El humanismo influyó en las ideas de Martin Lutero verdadero o falso


Answer 1

La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

La respuesta es "verdadero."

Ex cierto que el humanismo influyó en las ideas de Martin Lutero.

Bajo esa perspectiva, el monje alemán Martín Lutero fue que se dio cuenta de que la Iglesia Católica estaba llevando prácticas cuestionables que él consideró corruptas. El caso concreto fue que la Iglesia Católica -con la autorización del Papa- estaba vendiendo indulgencias para que los feligreses las compraran a cambio de salvar sus almas.

Martín Lutero se dio cuenta de eso y fue el primero en exponer esos actos en un documento que escribió y titilo "95 Tesis."

Esas ideas fueron las que comenzaron el movimiento Reformista en Europa que concluyó con el gran cisma, la separación de la iglesia Católica y la iglesia Protestante.

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In at least 100 words, describe how Thomas Paine uses personification as a rhetorical technique in the American crisis. Use evidence from the text to support your answer.



Thomas Paine personifies America as a woman, by referring to the nation as "her, she" etc.


Personification is the giving of human or living attributes to non-living things or abstract ideas. In other words, when non-human things are given human characteristics, it is not as personification.

Thomas Paine uses numerous rhetorical devices in his "American Crisis", one of which is personification. He personifies America as a woman, a lady in his statement "America did not, nor does not want force; but she wanted a proper application of that force." (The Crisis I)

He again uses this same personification in chapter II, "Perhaps you thought America too was taking a nap, and therefore chose, like Satan to Eve, to whisper the delusion softly, lest you should awaken her."

Such personifications help imagine the country as a person, and easy to relate to the issues troubling the great nation.


In Thomas Paine's pamphlet titled The American Crisis, he makes use of many types of figurative language, but in particular, he uses personification as a rhetorical technique. First and foremost, Thomas Paine personifies America as a whole by referring to the nation with the pronouns "she" and "her," suggesting that America is feminine or a woman. This is done intentionally on the part of Thomas Paine so that he may further his message that America is one nation; therefore, the people of the nation should stand and fight together for one single cause. By suggesting that America is a woman, or rather, one single person, Paine's audience will recognize that America is not just each colony divided; it is one nation under liberty.


Please answer in your own words :)

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Answer: Alexander Dubcek

Explanation: I think

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1. by remaining neutral after Germany agreed to limit submarine warfare

2. by entering World War I on the side of the Allied countries

3. by increasing the amount of supplies sent to Allied countries

4. by barring all trade imports and exports with Germany



By increasing the amount of supplies sent to allied countries



3. by increasing th amount of supplies sent to Allied contries



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It is FALSE that The Supreme Court has ruled that the phrase "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance violates the separation of church and state.

This is because there is no legal case yet in which the Supreme Court ruled that the phrase "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance violates the separation of church and state.

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[tex] \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ [/tex]

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William Blackstone

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John Locke

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Answer:  see attached pic

Explanation: because I got it right on the plato test....

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Answer: The trade at the Italian Peninsula

Explanation: They could trade with China and India for silk and spices. They would then sell these things to western Europe and use some of it for making things that was useful for themselves.

U.S. relations with the Soviet Union shifted during the Truman administration because the:
West learned of the gulags and other abuses.
Soviet Union withdrew from Eastern Europe.
Soviet Union destroyed their stockpile of nuclear weapons.
Soviets launched a propaganda campaign in the United States.



(I think) it's A. The west learned of gulags and other abuses. Sorry if this turns out to be wrong.


The US decided it could no longer stand by the Soviet Union when it enforced totalitarianism in independent nations and was deemed a threat to national security.

1. Which Amendments or Articles were violated by the Alien and Sedition Acts?



The Republican minority in Congress argued that sedition laws violated the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects freedom of speech and the press.

Write a
short paragraph explaining ways that sectional tensions increased during
this era.



Expansion lead to economic promise and fueled the manifest destiny but it also lead to sectional tension over slavery. The north contained a lot of abolitionists while the south was commonly pro-slavery, this increased sectional tension because each side wanted to see their ideals extended into the west.


(meow) <3

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increased tensions between the United States and Islamic and Arab nations.
improved U.S. relations with Islamic and Arab nations.
decreased Islamic and Arab involvement in Israeli policies.
had no major effect on the region.


U.S. support of Israel:

Choose: increased tensions between the United States and Islamic and Arab nations.

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A. Immigration had made America a multilingual country.
B. The economy became more connected to the world economy .
C. Their buying habits depended on overseas events .
D. They had become more curious.



The correct answer is B. The economy became more connected to the world economy.


I got it right on the test, hope this helps have a great day :D

The reason why Americans became more interested in foreign affairs towards the late 1800s was B. The economy became more connected to the world economy.

Why did America start following the World economy?

Towards the late 1800s, the U.S. had become an industrial power that needed to export its goods to other nations as well as import.

As a result, they were more connected to the world economy and so needed to maintain interest in it.


Find out more on the American Economy in the late 1800s at https://brainly.com/question/813919.

Which action was intended to protect renters, sellers, and buyers from discrimination?
creation of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
passage of the Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act
creation of the Federal Housing Authority
passage of the Fair Housing Act


D The 1968 Fair Housing Act (a federal act in the United States intended to protect the buyer or renter of a dwelling from seller or landlord discrimination. Its primary prohibition makes it unlawful to refuse to sell, rent to, or negotiate with any person because of that person's inclusion in a protected class.)


the answer would be D passage of the Fair Housing Act


Which of the following best characterizes the broad
shift in U.S. culture that developed as the 1960s gave way to the 1970s?

The answer is D.) A backlash against radical counterculture values



nadie habla español enm

Answer: A backlash against radical counterculture values.

Explanation: Took the test

When production is vey high but demand is very low, it can lead to
A. A recession
B. A recovery
C. Prosperity
D. The peak



B. recession

hope this helps !

Read the paragraph.

Before the Industrial Revolution, most goods were made by hand, in peoples's homes. Workers would buy raw
materials and complete each step in the process to make a finished product. Manufacturing by hand took a
long time, and therefore, the prices for finished goods was high. Industrialization changed all that. Machines
took over the manufacturing process. These machines were much more efficient than workers creating items
by hand. This meant that many more items could be produced, drastically reducing their price, and making
them more affordable for consumers.

Which would be the best example to use to support the information in this body paragraph?

O The price of cotton cloth declined more than 50% from 1700 to 1800.
O The price of shoes doubled from 1700 to 1800.
O Fewer people owned firearms in 1800 than in 1700.
O Fewer people lived in rural areas in 1800 than in 1700.


Answer: The price of cotton cloth declined more than 50% from 1700 to 1800.


As a result of the Industrial Revolution, goods became cheaper because factories took over the production of goods that people had normally done in their homes. The efficiency of these factories ensured that more goods could be produced which therefore reduced the price as manufactured goods were now more widespread.

This is why the price of cotton declined by more than 50% from the 1700s which was before the Industrial Revolution to the 1800s which was after the Industrial Revolution.

Elaborate the term plagiarism and dishonesty in Engineering Research and Testing



IEEE defines plagiarism as “the use of someone else's prior ideas, processes, results, or words without explicitly acknowledging the original author and source”

hope that helps<3

How did the government respond to freedom riders



Virginia (1960), which ruled that segregated public buses were unconstitutional. The Southern states had ignored the rulings and the federal government did nothing to enforce them. ... The Freedom Rides, and the violent reactions they provoked, bolstered the credibility of the American Civil Rights Movement.

What was one result of Hollywood's increased influence in the 1920s?
A. New ideals of feminine behavior became popular,
B. Racial violence became more prominent in southern cities,
C. Consumerism became less wide spread,
D. Traditional roles for women became more common.




consumerism become less wide spread

Moreno quería cambios rápidos y declarar la independencia, en cambio Saavedra quería un proceso más lento y no modificar el orden heredado de la colonia. ¿Verdadero o falso? justifica​


La respuesta correcta es Verdadero.


Cornelio Saavedra  (1759-1829) fue  un político rioplatense destacado por ocupar el cargo de presidente de las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata luego de la Revolución de Mayo. Por otro lado, Mariano Moreno (1778-1811) fue un político y abogado que se destacó por sus aportes ideológicos a la Revolución de Mayo. Estos dos políticos marcaron ideologías distintas en cuanto al curso político que significaría la Revolución de Mayo en el nuevo gobierno, mientas Mariano Moreno proponía declarar la independencia e implementar cambios radicales en distintos aspectos de la sociedad. Cornelio Saavedra proponía un proceso lento en el que el único cambio que debía hacerse era el remplazo del gobierno de la colonia por criollos, manteniendo el orden heredado de la colonia. De acuerdo a lo anterior, la respuesta es Verdadero.

Which law prevents discrimination in programs that receive federal funding or are run by federal agencies?

the Civil Rights Act of 1964
the Equal Rights Amendment
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
the Americans with Disabilities Act


The equal rights amendment


The answer is C. Rehabilitation Act of 1973


What issue led to the construction of the Berlin Wall?

new American intervention in Europe

America’s refusal to recognize a divided Germany

Soviet attempts to control all of Germany

the removal of U.S. troops from Berlin



the Americans refusal to recognize a divided germany


Berlin crisis of 1961, Cold War conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States concerning the status of the divided German city of Berlin. It culminated in the construction of the Berlin Wall in August 1961.

B hope it helps and hope u understand

Explain 'Domino Theory' and how it relates to the Vietnam War. Are we using the same path and techniques with The War on Terror? Explain your opinion using history.


Domino Theory is the theory that suggest that once Vietnam becomes communist, that the countries such as Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, or even India may also fall under the communist regime.

We indeed are using the same techniques on the war against terrorism, seeing as how Afghanistan was once run by a terrorist government/a government whom supported terrorism, we feared that there was a change that Pakistan, or Iran, or Iraq would also fall under these Taliban governments.

What were some of the defenses that made it almost impossible
to escape Eas



Between 1945 and 1988, around 4 million East Germans migrated to the West. 3.454 million of them left between 1945 and the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961. The great majority simply walked across the border or, after 1952, exited through West Berlin. After the border was fortified and the Berlin Wall was constructed, the number of illegal border crossings fell drastically. The numbers fell further as the border defenses were improved over the subsequent decades. In 1961, 8,507 people fled across the border, most of them through West Berlin. The construction of the Berlin Wall that year reduced the number of escapees by 75% to around 2,300 per annum for the rest of the decade. The Wall changed Berlin from being one of the easiest places to cross the border, from the East, to be one of the most difficult. The number of escapees fell further to 868 per annum during the 1970s and to only 334 per annum between 1980 and 1988. However, escapees were never more than a small minority of the total number of emigrants from East Germany. Far more people left the country after being granted official permits, by fleeing through third countries or by being ransomed to the West German government. During the 1980s, only about 1% of those who left East Germany did so by escaping across the border.


When excited what do you do ? How do you express your feelings of excitement, happiness, or joy with others in a non verbal way ?



happiness because ur excited

Is this statement true or false?

During the period of congressional Reconstruction, the Radical Republicans took steps to give blacks the rights of full citizenship.



What was Roosevelt's strategic reason for commissioning the Great White Fleet and sending it round the world?



Roosevelt sent the Great White Fleet because he wanted to demonstrate the power of the U.S. Navy. He wanted to rally U.S. public opinion in support of the Navy and win over members of Congress who opposed his shipbuilding program.


Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union resulted in both nations:
-leaving the United Nations.
-hosting rival U.N. meetings.
-blocking the other's allies from joining the U.N. General Assembly.
-vetoing resolutions favorable to the other in the U.N. Security Council.



Vetoing others resolutions.


Neither side left the UN, hosted rival meetings, or blocked each other's allies from entering, but both did use their power in the security council and influence of their allies to veto each other's resolutions.

Federalists supported the us constitution because they


Answer: Federalists supported the U.S. Constitution because they believed that a strong central government would best protects citizens' rights and freedoms.

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