Due to their remote locations, _______________________________________ often face unique challenges in receiving assistance from outside the jurisdiction quickly and often request assistance from neighboring islands, other nearby countries, States, the private sector or nongovernmental organization resources, or the Federal Government.


Answer 1

Territorial and insular area governments is the answer.

An insular area can be described as a geographical area that is neither in any of the states of the United States nor is it a federal district area.

A territorial area is a government that is under another government.

Guam and American Samoa are two insular territories of the United States of America.

These two places are in remote areas. They are both Islands. To get help, they have to rely on neighboring Islands, countries and states that are close by and resources from NGO's

Read more on how such areas get assistance at https://brainly.com/question/1588277?referrer=searchResults

Related Questions

what is the scope of Hotel management course in nepal​



Hotel management scope in Nepal

Cafés and Restaurant.

Fast food joint.


Recreational catering.

Health center catering.

Resorts and lodges.

Institutional and industrial services.

Airline and cabin services.

any vibrating object can be a source of sound. true or false?





true would be your answer hope this helps

Which of the following would be the best title for this image? (4 points)

Image of a person meeting with an attorney. The caption reads, 'Hello, I am Tim Legal. The court assigned me to be your attorney in this case. I am here to help you.'


Answer: b. The Effect of Gideon v. Wainwright


As a result of the case, Gideon v. Wainwright, states became required to provide defendants with attorneys if they could not afford one on their own. The Supreme Court argued that it was necessary in order for the Sixth Amendment - which guarantees defendants a speedy and fair trial - not to be violated.

In the picture described, the attorney has been assigned to the defendant in question so this is indeed the effect of Gideon v. Wainwright.

Define psychology and then describe its goals. Describe 1 research method and then describe a topic you would like to know more about, and how you would use that research method to conduct research on your topic. What are the three main parts of the brain and what are their functions? Why is the transition from adolescence to adulthood especially challenging? Discuss the role you think the brain plays in this transition. What suggestions would you make to parents and teens to ease this transition? Be as specific as possible, and be sure to support your answer with sources you cite in the body of your answer and include in a reference list at the bottom of your post using APA format.



Psychology basically can be defined as an ongoing attempt by humans to study how the mind works and behavior in general of living things.

Research methods are basically classified into:

qualitative research methodquantitative method, andmixed research method.

In the quantitative research method, this usually involves the collection or examination of numerical data to form a research conclusion. For example, a topic such as determining the effect of age on the performance of students in SAT exams would require the collection of relevant exams results data as well as an examination of the ages of the sampled students.

The three main parts of the brain consist of:

The Cerebrum CerebellumBrainstem

This is just a summary of details needed to complete your assignment, you could find more information in a textbook or via an online search engine.

entrepreneurship is a prerequisite​



Entrepreneurs can change the way we live and work. If successful, their revolutions may improve our standard of living. In short, in addition to creating wealth from their entrepreneurial ventures, they also create jobs and the conditions for a flourishing society.

Someone answer this correct I’ll brainlist
What three modes of communication are available to influence public opinion today that weren't available in the 1930s?








The three modes are





extravagance leads to proverty.justify this statement​



Extravagance or spending money without care, definitely leads to poverty. ... Resulting which the basic needs may be may not be fulfilled which may lead to poverty. Extravagance means spending more cash than one can afford or earns. Anyone spending beyond the affordability leads to poverty.

O crescimento econômico, nos moldes capitalistas, é compatível com a questão ecológica e a conservação ambiental?




Would you be able to translate this?

En casa de herrero cuchillo de pollo



que .-.


What were some of the strategies that likely denied Black Americans the right to vote even after passage of the Fifteenth Amendment? (Select all that apply.)

Voters were asked to pass a literacy test in an era when many former slaves could not read or write.
Some counties simply allowed clerks and other officials to deny anyone the right to vote based on the officials’ discretion.
Black voters were driven away from the polls by racist crowds who threatened them with violence if they chose to vote.
Voters were asked to pay a poll tax that was beyond the financial abilities of many former slaves.



I think it might be all of the above

Five-year-old Jessie went to a fire station with her kindergarten class. When she got home, Jessie, who is in the preoperational stage of cognitive development, eagerly told the story of her adventure to her older brother. Describe how the following factors might have influenced the story she told. Be sure to define and provide an appropriate example of EACH factor.
A. Egocentrism
B. Observational learning
C. Overregularization or overgeneralization in language
D. Reconstructive memory
E. Schema



1) Egocentrism is that the hassle of seeing matters in line with another's angle. Jessie might simply have the selection to point out her tale thru her angle and together alongside her personal thought1s. she will also additionally have believed that the hearth station became extraordinarily big thanks to her being little, as an example.

2) Observational Learning is gaining from seeing (noticing) a clear stimul1i. the story Jessie advised relies upon all that she saw, or noticed, whilst at the hearth station. Thusly, she is deciding what she had outwardly realized, for instance, that firemen placed on wellness outfits. The composition may be a mental concept that types out and deciphers information. Jessie constructed up a sample of firemen, or hearthplace stations, at some stage in her visit. she will also additionally have the concept that every fireman lives in hearthplace stations or all placed on the uniform. this is often probably stated in her tale.

3) Reconstructive memory is that the manner of assembling information counting on stored records without a specific memory portrayal. On the off hazard that Jessie cannot do not forget a specific piece of what happened at some stage in her discipline trip, she will also additionally kind out various factors and reproduce, or reconstruct, her memory1 to feature or eliminate subtleties that are now not ahead there.

4) Schema is how information is introduced, which may also additionally have an impression on dynamics. Being a fireman is perhaps emphatically mentioned as saint-like and a first-rate occupation, making Jessie assure that she desires to be a fireman while she grows up also. she is going to increase an uplifting disposition toward firemen if the arrival she was given became positive.

5) Overgeneralization:-  

Proactive interference is that the keeping of a rundown of data and while recalling a later piece of the rundown, a previously remembered component disrupts everything. Her extra setup sibling also can additionally strive to tell the ultimate piece of his sister's tale but always do not forget the underlying parts, meddling together alongside his capability to precisely overview the top of his sister's tale. within the sequential position, the effect is that the capability.

1. Write a letter to a local leader about an ecological issue in your area.
I'm not asking u to write it
question: Who would I write to and why (coming from Tampa fl)



You could write it to an official in charge of like "damage" as in the damage from all the tropical storms that come through florida, and ask what they plan on doing in the future to protect the cities from harm


You could do your principle/professor or your governed, religious leaders, or your

What are the legal provision for reducing the offender of human trafficking and transportation?



the legal provisio for reducing the offender of human trafficking and transportation is UNDOC law againsr.

¿que fuentes de energia limpias recomendarias aprovechar para que a partir de ella se puede generar energia electrica? ¿ porque?


Recomendaría las fuentes hidráulicas, hidroeléctricas y solares, que funcionan a base de agua, viento y sol porque son recursos naturales que se pueden aprovechar para generar energía eléctrica gracias a su tan fuerte potencia

what types of society do you like most and why?​



Horticultural societies grow crops with simple tools, while pastoral societies raise livestock. Both types of societies are wealthier than hunting-and-gathering societies, and they also have more inequality and greater conflict than hunting-and-gathering societies Explanation:

explain any 4 problems of agricultural commercialization in Nepal in brief ​



The factors that are responsible for our agricultural backwardness are:Traditional farming, Lack of proper irrigation system, Lack of transport and market, Unscientific and undemocratic distribution of land, Over pressure of manpower, Poor economic condition, Lack of research activities

Write about the value of moral character.​



Moral character is the foundation of personal acceptance and growth, healthy relationships and success. Without it, our kids will have great difficulty achieving true peace of mind, making morally-driven decisions, building solid, long-lasting relationships or finding true success in their endeavors or career.


The development of a strong moral character is pivotal to the overall development of an individual. Moral character is the foundation of personal acceptance and growth, healthy relationships and success. Moral character traits are relatively stable, fixed and reliable dispositions of action and affect that ought to be rationally informed. Individuals with a strong moral character have a great degree of surety about their actions. When you have good moral character, people know that your behavior is reliable, your heart is in the right place, and your word is good as gold.



Zack was injured in a mining accident and suffered brain damage. In time his brain healed and he was able to go back to work. The only noticeable consequence from the accident was his personality. Zach went from a mild-mannered and calm man to a highly aggressive and temperamental individual. Given this information, the region of the cerebral cortex that was most likely damaged in the accident was the _______ lobe.



This question lacks options, options are:  

a. Frontal

b. Occipital

c. Temporal

d. Parietal. The correct answer is a.

The correct answer is a.


The frontal lobe is one of the four lobes of the cerebral cortex and constitutes a large region that is located in the front part of the brain, just behind the forehead. It is responsible for complex cognitive processes, the so-called executive functions, that is, the selection and coordination of behaviors. Damage to this area of the brain produces serious behavioral disturbances. These patients become uninhibited, do not control their behavior, etc. To these cognitive and neuropsychological deficits, we must add the agitation and aggressiveness that some patients present.

Local mesurement of village palampour?



One hectare equals the area of a square with one side measuring 100 metres.


how is a person transformed into social creature from the biological creature to socialization ? present your logics.​



The answer is Socialization is the process by which the individual learns social behavior and develop himself. The human infant comes into the world as biological organism with animal needs. He is gradually moulded into a social being and he learns social ways of acting and feeling.

Hope this helps :)

Why is school regarded as a secondary means of socialization?


School is regarded as a secondary means of socialization because one a child has grown to the age of starting school and away from parents they meet other people outside of family that will influence their behavior,personality,and character as a whole

how are most line graphs created



they are created by first identifying what the rate of change over time is, and if it started with any initial values

All of the following are among the developmental trends in regulating emotions EXCEPT: With age, children become more capable of selecting effective ways to cope with stress. With age, individuals become more adept at managing situations to minimize negative emotion. With increasing age, regulation of emotion shifts from internal resources to external resources. Cognitive strategies for regulating emotions increase with age.



With increasing age, regulation of emotion shifts from internal resources to external resources.


Developmental studies in regulating emotions improve with age as these studies are linked with the use of prefrontal brain regions involved in cognitive control and executive functioning and get matured later with development.

Yes, the cognitive strategies for regulating emotions increase with age.

What are the emotions of a person.?

The emotions are the reactions that human beings experience in response to events or situations. The type of a person experiences is determined by a circumstance that triggers the emotion.

The emotions have a strong influence on our daily lives. We make decisions based on whether we are happy, angry, sad or bored or frustrated. We choose the activities and hobbies based on the emotions they incite.

In order to better understand what emotions are, we need to focus on three key elements, known as the subjective experience, the physiological response and the behavioral response.

The sociocultural norms also play a role in how we express and interpret emotions.

Learn more about the Emotions here:



Eglantyne Jebb, the founder of Save the Children said,"The only international language in the world is a child's cry." What does this mean?​




When I read this, the thing that was most prominent to me is the fact that children struggle all over the world from various reasons. We may not all speak the same language, but we are all in need of the same help and care as any human or animal.

difference between the state and the government​



A state is the the the group of people residing within a boundary. Whereas, Government is the group of people who have authority to govern a country or state.

Hope it helps (•‿•)

During wartime, a number of military aircraft factories expanded their operations and hired many additional employees. As a result of this increased employment, these communities experienced a sudden and unprecedented need for affordable rental housing. In response to this need, Congress passed a law establishing the maximum rent that may be imposed for a two-bedroom apartment within a ten-mile radius of a military aircraft factory.Is this statute likely to be constitutional?A. Yes, pursuant to the congressional war and defense powers provided by Article I, Section 8.B. Yes, because the statute is rationally related to a legitimate governmental interest.C. No, because the statute impermissibly regulates private conduct.D. No, because Congress is not authorized to legislate for the general welfare.



A. Yes, pursuant to the congressional war and defense powers provided by Article I, Section 8.


Article I, Section 8, grants Congress the power to take any measures needed for providing for the national defense, both in peacetime and wartime, which includes rent control during wartime, as well as a military draft, selective service systems.

This section focuses on the Congress´authority to declare war and any required actions to raise and support the Army.

Therefore, establishing a maximum rent around a military aircraft factory would be constitutional.

Giving 40 points If answer ASAP
Dutch explorers left their homeland due to the religious wars that were occurring. When settling Colonial America, what did they do?

Built churches in different colonies

Created their own form of Dutch Christianity

Established a Bible club for children

Formed the Dutch Reformed Church



created their own form of dutch christianity



Created their own form of Dutch Christianity


from brainly



4.9K answers

30.5M people helped


When settling Colonial America, they created their own form of Dutch Christianity. Those ditch explorers was compelled to leave their homeland due to the religious wars that was occurring in that time.  

So they moved and settled in the colonial America with their own Christianity and they called it as the Dutch Christianity.

The other reason for the Dutch farmers to leave to America was due to their low wages and high taxes. Later they settled in the America in their own colony.

A researcher recruited 20 individuals with complete spinal cord injuries at cervical vertebrae C3 or C4 (participants had no sensory or motor function below the site of injury) and 20 matched controls. Participants were presented with images designed to evoke positive, negative, or no emotion. If the results indicate no significant difference between participants with spinal cord injuries and control participants in the emotional response to the images, this finding would:



Contradict the James-Lange Theory


In simple words, According to the James-Lange hypothesis, certain feelings are also the consequence of stimuli generating specific physiological reactions, which are then conveyed to the brains via the white tissue of the spinal spine (afferent axonal tracts, which carry sensory information from the body to the brain).

explain four effects of cultural change on the society.
(please explain it or give me a working link to the answer).​


Answer: The phenomenon of culture change affects the way that people think and see other communities also their way of life. Cultural change showcases its direct effects on social change

Explanation: :)

Explain 3 reasons why victims may choose to remain in a physical abusive relationship.





3.wanting to be a savior


fear: The threat of bodily and emotional harm is powerful, and abusers use this to control and keep women trapped.

children: These women also put their children first, sacrificing their own safety: “I was afraid if he wasn’t beating me he would beat his kids.


Three reason why victim may choose to remain in a physical abusive relationship is because

1. Distorted thoughts

2. Fear

3. And Finally their Children they dont want to leave them especially woman.

Hope this help.

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