During a session a client stated that she had had it with a co-worker's verbal abuse, had bought a hand gun and was developing a plan to kill him. The therapist, although concerned about confidentiality, called the police who said they would take care of it. The therapist:


Answer 1


did not fulfill his duty to warn because he did not contact the co-worker directly.


The therapist did disclose the threat to the police, but unless efforts to contact the threatened co-worker proved unsuccessful or there was some overriding reason for the therapist to avoid contacting that person directly, the therapist's duty to warn was not fulfilled unless the person in danger was actually warned.

Related Questions

The principle of environmental sustainability states that: Group of answer choices A strong, just, and wealthy society can be consistent with a clean environment Preventive measures should be taken when an activity raises threats of harm to the environment All people in society should receive equal treatment with respect to environmental laws and policies A polluter should bear the expense of carrying out pollution prevention and control measures



A strong, just, and wealthy society can be consistent with a clean environment


An environment

This is simply known as all the things around us. This entails both the living and nonliving things.

Environmental science

This is said to be an interdisciplinary science. It shows or teaches us how humans interact with both living and nonliving parts of their environment.

Goals of environmental science

1. To learn how the earth has survived and thrive

2. To understand how humans interact with the environment

3. To find ways to deal with environmental problems and live more sustainable.

Who define the term population education for the first time ​


a process of developing awareness and understanding of population situation among people and making them more responsible towards managing the population.

Answer: The term 'population education' was coined by Slon Wayland of Columbia University of the USA for the first time in 1969. He associated the word with awareness related to population problems. The definition of population education is as diverse as its educators.

Find out things of national importance avaible in your community.What are the measures to promote these valueable things?Prepare an action to support these important measures.


Answer: Flora, fauna, mountains, rivers, plains, geothermic sites, monuments can be exploited by public.


Flora: The diversity of flora can be specific or confined to a particular community or region so the protection against its exploitation is suggested as some of the plants are of economic value.

Fauna: Like plants, animals, birds and other faunal species are also confined to local placed and their are also of economic value so their exploitation must be protected from hunting, poaching, and wildlife trafficking.

Resources like mountains, plains, rivers, oceans, geothermic sites must be protected against human exploitation. Like mountains can be removed from their sites for construction of roads and for other kinds of infrastructure. River, ocean water can be contaminated with agricultural waste, sewage sludge, industrial waste, some monuments can be broken to create buildings.

Action report can be created and at the individual level people must be punished according to the environmental laws.

The Communist Revolution tried to stamp out the practice of religion by closing temples and expelling monks and nuns from monasteries because the communists believed ______ Group of answer choices that the main purpose of religion was to keep the oppressed classes of society from rebelling. that Karl Marx was a god. that everyone should be focused on science not superstition. all of these that the cult of personality was foolish.


The correct answer is "that the main purpose of religion was to keep the oppressed classes of society from rebelling."

The Communist Revolution tried to stamp out the practice of religion by closing temples and expelling monks and nuns from monasteries because the communists believed that the main purpose of religion was to keep the oppressed classes of society from rebelling.

China experienced the growth of a Communist movement that challenged the ruling Nationalist government in the years after World War.

Mao Zedong was the leader of the Communists that defeated the troops of the Nationalist Party in the Chinese Civil War. So on October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong proclaimed the foundation of the People´s Republic of China. It was Mao who established Communism in China with the support of the Soviet Union. Mao was the generator of the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leao Foward.  

Difference between private wealth and public wealth (3 points)
Please someone ASAP Help me ​



Hey mate.....


This is ur answer.....

Private riches “consist of all that man desires as useful or delightful to him; which exists in a degree of scarcity”. This is the same as other economists' definitions of wealth based on exchange value. Public wealth “consists of all that man desires, as useful or delightful to him.

Hope it helps!

Brainliest pls!

Follow me! :)

A woman sought to kill her husband. She developed an elaborate plan that involved cutting the brake lines on his automobile while his car sat in his office parking lot. On the morning of the planned killing, the woman walked with her husband to the garage. Watching as her husband began to pull his car out of the garage, the woman activated the switch to shut the garage door. The switch malfunctioned and as result the garage door came crashing down on the car and crushed the husband to death. For which crime could the woman properly be found guilty



They have to give divorce first only


because this time won't came if they give divorce

the label chicana is a political statement?





your answer should be an true statement.

Answer: true

Chicano or Chicana is a chosen identity of some Mexican Americans in the United States. The term became widely used during the Chicano Movement of the 1960s by many Mexican Americans to express a political stance founded on pride in a shared cultural, ethnic, and community identity.


¿Crees que el cisma entre la Iglesia Católica Romana y la Iglesia Ortodoxa Oriental alguna vez se sanará y las dos iglesias se reunirán? ¿Por qué o por qué no?



I don't understand


I don't understand

Do you think that the time which a child was born would have an influence on the
physical development of the child? Provide a reason for your answer.​



It's possible.


There could be instances like a war that is currently happening or being born in an era that has lead in house paint that could influence a child's physical development. War could lead to starvation or malnutrition which can stunt growth. As for lead, before the 1970s, lead had been added to paint for centuries. Long term exposure to certain levels of lead can also stunt growth and cause other health effects (look up on ur own).

I believe so
I just believe in something called coincidence

A person who gives up citizenship in a country and moves to another is called
a naturalized citizen.
C. an illegal alien.
b. an attorney
d. an expatriate.



D. An Expatriate


A person who gives up citizenship in a country and moves to another is called an expatriate

1. The story your grandfather tells you about his experience during the Korean



This is a primary source because your grandfather witnessed and participated in the Korean war. Therefore, his story is a primary source.


Have a great day

Setting Goals a. The goals you set help you translate knowledge into ____behavior________. b. Once you set a goal, you can develop an _________ __________-A series of specific steps you can take to achieve the goal. c. Practicing Healthful Behaviors d. Advocacy-This skill involves using communication to influence and support others in making positive health decisions.



1. Action Plan

2. Advocacy


The goals you set help you translate knowledge into BEHAVIOR.

Once you set a goal, you can develop an ACTION PLAN:- A series of specific steps you can take to achieve the goal.

ADVOCACY:- This skill involves using communication to influence and support others in making positive health decisions.

What is corruption and how can we minimize corruptions in our country?

pls help



Ways to minimize corruption:

addressing key areas like health and education service delivery, or the development of natural resources. establishing accountability through oversight systems and transparent decision-making. strengthening the accountability function of civil society and an independent media.

In the United States, the most controversial part of the Treaty of Versailles was



The war guilt clause.


The most controversial part of the treaty was the direct blaming of Germany. It caused germany and other powers to have to take the complete blame for World War 1.

What is a dramaturgical analysis? explain. Create a scenario and explain ii using a dramaturgical analysis.



A dramaturgical analysis has to do with the way a person dresses and the way he wears the dress because of the influence our dressing has in different scenarios.

Examples include: police uniforms, firefighter uniforms, business suits, nurse's lab coat, etc.

For example, when a person sees a police officer, he is immediately identified by his uniform (unless he's undercover), and then additionally with his badge or/and ID.

Languages are generative. This means that
a. they evolve gradually through the generations but retain their original morphological structure
b. a limited number of words can be recombined according to certain rules in order to create an infinite number of sentences
c. they evolve gradually through the generations but retain their original semantic structure
d. they evolve gradually through the generations but retain their original syntactic structure





what is resources????

Plz give me soon answer


Hi! Resources are a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively. I hope this helped, Goodluck :)

moraleja de la pelicula el pianista​



La moraleja de The Pianist es "Dios quiere que sobrevivamos.

Explanation: Espero que esto responda a tu pregunta :)


Esta esla respuesta


El pianista se convierte, además, en una denuncia no solo de la barbarie nazi sino también de toda la maldad que la guerra trae consigo, dejando claro que en ambas partes pueden haber buenas y malas personas, y que muchas veces depende del uniforme que uno tenga la obligación de vestir en ese momento.

Write about the state of road transportation in Nepal. in short​


Due to the landscape of the country, roadways and airways are the only modes of transport in the country. Railways have not been able to develop a lot because of the mountainous land surface.

Infants lack the verbal capacity to give us feedback on their sensations and perceptions, but we can measure their abilities by monitoring bodily functions. If doctors monitor a newborn and find increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increased stress hormones, and decreased oxygen in the blood, which sensation can they surmise the infant is experiencing





Bodily functions are often a response to the sensation being felt by an individual, when an individual is relazlxed and in a good mood, the function of several body Organs are quite different from when such individual is undergoing a painful sensation. Therefore, Bodily functions are employed when evaluating the state or sensation which is occurring to an infant as they lack the ability to verbally express their feelings. Therefore, an infant whose Bodily functions exhibits increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increased stress hormones, and decreased oxygen in the blood could be said to be undergoing pain.




These are signs that the baby is experiencing pain, and doctors should strive to minimize the baby’s pain experience.

Part D
What impact did price-fixing have on consumers?



Consumers were forced to pay higher prices for e-books.



The impact of practices such as price-fixing on consumers leads to paying an extra amount even for those goods that are generally priced very lower than their actual selling-price in the market.

What is the significance of price fixing?

Price-fixing is referred to or considered as such a method, where the number of sellers of a particular product or service in a particular market enter into an agreement to fix their selling prices in order to increase the profits.

When price fixing is being practiced in the market, the consumers are at loss, because they do not have any other option but to buy the products at the prices determined by the agreement between the sellers. Furthermore, any new seller in the market has to enter into agreement of selling goods at such agreed prices.

Therefore, the impact of practices such as price-fixing on consumers and its significance has been aforementioned.

Learn more about price-fixing here:



It would be least expensive to purchase goods with

installment credit
a personal loan
a credit card


Answer: cash

installment credit, loans, and credit cards all have interest but cash doesnt.

what may be challenges of province no. 2 as it has been detached from hilly and Himalayan region​


Religion is religion there is only one god

Researchers are testing the effects of a new weight loss method. Subjects will be randomly assigned to groups. One group will follow the new method and the other group will not. All subjects will be randomized a second time to watch a nutritional information video and the other group will receive a motivational speech. This will result in four different groups as follows:Weight Loss Method + Motivational SpeechWeight Loss Method + Informational VideoNo Weight Loss Method + Motivational SpeechNo Weight Loss Method + Informational VideoWhat type of design is this?



- Factorial


'Factorial design' is characterized as the research pattern in which all combinations of multiple parameters or independent variables are examined.

The given details match the above description of testing two factors across various levels('Weight loss method + Motivational speech,' 'Weight loss Method + Informational Video,' etc.). Thus, it exemplifies a 'factorial design' as it primarily aims to test the distinct effects of a variable/factor on different levels and also the outcomes produced by communication of two independent variables. This assists in determining a valid conclusion that can be relied upon.

the meaning of disrupted ​



It means interfered or minding someone


which payment option can offer additional security like fraud protection



Cash because there is no way the cash can be traced back to you.  If you use a credit or debit card, hackers can steal your information.

¿Para que se emplean los subproductos de las cosechas?



The sentence is asking: 'What are the by-products of crops used for?'


What is the meaning of history​



the work that has done in past

Another way that children are able to testify in a case is through the use of a closed-circuit television (CCTV). Its use allows the judge and jury to see the child without exposing the alleged victim to the emotional trauma that may present itself while in the presence of the defendant. In the case of Maryland v. Craig, the Court decided that the _____ the child _____ the defendant's right to confront his or her accuser.



need to protect; outweighs


The court gave the permission that in cases that have to do with such criminal offences if the victim is 14 or less than 14 at the time of the offence, and if they were 16 years or less at the time of testimony, the child's testimony has to be gotten through closed-circuit television.

The court decided in this court case that the need for the child to be protected is more than the rights of the defender to confront the accuser.

Kenji is attempting to learn French. He is seated in a library with headphones on, listening to classical music, as he stares at a textbook and tries to memorize French words. In a single moment, a new song comes on that Kenji particularly enjoys, and he suddenly finds it easier to remember the French words he is looking at. In this moment, the French words are being processed by Kenji's _____, while the music is being processed by Kenji's _____.



The answer is "cognitive system and experimental system".


The category of technologies that employ computer vision, speech recognition, machine learning that enable more organic interactions among people and machines can broaden and improve human understanding or cognition. Formal and informal data are analyzed by cognitive systems from various sources.

The experimental system for just an experiment or study is the physiological, technical, or administrative basis. It's been created over several years in the jargon of researchers for just a specific species of animals to be experimentally strong to address specific issues.

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