Escribe cuatro oraciones sobre las cosas que haces cuando tienes gripe. Explica si vas al médico, si tomas medicamentos o si siguies alguna dieta especial.
Después, escribe cuatro oraciones describiendo cómo son los servicios de salud y remedios caseros en los paises hispanohablantes y compáralos con los servicios en los Estados Unidos.


Answer 1

Cuando tengo gripe descanso en mi cama por que me siento muy mal. Tambien bebo jarabe para la gripe. Luego bebo te caliente. Y por ultimo voy al medico a chequearme.

En los paises hispanohablantes se usan muchos remedios casero come te de diferentes plantas. En Estados Unidos se usa mas la medicina. En paises Hispanohablantes no se va tanto al doctor o medico. En Estados Unidos es mas regular ir al medico cuando estas enfermo.

Took me a while to write but i Hope it helps. use grammarly if there is any punctuation needed to be added.

Related Questions

Oye Mercedes, no dejes que tu niño juegue con el encendedor.     2.  Hizo sus estudios de ingeniería en Mayagüez, la Sultana del Oeste.   3.    No sé a qué atribuirlo, pero estoy nervioso.   4.  Si no te gusta, no lo compres.   5.   Léeme otro cuento, abuela.   6.  Los árboles tenían diversas frutas: cerezas, manzanas coloradas, peras pequeñas ciruelas y guayabas.   7.     Por su acento prosódico, las palabras pueden ser de cuatro clases: agudas, llanas, esdrújulas y sobresdrújulas.   8. Simón Bolívar, el Libertador, luchó por la independencia de Venezuela.   9.   Enviaron el paquete a Roma, Italia.   10.    Preguntó por sus cinco amigos: Juan, Carlos, Miguel, Ernesto y Raúl.   11. Matos, Rivera Iban debe ser incluido en la lista preliminar.   12. Los estudiantes que son muy responsables, entregaron sus tareas a tiempo.   13.  Algunos animales son carnívoros es decir se alimentan, de carnes.   14.  Preguntó por Marta por María, por Margarita, por Wanda en fin por todas sus amigas.   15.  Por favor Marcos, tráeme lo que te pedí.   16.  El ingeniero Prats el encargado de la construcción, revisará el nuevo edificio.   17.  El barco que estuvo varias horas a la deriva, fue rescatado exitosamente.   18.  Cuando lleguen los paquetes, avísame pronto.   19.  Viajaré por varios países de Europa: Portugal, Francia, España, Italia e Inglaterra. a.  frase insertada o explicativa b.  frase en aposición  c. Oración invertida d.  vocativo e.  Delante de la conjunción pero f.  frases de enlace g.  separar nombre y apellidos   h.  separar pueblo y país i.  enumeración de elementos análogos​



ordenalo  y te lo respondo


por el momento gracias por lso puntos

I will give brainliest!!

Check the picture above



1 gusta I think

2 ?

3 ?




1 is les gustan
2 le gustan
3 les gusta
Me gusta
5 les gusta
6 te gusta

please help with my spanish correction, my teacher is giving me a hard time on this assignment, and help would be appreciated :)

Answer the following questions using both a direct and indirect object in your response. Follow the example.
Example: ¿Cocinas la comida para tu familia? Do you cook the food for your family?
Sí, se la cocino. Yes, I cook it for them.

20. ¿Escribes el correo electrónico a su amigo?
my answer: Sí, les escribo.
teachers message: el correo electronico is the direct object
a su amigo is the indirect object. What are their pronouns? Where do they belong?
21. ¿Compras la bebida para tu hermana?
my answer: Sí lo compro para ella.
teachers message: la bebida is the direct object
para tu hermana is the indirect object. What are their pronouns? Where do they belong?

thank you :)



20: Si, le escribo el correo a su amigo.

21: Si, le compro la bebida para ella.


I just put the pronouns and the objects in the right place. And i know is long but that how i think is correct and how i would say it.

I hope this work.

Los estudantes (almorzar) juntos todos los dias el año pasado?





I speak Spanish, it’s my maternal language :)

Almorzaron is the right answer


Write the rough draft of your article. You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿

Your rough draft should be written in complete sentences in Spanish and include the following requirements:

What to include in your rough draft Hint
Sentence one:

☐ Describe how long ago you traveled and where. Remember:

Use hace + specific time frame + que + verb.

Include the transportation method you used to travel.
Sentence two:

☐ Describe how you planned for and/or prepared for this trip and who went with you. Remember:

Use one -car, -gar, or -zar verb in the preterite or imperfect tense.

Use conmigo.
Sentence three:

☐ Describe how you preferred to purchase the trip. Remember:

Use one stem-changing verb in the preterite.
Sentence four:

☐ Describe the day of the trip. Remember:

Use one regular verb in the preterite or imperfect tense.
Sentence five:

☐ Describe how long it took to arrive at the destination. Remember:

Use para.

Use one regular or irregular verb in the preterite tense.



He estado viajando por México desde hace una semana. Salí de San Francisco por avión, pero desde que llegué a México viajo por bus.

Yo planeé este viaje desde hace un mes. Mi hermano iba a venir conmigo pero se enfermo. En la ciudad de México pagué el hotel con mi tarjeta de crédito porque no tenía conmigo pesos mexicanos. Prefiero pagar mi gastos con mi tarjeta de crédito.

El día que salí de San Francisco llovía mucho. El vuelo fue largo y para no aburrirme leí un libro.


La tarjeta de embarque indica
a. el número del asiento
b. la puerta de salida
c. el destino
d. all of the above


Teniendo en cuenta la información que se suele incluir en un tarjeta de embarque, la opción correcta es: "all of the above".

¿Qué Información contiene una Tarjeta de Embarque?

Se conoce como tarjeta de embarque aquel documento expedido por la empresa de transporte de pasajeros marítimo, aéreo o terrestre, la cual contiene información referente al viaje.

Dentro de los datos que suele contener, se encuentra: hora de salida, puerta de salida, procedencia, destino, nombre del pasajero, documento del pasajero, número de asiento, número del vehículo, entre muchos otros.

Por lo anterior, la información indicada en la tarjeta de embarque son: all of the above, lo cual traduce todas las anteriores, puesto que toda la información mencionada en las demás opciones, se encuentra en el documento mencionado.

Más información sobre Español:





I got it right on the test

grammatical name of often misery​



worry, headache, misfortune, anxiety,anguish, sadness,heartache, gloom, hardship,


i dont know  if you mean in spanish or english.

Misery is "miseria" in spanish

in english it must be constant pain.


Please help me fill in the blanks using the preterit tense. 1-8 are regular, 9 and 11-15 are irregular, and 10 is stem-changing. Some might require spelling changes?
cut and paste from these: á é í ó ú

1. Tú _(hablar) con el médico.

2. Ustedes _(beber) vino con la cena.

3. Yo _(salir) de casa a las ocho.

4. Tú _(llegar) a la universidad a las nueve.

5. Ella _(comer) un sandwich.

6. Yo _(practicar) baloncesto ayer.

7. Tú _(escribir) un ensayo para la clase anoche.

8. Ellos _(tomar) café.

9. Yo _(poner) mi pasaporte en la bolsa.

10. Juan _(dormir) en el avión.

11. Elena _(poder) terminar la tarea.

12. Tú _(ir) al teatro ayer.

13. Ellos _(tener) problemas en la aduana.

14. Ellos _(decir) que no tenían frutas ni verduras.

15. Pepe _(leer) las noticias esta mañana.



1. Hablaste

2. Bebieron

3. Salí

4. Llegaste

5. Se comió

6. Practiqué

7. Escribiste

8. Tomaron

9. Pongo

10. Durmió

11. Pudo

12. Fuiste

13. tuvieron


Q21. Solve 2= 17.26-23 for x.​



i think this is the answer


lol it is not a topic of spanish


¿Cuáles son los rasgos sobresalientes de los géneros literarios (teatro, poesía, cuento, ensayo y oratoria)?





What language is spoken in Puerto Rico



Spanish, man.

Spanish is spoken in Puerto Rico.

Read and then choose the option with the correct answer.

¡Hola, amigos! Me llamo Julián. En la clase de biología, aprendí sobre el doctor Baruj Benacerraf. Benacerraf estudió inmunología por su enfermedad de no respirar bien.

According to the text, what field was Dr. Benacerraf an expert in?


The text says “Benacerraf studied immunology for his illness of not breathing well” so he is an expert in immunology


Dr. benacerraf was an expert in immunology.


Translate the following paragraph into Spanish.

Hello. My name is Francisco Lara. I live in Magic Ranch. I am a new student at the school. I am from New York. I am in the 11th grade. I want to play on the school football team. I like to play sports and also watch movies. I do not like the heat in
Arizona. I have two older sisters. They are in the 12th grade. They like to study and get good grades. I am not as intelligent as they are but I always get good grades.



Hola. Mi nombre es Francisco Lara. Vivo en Magic Ranch. Soy un nuevo estudiante en la escuela. Soy de New York. Estoy en decimo primer curso. Quiero jugar en el equipo de fútbol. Me gustan los deportes y también ver peliculas. No me gusta el calor en Arizona. Tengo dos hermanas mayores. Ellas estan en decimo segundo curso.A ellas les gusta estudiar y obtener buenas calificaciones. No soy tan inteligente como ellas pero siempre obtengo buenas calificaciones.


What color is red in spanish


the color red in spanish is rojo

how do i say " My family and i are going to visit Chile this spring. I have to book our flights before we leave for Chile. My parents have to put a camera and our sandals in the suitcase. We are going to take a bus around the city of Santiago, and we are going to see the marble caves. I am ready for this trip!". In spanish, please help


Mi familia y yo vamos a visitar Chile esta primavera. Tengo que reservar nuestros vuelos antes de partir hacia Chile. Mis padres tienen que poner una cámara y nuestras sandalias en la maleta. Vamos a tomar un bus


espero que haya ayudadoespero que haya ayudado

márcame como los pls más inteligentes


Mi familia y yo vamos de visita a Chile esta primavera. Tengo que reservar nuestro vuelo antes de que salgamos para Chile. Mis padres tienen que poner una cámara y nuestras sandalias en la maleta. Vamos a tomar un bus alrededor de la ciudad de Santiago y vamos a ver las cuevas de mármol. Estoy listo para este viaje!


Help me fill in the blanks with the correct preposition? (a, hacia o con)


1. a
2. a
3. con
4. a
5. hacia
6. a
7. a
8. con
9. a
10. con
11. a
12. a
These have to be right I know fluent Spanish. Hope this helps!





This is Spanish btw , Talking to a group of people you have never met before and want to be polite

Which one is the answer?
A. Tu
B. Ellas
C. Ella
D. Ellos





Polite form of Ellas and ellos


F. Võsõtrõs

i just fell like that is the answer

2 convierte el complemento agente en sujeto de la oración: A el ladrón fue reconocido por los testigos del hecho B los mejores estudiantes fueron premiados por la secretaria de educación​


A) El ladrón fue reconocido por los testigos del hecho: Los testigos del hecho reconocieron al ladrón.

B) Los mejores estudiantes fueron premiados por la secretaria de educación: La secretaria de educación premió a los mejores estudiantes.

Lo que está en negrita es el complemento de agente. El complemento de agente es el que ejerce la acción del verbo sobre el sujeto.


Ellas siempre _____ la red.



Ella siempre navega en la red. Or,

Ella siempre navega por la red.


Cuántos hiatos hay en el siguiente texto?"Raúl sabía que tenía que tomar un vehículo lo más pronto posible, para ir a coordinar sobre su exposición de historia en aquel centro de adiestramiento militar" *
c) 6.
b) 5.
a) 4.



Yo creo que hay 5 osea la respuesta b


Espero te ayude :D

Cual era la grave cuestión que preocupaba a nuestros personajes briant, gordon y doniphan?


Esta pregunta parece incompleta. Sin embargo, hay suficiente información para encontrar la respuesta correcta.

La grave cuestión que preocupaba a Briant, Gordon y Doniphan era la supervivencia del grupo de niños al haber quedado varados en una isla.

Briant, Gordon y Doniphan son los personajes principales de la novela Dos años de vacaciones (1888), de Julio Verne cuyo título en el francés original es Deux ans de vacances.

Ellos son parte del grupo de quince niños de entre 8 y 13 años que naufragan en el Océano Pacifico, y deben subsistir en una isla desierta donde además se efrentarán a un grupo de malhechores.

La cuestión más grave que atraviesan es el naufragio mismo y el encontrarse varados sin ayuda en lo que sospechan es una isla aislada y desierta.

Aprende mas sobre Julio Verne aquí:

Write complete Spanish sentences expressing the affirmative command
7. Sacar a los perros:
9. Lavar la ropa:





7. Saca a los perros:

9. Lava la ropa:


7. Saca a los perros

8. Lava la ropa

Nos habituamos Irene y yo a persistir solos en ella, lo que era una locura pues en esa casa podían vivir ocho personas sin estorbarse. Hacíamos la limpieza por la mañana, levantándonos a las siete, y a eso de las once yo le dejaba a Irene las últimas habitaciones por repasar y me iba a la cocina. Almorzábamos al mediodía, siempre puntuales; ya no quedaba nada por hacer fuera de unos platos sucios. Nos resultaba grato almorzar pensando en la casa profunda y silenciosa y cómo nos bastábamos para mantenerla limpia. A veces llegábamos a creer que era ella la que no nos dejó casarnos. Irene rechazó a dos pretendientes sin mayor motivo, a mí se me murió María Esther antes de que llegáramos a comprometernos.

—Casa tomada por Julio Cortázar

¿Cuál es la idea principal del fragmento?

Los protagonistas dedican mucho tiempo a la casa grande y no tienen una vida afuera de la casa.
La casa es muy grande y aunque solo los protagonistas viven allí, muchas personas pueden vivir en ella.
Los protagonistas son hermanos que trabajan juntos para mantener la casa limpia y almuerzan juntos.
Ellos quieren casarse, pero si ellos se casan, deberían salir de la casa y no pueden regresar.



Los protagonistas dedican mucho tiempo a la casa grande y no tienen una vida afuera de la casa.



Los protagonistas dedican mucho tiempo a la casa grande y no tienen una vida afuera de la casa.


Got it right

Spanish: Soy Juan Carlos y vivo en La Habana. Este fin de semana es la boda de mi hermanastra Joselyn en Nueva York y ¡vamos a la ciudad! Estoy muy contento porque nunca visitamos países y me encanta aprender. En la boda llevo un traje. En la noche llevo pantalones cortos y camiseta para ir a un parque de atracciones para celebrar. No hace frío en Nueva York en julio.

English: I am Juan Carlos and I live in Havana. This weekend is my stepsister Joselyn's wedding in New York and we're going to town! I am very happy because we never visit countries and I love learning. At the wedding I wear a suit. At night I wear shorts and a T-shirt to go to an amusement park to celebrate. It's not cold in New York in July.

What would be the best title for this text?

A. Voy a una fiesta en Estados Unidos.

B.Vamos a una celebración en Cuba.

C.¿Vas al parque conmigo en la primavera?

D. ¿Van al centro comercial en el invierno?


Answer: A


The other answers just talk about

Visiting cuba (not right because they went to new york)

Going to the park in spring (doesn't make sense because there is no spring included in the text)

And going to the mall in winter which is not talked about ether so it would be A

1.- Estaban demasiado cansados para continuar

a) expreso
b) tácito


Answer: tácito


(Ellos) Estaban demasiado cansados para continuar.

B tacito I know Spanish

preguntas . Ordena las preguntas segun la Informacion dada por el Texto contestalas​


Answer: No le entendi

Explanation: Solo quiero los puntos y ya

Lo siento, pero no hay nada que pedir. Lo siento mucho, pero no entiendo.

Read the prompt. Then, choose the option with the correct demonstrative adjective.

Juana doesn’t like to play with the stufffed animal in her hands, nor the one far in the distance. She prefers the one on the floor in front of her.

Joan was playing with that red teddy bear.
Joan was playing with that red teddy bear.
Joan was playing with this red teddy bear.
Joan was playing with this red teddy bear.



A because it's present tense


the fourth one  Joan was playing with this red teddy bear.


Joan was playing with this red teddy bear.

Elabora acciones o propuestas de los valores éticos, morales y cívicos que favorezcan la convivencia al desarrollo de nuestro país a fin de consolidar la convivencia y el bien común.
¿Qué aprendimos hoy? (competencia, capacidades y desempeños)
¿Cómo lo aprendimos?
¿Qué dificultades se nos han presentado?
¿Cómo los superamos?



ja aja la adiswb akdaxm



Forma oraciones completas usando los elementos. Usa el presente Del indictivo para el primer verbo y haz otros cambios que seran necesarios





Read the description and choose the option with the correct answer.

Marina is a world traveler who is very interested in Miguel de Cervantes. What could she write in her blog after her trip to Spain?

I walked down Don Quixote's Route.
I spent a day in El Prado.
I traveled on a Mediterranean cruise.
I visited La Sagrada Familia.



I walked down Don Quixote’s Route.

Recorrí la ruta de Don Quijote.


Other Questions
Evaluate:[tex]{ \int \limits^\pi_{ \frac{1}{4}\pi}{ {e {}^{2 \sigma} (\sqrt{1 - { \sigma}^{2} } ) d \sigma}}}[/tex] SophiaWhich of the following represents the correct flow of information duringhomeostasis?Homea.) Integrator - Sensor - EffectorO b.) Sensor - Integrator - EffectorHiWHAT'Soc.) Sensor - Effector - IntegratorWelcome toallows youro d.) Effector + Integrator + Sensor1. Homeo2 Sensors QUESTION 3.1 POINTAn investment pays 25% interest compounded monthly. What percent, as a decimal, is the effective annual yied? Enter youranswer as a decimal rounded to four decimal places. would you Rather geometry Walk on a line or A line segment why? The ratio of frogs to toads was 3 to 7. If there were 1280 frogs and toads in all, how many were frogs? which is the biggest river in nepal? what is most likely true about popular music ? A. it considers the taste and preferences of the middle classB. it has existed throughout the world since the mid-1600sC. it includes only three genres of music rap, rock, and metalD. it is not influenced by commercial or economic ideas What is the solution set of 7x 2 + 3x = 0?{0, 3/7}{0, -3/7}{0, -4/7} The resistors produced by a manufacturer are required to have an average resistance of 0.150 ohms. Statistical analysis of the output suggests that the resistances can be approximated by a normal distribution with known standard deviation of 0.005 ohms. We are interested in testing the hypothesis that the resistors conform to the specifications.Requied:a. Determine whether a random sample of 10 resistors yielding a sample mean of 0.152 ohms indicates that the resistors are conforming. Use alpha = 0.05. b. Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the average resistance. How does this interval relate to your solution of part (a)? The potential difference between the plates of a capacitor is 234 V. Midway between the plates, a proton and an electron are released. The electron is released from rest. The proton is projected perpendicularly toward the negative plate with an initial speed. The proton strikes the negative plate at the same instant the electron strikes the positive plate. Ignore the attraction between the two particles, and find the initial speed of the proton.I have tried looking at the solution manual and do not like the way it is explained. Simply put, I cannot follow what is going on and I am looking for someone who can explain it in plain man's terms and help me understand and get the correct answer. I am willing to give MAX karma points to anyone who can help me through this. Thank you kindly. There are two machines available for cutting corks intended for use in wine bottles. The first produces corks with diameters that are normally distributed with mean 3 cm and standard deviation 0.10 cm. The second machine produces corks with diameters that have a normal distribution with mean 3.04 cm and standard deviation 0.04 cm. Acceptable corks have diameters between 2.9 cm and 3.1 cm. What is the probability that the first machine produces an acceptable cork -5 + 3 and also what is 1/4 of 24What is the answer i am struggling planning practices are different from organization to organization. discuss 1. How much heat energy ( Q ) is required to heat 2.0 kg of copper from 30.0 oC to 80.0 oC? Simplify (Asap )please answer this if you know(full steps required )(please no spam answers) e. Heat is transferred in liquids by________________________plz i dont wanna get grounded PLEASEE HELP ME ASAPPP (geometry) 3 write the factor of the following (1) 48 (2) 36 (3) 28 (4) 100 (5) 125 A client has a third-degree burn on the leg. The wound is being treated by the open method. After about 4 days, a hard crust has formed around the leg and is impairing the circulation to the leg. What procedure would be done to relieve pressure on the affected area?A. escharotomyB. debridementC. allograftD. silvadene application Choose the best answer1. They spent a lot of money on food and clothes.A. A lot of money on food were spentB. A lot of money was spent on food and clothesC. A lot of money were spent on food and clothesD. Money was spent a lot on food and clothes2. The restaurant serves seafood every Monday.A.Seafood is served every Monday.B.Seafood was served every Monday.C.Seafood are served every Monday. D.Seafood were served every Monday.3. Mary informed the police of the newsA.The police was informed of the news by Mary.B.The news was informed of the police.C.The police were informed of the news.D.The police of the news was informed by Mary.4. The ambulance is taking the boy to hospital.A. To the hospital is the boy being taken.B. The boy is being taking to hospital.C. The boy is being taken to hospital.D. The boy is taken to hospital.5.The engineers will construct a bridge over this house.A. This house will be constructed over a bridge.B. A bridge will be constructed over this house.C. This house will be being constructed over a bridge.D. A bridge will be being constructed over this house.6. Someone has stolen his gun.A. His gun has been stolen.B. His gun has stolen.C. He has been stolen the gun.D. The gun has been stolen him.7. We have to tell Mary about our change in plans.A. Mary has to be told about our change in plans.B. Our change in plans should be told for Mary.C. Mary is told about our change in plans.D. Our change in plans is told to Mary.8. We thought you were serious when you said you were leaving . You were thought _________when you said you were leaving.A. to have been seriousB. to being seriousC. to be seriousD. to have been seriously9. The directors have fired those lazy clerksA Those lazy clerks have been fired. B Those lazy clerks has been fired.C Those lazy clerks had been fired. D Those lazy clerks were fired .10. They didnt explain anything about that .A.Nothing was explained about that .B.That wasnt explained anything by them .C.Anything wasnt explained about that .D.Something wasnt explained about that .11.They showed his photograph on television.A. On television they have his photograph shown.B. His photograph was shown on television.C. His photograph is being shown on television.D. The television was shown his photograph.12. We must find this killer.A. This killer we must find.B. This killer is found.C. This killer be found.D. This killer must be found.13. They signed the contract at lunchtime.A.They were signed the contract at lunchtime.B.At lunchtime the contract were signed C.The contract at lunchtime was signed .D.The contract was signed at lunchtime.14. Someone ought to do something about it.A. Something about it ought to be done.B. Someone ought to be done about it.C. Something ought to be done about it.D. It ought to be done something by someone.15. People should send their complaints to the head office.A. Their complaints were sent to the head office.B. The head office was sent their complaints.C. Their complaints should be sent to the head office.D. The head office should be sent complaints.16. People dont use this road very often.A.This road dont be used very often.B. This road is not used very often.C. This road is used not very often.D. This road is not often used.17. Miller has taken a lot of photographs.A. Photographs have been taken by Miller.B. Photographs have been taken a lot of by Miller.C. A lot of photographs were taken by Miller.D. A lot of photographs have been taken by Miller.18. The teacher gave us two very difficult exercises.A. We were given two very difficult exercises.B. Two very difficult exercises were given to the teacher.C. Two very difficult exercises were given to us.D. Both (A and (C are correct.19. They said that he was all right .A.He said he was all right .B.They were said him was all right .C.He was said he was all right .D.He was said to be all right .20. The lawyer is interviewing the witness.A. The witness is interviewedB. The witness is being interviewedC. The lawyer is interviewedD. The lawyer is being interviewed21. They are taking photographs of the event.A. The event was taken photographs.B.The event is taken photographs.C. Photographs are taken of the event.D. Photographs of the event are being taken.22. How do people learn languages?A.How are languages learned? B.How are languages learned by people?C. How languages are learned?D.Languages are learned how? 23. Nobody told me that George was ill.A. I was told that George wasn't ill. B. I wasn't told that George was ill.C. Geoge wasn't told to be ill.D. George was told not to be ill.24. His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.A. He was given a present when he retired.B. A present was given by his colleagues when he retired.C. He was given a present by his colleagues when he retired.D. A present was given him when he retired.