Draft a defense or a challenge with at least two reasons for your opinion. Make sure you have a main idea sentence for your opinion. Writing a draft first, then revising and editing, will help you to better organize your thoughts. Then, edit for capitalization, spelling, and punctuation.

Defense or Challenge: People over 21 may legally carry concealed handguns, but do you think they should be allowed to bring them into a college? Write your opinion with a main idea sentence, two valid reasons, and a concluding sentence (minimum 4 sentences).


Answer 1
My opinion is no because sometimes when somebody ill-treats you like ragging or making fun of you and if you’re a short tempered person then you may harm that person. It’s not only you. It can be anyone.
I’m sorry if I had said anything wrong

Related Questions

How is the fourth wave of the feminist movement different from the previous waves


Answer:Fourth-wave feminism is a feminist movement that began around 2012 and is characterized by a focus on the empowerment of women, the use of internet tools, and intersectionality


Many assert that a fourth wave of feminism began around 2012, however this is controversial for some. This wave focused on themes such as  body shaming, and sexual harassment.

What is feminist movement?

Feminist movement is defined as a number of political and social groups advocating radical and liberal reforms on women's issues that were sparked by the gender pay gap. The feminist movement's main objectives include giving women additional freedoms and equitable opportunities.

The movement has entered the digital era thanks to social media activism. It expands on the third wave's focus on inclusivity and raises difficult issues of what exactly empowerment, equality, and freedom imply. Intersectionality remains a concern for fourth-wave feminism. Voting rights were a major focus of the first wave of feminism, reproductive rights were a focus of the second, and female heteronormality was a focus of the third.

Thus, many assert that a fourth wave of feminism began around 2012, however this is controversial for some. This wave focused on themes such as body shaming, and sexual harassment.

To learn more about feminist movement, refer to the link below:



SI units are used for scientific works.Why?​



The SI system of metric units is very practical because the meter, kilogram, second and ampere used in theoretical computations in electrical and mechanical engineering correspond to actual everyday units used to rate household appliance electricity consumption and for customary weights and measures.


Because it is used to measure physical quantity

What is included in the body of a news article?

the writer's opinion about the topic of the article

a short summary of the information in the lead

details about the information in the lead

information about the author of the article


a short summary of the information in the lead

Which short story uses the flashback as its main structure?
“The House on Mango Street”
“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”
All of the above



"Girl" is a monologue which is like a character speaking to oneself uninterrupted. "An Occurrence at Owl Bridge" is a typical short story and uses a flashback structure.

Answer: C
Explanation: “An occurrence at owl creek bridge” that reflects back on the occurrence at owl creek bridge, which is considered a flashback.

A critical summary about music for my mother



Goodl luck idrk


Music comes in many ways. It could be about rap, pop, classical, blues, jazz, and hip-hop. Some songs tell you what the writer which is most of the time the singer, is feeling. And instead of talking about it they sing about it to make them self feel a bit better. Their is also cultural music, Japanese, Chinese, Indian, etc. Those songs can be from along time ago and may also be used to tell a tale from way back when about a war, fantasy, or maybe even something that is scary.

4 Rearrange these words in alphabetical order. birthday wakes early gifts downstairs books sweater puppy lost found X dolla best happy ir teacher​



best birthday books dolla downstairs early found gifts happy ir lost puppy sweater teacher wakes x

“Furthermore, obesity is affecting more people in the country.” is an example of
A. Rhetorical question
B. Addition transition
C. Cause/effect transition
D. Concluding transition



D. Concluding transition


It is a sum-up of the point that they made, that is why they used the transition "Furthermore"

“Furthermore, obesity is affecting more people in the country.” is an example of "addition transition."

What is addition transition?

"Additional transition" means the words that help in expressing the link between two or more text or ideas.

Because addition transition are the group of words that are used to form a bridge while writing an essay. Addition transition words helps the readers carry out their own interpretation of a particular phrase. Furthermore, the word 'furthermore' is considered an additional transition word, which is used to prove something. Thus, "Furthermore, obesity is affecting more people in the country." is an example of an addition transition.

Hence the correct option is, B. "Addition transition"

To know more about addition transition:



list any five reasons behind the popularity of English language​



Sorry if this is multiple choice, but I have some answers!


-The British Empire conquered about a quarter of the planet while in their prime, so naturally they had brought their language with them.

-Post War in the U.S started a boom in international trade, making the language even more necessary to know to trade goods.

-There is a certain hip/coolness factor to other countries with the way English can be spoken, especially since most movies and popular media are based in English due to Hollywood's infamy.

-The internet and other modern electronics were invented within America as well as the most hardware coming from the same place and using the Latin alphabet, along with major scientific leads being documented in the same language.

-English only really can grow in popularity as people who don't already speak it gain some sort of interest in visiting English speaking countries, who desire to consume English media, it evolves and changes with time so the possibility of it going out of style is scarce.

(Hope this helps!^^)

What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
Served as a warning against Native Americans.
Informed everyone of America's break away from Britain.
Was written only to Americans
Was a message sent to the troops fighting the war
Question 4 (5 points)



The main purpose of America's Declaration of Independence was to explain to foreign nations why the colonies had chosen to separate themselves from Great Britain.


What should you do first when planning a research report?
(a)Determine if the topic is currently popular and has lots of information available.
(b)Find out if someone else is doing the same topic and can share research.
(c)Determine how long the report should be and what sources you can use.
(d)Make sure the topic interests you and also fits the assignment for the report.





it is vital that the topic fits the assignment and it's helpful that you are interested in it or it will be more difficult to complete.

D. Make sure the topic interests you and also fits the assignment for the report.

Read the following paragraph:
"Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste. As with those made from scratch, the texture of brownies
from a box is dependent on the amount of eggs added to the batter. A single egg produces a denser brownie than one made with two eggs. Brownie
texture can also be varied through the choice of pan because glass heats more slowly than metal."
Which sentence uses subjective language?
O Brownie texture can also be varied through the choice of pan because glass heats more slowly than metal.
As with those made from scratch, the texture of brownies from a box is dependent on the amount of eggs added to the batter.
O Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste.
A single egg produces a denser brownie than two eggs.



Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste.


  Subjective language is emotive language, which means the author is stating their opinion. The answer expresses the authors opinion on brownies from a mix being underrated. The other three answer choices use objective language, meaning the author is only stating facts or observations.

  Hope that helped!

Why has the physical description of the hero changed throughout the years?



Nowadays,It is to excite the audiences of tv shows with different interesting heroes

Explanation:Why has the physical description of the hero changed throughout the years?

a. to prove that authors can create original characters

b. to allow for the advancement of technology

c. to excite audiences with new and different heroes

d. to reflect how a specific time and culture view heroism

What is the author's purpose for the
following writing?
A bill becomes a law through a
lengthy process. It must first be
written by a congressman and
presented to the full House.
A. describe
B. educate
C. inspire




I think it more of a description than an educational process. When you educate you have some objective to accomplish. Here you are only trying to relate what the law is (making a law is a constitutional matter- so what does the constitution say about how a law is made.\).

Yeah it seems more of a description to me too

Her children often come to visit her. The negative of this statement is.
Her children don't often come to visit her.
Her children seldom come to visit her.
Her children never come to visit her.
Her children frequently come to visit her.​



Her children never coem to visit her.

Which of these sentences correctly uses the comparative form of an adverb?
A. The director gives better presentations than other team members.
B. He gave the best presentation.
C. The most best dancer will be given an award at the party.
D. She paints so well it is almost better than the art teacher.


The best dancer will be given an award at the party is the sentences correctly uses the comparative form of an adverb. Hence, option C is correct.

What is adverb?

Adverb is helps to modify the sentence or verb, most of the adverbs ends on ly. like  “arrived early,” “runs slowly,” “stayed home,” and “works hard” the words “early,” “slowly,” “home,” and “hard” are adverbs.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more details about Adverb, click here:



you have been arriving home late from afternoon lessons your mother is not ver happy about this she wants to know why you have been arriving home late write a dialogue between you and your mother


"Honey, why are you arriving home so late?" my mother inquired.

"I had some afternoon lessons, Mom," I said.

"You were supposed to be here 2 hours ago. I was worried about you," she replied, in a very tense tone of voice. "I am very disappointed."

"I am sorry, Mom. I will try arriving earlier next time," I apologized.

Sorry, I don't really know what to write other than this. Lol.

I. Underline the correct answer:
1. Revising new words means that you……………………the words many times.
(write / read and learn / highline / underline)
2. “I need a favor.” “……………..”
(What can I do for you? / No, thank you. / Yes, That’s very kind of you. / Yes, please. )
3. Could you ……………me a favor? (do / give / make / bring)
4. Everyone's asleep. You ………….(don't need to / shouldn't / needn't / ought to) make a noise.
5. We can …………funds for street children by collecting old newspapers and magazines.
(rise / lift / raise / fill)
6. We are very ………………of our parents and teachers. (excited / proud / meaningful / interested)
7. ………..is a story passed on in spoken form from one generation to the next.
(Novel / Story / Folktale / Fiction)
8. Students learn words ……………different ways. (in / of / on / from)
9. My mother never lets us ………..out late at night. (going / to go / go / went)
10. “Do you need any help?” “………..” (I’m sorry. / Yes, Thanks. / Yes, I need. / Of course)



See the image for solution

Hope it helps

Have a great day

In tag question this sentence,
1)I am doing my mock examination



I am doing my mock examination - aren't I


aren't I

have a great day

Write a recipe to cook momos using different adverbs in a paragraph. ​


go any fry the momos kema adverb

Im literally so st upid





Diction is about which words the author chooses to get their point across, so D would be the correct answer here.

What are the ones that apply


A b and D
Because it just is
A andB and D And good luck

Select the correct answer for 5 & 6



(5) The food at the football banquet was delicious because it was pizza.

(6) The nervous speaker gave the final lecture.

Hope this helps.

Mention any two possible ways humans can get infected by the avian influenza?



Infected birds shed avian influenza virus in their saliva, mucous and feces. Human infections with bird flu viruses can happen when enough virus gets into a person's eyes, nose or mouth, or is inhaled.

Which is the right answer
Adverbial Clauses Of Concession



B. I always get what I want


in 3-5 sentences thoroughly explain how the author choice of words regarding structure create tension or add meaning in the story "Condensed Milk"



Tension was there from the start of the narrative "Condensed Milk." At first, the narrator was weak from hunger, was mistreated, overworked, and envious of others who had easier jobs. He was so feeble that he didn't have much chance of making arrangements for the next day since he didn't know if he'd even live that long.

In the middle, Shestakov approached him with an escape plan, but the narrator discovered he lied about the distance, and he considered all possibilities, knowing there was no chance he could live. Later, he informed Shestakov that he would do it because he needed food for strength. The finale is that he drank all of the condensed milk and became full before deciding not to go. Later, those who sided with Shestakov were either murdered or sentenced to extra time in prison. Shestakov was never punished in the same way as the others, but the narrator survived to work another day.

how environmental factors affect the variation and distribution of expressed traits in a population



Factors that affect the growth of Populations

What is population "growth"?

What we might talk about as population size is actually population density, the number of individuals per unit area (or unit volume).

Population growth is based on four fundamental factors: birth rate, death rate, immigration, and emigration.

Population growth rate = (birth rate + immigration) - (death rate + emigration)

"Per capita rates" are calculated as the number of events (births, deaths, or growth) divided by the number of individuals in the population over a specific time periodFactors that affect the growth of Populations

What is population "growth"?

What we might talk about as population size is actually population density, the number of individuals per unit area (or unit volume).

Population growth is based on four fundamental factors: birth rate, death rate, immigration, and emigration.

Population growth rate = (birth rate + immigration) - (death rate + emigration)

"Per capita rates" are calculated as the number of events (births, deaths, or growth) divided by the number of individuals in the population over a specific time period

An unforgettable dream



which dream what dream you saw that you cannot forgot.


A sales person lying about the effectiveness of his product would be an example of witch of the following?

A: direct persuasion
B: professional persuasion
C: emotional persuasion
D: indirect persuasion
E: unethical persuasion



E: Unethical persuasion


Because lying is unethical, this would be an example of unethical persuasion. You should always tell the truth, especially if it is about the effectiveness of a product because you can get in trouble for false advertising, and it can destroy your business.

Hope this was helpful :)

Based on previous knowledge of Greek values, what prediction can best be made about Antinous's future? Antinous's friends will rally around him, and he will be victorious in battle. Antinous will gain great power and win the heart of Penelope at last. Antinous's friends will turn on him, and he will suffer for his actions. Antinous will become a poor man and wanderer like Odysseus.



Antinous's friends will turn on him, and he will suffer for his actions.


Odysseus finally returns to Ithaca in disguise and begins plotting his revenge against the suitors who have taken over his palace and are trying to force Penelope to marry one of them.

What is Greek Mythology?

Greek mythology is a collection of stories, beliefs, and traditions originating from ancient Greece. These myths feature gods, heroes, and other mythical creatures, and were an integral part of the ancient Greeks' religious and cultural beliefs.

Greek mythology is full of colorful characters and tales of adventure, romance, and tragedy.

The gods and goddesses of Greek mythology were believed to have control over natural phenomena such as the sun, moon, and weather, as well as human affairs such as love, war, and destiny.

Some of the most well-known figures from Greek mythology include Zeus, the king of the gods; Hera, his wife and queen of the gods; Poseidon.

The god of the sea; Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty; Apollo, the god of music and the sun; and Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war.

Learn more about Greek mythology here



What did Pops notice about the bear on the cabin porch?


What you mean? Can u elaborate
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