Determine the area under the standard normal curve that lies to the right of the z-score 0.48 and to the left of the z-score 0.79


Answer 1


The area lies to the right of the z-score 0.48 means all the values greater than it. This can be calculated on a graphing calculator using the function normCdf, where

Lower bound = 0.48Upper bound = 9999Mean = 0Standard deviation = 1

The result would be normCdf(0.48,9999,0,1) ≈ 0.315614

The area lies to the left of the z-score 0.79 means all the values less than it. This can be calculated on a graphing calculator using the function normCdf, where

Lower bound = -9999Upper bound = 0.79Mean = 0Standard deviation = 1

The result would be normCdf(-9999,0.79,0,1) ≈ 0.785236

Answer 2



Step-by-step explanation:

SOURCE: Trust Me Bro


Related Questions

help with q25 please. Thanks.​


First, I'll make f(x) = sin(px) + cos(px) because this expression shows up quite a lot, and such a substitution makes life a bit easier for us.

Let's apply the first derivative of this f(x) function.

[tex]f(x) = \sin(px)+\cos(px)\\\\f'(x) = \frac{d}{dx}[f(x)]\\\\f'(x) = \frac{d}{dx}[\sin(px)+\cos(px)]\\\\f'(x) = \frac{d}{dx}[\sin(px)]+\frac{d}{dx}[\cos(px)]\\\\f'(x) = p\cos(px)-p\sin(px)\\\\ f'(x) = p(\cos(px)-\sin(px))\\\\[/tex]

Now apply the derivative to that to get the second derivative

[tex]f''(x) = \frac{d}{dx}[f'(x)]\\\\f''(x) = \frac{d}{dx}[p(\cos(px)-\sin(px))]\\\\ f''(x) = p*\left(\frac{d}{dx}[\cos(px)]-\frac{d}{dx}[\sin(px)]\right)\\\\ f''(x) = p*\left(-p\sin(px)-p\cos(px)\right)\\\\ f''(x) = -p^2*\left(\sin(px)+\cos(px)\right)\\\\ f''(x) = -p^2*f(x)\\\\[/tex]

We can see that f '' (x) is just a scalar multiple of f(x). That multiple of course being -p^2.

Keep in mind that we haven't actually found dy/dx yet, or its second derivative counterpart either.


Let's compute dy/dx. We'll use f(x) as defined earlier.

[tex]y = \ln\left(\sin(px)+\cos(px)\right)\\\\y = \ln\left(f(x)\right)\\\\\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{d}{dx}\left[y\right]\\\\\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{d}{dx}\left[\ln\left(f(x)\right)\right]\\\\\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{1}{f(x)}*\frac{d}{dx}\left[f(x)\right]\\\\\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{f'(x)}{f(x)}\\\\[/tex]

Use the chain rule here.

There's no need to plug in the expressions f(x) or f ' (x) as you'll see in the last section below.

Now use the quotient rule to find the second derivative of y

[tex]\frac{d^2y}{dx^2} = \frac{d}{dx}\left[\frac{dy}{dx}\right]\\\\\frac{d^2y}{dx^2} = \frac{d}{dx}\left[\frac{f'(x)}{f(x)}\right]\\\\\frac{d^2y}{dx^2} = \frac{f''(x)*f(x)-f'(x)*f'(x)}{(f(x))^2}\\\\\frac{d^2y}{dx^2} = \frac{f''(x)*f(x)-(f'(x))^2}{(f(x))^2}\\\\[/tex]

If you need a refresher on the quotient rule, then

[tex]\frac{d}{dx}\left[\frac{P}{Q}\right] = \frac{P'*Q - P*Q'}{Q^2}\\\\[/tex]

where P and Q are functions of x.


This then means

[tex]\frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + \left(\frac{dy}{dx}\right)^2 + p^2\\\\\frac{f''(x)*f(x)-(f'(x))^2}{(f(x))^2} + \left(\frac{f'(x)}{f(x)}\right)^2 + p^2\\\\\frac{f''(x)*f(x)-(f'(x))^2}{(f(x))^2} +\frac{(f'(x))^2}{(f(x))^2} + p^2\\\\\frac{f''(x)*f(x)-(f'(x))^2+(f'(x))^2}{(f(x))^2} + p^2\\\\\frac{f''(x)*f(x)}{(f(x))^2} + p^2\\\\[/tex]

Note the cancellation of -(f ' (x))^2 with (f ' (x))^2


Let's then replace f '' (x) with -p^2*f(x)

This allows us to form  ( f(x) )^2 in the numerator to cancel out with the denominator.

[tex]\frac{f''(x)*f(x)}{(f(x))^2} + p^2\\\\\frac{-p^2*f(x)*f(x)}{(f(x))^2} + p^2\\\\\frac{-p^2*(f(x))^2}{(f(x))^2} + p^2\\\\-p^2 + p^2\\\\0\\\\[/tex]

So this concludes the proof that [tex]\frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + \left(\frac{dy}{dx}\right)^2 + p^2 = 0\\\\[/tex] when [tex]y = \ln\left(\sin(px)+\cos(px)\right)\\\\[/tex]

Side note: This is an example of showing that the given y function is a solution to the given second order linear differential equation.

Jorge plans to paint a bedroom wall that is shaped like a trapezoid. The bottom edge of the wall is 22.5 feet long, and the top edge of the wall is 9.5 feet long. If the wall is 8 feet tall, what is the area of the wall? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth if necessary.


(22.5+9.5)*8/2 which is 32*4 =128 sad

Thank you guys fir the help


The correct answer to that would be b

A pole that is 3 m tall casts a shadow that is 1.23 m long. At the same time, a nearby building casts a shadow that is 42.75 m long. How tall is the building? round your answer to the nearest meter.




Just using the theorem of Thalès,

Step-by-step explanation:

Let say h the hight of the building

[tex]\dfrac{h}{3} =\dfrac{42.75}{1.23}\\\\h=104.268296...\approx{104(m)}[/tex]

What are the new vertices of quadrilateral KLMN if the quadrilateral is translated two units to the right and four units upward?


K′ = (–2,0), L′ = (1,0), M′ = (1,–3), N′ = (–2,–3)


K′ = (–2,2), L′ = (1,2), M′ = (1,–1), N′ = (–2,–1)


K′ = (–0,0), L′ = (3,0), M′ = (3,–1), N′ = (0,–1)


K′ = (–2,–2), L′ = (1,–2), M′ = (1,–5), N′ = (–2,–5)


9514 1404 393


  B)  K′ = (–2,2), L′ = (1,2), M′ = (1,–1), N′ = (–2,–1)

Step-by-step explanation:

Translation 2 units right adds 2 to the x-coordinate.

Translation 4 units upward adds 4 to the y-coordinate.

The translation can be represented by the relation ...

  (x, y) ⇒ (x +2, y +4)


You can choose the correct answer by looking at the translation of K.

  K(-4, -2) ⇒ K'(-4+2, -2+4) = K'(-2, 2) . . . . . matches choice B

If you were asked to measure the success of a campaign to fight for human rights, what criteria would you use?


Step-by-step explanation:

Many factors would be used to assess the effectiveness of a human rights campaign, including the following:

Social Influence. Direct Interpersonal Reach. Participant Observation. Reputation. Volume of Search & Interest. Website Traffic.

National Research.

The width of a rectangle is three units less than the length if the area is 28 square units then find the dimensions of the rectangle



width be xLength=x+3


[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto Area=Length\times Width[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x(x+3)=28[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x^2+3x=28[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x^2+3x-28=0[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x^2+7x-4x-28=0[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x(x+7)-4(x+7)=0[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto (x-4)(x+7)=0[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x=4\:or\:x=-7[/tex]

Ignore negative value

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto Width=4units[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto Length=4+3=7units[/tex]

The The Laplace Transform of a function , which is defined for all , is denoted by and is defined by the improper integral , as long as it converges. Laplace Transform is very useful in physics and engineering for solving certain linear ordinary differential equations. (Hint: think of as a fixed constant) 1. Find (hint: remember integration by parts)



a. L{t} = 1/s² b. L{1} = 1/s

Step-by-step explanation:

Here is the complete question

The The Laplace Transform of a function ft), which is defined for all t2 0, is denoted by Lf(t)) and is defined by the improper integral Lf))s)J" e-st . f(C)dt, as long as it converges. Laplace Transform is very useful in physics and engineering for solving certain linear ordinary differential equations. (Hint: think of s as a fixed constant) 1. Find Lft) (hint: remember integration by parts) A. None of these. B. O C. D. 1 E. F. -s2 2. Find L(1) A. 1 B. None of these. C. 1 D.-s E. 0


a. L{t}

L{t} = ∫₀⁰⁰[tex]e^{-st}t[/tex]

Integrating by parts  ∫udv/dt = uv - ∫vdu/dt where u = t and dv/dt = [tex]e^{-st}[/tex] and v = [tex]\frac{e^{-st}}{-s}[/tex] and du/dt = dt/dt = 1

So, ∫₀⁰⁰udv/dt = uv - ∫₀⁰⁰vdu/dt w

So,  ∫₀⁰⁰[tex]e^{-st}t[/tex] =  [[tex]\frac{te^{-st}}{-s}[/tex]]₀⁰⁰ -  ∫₀⁰⁰ [tex]\frac{e^{-st}}{-s}[/tex]

∫₀⁰⁰[tex]e^{-st}t[/tex] =  [[tex]\frac{te^{-st}}{-s}[/tex]]₀⁰⁰ -  ∫₀⁰⁰ [tex]\frac{e^{-st}}{-s}[/tex]

= -1/s(∞exp(-∞s) - 0 × exp(-0s)) + [tex]\frac{1}{s}[/tex] [[tex]\frac{e^{-st} }{-s}[/tex]]₀⁰⁰

= -1/s[(∞exp(-∞) - 0 × exp(0)] - 1/s²[exp(-∞s) - exp(-0s)]

= -1/s[(∞ × 0 - 0 × 1] - 1/s²[exp(-∞) - exp(-0)]

= -1/s[(0 - 0] - 1/s²[0 - 1]

= -1/s[(0] - 1/s²[- 1]

= 0 + 1/s²

= 1/s²

L{t} = 1/s²

b. L{1}

L{1} = ∫₀⁰⁰[tex]e^{-st}1[/tex]

= [[tex]\frac{e^{-st} }{-s}[/tex]]₀⁰⁰

= -1/s[exp(-∞s) - exp(-0s)]

= -1/s[exp(-∞) - exp(-0)]

= -1/s[0 - 1]

= -1/s(-1)

= 1/s

L{1} = 1/s

What is the maximum of f(x)= sin(x)?





Step-by-step explanation:

the maximum of f(X)=sin(X) is 1

Five people, each working 8 hours a day, can assemble 400 toys in a 5-day work week. What is the average
number of toys assembled per hour, per person?


3,200 per hour. This might be wrong sorry if it is !

Heather, a sociology major is interested in studying mass media topics. She is particularly interested in the percentage of mass media topics that relate to entertainment. Based on previous research, 72% of mass media topics relate to entertainment. She suspects this percent is different. During the process of hypothesis testing, she calculates a probability using the test statistic. What is the probability associated with the test statistic called




Step-by-step explanation:

The Pvalue measure which takes up a value in the range 0 - 1 is a statistical measure used on hypothesis testing to measure the likelihood of obtaining result atleast as extreme as the outcome of the statistical hypothesis test, The Pvalue is used in hypothesis testing to make a case for the alternative hypothesis, which involves being compared with the α - value.

Lower p values favors the adoption of alternative depending on how extreme th α-value is. The Pvalue is dependent on the value if the test statistic.

Find f′ in terms of g′


Select one:







9514 1404 393


  (e) f′(x)=2xg(x)+x²g′(x)

Step-by-step explanation:

The product rule applies.

  (uv)' = u'v +uv'


Here, we have u=x² and v=g(x). Then u'=2x and v'=g'(x).

  f(x) = x²·g(x)

  f'(x) = 2x·g(x) +x²·g'(x)

Find the 5 data points needed for a box plot of the given data set: { 8, 19, 11, 20, 2, 14, 17, 9, 15}

Give the answers in order from least to greatest.

Data Point 1:

Data Point 2:

Data Point 3:

Data Point 4:

Data Point 5:



Data Point 1:    2   Data Point 2:   8.5   Data Point 3:    14   Data Point 4:    18   Data Point 5:    20  

The boxplot is shown below.



What your teacher wants is the five number summary.

This consists of:


Given in that exact order.

The given data set is  { 8, 19, 11, 20, 2, 14, 17, 9, 15}

This sorts to  {2, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20}

From this sorted set, we see that 2 is the smallest item. So this is the min value. This is data point 1.

The max is the largest item, which in this case is 20, so this value goes in the box for data point 5.


Count out the number of values in the sorted set. You should count out n = 9 items.

Because n is odd, this means the median is in slot n/2 = 9/2 = 4.5 = 5

The value in the 5th slot is 14 which is the median (data point 3).


Once you determine the median, break the sorted set up like so

L = {2, 8, 9, 11}

U = {15, 17, 19, 20}

L is the lower set of values smaller than the median

U is the upper set of values larger than the median

The median itself is not part of set L and not part of set U either. It's ignored entirely from this point on.

From here, we find the middle values of L and U

You should find that the middle value of L is (8+9)/2 = 17/2 = 8.5 which is the value of Q1 (data point 2)

And also, the middle value of set U is (17+19)/2 = 36/2 = 18 which is the value of Q3 (data point 4)


To wrap everything up, we have this five number summary

Min = 2Q1 = 8.5Median = 14Q3 = 18Max = 20

These will determine the features of the boxplot as shown below.

In this case, there are no outliers.

Hot-dog buns come in packages of 10. Wieners come in
packages of 12. Barry would like to buy the smallest
number of hot-dog buns and wieners so that he will have
exactly 1 wiener per bun. How many packages of hot-dog
buns and wieners must he buy?
A 6 packages of buns, 5 packages of wieners
B 5 packages of buns, 5 packages of wieners
C 8 packages of buns, 7 packages of wieners
05 packages of buns, 4 packages of wieners



A 6 Packages of buns and 5 packages of wieners.

Step-by-step explanation:

Because if you multiply 6x10 you get 60 and if you multiply 5x12 you get 60 exactly 1 wieners per bun

the value of 2√4-3√27+√16+√225 is​



hope this help you

sorry if it is mistake

on a recent algebra test the highest grade was 36 points more then the lowest grade. the sum of the two grades was 132. find the lowest grade.


So what you need to do is find x in this equation: 2x+36=132. We get x=48. The lowest score was 48 points and the highest (Just in case you need it) is 84 points. Hope this helps.

Please help this is due at 11:59 and im really stuck.


has form - last two
can be put in form - none
other - first four

9514 1404 393


  B B C C A A

Step-by-step explanation:

If we number the equations 1 to 6 left to right, then we have ...

B - can be put (y = 2x)B - can be put (y = (1/9)x)C - other, not a proportional relationshipC - other, y = 5/x, an inversely proportional relationshipA - has the form, k = 0.04A - has the form, k = -11

Ben consumes an energy drink that contains caffeine. After consuming the energy drink, the amount of caffeine in Ben's body decreases exponentially. The 10-hour decay factor for the number of mg of caffeine in Ben's body is 0.2722. What is the 5-hour growth/decay factor for the number of mg of caffeine in Ben's body



The 5-hour decay factor for the number of mg of caffeine in Ben's body is of 0.1469.

Step-by-step explanation:

After consuming the energy drink, the amount of caffeine in Ben's body decreases exponentially.

This means that the amount of caffeine after t hours is given by:

[tex]A(t) = A(0)e^{-kt}[/tex]

In which A(0) is the initial amount and k is the decay rate, as a decimal.

The 10-hour decay factor for the number of mg of caffeine in Ben's body is 0.2722.

1 - 0.2722 = 0.7278, thus, [tex]A(10) = 0.7278A(0)[/tex]. We use this to find k.

[tex]A(t) = A(0)e^{-kt}[/tex]

[tex]0.7278A(0) = A(0)e^{-10k}[/tex]

[tex]e^{-10k} = 0.7278[/tex]

[tex]\ln{e^{-10k}} = \ln{0.7278}[/tex]

[tex]-10k = \ln{0.7278}[/tex]

[tex]k = -\frac{\ln{0.7278}}{10}[/tex]

[tex]k = 0.03177289938 [/tex]


[tex]A(t) = A(0)e^{-0.03177289938t}[/tex]

What is the 5-hour growth/decay factor for the number of mg of caffeine in Ben's body?

We have to find find A(5), as a function of A(0). So

[tex]A(5) = A(0)e^{-0.03177289938*5}[/tex]

[tex]A(5) = 0.8531[/tex]

The decay factor is:

1 - 0.8531 = 0.1469

The 5-hour decay factor for the number of mg of caffeine in Ben's body is of 0.1469.

Which compound inequality does the number line represent?


The third one. You just have to simplify the inequalities. Plz give brainliest

The compound ineqality which the number line represents will be 5x ≥ -15 or 5x ≤ 10 so option (B) must be correct.

What is inequality?

A difference between two values indicates whether one is smaller, larger, or basically not similar to the other.

A mathematical expression is said to be unequal if the sides are not equal. Essentially, comparing any two values shows whether one is smaller, greater, or equal to the value on the other side of the equation.

In option (B) given that

5x ≥ -15

⇒ x ≥ -15/5

⇒ x ≥ -3


5x ≤ 10

⇒ x ≤ 10/5

x ≤ 2

By looking at the number line it is clear that the blue line is greater than -3 and less than 2 hence it will be correct.

For more about inequality?


Q-21: The regions of inequalities are also called:
A) Planes B) Lines C) Half planes D) None of these​



D ) none of these .. i think this help you

Complete the proof and rewrite the statements.
Given :
ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AC = BC
Prove : AD = BD
Statement Reason
i) AC = BC Given
ii) ԼCDA = _______ Right angle
iii) CD = CD Common side
iv) ΔADC ≅ Δ BDC _______ test



Step-by-step explanation:

(ii) right angle becuase perpendicular

iv) congruent because <b=<a (opp ang in isc.tria. is equal)

since ΔADC ≅ Δ BDC, AB=BD

Twenty-seven minus 3/2 of a number (x) os not mpre than 36. What is the number?




Step-by-step explanation:





A geologist has collected 5 specimens of basaltic rock and 7 specimens of granite. The geologist instructs a laboratory assistant to randomly select 9 of the specimens for analysis.
Let X= the number of granite specimens selected for analysis.
Note: Take 10 decimal places after the ".", if the answer is a fraction, enter the fraction (a/b). Use a period (.) not a comma (,) for decimals.
a) Compute EX = ?; Var(X) = ?
b) Compute P(X<6) = ?
c) What is the probability that all specimens of one of the two types of rock are selected for analysis?
P(all specimens of one of the two types of rock are selected for analysis) = ?


The rocks are chosen without replacement, which means that the hypergeometric distribution is used to solve this question. First we get the parameters, and then we answer the questions. From this, we get that:

[tex]E(X) = 5.25, Var(X) = 0.5966[/tex]P(X < 6) = 0.9545P(all specimens of one of the two types of rock are selected for analysis) = 0.2046.

Hypergeometric distribution:

The probability of x successes is given by the following formula:

[tex]P(X = x) = h(x,N,n,k) = \frac{C_{k,x}*C_{N-k,n-x}}{C_{N,n}}[/tex]

In which:

x is the number of successes.

N is the size of the population.

n is the size of the sample.

k is the total number of desired outcomes.

Combinations formula:

[tex]C_{n,x}[/tex] is the number of different combinations of x objects from a set of n elements, given by the following formula.

[tex]C_{n,x} = \frac{n!}{x!(n-x)!}[/tex]

The mean and the variance are:

[tex]\mu = \frac{nk}{N}[/tex]

[tex]\sigma^2 = \frac{nk(N-k)(N-n)}{N^2(N-1)}[/tex]

We have that:

5 + 7 = 12 rocks, which means that [tex]N = 12[/tex]

9 are chosen, which means that [tex]n = 9[/tex]

7 are granite, which means that [tex]k = 7[/tex]

Question a:

[tex]E(X) = \mu = \frac{9\times7}{12} = 5.25[/tex]

[tex]Var(X) = \sigma^2 = \frac{9\times7(12-7)(12-9)}{12^2(12-1)} = 0.5966[/tex]


[tex]E(X) = 5.25, Var(X) = 0.5966[/tex]

Question b:

Since there are only 5 specimens of basaltic rock, at least 9 - 5 = 4 specimens of granite are needed, which means that:

[tex]P(X < 6) = P(X = 4) + P(X = 5) + P(X = 6)[/tex]

In which

[tex]P(X = x) = h(x,N,n,k) = \frac{C_{k,x}*C_{N-k,n-x}}{C_{N,n}}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 4) = h(4,12,9,7) = \frac{C_{7,4}*C_{5,5}}{C_{12,9}} = 0.1591[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 5) = h(5,12,9,7) = \frac{C_{7,5}*C_{5,4}}{C_{12,9}} = 0.4773[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 6) = h(6,12,9,7) = \frac{C_{7,6}*C_{5,3}}{C_{12,9}} = 0.3181[/tex]


[tex]P(X < 6) = P(X = 4) + P(X = 5) + P(X = 6) = 0.1591 + 0.4773 + 0.3181 = 0.9545[/tex]

So P(X < 6) = 0.9545.

Question c:

5 of basaltic and 4 of granite: 0.1591 probability.

7 of granite is P(X = 7), in which

[tex]P(X = 7) = h(7,12,9,7) = \frac{C_{7,7}*C_{5,2}}{C_{12,9}} = 0.0455[/tex]

0.1591 + 0.0455 = 0.2046, thus:

P(all specimens of one of the two types of rock are selected for analysis) = 0.2046.

A similar question is found at

The equation 8(y-3)= -40 is solved in several steps below. For each step, choose the reason that best justifies it.

Addition property of Equality
Subtraction Property of Equality
Multiplication property of equality
Division property of equality
distributive property



Step-by-step explanation:

The steps and their reasons for the equation 8(y - 3) = - 40 are given below.

What is the solution to the equation?

The allocation of weights to the important variables that produce the calculation's optimum is referred to as a direct consequence.

The equation is given below.

8(y - 3) = - 40

            Steps                                               Reason

       8(y - 3) = - 40                                          Given

       8y - 24 = - 40                                Distributive property

8y - 24 + 24 = - 24 + 24                 Addition Property of Equality

               8y = - 16                                      Simplifying

          8y / 8 = - 16/8                       Division property of equality

                  y = - 2                                       Simplifying

More about the solution of the equation link is given below.


There is only 3/4 cup of ice cream left. If 3 friends share the ice cream equally, how much ice cream will they each get?



1/4 cup each

Step-by-step explanation:

Take the amount of ice cream and divide by 3

3/4÷ 3

Copy dot flip

3/4 * 1/3


3/3 * 1/4

1/4 cup each

An ice cream store determines the cost of its sundaes by using the formula C = 0.50s + 0.35n + 0.25t, where C is the total cost in dollars, s is the number of scoops of ice cream, n is the number of scoops of nuts, and t is the number of liquid toppings. A Nutty Sundae costs $3.55. It has 3 scoops of nuts and 2 different liquid toppings. How many scoops of ice cream are in this sundae?



4 scoops of ice cream

Step-by-step explanation:

Plug in the total cost, number of scoops of nuts, and number of liquid toppings into the formula. Then, solve for s:

C = 0.50s + 0.35n + 0.25t

3.55 = 0.50s + 0.35(3) + 0.25(2)

3.55 = 0.50s + 1.05 + 0.5

3.55 = 0.50s + 1.55

2 = 0.50s

4 = s

So, the sundae had 4 scoops of ice cream.

a principal of $1500 is invested at 5.5 interest compounded annually. how much will the investment be worth after 7 years



Step-by-step explanation:

1500(1.055)^7= 2182.02

help please! I need the answer quickly! thank you!



B) 1 unit to the left

Step-by-step explanation:

You play a game where you roll a single die. You pay $1 to play, and the payouts are $0.50 if you roll an
even number, $2 if you roll a 1, and $1 if you roll a 3 or 5. What are the odds for winning money if you play this game? Show your work and Explain.


Let W be the random variable representing your winnings from playing the game. Then

[tex]P(W=w)=\begin{cases}\text{prob. of rolling an even number}=\frac12&\text{if }w=\$0.50-\$1=-\$0.50\\\text{prob. of rolling a 1}=\frac16&\text{if }w=\$2-\$1=\$1\\\text{prob. of rolling 3 or 5}=\frac13&\text{if }w=\$1-\$1=\$0\\0&\text{otherwise}\end{cases}[/tex]

In short, you have a 1/6 chance of profiting from the game, and a 5/6 chance of losing money. So the odds of winning are (1/6)/(5/6) = 1/5 or 1 to 5.

Stuck on this one!!

Shelly believes the honor roll students at her school have an unfair advantage in being assigned to the math class they request. She asked 500 students at her school the following questions: "Are you on the honor roll?" and "Did you get the math class you requested?" The results are shown in the table below:

Honor roll Not on honor roll Total
Received math class requested 125 215 340
Did not get math class requested 80 80 160
Total 205 295 500

Help Shelly determine if all students at her school have an equal opportunity to get into the math class they requested. Show your work, and explain your process for determining the fairness of the class assignment process.


Answer: No, there isn't equal opportunity



Let's define the two events

A = person is on the honor rollB = person got the math class they requested

From the table, we see that

P(B) = 340/500 = 0.68

meaning that there's a 68% chance of picking someone who got the class they wanted (i.e. 68% of the people got the class they wanted)


Now let's assume that the person is on the honor roll. This means we only focus on the "honor roll" column. There are 125 people here that got the class they wanted out of 205 honor roll students total.


P(B given A) = 125/205 = 0.609756

which rounds to 0.61

This says that if a person is on the honor roll, then they have roughly a 61% chance of getting the class they want.

The chances have gone down from 68% to 61% roughly.


It appears that being on the honor roll does affect your chances of getting into the class you want.

Therefore, all students do not have the same equal opportunity.

We would need to have P(B) and P(A given B) to be the same exact value for true equal opportunity to happen.

All students do not have equal opportunity.

From the table, we have the following parameters:

205 people are on honor roll call340 people got the math class requested500 people were surveyed

The above means that:

The probability that a person is on honor roll call is:

p1 = 205/500

p1 = 0.41

The probability that a person got the math class requested

p2 = 340/500

p2 = 0.68

Both probabilities are not equal.

Hence, it is true that all students do not have equal opportunity.

Read more about probability at:

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