
1. ¿ Cuales fueron las motivaciones de estos emprendedores para hacer algo diferente por el mundo?
-Mark zuckerberg
-Steve Jobs

2. En tu país busca 5 ejemplos de empresas y/O empresarios con ideas de negocio innovadoras y creativas con un impacto positivo en sus clientes, plantea sus nombres, características y una imagen de c/u dando cuenta de los productos y servicios que ofrece en el mercado nacional


Answer 1


2 is correct


Answer 2

1.- Estas fueron las motivaciones de estos emprendedores para hacer algo diferente por el mundo.

-Mark Zuckerberg.

- En repetidas ocasiones ha repetido que su principal motivación fue conectar a la gente para ya no fueran desconocidos, sino se volvieran amigos.

- A partir de ahí, su deseo fue conectar al mundo en un solo sitio, que finalmente fue su red social.

- También ha repetido innumerables veces que no sólo hay que crear empleos y estar motivados, sino que hay que motivar a los demás.

-Steve Jobs.

- Su propósito fue ayudar a las personas a través de uso de la tecnología y crear un mundo mejor.

- Podemos recordar su famoso discurso motivacional ante los alumnos de la Universidad de Stanford, California, durante la ceremonia de graduación del 12 de junio del 2005.

- En ese discurso, Jobs invitaba a todos los egresados a siempre "hacer lo que aman y nunca detenerse ante las críticas."

2.- En mi país -México- las cinco empresas con ideas de negocio innovadoras y creativas con un impacto positivo en sus clientes, son:

> Telcel. Se dedica a las telecomunicaciones. Su dueño es Carlos Slim, el hombre más rico de Latinoamérica. El es el dueño de la compañía de telecomunicaciones más grande y rica de México y Sudamérica. También es un filántropo, ya que tiene una fundación con la que ayuda a los pobres.

> Cemex(Cementos Mexicanos). Este es un grupo muy fuerte en el norte del país, con sede en Monterrey. Es la empresa dominante en la producción de cemento en México, Latinoamérica y algunas otras partes del mundo.

> B*mbo. Esta empresa elabora pan y pasteles para comer como snacks. Domina el mercado Latinoamericano y ya incursionó en los Estados Unidos desde hacer años. Es una empresa considerada como socialmente responsable.

> Cinépolis. La cadena de cine más grande en México y con presencia en Centro y Sudamérica. Establece programas para que la gente de nivel económico medio y bajo pueda ir al cine o usar su plataforma web.

>Volaris. La segunda línea aérea del país. Empezó como una empresa de "low cost," precios bajos, y está a punto de desbancar a la tradicional aerolínea "Aeroméxico," la más grande del país. La clave: su programa de boletos con descuento y sus diferentes promociones.

Como conclusión, podemos decir que para dirigir una empresa exitosa, los directivos no sólo deben ser jefes, sino líderes que sepan inspirara y motivar a sus empleados para que trabajen con ganas y cariño por la empresa.

Aprende más sobre este tema en:


Related Questions

Risk factors are aspects of a person's life that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of
optimal health.
O False



The answer is False because risk factors are not an aspects of a person' s life

Too little sleep is a risk factor for poor health, reduces a person's resistance to disease, and
impairs motor skills,


[tex]Hello[/tex] [tex]There![/tex]

The answer is...


Hopefully, this helps you!!


Which of the following statements about the administration of CPR is true?

A. Compressions should be given in the middle of the stomach.
B. Cycles of CPR should be continued until EMS arrives.
C. You must choose between doing CPR or using an AED.
D. You should make sure the person is on a curved, soft surface.​


B is the correct answer. Middle of stomach compressions are absurd, the question is about CPR, not AED, and if the person is on a soft and curved surface, the CPR might not be as effective.

The statement that is true about the administration of CPR is cycles of CPR should be continued until EMS arrives.

What do you mean by CPR?

CPR may be defined as a technique that is useful in many emergencies, such as a heart attack, in which someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped.

During CPR, compressions should be given in the chest portion. This technique is not as effective on a curved or soft surface.

Therefore, the statement that is true about the administration of CPR is cycles of CPR should be continued until EMS arrives.

To learn more about CPR, refer to the link;



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Agility needs to be practiced

Medical terminology is used to communicate about which topics? Check all that apply.
A,body functions
B,family support
C,human anatomy



body functions, human anatomy, and therapeutics


Medical terminology is used to communicate about the following topics are : body functions , human anatomy , therapeutics. The correct option is A,C,D.

A. Body functions: Medical terminology is crucial for accurately describing and understanding various bodily functions and physiological processes. Medical professionals use specific terms to communicate effectively about processes such as respiration, circulation, digestion, metabolism, and other functions that occur in the human body.

C. Human anatomy: Medical terminology is essential for identifying and describing different parts of the human body. It includes terms for bones, muscles, organs, tissues, and body systems. By using standardized anatomical terminology, healthcare professionals can communicate precisely about the location and function of different body structures.

D. Therapeutics: Medical terminology is used to discuss various treatment methods, medications, and therapeutic interventions for medical conditions. This includes drug names, medical procedures, surgical techniques, and other treatment modalities. Using precise medical terminology helps avoid confusion and ensures that healthcare providers can effectively communicate treatment plans and strategies.

B. Family support: Medical terminology is not directly related to family support. While communication within a family is essential when dealing with medical issues, medical terminology itself does not specifically pertain to discussions related to family support.

In summary, medical terminology plays a crucial role in accurately communicating about body functions, human anatomy, and therapeutic interventions, making it an essential tool for healthcare professionals to provide effective patient care and ensure clear communication in the medical field.

To know more about Medical terminology:



Which step did Woo Jin get wrong and why? step 2, because you do not check for a pulse if you are not trained step 3, because you call 911 only after five minutes of not breathing step 5, because chest compressions should be hard and slow step 6, because CPR is done only until the call to 911 is made



The answer is (A) step 2, because you do not check for a pulse if you are not trained.


If you are not trained in CPR then checking for a pulse and checking wrong artery could result in a false flag and you may even make the situation worse than it already is. In order to prevent this mistake you need to wait for a professional to arrive on scene. Please mark Brainiest.

Following someone's every move on social media, including where they go and who they associate with, is an example of

domestic harassment
verbal harassment
visual harassment​





Following someone's every move on social media, including where they go and who they associate with, is an example of cyberstalking.

Behavioral factors are choices and behaviors that affect a person's chance of developing a
disease or health condition.




being of good behavior gives you the chance to interact with people around to Know the condition of your environment

Hi! I believe that answer is True because behavioral factors are choices and those behaviors due affect a persons chances of developing a disease and health conditions. Goodluck!

How has the development of technology positively affected our wellness?
A. It has provided entertainment in which people are less active.
B. It has increased the quality and availability of treatments.
C. It has increased the amount of advertising on the Internet.
D Some technology has led to an increase in pollution.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided.
Mark this and return
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what are the signs of carpal tunnel syndrome



Weakness. You may experience weakness in your hand and drop objects. This may be due to the numbness in your hand or weakness of the thumb's pinching muscles, which are also controlled by the median nerve.

Tingling or numbness. You may notice tingling and numbness in your fingers or hand. Usually the thumb and index, middle or ring fingers are affected, but not your little finger. You might feel a sensation like an electric shock in these fingers.

You will have weakness in your joints, as well as pain and swelling from time to time

Conduct online research and locate your state’s preschool licensing authority website. Search for three licensed programs within your area and provide a short description of each one.



What state are you looking for?


In what ways does violence affect all society?



Violence affects society financially because it costs the healthcare system about $6 million dollars a year to treat injuries that result from violence. Tax payers have to pay for law enforcement, courts, and prisons.

Violence affects its direct victims, those who witness violence, family members, co-workers, service providers, and all members of society. All forms or violence have damaging short and long term effects on mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Question 1 of 10
10 Points
This is a person's knowledge about the sequence of events in a specific setting
A. Dialogue
B. Proposition
C. Script
D. Discussion


c. script, is a person’s knowledge about the sequence

(Pay attention to the questions and make sure you are answering correctly…you need to know the differences between cardiovascular, strength, and stretching exercises!!!) Name a cardiovascular exercise you like to do and explain how it can help your health Why is proper body alignment necessary when performing push ups and/or curl ups? If you have a friend performing curl ups or push ups for the very first time, what is 1 tip you might give them to help them maintain proper body alignment throughout the movement? Name or describe a stretch you like to do and list a benefit of doing that stretch.



All these exercodese are very essential for the growth an development of muscles and body.


Dancing is a cardiovascular exercise and is important as it helps to maintain body strength and endurance. During dancing, the body focuses on the rhythm and the body is aligned in a set of sequences. It is necessary to perform push-ups or curl-ups as it gives strength to abdominal muscles these play an important role in giving strength to spine and trunk control. The stretching exercises are important for building strength these include. Active, passive, PNF, isometric, and dynamic stretching.

At least _______ of your daily grains should be whole grains.






At least one half of your daily grains should be whole grains, or 3 to 5 or more servings for ages 9 and up

Scientists think that the greatest threat to the natural world is loss of


Converting wild spaces into agricultural land and the intensification of farming practices is causing the greatest destruction.

A specialized diet would be needed to

A. help someone decide what kind of healthy foods they want to eat
B. help someone make changes due to a medical issue or ethical concern
C. help someone recognize when they are physically hungry instead of emotionally hungry
D. help someone with fast results in losing weight without putting in much effort​





specialized diets are needed to make changes due to medical issue or ethical concern. For example, gluten free if someone has celiac.

Answer : B

Diets make changes and help improve health

Question 32
2.5 pts
There are how many different types of respiration?




there are three types of respiration. they are internal, external,and cellular respiration.

Which disease
might be prevented by not sharing a water bottle?



B. Cold Sores because sharing the same water bottle can lead to catching diseases or othersicknesses that can be transmitted via saliva.

One disease that can be prevented by not sharing a water bottle is mononucleosis, also known as the "kissing disease" or "mono."

Sharing utensils, drinks, or water bottles with a person who is infected with mono, which is a viral infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), is one way to transfer the infection. Mono can also be shared by saliva. People can lessen their chances of becoming infected with the virus as well as reducing the likelihood that it will be transferred to others by not sharing water bottles.

It is essential to keep in mind that in addition to the virus that causes the common cold, other diseases and infections, such as some types of bacteria, can also be passed on from person to person through the sharing of water bottles. Therefore, maintaining proper cleanliness and avoiding sharing personal goods like water bottles are also important steps that may be taken to reduce the risk of contracting a variety of diseases.

Learn more about mononucleosis, here:



2. Which of the following statements is not accurate regarding extrinsic motivation?
A. A personal trainer is not considered an example of extrinsic motivation since you are paying for her services.
B. Attending a fitness class with your friends is a form of extrinsic motivation,
C. Extrinsic motivation can help someone lacking confidence in their ability to complete a workout.
D. Extrinsic motivation can help a person overcome a personal lack of motivation.


A is not accurate or acceptable because only giving money doesn’t help or paying for the services the trainer is also giving his her best to train u if they don’t do so than u may not be able to be a trainer later on

The average life span for a smoker and nonsmoker is the same true or false





Smoking has been scientifically proven to cause cancer and weaken a person's lungs overtime.

i want to go to florida next summer



Do it dude, it'll be the best and worst decision of your life.

"Healthy environment supports healthy and happy life." Justify it



I think a healthy atmosphere promotes a happy existence. What makes us joyful varies from individual to another. Whatever we are exposed to, we usually discover what makes us happy. Most people tend to desire what they lack. We all make decisions that are difficult to reverse if we don't like the consequence. Then there are events beyond our control, both good and bad. I believe that when something uncontrollable happens to a person, they can feel discouraged and either give up on achieving happiness or take a long time to find the energy to start again. "You can't control the wind, but you can change the sail," they say.


All of the following statements are TRUE about a cardiac arrest EXCEPT:

A. Cardiac arrest happens primarily to older individuals with a history of cardiac disease.

B. Cardiac arrest is an electrical disturbance and abrupt loss of heart function.

C. A heart attack can trigger an electrical disturbance in the heart.

D. Using an AED for a cardiac arrest can improve the chance of survival to restart the heart's electrical rhythm.


the correct answer to this question is C

The following descriptions of a cardiac arrest are all accurate, with the exception of An electrical disruption in the heart can be brought on by a heart attack. So, the correct option is C.

What is Cardiac arrest?

The sudden, unexpected cessation of heart function, respiration, and awareness is known as a cardiac arrest. When this happens, the heart stops beating suddenly. If nothing is done about it right away, the person can pass away. Loss of consciousness and lack of response are the main symptoms.

The use of a pacemaker or urgent CPR is required in this medical emergency. Drugs, an implanted device, or other procedures may be part of hospital care.

The electrical system of a damaged heart malfunctions most frequently during cardiac arrests. An aberrant heart rhythm like ventricular tachycardia or irregular heartbeat is brought on by this defect. Another contributing to some cardiac arrests is a severe weakening of the heart's rhythm.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Cardiac arrest, here:



in what way can family most influence the develpoment of cronic disease



The correct answer of this question is option D, allergen exposure.


Plz can I have a brainly

What is the purpose of a standard drink measurement? h O It allows you to determine if you're getting what you paid for O it is a consistent way of measuring the amount of alcohol in a drink It allows you to determine what is inside of a mixed drink O It is a measurement to determine if you are legally drunk X Clear Selection​


What is the purpose of a standard drink measurement?


b. It is a consistent way of measuring the amount of alcohol in a drink

Th purpose of a standard drink measurement is to provide a consistent way of measuring the amount of alcohol in a drink.

When something is said to be a standard drink, it means that it has a certain amount of alcohol in it which in the United States is 14 grams of pure alcohol.

This allows people to be able to measure and compare drinks based on whether they are standard or not because a standard beer will be said to have the same amount of alcohol as a standard wine or a standard spirit.

People can then use this to determine how much of a certain drink they will take because they will know how the amount of alcohol in the drink regardless of what drink it is.

More information on a standard drink can be found at https://brainly.com/question/2359765.

what are the precautions that should be follow by the victims of Corona virus?​


what are the precautions that should be follow by the victims of Corona virus?

=⟩ The precautions that should be followed by the victims of corona virus are given below :-

Drinking Boiled water .Taking steam twice a day . Stay safe from your family. If you have any serious problem immediately take advice from doctor.Record your daily health issues .stay blessed and happy .

Hope all the precautions are helpful to you

stay safe healthy and happy


the precautions that should be follow by the victims of Corona virus are:

maintaining social distancewashing hands with soap and clean water or use of alcoholic sanitizerstaying away from animalsUse of mask and tissue paper while coughing or sneezingregular exercisemaintaining balance diet

what is mass
what is length
what is time​



mass is both of a physical body and a measure of it resistance to acceleration when a net force is applied.

the distance between any two points or place is called length.

the gap between any two events is known as time.


Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. Mass is usually measured in grams (g) or kilograms (kg). Mass measures the quantity of matter regardless of both its location in the universe and the gravitational force applied to it. An object's mass is constant in all circumstances; contrast this with its weight, a force that depends on gravity.

Length is the term used for identifying the size of an object or distance from one point to another. Also, length is a measure of how long an object is. The length of an object is its extended dimension, that is, its longest side.

Time can be defined as the ongoing and continuous sequence of events that occur in succession, from the past through the present to the future. Time is a used to quantify, measure or compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and even, sequence events.

Principal Síntoma de las afecciones asociadas a la actividad física y el ejercicio
Alguien sabe cual es?



Regular physical activity helps improve your overall health, fitness, and quality of life. It also helps reduce your risk of chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, many types of cancer, depression and anxiety, and dementia.


Which is a true statement about air quality?

Good air quality is shown by high levels of smog.
Bacteria is a major cause of poor air quality.
Water treatment plants measure the air quality.
The EPA measures air pollution levels daily.



Water treatment plants measure the air quality.


i think the answer is Bacteria is a major cause of poor air quality.


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