays that increase your risk of developing skin cancer.

Happy learning

Michaela would not choose to use a tanning bed instead of sitting in the sun to reduce her risk of skin cancer.

What is Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells which most often develops on skin exposed to the sun. But this common form of cancer can also occur on areas of the skin not ordinarily exposed to sunlight.

There are three major types of skin cancer

- Basal cell carcinoma,

- Squamous cell carcinoma and

- Melanoma.

Symptoms are:

1. Skin cancer develops primarily on areas of sun-exposed skin, including the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms and hands, and on the legs in women.

It can also form on areas that rarely see the light of day — palms, beneath the fingernails or toenails, and the genital area.

2. Skin cancer affects people of all skin tones, including those with darker complexions.

3. When melanoma occurs in people with dark skin tones, it's more likely to occur in areas not normally exposed to the sun, such as the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.  

What is a Tanning Bed?

A tanning bed is a device that emits ultraviolet radiation to give people a tan. Like the sun, a tanning bed can also cause a sunburn if the person stays in too long.

Like the sun, tanning beds help the body to produce vitamin D due to the exposure to the UV. Getting too much UV, or many sunburns can cause skin cancer, including melanoma, which can be deadly.

To learn more about the skin cancer here


What is an effect of landfills on the soil and water? Landfills produce greenhouse gases. Landfills lead to soil erosion. Chemicals from landfills leach into the soil and water. Landfills cause no effects on soil and land.​



Chemicals from landfills leach into the soil and water.

Explanation: I KNOW THIS IS WRIGHT BECAUSE I TOOK THE QUIZ Landfills produce greenhouse gases IS WRONG

The effect of landfills on the soil and water is Chemicals from landfills leach into the soil and water. The correct option is C.

Landfills are disposal sites for solid waste, and they can have significant environmental impacts. One of the most concerning effects is the leaching of chemicals from the waste into the surrounding soil and water. As rainwater percolates through the landfill, it picks up various contaminants, including heavy metals, organic pollutants, and other toxic substances present in the waste. These leachates can seep into the groundwater, potentially contaminating drinking water sources and causing harm to aquatic ecosystems.

This contamination can have far-reaching consequences, affecting both human health and the environment. It highlights the importance of proper waste management practices, such as waste reduction, recycling, and proper landfill design and maintenance, to minimize the negative impact of landfills on soil and water quality.

To know more about landfills:


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