Elizabeth works at an auto firm, which recently shut down for five weeks to change machinery. However, during the shutdown, Elizabeth was able to maintain her standard of living because of the firm's _______________. A. supplemental unemployment benefits B. workers' compensation insurance C. supplemental health benefits D. disability insurance


Answer 1


Option a: Supplemental unemployment benefits


Types of Employee Benefits and Services

1. Mandatory benefits

2. Retirement income

3. Health benefits

4. Pay for time not worked

5.Employee services

6.Miscellaneous benefits

Benefit plans

This is simply put in place just for retirement income and it is based on a proportion of the employee's pay at the time of retirement.

Supplemental unemployment benefits (SUBs)

This simply means an employer-provided benefit that extends government-provided unemployment benefits. It is made to a dismissed employee as a source of supplemental income. It is available only to an employee who is laid off owing to a training programme, a temporary layoff, or other health purpose.

Employment benefits.

This is simply regarded as the non-monetary remuneration that an employee receives after agreeing to an employment contract.

Related Questions

A developer purchased two 135-front-foot lots for $22,900 net each and divided them into three lots of equal front footage. The developer sold the lots for $230 per front foot. Calculate the developer's percentage of profit (round to the nearest whole percentage point).


Answer should be &169.63

If a firm or a nation desires to maximize its output, each productive assignment should be carried out by those persons who Group of answer choices have the highest opportunity cost. have a comparative advantage in the productive activity. can complete the productive activity most rapidly. least enjoy performing the productive activity.



have a comparative advantage in the productive activity.


A person  has comparative advantage in production if it produces at a lower opportunity cost when compared to other people. It means that the person is more efficient in the production of that good when compared with other people.

For example, farmer A produces 10kg of lettuce and 5kg of wheat. Country B produces 5kg of lettuce and 10kg of wheat.  

for farmer A,  

opportunity cost of producing lettuce = 5/10 = 0.5

opportunity cost of producing wheat = 10/5 = 2

for farmer B,  

opportunity cost of producing lettuce = 5/10 = 0.5

opportunity cost of producing wheat = 10/5 = 2

Farmer A has a comparative advantage in the production of lettuce and farmer B has a comparative advantage in the production of wheat

Farmer A should produce lettuce and farmer B should produce wheat in order to maximise output

Consider Luis's decision to go to college. If he goes to college, he will spend $21,000 on tuition, $11,000 on room and board, and $1,800 on books. If he does not go to college, he will earn $16,000 working in a store and spend $7,200 on room and board. Luis's cost of going to college is





The computation of the cost of going to college is given below:

the total cost when he goes to college he spends

21,000 on tuition

11,000 on room and board

1,800 on books

So, the total should be $33,800

Now in the case when he does not go to college


he will earn 16,000 working in a store

and spend 7,200 on room and board

So, the saving amount should be

=  16,000 - 7,200

= $8,800

Now the cost should be  

= 33,800+8,800

= $42,600

In 1910, the price of a Model T Ford was $950. By 1917, the average price for the same car was $360. In 1910, fewer than 19,000 Model T's were sold. In 1917, over 730,000 were sold. What conclusion can you draw from this information?: (A)The cost of living must have gone down between 1910 and 1917. (B)Henry Ford was making less money in 1917 than he was in 1910 (C)It cost the Ford Motor Company less to produce a Model T in 1917 than it did in 1910. (D)There is no relationship between the price of the Model T's and the number sold.


The conclusion that can be reached is that (C)It cost the Ford Motor Company less to produce a Model T in 1917 than it did in 1910.

The price of a good or service is usually directly proportional to its cost. This means that if something was costly to produce or to provide, the price that the company providing will charge will be high as well.

The reason for this is that the company needs to make a profit so they charge a higher price than the cost in order to make back the cost and some profit. This is called cost plus pricing.

In 1910, the Model T Ford cost $950 but in 1917 the same car cost $360. This means that the cost must have been less in 1917 than it was in 1910 which was why the Ford company was able to charge less for it.

The correct answer is therefore C.

For more information on cost plus pricing check https://brainly.com/question/23632044.


option c is the correct answer

i think this helps u

Explain in each of the following situations how market forces might give a business an incentive to act in a less discriminatory fashion. A local flower delivery business run by a bigoted White owner notices that many of its local customers are Black. An assembly line has traditionally only hired men, but it is having a hard time hiring sufficiently qualified workers. A biased owner of a firm that provides home health care services would like to pay lower wages to Hispanic workers than to other employees.



a woman sells her home for $450 000. she had purchased it for $300 000 and has lived there for 3 years. how much will she owe to IRS due to the gain on the sale?


Answer: $0


As a single homeowner, you are allowed to sell your house and get a $250,000 exemption on capital gains tax so long as you had stayed in the house for 2 years or more out of the last 5 years.

The woman in question has stayed in her home for 3 years when she sold it so she qualifies for the exemption.

Her capital gain is:

= Selling price - cost price

= 450,000 - 300,000

= $150,000

This is less than the exemption of $250,000 so the woman will be totally exempted from capital gains tax.

No amount will be gained by the woman

The amount that every house owner is exempted to gain is $250,000

The woman sold her house for $450,000

She purchased the house for $300,000

The gain can be calculated as follows;


= $150,000

This amount is less than $250,000 hence there is no gain

Please see the link below for more information


What are the roles of agriculture is to maximize the production in the agricultural sector ? ​


Agricultural modernization prepares conditions for industrialization by boosting labor productivity, increasing agricultural surplus to accumulate capital, and increasing foreign exchange via exports. ... As agriculture becomes more productive, excess labor moves from rural farm jobs to urban manufacturing jobs.

Jessica's company manufacturers a variety of coffee flavors that are sold to retail stores. Her company receives the coffee beans from a distributor in South America who purchased the beans from local farmers. The farmers, distributor, Jessica's company, and the retail stores all make up a _______.



supply chain


supply chain can be regarded as network that is designed to exist between company that is producing a product and its suppliers so that the produced product can be distributed to the final buyer. There are

different activities under this network, these include information as well as people and resources. It could includes wholesaler, retailer and so on.

describe your management experience , including a time you effectively resolved a difficult situation from a management capacity



I managed workers of seven in the associate degree info Services department whose responsibilities enclosed delivering specifications and software package to internal purchasers. My role was that of PM or Project Manager, and my responsibilities enclosed one. guaranteeing every staffer was alert to their specific duties, 2. maintained the relevant timelines and ensured every team-member's deliverables arrived on time, 3. arranged, coordinated, and crystal rectifier conferences to debate current and approaching come, and 4. maintained knowledgeable and cozy social atmosphere for my workers.

One of the tougher problems I Janus-faced was after we employed a very bright developer whose my leader had W2'd in from the Asian nation. though he was very precocious in development of the cultural variations between his land and our mostly-female dev team quickly became telling. Sensing the growing hostility in my work cluster, and distinctive the problem, I quietly organized for the W2 worker to attend a cultural sensitivity coaching seminar (couching it as a necessary attend for all employees), and taking aside the pained parties and asking in a well-mannered way to figure with Maine on desegregation him. In the end, he came to a lot of embarrassed, apologized, and our team ran like mechanism thenceforth

Zupiter Corp. follows a culture that requires strict adherence to rules and regulations with fixed time schedules for daily activities. The firm is highly efficient and places emphasis on being economical. It conducts its business in a methodical manner. In the given scenario, Zupiter Corp. is said to have the



consistency corporate culture.


Since in the situation it is given that the corporation follows the culture that means they are strict to the rule and regulations along with the time scheduling that are fixed for day to day activities so that the business could be conducted in the methodical manner so here we can say that the culture of the corporate is consistent that means it is same as before and the same should be applied in near future

Conducting a postaudit ______. Multiple select question. provides an opportunity to reinforce and possibly expand successful projects flags any manager's attempts to inflate benefits or downplay costs in a project proposal determines which capital project should be selected for investment provides an opportunity to cut losses on floundering projects



not sure but we all need points


Flags any manager's attempts to inflate benefits or downplay costs in a project proposal.

Provides an opportunity to cut losses on floundering projects.

Provided an opportunity to reinforce and possibly expand successful projects.


An unlevered firm has a cost of capital of 12.46 percent and a tax rate of 35 percent. The firm is considering a new capital structure with 35 percent debt. The interest rate on the debt would be 6.68 percent. What would be the firm's levered cost of



Firm's levered cost of capital = 14.48% (Approx.)



Cost of capital = 12.46 percent = 0.1246

Tax rate = 35 percent = 35%

New capital structure = 35 percent debt = 35%

Interest rate = 6.68 percent = 0.0668


Firm's levered cost of capital


Firm's levered cost of capital = 0.1246 + [35% / (1 - 35%)](1 - 35%)(0.1246 - 0.0668)

Firm's levered cost of capital = 0.1448

Firm's levered cost of capital = 14.48% (Approx.)

MC Qu. 05 Within the marketing concept, a service... Within the marketing concept, a service orientation is an integrated organizational effort that revolves around Multiple Choice finding out what consumers want and providing it for them. making goods and services that will earn the most profit. training employees to sell services in unique ways. making sure customers are satisfied.



making sure customers are satisfied.


A service can be defined as a collection of intangible goods that are being offered by a service provider to the end user in order to meet their needs or requirements. Thus, it is any intangible offering that involves a deed, performance, or effort that cannot be physically possessed by the service takers.

Marketing can be defined as the process of developing promotional techniques and sales strategies by a business firm, so as to enhance the availability of goods and services to meet the unending requirements, needs or wants of the end users or consumers through advertising and market research. Thus, it comprises all the activities such as, identifying, anticipating set of medium and processes for creating, promoting, delivering, and exchanging goods and services that has value for customers.

On a related note, it typically involves understanding customer needs, building and maintaining healthy relationships with them in order to scale up your business.

Within the marketing concept, a service orientation is an integrated organizational effort that revolves around making sure customers are satisfied.

causes of corruption?​



Personal greed, Decline of personal ethical sensitivity, the size and structure of governments, economic freedom/openness of economy, Cultural environments that condone corruption, Lack of transparency, Slow judicial processes, etc.









Suppose that Paolo divorces Sharon and leaves the family without paying alimony or child support. Sharon must now support her two children alone,
so she begins working full time and earns a total of $16,000. Are Sharon and her children living in poverty?

O Yes

O no



yes, based on chart and the number of children. her income level is well bow poverty. if you multiple the number in household under 65 related the income level should be well above 16000

Economic profit is defined as _____ Question 17 options: a) total revenue plus what must be paid to resources to attract them from their best alternative use. b) total revenue divided by what must be paid to resources to attract them from their best alternative use. c) the price of the goods sold minus the quantity of goods sold. d) total revenue minus what must be paid to resources to attract them from their best alternative use. e) total revenue minus the cost of the goods produced.



d) total revenue minus what must be paid to resources to attract them from their best alternative use.


In Financial accounting, the total operating income can be defined as the sum total of the profit of a business firm (company) after its regular, recurring costs and expenses have been deducted. Thus, it's the amount of revenue generated by a business firm (company) after subtracting all operating expenses and cost of goods sold (COGS).

Mathematically, the total operating income of a business is calculated by subtracting the indirect expenses incurred by the business firm from its total direct operating margin.

On a related note, profit is calculated by subtracting the cost price of an item from the selling price of the item. Thus, a profit is generated when the operating costs are subtracted from the total revenue generated.

In conclusion, economic profit is defined as total revenue minus what must be paid to resources to attract them from their best alternative use.

''if there are diminishing returns, the marginal cost curve must be positively sloped '' is true or fall, why?


Answer to the following question is TRUE.

The given statement "If average cost rises, marginal cost should rise" is correct.

This is because, according to theory, as the estimated price of an item rises, the marginal cost rises more than that rise. And, as the illustration of these two curves shows, when Average Cost grows, so does Marginal Cost.

Learn more:


Although Kemal attempted to create a strong Turkish economy, how did his policies only add to the international global depression? a. Kemal tried to discourage Turks from buying foreign goods. b. High tariffs on imported goods only hurt other nations involved in the global depression. c. Goods from Europe and American were banned in Turkey. d. Government subsidies kept Turkish goods cheap in the nation and discouraged foreign imports. e. Kemal tried to create a totally domestic solution to the economic problems.



b. High tariffs on imported goods only hurt other nations involved in the global depression


Although Kemal attempted to create a strong Turkish economy, his policies only add to the international global depression due to the placement of "High tariffs on imported goods."

Kemal who was once the President of the new Turkey from the old Ottoman Empire had series of reforms including economic policies that favor internal production and discourage reliance on importation. However, his administration was around the global depression period, and his policies of high tariffs on imported goods only hurt other nations involved in the global depression.

Give four future of labour



1. Government. Government holds much sway over the free markets. ...

2. International Transactions. The flow of funds between countries effects the strength of a country's economy and its currency.

3. Speculation and Expectation.

4. Supply and Demand.


HELP IN BUSINESSS!!!! An economy produces two goods, x and y. A year ago the price of x was $4 and the price of y was $6. Today the price of x is $8 and the price of y is $10. What happened to the nominal and the real value of good x? What happened to the nominal and real value of good y?



Since an economy produces two goods, X and Y, already a year ago the price of X was $ 4 and the price of Y was $ 6, while today the price of X is $ 8 and the price of Y is $ 10, what happened did not it is something other than an inflationary process, by which the values of goods have increased their value, both nominal and real, that is, both in monetary terms and in terms of the purchasing power of the individuals who develop in said economy.

Thus, good X went from being worth $ 4 to $ 8, which implies a change in nominal terms of $ 4, and in real terms an inflation of 100% year-on-year (8 x 100/4 - 100).

On the other hand, good Y went from being worth $ 6 to $ 10, with which nominally it also increased $ 4, but in real terms there was an inflation of 66.6% (10 x 100/6 - 100).

Purge Purifying Systems, which manufactures filtration systems for industries, has entered into a U. S. $50 million deal with Fabon Fabrics Incorporated During a negotiating session, Alex, a member of the sales team reacted, "Who are you trying to kid? You need our company's filtration systems to maintain your product quality. You have to pay an extra $20 per system and just cut costs somewhere else." Monroe, the team leader of the sales team interrupted him and said, "Now wait a minute. These are our friends you are talking to. How about we only charge $10 extra per system and split the shipping charges equally? Does that not sound fair?" Identify the win-lose strategy adopted by the sales team of Purge Purifying Systems.


Answer: good guy-bad guy routine


The win-lose strategy that is adopted by the sales team of Purge Purifying Systems is the Good Guy/Bad Guy technique.

The Good Guy-Bad Guy routine refers to a strategy whereby while one person pretends to be on the side of the customer and helps make a deal, the other one doesn't and makes negotiation difficult. The idea behind this is for the prospect or the customer to accept the deal of the good guy. This is the strategy used by Alex and Monroe.

What is the first step in the standard purchasing process practiced by most
A. Solicit bids
B. Requisition
C. Invoicing
D. Purchase order



B. requisition


i have done this before, hope i helped

I think b
Hope its help for your questions

what is business ? please tell us​



Noun, a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.


Beyond just money, the economy is about Question 10 options: the people who are most important to an individual's sense of self. the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. encouraging cooperation over competition. rituals and beliefs that divide the world into the sacred and the profane.


The economy is about "the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services" also along with money.

The key components of the economy are:


These three elements drive the flow of money within an economy. Let's see:

The goods are produced as per the needs and demands of the people where people work to earn wages, salaries, profit, etc.This stage is followed by the distribution of these goods across different regions and areas. Lastly, these goods are purchased by their final users for consumption and their income earned from firms return to them again(circular flow of income).

Therefore, option B states a true claim about the elements of an economy.

Learn more about 'Economy' here: brainly.com/question/2421251

amount of tax, TTT, in dollars to be paid by an individual with an income of III between 8{,}2258,2258, comma, 225 and 34{,}50034,50034, comma, 500 dollars is given by the equation above. Tax is paid from the portion of income above 8{,}2258,2258, comma, 225 dollars and the remaining amount becomes a part of disposable income. What percentage of income above 8{,}2258,2258, comma, 225 dollars remains after paying tax for an individual whose income falls within the specified range



[tex]Amount = 87.5\%[/tex]



[tex]T =0.125(I - 8225)[/tex]

Range = 8225 to 34500

See comment for proper format


The percentage left after tax paid for individual in the above range

[tex]T =0.125(I - 8225)[/tex]

Rewrite as:

[tex]T = 12.5\% (I - 8225)[/tex]

The 12.5% implies that individuals in that income range pay 12.5% of the income.

So, the amount left is:

[tex]Amount = 100\% - 12.5\%[/tex]

[tex]Amount = 87.5\%[/tex]

Which school faculty member should you talk to about enrolling in an AP


Answer: The guidance counselor


Social worker is someone who helps people cope with the challenges tahtnthwy face in their lives. Social workers work with people who have addiction issues, people with disabilities, children etc.

A paraprofessional refers to someone who's specially trained to support students in school. Such oeeosn can be a teaching assistant, special education paraprofessional etc.

A registrar is the keeper of records in an educational institution whinis charged with the responsibility of registering students, and keeping their academic records.

The guidance counselor is a professional who provides career, academic, and social-emotional competencies to the students in a schoool through counseling. Such person is the faculty member smtaht you should talk to about enrolling in an AP.


The practitioner completes an incision and drainage of a patient's infected right heel, which tested positive for MRSA. What statement is true regarding how the perioperative team should perform postoperative cleaning after this patient leaves the OR?



after the patient leave

Concord Company sells merchandise on account for $3300 to Pharoah Company with credit terms of 1/10, n/30. Pharoah Company returns $800 of merchandise that was damaged, along with a check to settle the account within the discount period. What entry does Concord Company make upon receipt of the check



Dr Cash $825

Cr Sales Returns and Allowances $800

Cr Sales Discounts $25


Preparation of the journal entry that Concord Company make upon receipt of the check

Dr Cash $825


Cr Sales Returns and Allowances $800

Cr Sales Discounts $25

(To record receipt of the check)

Sales discount=(Sales Price -Sales return) × 1%

Sales discount=($3300 - $800) × 1% = $25

Lets say you were a teacher. If parent approaches you to encourage you to give information about another child, what should you do.


first of all I will ask the parents what's the matter, if they explain me then also I will not going to give the child's information, I will contact to the principal about this matter and school management will look out at this matter.

I surely won't give.Privacy of children is my first priority .If some one acquires that Then it will hamper that students privacy .So I won't give.

The clerical and editorial employees in a publishing house need to be at their desks by 8:00 AM and follow a set of precise procedures dictated by management. The jobs of these clerical and editorial employees ________.


Answer: Formalization


Formalization could be defined as the length of an organization's policies, description and rules all spelt out for everyone to see. What makes up formalized structures or what we can know them for are their rules and regulations.

The jobs of these clerical and editorial employees are related to Formalization, they either form this rules out with the management or play the role of spelling it out(written) for all to see.

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