During the course of a conversation between Mary, Nancy, and Mark, which of the following events is most likely to occur?


Answer 1


Mark interrupts Mary.


It's easier for us to answer the question if you include the entire text and the example so that I don't have to search for it.

Related Questions

measures to control internal migration



Following are the measure to control internal migration:

Provide people with good opportunites.

Provide People With facilities

No problem area should be made

Make The area safer from disasters and all

Project work: Prepare SCRAP BOOK
1.Collect photographs of the great freedom fighter- Mahatma Gandhi / national movement - with a write-up. The work should get unfolded in the following ways.
Champaran satyagraha
Kheda satyagraha
Ahmedabad mill strike
Rowlatt satyagraha
Jallianwalla Bagh incident.
Noncooperation-Khilafat Movement
Civil Disobedience Movement and its limitations.
Quit India Movement
Photographs / illustrations and the leaders who guided the people - to be pasted in the scrapbook.




this a project


so i cant help you

1. Why did these beliefs and needs lead the United States to assert itself as a world power?

a. A Desire for New Markets-

b. A feeling of Superiority-

C. A new modern Navy-

d. New Markets in Samoa and Hawaii-

e. Pan-Americanism-



New ml Market in Samoa and Hwaaii

để phân bổ trách nhiệm đối với xử lí đồng nhất các người gây ô nhiễm nước thì chính sách khả thi nhất là:


Answer:no entiendo  :)


Describe what essentially occurred, and how a culturally sensitive reaction could have been achievable if you or someone you know had used CIA. Look at the theories and suggestions in the readings regarding having success in cross-cultural settings and within your response, explain in detail what can specifically be done to ensure that these behaviors do not take place in the future. Use one of the theoretical frameworks of cultural interpretation (Hofstede, Hall, etc.) presented in our readings and apply this approach to the situation. As a manager, how would you have handled that situation differently



Manger should focus on policies, standards and give equal opportunity to all.


Cross-culture means cross-communication within cultures and diverse behaviors. As a manager when dealing with cross-culture issue by making same set of policies and rule for each individual and maintaining standards. The cultural interpretation as per Hofstede that are identity, power, gender, time, and uncertainty.  The cultural values represent extreme values and associated behaviors. Hofstede's framework is very useful as it provides important information regarding differences between the nations and how they manage such differences.

Who ruled the empire after Babur and lost much of the expansion his father gained?
A. Akbar
B. Humayun
C. Shah Jahan
D. Aurangzeb





Analyses have shown that the vaccination rate in the U.S. is markedly lower in states that voted in last November’s election for then-President Donald Trump, who at times downplayed the severity of the pandemic, and now often the number of new cases is higher in the Trump states.

Biden set a goal several months ago of having at least 70% of adults in the U.S. getting at least one vaccine shot by the annual July 4th Independence Day holiday. The U.S., however, fell short of that objective and the number now stands at 68.1%, according to government statistics.



Due to lack of cooperation.


The goal can't be achieved due to non-serious behaviour of the people who are the followers of ex-President Donald Trump. If those people can cooperate and get vaccinated so the percentage will be higher than 70 or even 80. Due to lack of cooperation of people is the main reason for the decrease in the percentage of vaccinated people and fail to achieve the goal of 70 % vaccination of adult population.

examples of deductive arguments​


Examples of deductive logic:Examples of deductive logic:All men are mortal. Joe is a man. Therefore Joe is mortal. ...Bachelors are unmarried men. Bill is unmarried. Therefore, Bill is a bachelor.Bachelors are unmarried men. Bill is unmarried. Therefore, Bill is a bachelor.To get a Bachelor's degree at Utah Sate University, a student must have 120 credits. Sally has more than 130 credits.

relate the art and culture of gujarat with maths, and tell how the art and culture of gujarat is related to math. ( example like geometric patterns) etc.
This question is not only from social science it is also from basic math



Use of circle, tringle and square is most common in Gujarat arts and culture.


Gujrat s a vibrant western state which makes use of the geometric patterns in designing and making cloths and other traditional wear. state of the country known for many great mathematicians and their art explains how they use math's with arts.

why is nepal still lagging behind in developnment​


Nepal still behind a lot of things and it’s very new to things

what are the two law/legislation that protects citizens against the human trafficking​



under the Constitution of India under article 23 (1) the immoral traffic (prevention ) act, 1955 (ITPA) is the Premier legislation for prevention for prevention of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation

7 rules that you follow in your society​



we just follow th 10 commandments


Speak right: Gossip is the verbal atomic bomb of relationships. It destroys marriages, businesses, friendships.Just because it's true doesn't mean that you have to -- or should -- say it. High-level people speak about ideas, average people speak about things, inferior people speak about people. A kind word at the right time can change a life, inspire, encourage greatness.Act with honesty and integrity: Your word is your bond. You may gain in the short term in money or success through dishonesty, but it will cost you a loss of respect, trust, love and close relationships.If you always answer truthfully, you will avoid doing things that you would be embarrassed to explain.Respect others: Rabbi Akiva said it best, "Don't do unto others as you would not want done to you."Be kind to others: Go out of your way each day to help others. Hold a door for someone, help carry the groceries into the house, listen when you would rather run away, smile at others and find something nice to say.

hope it helps you please make me brainlist

In this article, the independent variable is (are) the ____________________ Group of answer choices social pressure (One confederate versus four confederates) color of clothing worn by the confederates (black versus white) type of questions (conformity versus non-conformity)



Color of clothing worn by the confederates [Black versus White].


The independent variables are those whose presence is not dependent on any event or other variable. These variables are independent and are not effected by change in other variable. In the given statement the independent variable is the clothes worn by the two people. They can wear any color and this is not dependent on any other factor.

Phân tích các quan điểm của một số nhà giáo dục về việc sử dụng tác phẩm văn học trong giáo dục mầm non. Từ đó rút ra kết luận.


In the way of the way of the way

What group of people are generally considered to have first implemented the caste system in South Asia?
A. Aryans
B. Tibetan
C. Portuguese
D. Harappan



A. Aryans........



Assuming that a person going to community college can't afford to go to a four-year college is an example of a) a generalization. b) discrimination. O c) a stereotype. O d) tolerance.



stereotype ab and d do not fit

Water awareness campaign ??



Public water conservation campaigns


Public water conservation campaigns raise awareness in all levels of society about the importance of saving water to cope with its scarcity and ensure sustainability. The aim is to change citizen attitudes and behaviour to improve water use efficiency i think these are the answer

Who and what is a true believer? Do they operate and make decisions based on logic and rationality or by fanatical faith in some ideal? Can you rationalize with one?



1 : a person who professes absolute belief in something.

When was the first time rain fell on earth?



About 232 million years ago.


About 232 million years ago, during a span known as the Carnian age, it rained almost everywhere. After millions of years of dry climates, Earth entered a wet period lasting one million to two million years. Nearly any place where geologists find rocks of that age, there are signs of wet weather.

How did George Washington's political beliefs affect his term as president?
His reliance on the military made military service essential.
His belief in legislative power limited presidential power.
His beliefs on limited individual power inspired term limits.
His passion for states' rights resulted in constrained presidential power.



The correct answer is D.

His passion for states' rights resulted in constrained presidential power.


It is on record that George Washington disliked partisanship and political parties.

It is also on record that he was one of those presidents who never saw the presidency as an opportunity to enrich himself, and when issues relating to corruption arose, he was impartial even when his friends were involved.  

Regardless of his failings in the area of slavery, this disposition created for him, a brand as one of the US presidents in history to show the most restraint, judiciousness, and nonpartisan position.

He is to date seen as a great president who could have taken advantage of his position to become even more powerful but put all of that aside for the common good.


Assuming that a person going to community college can't afford to go to a four-year college is an example of ) a generalization. b) discrimination. O c) a stereotype. O d) tolerance.





First let's look at the definition of the answers

Generalization: a general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific cases

Discrimination: the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex

Stereotype: a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing

It's not discrimination because there is no unjust treatment. Generalizations and stereotypes are similar (and, in fact, a cultural generalization can become a stereotype if it is definitively applied to individual members of the group), but this would be a stereotype because we assuming the actions of a specific person, not a group.

If I said 'Most people attend community college because it's cheaper,' that would be a generalization.

If I said, 'Suzy is attending community college because it's cheaper,' without any context or factual evidence, that would be a stereotype.

what is the similarities between written curriculum,taought curriculum and teasted curriculum?​



The written curriculum is found in the documents produced by the state, the school system, the school, and the classroom teacher, specifying what is to be taught. ... The taught curriculum is the one that teachers actually deliver. The assessed curriculum not only serves as way to gather and understand what the students have learned, but also as a way for teachers to assess the written and taught curriculum. This is why the written, taught, and assessed curriculum are continuously developing.

The syllabi given to you by your teachers are the written curriculum. When your teachers start to teach, that is a taught curriculum.

What is a district ?​



An area of a country or city, especially one characterized by a particular feature or activity is called a district .

Identify three features of the caste system.
A. People were born into their castes.
B. Some castes were more important than others.
C. A caste of "untouchables" developed as the lowest group of people.
D. Members of higher castes could marry anyone from a lower caste.
E. People could change their caste by changing their job.



c is the answer because it is a untouchable

how government provides support to people in road accidents funds




That may depend on which Country you are talking about......

Select a memory strategy that you think would be useful for a school-age child. On the basis of research presented in the text, what cognitive advances would enable the child to benefit from this memory strategy


Rehearsal is found to be the most frequently used strategy, followed by mental imagery, elaboration, mnemonics, and organization. Previous study also found that rehearsal is the memory strategy taught most often by teachers to their students (Moely et al., 1992).

what are the challenge of federalism in nepal . write in points​



the challenges of federalism in nepal are as follows ÷

poverty unemployment decrease in public participation uncontrolled migration and population


hope it helps and please mark me as a brainlist

Which would best reduce test anxiety?

using negative self-talk
relaxing by watching a movie
acting like a victim
studying test material thoroughly


(d) studying test material throughly

The option that would best reduce test anxiety is studying test material thoroughly.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a process of having quick expectation of something. It involves one getting worried or developing tension about situation.

Hence, the option that would best reduce test anxiety is studying test material thoroughly.

Learn more about anxiety here : https://brainly.com/question/1754863


c Picture study:
1. The picture shows a social evil.
What is the evil being shown? 2. Which principle of the Preamble is being violated Here​


Comment with the picture and we’ll be able to answer

In your own words, explain the motivation of slaves in the Civil War.



On November 6, 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States -- an event that outraged southern states. The Republican party had run on an anti-slavery platform, and many southerners felt that there was no longer a place for them in the Union. On December 20, 1860, South Carolina seceded. By Febrary 1, 1861, six more states -- Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas -- had split from the Union. The seceded states created the Confederate States of America and elected Jefferson Davis, a Mississippi Senator, as their provisional president.

In his inaugural address, delivered on March 4, 1861, Lincoln proclaimed that it was his duty to maintain the Union. He also declared that he had no intention of ending slavery where it existed, or of repealing the Fugitive Slave Law -- a position that horrified African Americans and their white allies. Lincoln's statement, however, did not satisfy the Confederacy, and on April 12 they attacked Fort Sumter, a federal stronghold in Charleston, South Carolina. Federal troops returned the fire. The Civil War had begun.

Immediately following the attack, four more states -- Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee -- severed their ties with the Union. To retain the loyalty of the remaining border states -- Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri -- President Lincoln insisted that the war was not about slavery or black rights; it was a war to preserve the Union. His words were not simply aimed at the loyal southern states, however -- most white northerners were not interested in fighting to free slaves or in giving rights to black people. For this reason, the government turned away African American voluteers who rushed to enlist. Lincoln upheld the laws barring blacks from the army, proving to northern whites that their race privilege would not be threatened.

There was an exception, however. African Americans had been working aboard naval vessels for years, and there was no reason that they should continue. Black sailors were therefore accepted into the U.S. Navy from the beginning of the war. Still, many African Americans wanted to join the fighting and continued to put pressure on federal authorities. Even if Lincoln was not ready to admit it, blacks knew that this was a war against slavery. Some, however, rejected the idea of fighting to preserve a Union that had rejected them and which did not give them the rights of citizens.

The federal government had a harder time deciding what to do about escaping slaves. Because there was no consistent federal policy regarding fugitives, individual commanders made their own decisions. Some put them to work for the Union forces; others wanted to return them to their owners. Finally, on August 6, 1861, fugitive slaves were declared to be "contraband of war" if their labor had been used to aid the Confederacy in any way. And if found to be contraband, they were declared free.

As the northern army pushed southward, thousands of fugitives fled across Union lines. Neither the federal authorities

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