energy of fossil fuel is also derived from solar energy why​


Answer 1


All the energy in oil, gas, and coal originally came from the sun captured through photosynthesis. In the same way that we burn wood to release energy that trees capture from the sun, we burn fossil fuels to release the energy that ancient plants captured from the sun.

Related Questions

Define hydropower or hydroelectric power ?
No Spam..



Hydroelectric power, also called hydropower is the electricity produced from generators driven by turbines that convert the potential energy of falling or fast-flowing water into mechanical energy.


Hydroelectric power/hydropower -  electricity produced by a hydraulic source, specifically energy generated falling or flowing water

A plastic dowel has a Young's Modulus of 1.50 ✕ 1010 N/m2. Assume the dowel will break if more than 1.50 ✕ 108 N/m2 is exerted. What is the maximum force (in kN) that can be applied to the dowel assuming a diameter of 2.30 cm?

52.3 kN

62.3 kN

72.3 kN

42.3 N





me 2

Which of the following is a form of mechanical energy?
A. Chemical energy
B. Gravitational potential energy
C. Thermal energy
D. Nuclear energy





no reason for this answer

B. Gravitational potential energy

A uniform electric field of strength E points to the right. An electron is fired with a velocity v0 to the right and travels a distance d before coming to a stop. An second electron is then fired upwards through the same field at a velocity of v0. After the electron moving vertical has traveled vertically upwards a distance d, how far will it have moved horizontally?





From the question we are told that:

The Electric field of strength direction =Right

The Velocity of The First Electron=V_0

The Velocity of The Second Electron=V_0



Generally, the equation for the Horizontal Displacement of electron is mathematically given by



Acceleration is given as





Therefore horizontal displacement towards the left is



A cowgirl ties one end of a 10.0 m long rope to a fence post (to the left of the cowgirl) and pulls on the other end so the rope is stretched horizontally with a tension of 140 N. The mass of the rope is



Mass is zero if the whole rope is horizontal. Imaginary rope.


With any mass at all, only a small section of the rope will be truly horizontal. The rope curve will be a a catenary.

A uniform disk with mass 43.9 kgkg and radius 0.280 mm is pivoted at its center about a horizontal, frictionless axle that is stationary. The disk is initially at rest, and then a constant force 29.0 NN is applied tangent to the rim of the disk. Part A What is the magnitude vv of the tangential velocity of a point on the rim of the disk after the disk has turned through 0.400 revolution



1.36 m/s


I = ½mR²

τ = FR

α = τ/I = FR / (½mR²) = 2F/mR

a = Rα = 2F/m

s = θR

v² = u² + 2as

u = 0

v = √2as = √(2(2F/m)(θR)) = 2√(FθR/m)

v = 2√(29.0(0.400)(2π)(0.280) / 43.9) = 1.3636272...

The average human walks at a speed of 5km per hour if your PE teacher asks you to walk for 30 minutes in gym class how far would you walk(km)?



2.5 km



2.5 km


Distance = speed x time

So =5 x 0.5

Describe sound and record​



record is information created, received and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or simpler terms it's a collection of of fields probably of different data types.

sound is however something loud or soft.which can be defined as vibrations that travel through the air or another medium.

I hope this helps

An ink-jet printer steers charged ink drops vertically. Each drop of ink has a mass of 10-11 kg, and a charge due to 500,000 extra electrons. It goes through two electrodes that gives a vertical acceleration of 104 m/s2. The deflecting electric field is _____ MV/m.



  E = 1.25 MV / m


For this exercise let's use Newton's second law

          F = m a

where the force is electric

          F = q E

we substitute

          q E = m a

          E = m a / q

indicate there are 500,000 excess electrons

          q = 500000 e

          q = 500000 1.6 10⁻¹⁹

          q = 8 10⁻¹⁴ C

the mass is m = 10⁻¹¹ kg and the acceleration a = 10⁴ m / s²


let's calculate

          E = 10⁻¹¹ 10⁴ / 8 10⁻¹⁴

          E = 0.125 10⁷ V / m = 1.25 10⁶ V / m

          E = 1.25 MV / m

A political campaign manager must decide whether to emphasize television advertisements or letters to potential voters in a reelection campaign. Describe the production function for campaign votes.
A. Campaign managers produce campaign votes.
B. Reelection campaigns produce campaign votes.
C. Television advertisements and campaign votes produce letters to potential voters.
D. Television advertisements and letters to potential voters produce reelection campaigns.
E. Television advertisements and letters to potential voters produce campaign votes.
How might information about this function (such as the shape of the isoquants) help the campaign manager plan strategy?
A. If the marginal rate of technical substitution of television advertisements for letters to potential voters is constant, then the campaign manager should use a combination of the two inputs.
B. If television advertisements and letters to potential voters are perfect complements, then the campaign manager should use them in fixed proportions.
C. If television advertisements and letters to potential voters are perfect substitutes, then the campaign manager should use them in fixed proportions.
D. If the isoquant curves for television advertisements and letters to potential voters are convex, then the campaign manager should use only the cheaper input per vote.
E. If the isocost lines for television advertisements and letters to potential voters are convex, then the campaign manager should use a combination of the two inputs.



First answer - (E)

Second answer - (B)


The trade-off here is between TV ADVERTISEMENTS and LETTERS TO POTENTIAL VOTERS. The campaign manager for the candidate who is running for reelection, is trying to decide which of the two factors he should use more of or emphasize. The production function for campaign votes can be simplified as


This is the production function for campaign votes.


Describe the production function for campaign votes (in words).


Television advertisements and (or 'plus') letters to potential voters, produce (or 'equal') campaign votes.


How might information about this function (such as the shape of the isoquants) help the campaign manager plan strategy?


If television advertisements and letters to potential voters are perfect complements (complements are goods or actions that 'must' go together or be used together) then the campaign manager should use them in fixed proportions (e.g. in a ratio of 50:50).

How many types of physics?



Two Main Branches of Physics

it is Classical Physics and Modern Physics.


Further sub Physics branches are Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics, Optics, etc. The rapid progress in science during recent years has become possible due to discoveries and inventions in the field of physics.

hope it helped

Which circuit element is of special importance in AC circuits?
A. Resistor
B. Ammeter
C. Battery
D. Capacitor​







pls mark me as a brainlist

Which technological device makes an energy conversion in the same way that a human ear makes an energy conversion?

a.) a loudspeaker

b.) a headphone

c.) a light bulb

d.) a microphone

I think it's c because of the concept of mechanical energy to electrical energy but I'm not sure





BECAUSE A Light Emitting Diode (LED) glows even when a weak electric current passes through it.

List what sources of uncertainty go into calculating the wavelength of the laser (no explanation necessary here). (b) Accurately report the uncertainties for these quantities. (c) Explain which of these contributes the most to the final uncertainty on the laser wavelength



thanks for da 5points hoi

Explanation: thanks dawg

There can be uncertainty in calculating the wavelength of a laser light  due to experimental errors

All measurements have an uncertainty, in the case of direct measurements the uncertainty is equal to the precision of the given instrument.

What are uncertainity in measuring ?

Uncertainty  means the range of possible values within which the true value of the measurement lies.

What are errors?

The deviation  in the value of the measured quantity from the actual quantity or true value is called an error

(a) For the calculation of wavelength of laser light , the sources which can lead to uncertainty are

1. least count of measuring instruments like spectrometer or interferometer

2. Parallax error in the measurement

3. Error in identifying the order of fringes

4.. unable to identify the accurate  reading of Vernier or circular scales present in the measuring instruments.

5. Propagating errors

What is least count?

The least count of a measuring instrument is the smallest and accurate value in the measured quantity that can be measured by instrument.

What is propagating error?

When you have derived variables, that is, when measurements are made with different instruments, each with a different uncertainty, the way to find the uncertainty or error is that  all the errors add up. which increases the uncertainty

b. The uncertainty in measurement due to  least count depends on the instrument used for measurement f wavelength. A  Michelson's

interferometer has the least count of .0001mm. whereas spectrometer has a least count of 0.5⁰. Hence uncertainty in the measurement by Michelson's interferometer is very less as compared to any other instrument.

C. The maximum uncertainty arises due to the least count , as all other errors can be minimized by taking an average value of many observations but the least count of an instrument do not change so uncertainty within the least count arises.

To know more on errors and uncertainty in measurements here


A painter sets up a uniform plank so that he can paint a high wall. The plank is 2 m long and weighs 400 N. The two supports holding up the plank are placed 0.2 m from either end. Show that the upwards force on each of the planks is 200 N. Draw a sketch.


The upward force on each supporting plank is 200 N

The given parameters include;

weight of the plank, W₁ = 400 Nlength of the plank, l = 2 mupward force of each supporting plank, = W₂ and W₃

To show that the upward force of each supporting plank is 200 N, make the following sketch.

                 W₂                                                           W₃

                  ↑                                                              ↑                                                              


              0.2m                         ↓                               0.2m

                                              400 N

The two supporting planks keeps the 2m plank in equilibrium position. If the plank is in equilibrium position the sum of the upward forces equals sum of the downward force.

W₂  +   W₃ = 400 N

But the distance of each supporting plank from the end is equal, (0.2m).

Then, W₂  =  W₃

2W₂ = 400 N

W₂ = 400N/2

W₂ = 200 N

W₃ = 200 N

Therefore, the upward force on each supporting plank that keeps the plank in equilibrium position is 200 N.

To learn more about equilibrium forces visit:

A mirror forms an erect image 40cm from the object and one third its height where must the mirror be situated ​


image distance=-40cm=vObject distance=u=?Magnification=m=3

We know

[tex]\boxed{\sf m=-\dfrac{v}{u}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3=-\dfrac{-40}{u}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3=\dfrac{40}{u}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto u=\dfrac{40}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto u=13.3cm[/tex]

What is measurement



Measurements refers to a process which typically involves identifying and determining the dimensions of a physical object.


A scientific method can be defined as a research method that typically involves the use of experimental and mathematical techniques which comprises of a series of steps such as systematic observation, measurement, and analysis to formulate, test and modify a hypothesis.

Measurements refers to a process which typically involves identifying and determining the dimensions of a physical object.

Basically, the dimensions include important parameters such as width, height, length, area, volume, circumference, breadth, etc.

A resistor is submerged in an insulated container of water. A voltage of 12 V is applied to the resistor resulting in a current of 1.2 A. If this voltage and current are maintained for 5 minutes, how much electrical energy is dissipated by the resistor




[tex]\Delta t = 5\:\text{min} = 300\:\text{s}[/tex]

[tex]V = 12 V[/tex]

[tex]I = 1.2 A[/tex]

Recall that power P is given by

[tex]P = VI[/tex]

so the amount of energy dissipated [tex]\Delta E[/tex] is given by

[tex]\Delta E = VI\Delta t = (12\:\text{V})(1.2\:\text{A})(300\:\text{s})[/tex]

[tex]\:\:\:\:\:\:\:= 4320\:\text{W} = 4.32\:\text{kW}[/tex]

A spherical balloon has a radius of 7.15 m and is filled with helium. The density of helium is 0.179 kg/m^3, and the density of air is 1.29 kg/m^3. The skin and structure of the balloon has a mass of 910 kg. Neglect the buoyant force on the cargo volume itself.
Determine the largest mass of cargo the balloon can lift.


The largest mass of cargo the balloon can lift is 791.06 kg

First, we need to calculate the mass of helium.

Since the radius of the spherical balloon is r = 7.15 m, its volume is V = 4πr³/3.

The volume of the balloon also equals the volume of helium present.

Now, the mass of helium m = density of helium, ρ × volume of helium, V

m = ρV

Since ρ = 0.179 kg/m³

m = ρV

m = ρ4πr³/3.

m = 0.179 kg/m³ × 4π(7.15 m)³/3

m = 0.179 kg/m³ × 4π(365.525875 m³)/3

m = 0.179 kg/m³ × 1462.1035π m³/3

m = 261.7165265π/3 kg

m = 822.207/3 kg

m = 274.07 kg

Since the mass of the skin and structure of the balloon is 910 kg, the total mass, M of the balloon = mass of skin and structure + mass of helium gas is 910 kg + 274.07 kg = 1184.07 kg.

The weight of this mass W = Mg where g = acceleration due to gravity.

The buoyant force on the balloon due to the air is the weight of air displaced, W' = mass of air, m' × acceleration due to gravity, g.

W' = m'g

Now, the mass of air m' = density of air, ρ' × volume of air displaced, V'

We know that the volume of air displaced, V' = volume of balloon, V

So, V' = V = 4πr³/3.

Since the density of air, ρ' = 1.29 kg/m³,

m' = ρ'V

m = 1.29 kg/m³ × 4π(7.15 m)³/3

m = 1.29 kg/m³ × 4π(365.525875 m³)/3

m = 1.29 kg/m³ × 1462.1035π m³/3

m = 1886.113515π/3 kg

m = 5925.4/3 kg

m = 1975.13 kg

So, the net weight W" that the balloon can lift is W" = W' - W = m'g - Mg = (m' - M )g = (1975.13 kg - 1184.07 kg)g = 791.06g.

So, the net mass m" = W"/g = 791.06g/g = 791.06 kg

This net mass is the largest mass of cargo that the balloon can lift.

Thus, the largest mass of cargo the balloon can lift is 791.06 kg

Learn more about balloons here:

need help with question after number 40



4 device 3 e e and 4 divide 3 + 5 barabar 11 33 size to 46 size 35 and size 49 browser

A circular parallel-plate capacitor whose plates have a radius of 25 cm is being charged with a current of 1.3 A. What is the magnetic field 11 cm from the center of the plates


The magnetic field at 11 cm from the center of the plates is 2.364 x 10⁻⁷ T.


radius of the circular plate, d = 25 cm = 0.25 m

current in the plate, I = 1.3 A

distance from the center of the circular plate, r = 11 cm = 0.11 m

To find:

magnetic field (B)

The magnetic field from the given distance is calculated as from Biot Savart equation:

[tex]B = \frac{\mu_o I}{2\pi r} \\\\where;\\\\\mu_o \ is \ permeability \ of \ free \ space \ 4\pi \times 10^{-7} \ T.m/A\\\\B = \frac{(4\pi \times 10^{-7} ) \times (1.3)}{2\pi \times 0.11} \\\\B = 2.364 \ \times 10^{-6} \ T[/tex]

Therefore, the magnetic field 11 cm from the center of the plates is 2.364 x 10⁻⁷ T.

Learn more here:

A circular loop of wire 10 cm in radius carries a current of 20 A. The axial magnetic field 15 cm from the center of the loop is approximately:

a. 37 mu-T
b. 13 mu-T
c. 21 mu-T
d. 41 mu-T
e. 18 mu-T]



ans is c


chk photo

The axial magnetic field 15 cm from the center of the loop is approximately 21 μT. Hence, option (c) is correct.

What is magnetic field?

In the vicinity of a magnet, an electric current, or a shifting electric field, there is a vector field called a magnetic field where magnetic forces can be seen. Electric charges in motion and the intrinsic magnetic moments of elementary particles connected to the fundamental quantum characteristic known as spin create a magnetic field.

Given parameters:

Radius of the circular loop: r = 10 cm = 0.10 m.

Current passing through the loop: I = 20 A.

Axial distance of the point: z = 15 cm = 0.15 m.

Hence, the axial magnetic field at that point:

B = (μ₀/4π) 2πR²I/(z²+R²)^(3/2)

By putting these values, we get B = 21 × 10⁻⁶ T = 21 μT.

Learn more about magnetic field here:


A 12-V battery is connected across a device with variable resisstance. As the resistance of the device increases, determine whether the following quantities increase, decrease, or remain unchanged. Indicate your answers with I, D, or U respectively.

a. The current through the device
b. The voltage across the device
c. The power consumed by the device


the answer is the current through the device

Fish is cold blooded animal



A rock with a mass of 16 kilograms is put aboard an airplane in New York City and flown to Boston. How much work does the gravitational field of the earth do on the rock


The work done by the gravitational field of the earth on the rock is 9.998 x 10⁸ J.

The given parameter include:

the mass of the object, m₁ = 16 kg

Note: the mass of the earth, m₂ = 5.972 x 10²⁴ kg

The work done by the gravitational field of the earth is given as;

Work done = gravitational force (F) x radius of the earth (R)

[tex]Work \ done = \frac{Gm_1m_2}{R^2} \times R\\\\Work \ done = \frac{Gm_1m_2}{R} \\\\where;\\\\R \ is \ the \ radius \ of \ the \ earth = 6,378 \ km = 6,378,000 \ m\\\\G \ is \ the \ universal \ gravitation \ constant = 6.674 \times 10^{-11} Nm^2/kg^2\ \\\\Work \ done = \frac{(6.674 \times 10^{-11} ) \times (5.972\times 10^{24}) \times (16)}{6,378,000 } \\\\Work \ done = 9.998 \times 10^{8} \ J[/tex]

Therefore, the work done by the gravitational field of the earth on the rock is 9.998 x 10⁸ J.

To learn more about work done by gravitational field of the earth visit:

A solid metal sphere of radius 3 m carries a total charge of -5.5 uc. What is the magnitude of the
electric field at a distance from the sphere's center of (a) 2.9 m and (b) 8 m? How would the answers
differ if the sphere was (c) a thin shell.



2.9::: 5.87*10*3 N/C

8: 7.73 × 10 ^2  N/C




I hope this helped !

Which of the following is not an example of approximate simple harmonic motion



where are the options

it's not full question

Can someone log into my acc FOR ME I will pay you to complete my physics assignments for money or points?!!


Answer: no sorry../





1.931 kilometres is the answer of 1.2 miles

Answer and Explanation:

1 mile = 1.609 km

Set up a fraction to cancel the miles to get the kilometers.

[tex]\frac{1.2mi}{?km} *\frac{1.609}{1mi} = 1.9308km[/tex] <- This is the answer.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

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