example of natural system of classifying organisms​


Answer 1


In natural system of classification of Organisms, homology is brought out through the study of internal and external characters. Homology is the relationship of comparable structures having been derived from a common form.

For example, the fore arm of different land vertebrates has the same pentadactyl constitution.


pls mark brainliest

Related Questions

A man bought a goldfish in a pet shop. Upon returning home, he put the goldfish in a bowl of recently boiled water that had been cooled quickly. A few minutes later the fish was found dead. Explain what happened to the fish



lack of oxygen in the water


The fish most likely died from lack of oxygen in the water. This is because fishes actually use their gills to extract and breathe in the oxygen from the water while also expelling carbon dioxide from their lungs. Similar to how humans breathe. When the water was boiled it caused the dissolved gases to be expelled, which includes oxygen. Therefore, without the necessary oxygen in the water, the fish ultimately suffocated.

Boiling the water reduce its amount of dissolved oxygen which is needed by the fish to breathe, that's why the fish died after few minutes.

What is dissolved oxygen?

Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen present in the water.

The organisms live to consume dissolved oxygen to breathe.

The amount of dissolved oxygen is high in the current water like rivers than in the still water like pond.

If the amount of DO is high in the water, it causes bubble gas disease in the aquatic organisms.

If the amount of DO is low in the water than, fishes and other aquatic organism cant survive due to low oxygen level.

Thus, boiling the water reduce its amount of dissolved oxygen which is needed by the fish to breathe, that's why the fish died after few minutes.

Learn more about goldfish


i need help in biology questions please G10?



ok where is it

we can help only if there is something attached

Attach the picture or something so we could respond

Carnivore that feeds on primary consumers
Question 3 Multiple Choice Worth 3 points
(01.01 LC)
Which of the following is an example of a decomposer?


we need the options in order to answer

Human being get energy from


Are you asking how humans get energy?
Any food they consume or sleep. Hope this helps

QUESTION 11 1. Through PCR, we have determined the PER3 genotypes for a class of students as follows: H4/H4 = 125 individuals; H4/H5 = 85 individuals and H5/H5=24 individuals. Using the allele's frequencies experimentally derived, calculate the frequency of the H4/H5 genotype that would be expected if the class were a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. 1. 0.28 2. 0.51 3. 0.19 4. 0.72 5. 0.14 6. 0.24 7. 0.41 QUESTION 12 1. Through PCR, we have determined the PER3 genotypes for a class of students as follows: H4/H4 = 125 individuals; H4/H5 = 85 individuals and H5/H5=24 individuals. Using the genotype frequencies derived assuming that the class were a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, calculate the number of H4/H4 individuals that would be expected in the class (rounded numbers). 1. 19 2. 57 3. 72 4. 147 5. 171 6. 120 7. 96 QUESTION 13 1. Through PCR, we have determined the PER3 genotypes for a class of students as follows: H4/H4 = 125 individuals; H4/H5 = 85 individuals and H5/H5=24 individuals. Considering the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium and comparing the observed and the expected number of individuals for the three genotypes, calculate the value of the Chi-square statistic 1. 2.69 2. 0.05 3. 28.67 4. 14.59 5. 0.50 6. 22.31 7. 3.84 QUESTION 14 1. Through PCR, we have determined the PER3 genotypes for a class of students as follows: H4/H4 = 125 individuals; H4/H5 = 85 individuals and H5/H5=24 individuals. Considering the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, which is the (correct) null hypothesis tested by Chi-square? 1. The whole class represents a population that is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium 2. The whole class represents a population that may not be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium 3. The whole class represents a population that is not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium 4. The whole class represents a population that may be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium QUESTION 15 1. Through PCR, we have determined the PER3 genotypes for a class of students as follows: H4/H4 = 125 individuals; H4/H5 = 85 individuals and H5/H5=24 individuals. Considering the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium and calculating the Chi-square statistic, do you reject or fail to reject the null-hypothesis? 1. Comparing the value of Chi-square that I calculated with the critical value of Chi-square for the appropriate degrees of freedom I conclude that P>0.05. Hence, I reject the null hypothesis. 2. Comparing the value of Chi-square that I calculated with the critical value of Chi-square for the appropriate degrees of freedom, I conclude that P>0.05. Hence, I fail to reject the null hypothesis. 3. Comparing the value of Chi-square that I calculated with the critical value of Chi-square for the appropriate degrees of freedom I conclude that P<0.05. Hence, I reject the null hypothesis. 4. Comparing the value of Chi-square that I calculated with the critical value of Chi-square for the appropriate degrees of freedom I conclude that P<0.05. Hence, I fail to reject the null hypothesis.


According to Hardy-Weinberg, when a population is in equilibrium, it will have the same allelic frequencies generation after generation, meaning that they are stable, they are not evolving.

When any evolutive force is acting on the population, this equilibrium breacks, and allelic and genotypic frequencies change through generations, differing from the expected ones.  

A) Option 7 is the correct answer ⇒ 0.41

B) Option 6 is the correct answer ⇒ 120

C) Option 7 is the correct answer ⇒ 3.84

D) Option 1 is the correct answer ⇒ The class represents a population that is in H-W equilibrium

E) Option 1 is correct. Comparing the value of Chi-square that I calculated with the critical value of Chi-square for  the appropriate degrees of freedom I conclude that P>0.05. Hence, I reject the null hypothesis.


Allelic frequencies in a locus are represented as p and q, referring to the

allelic dominant or recessive forms. The genotypic frequencies after one generation are p² (H0m0zyg0us  dominant), 2pq (H3ter0zygous), (H0m0zyg0us recessive). Populations in H-W equilibrium will get the same

allelic frequencies generation after generation.

The sum of the allelic frequencies equals 1, this is p + q = 1.

In the same way, the sum of genotypic frequencies equals 1, this is

p² + 2pq + q² = 1


 p the dominant allelic frequency,

 q the recessive allelic frequency,

 p² the h0m0zyg0us dominant genotypic frequency

 q² the h0m0zyg0us recessive genotypic frequency

 2pq the h3ter0zyg0us genotypic frequency


Situation: Through PCR, we have determined the PER3 genotypes for a class of students as follows:

 H4/H4 = 125 individuals;

 H4/H5 = 85 individuals;

 H5/H5=24 individuals.

⇒ Total number of individuals= 125 + 85 + 24 = 234

⇒ Genotypic frequencies, F(xx):

 F(H4/H4) = 125/234 =0.534

 F(H4/H5) = 85/234 = 0.363

 F(H5/H5) = 24/234 = 0.102

⇒ Allelic frequencies, f(x):

 f(H4) = p = F(H4/H4) + 1/2 F(H4/H5) = 0.534 + 0.363/2 = 0.534 + 0.182 = 0.716

 f(H5) = q = F(H5/H5) + 1/2 F(H4/H5) = 0.102 + 0.363/2 = 0.102 + 0.182 = 0.284


A)  According to the theoreticall frame, we know that 2pq is the h3ter0zygous genotypic frequency. So,  

F(H4/H5) = 2pq = 2 x 0.716 x 0.284 = 0.408 ≅ 0.41 ⇒ Option 7 is the correct answer.


B)  According to the theoreticall frame, we know that p² is the h0m0zyg0us genotypic frequency. So,

p = 0.716

p² = 0.5126 ≅ 0.513 ⇒ This is the genotypic frequency.

To calculate the number of individuals carrying this genotype, we need to multiply it by the total number of


H4/H4 individuals = p² x total number of individuals = 0.513 x 234 = 120

Option 6 is the correct answer.


C)  Up to here we know that 2pq = 0.41 and p² = 0.513

Now we need to calculate q ²

q = 0.284, then q² = 0.284² = 0.08

These are the expected frequencies if the population was in H-W equilibrium.

The expected number of individuals with each genotype are:

 H4/H4 = 0.513 x 234 = 120 individuals

 H4/H5 = 0.41 x 234 = 96 individuals

 H5/H5= 0.08 x 234 = 18 individuals

The observed number of individuals with each genotype are:

 H4/H4 = 125 individuals

 H4/H5 = 85 individuals

 H5/H5=24 individuals

X² = ∑ (Observed - Expected)²/Expected)

X² = ((125-120)²/120) + ((85 - 96)²/96) + ((24-18)²/18)

X² = 0.21 + 1.26 + 2 =

X² = 3.47

The clossest option is option 7 = 3.84. The difference might be related to decimals and rounding.


D)  The correct answer is  1 ⇒ The whole class represents a population that is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

The null hypothesis always predict that populations are in H-W equilibrium.



 X² = 3.47

 Freedom degrees = n - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2

 Table p value: 7.82

 Significance level, 5% = 0.05

 Table value/Critical value = 5.991

5.991 > 0.347

Meaning that the difference between the observed individuals and the expected individuals is statistically  significant. Not probably to have differe by random chances. There is enough evidence to reject the null


Option 1 is correct. Comparing the value of Chi-square that I calculated with the critical value of Chi-square for  the appropriate degrees of freedom I conclude that P>0.05. Hence, I reject the null hypothesis.

Related Link: https://brainly.com/question/419732?referrer=searchResults

Our body needs both vitamin and mineral in a small quantity ,still they are important why?​



Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients—because acting in concert, they perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help shore up bones, heal wounds, and bolster your immune system. They also convert food into energy, and repair cellular damage.

functions of insulin


Insulin is a hormone that controls blood glucose (sugar) levels by signaling the liver and muscle and fat cells to take in glucose from the blood. Insulin therefore helps cells to take in glucose to be used for energy. If the body has sufficient energy, insulin signals the liver to take up glucose and store it as glycogen.


Insulin helps control blood glucose levels by signaling the liver and muscle and fat cells to take in glucose from the blood. Insulin therefore helps cells to take in glucose to be used for energy. If the body has sufficient energy, insulin signals the liver to take up glucose and store it as glycogen.


The most basic organization level of life is a ____________. A. membrane B. tissue C. cell D. organ


[tex]Hello[/tex] [tex]There![/tex]

The answer is...

C. Cell.

Hopefully, this helps you!!


Organisrns that transfer diseases to hurnans are
O hosts
O pathogens
O parasites
O vectors


Parasites is correct

You are studying an enzyme that is inactivated by phosphorylation and create a mutant in which the threonine that is normally phosphorylated is replaced with glutamate. Predict the impact of this change on the activity of this enzyme. Group of answer choices



always active  


Phosphorylation is a posttranslational modification that consists of the addition of phosphate groups to specific amino acids on the protein. Phosphorylation acts as a molecular switch for proteins that are phosphorylated (i.e., in some situations phosphorylation acts to activate protein function, whereas in other situations phosphorylation can inactivate protein function). Phosphorylation modifies the three-dimensional structure of the protein, thereby affecting, for example, the accessibility of the active site of a phosphorylated enzyme to its substrate. Phosphorylation can occur only at the side chains of three amino acids: Serine, Threonine and Tyrosine. In this case, the enzyme is inactivated by phosphorylation on the Threonine residue, so it is expected that the mutant enzyme cannot be phosphorylated, remaining in an active state.

how much water was retained by soil C​



we dont know sorry but i dont know

what is haemopoiesis??​


Haemopoiesis is from greek meaning “ to make. new blood” •


It refers to the formation of blood cellular. components.

a special effects artist mixes two different liquids in a bowl. both liquids are white. when she heats the bowl, a new compound forms. will the new compound be a white liquid?



if a special effects artist mixes two different liquids in a bowl and they both are too white !

after heats those liquids

its forms curd like substance

its either will be white, its can increase its colour as darkish white or lightly yellowishblack

when she heats the bowl, a new compound forms and it will be white before heating and after heating it may be white or other dark color.

What are the properties of a compound ?

A compound composed up of two or more elements which are chemically combined with a fixed proportion by their mass.

For example, Water, Sodium Chloride,  Ammonium Chloride etc.

They have fixed melting and  boiling points.

Formation of compound is a change in chemical reaction and the components of compound are mixed in a fixed proportion.

Two major types of compounds are covalent and ionic compounds.

Covalent compounds refers to formation of covalent bond among two nonmetals, like water or methane. These molecules are neutral and weak.

When metal react with non metal it form Ionic compounds, are held together by opposite charges, so the bond is stronger than covalent compound.

Learn more about compound, here:



Please help me with these questions
I will mark the Brillianest​



[tex] \pink{\qquad \boxed{\boxed{\begin{array}{cc} \maltese \: \: \: \bf \: see \: the \: picture \: \: \end{array}}}}[/tex]

What is a community?
1 all the animals that live in a habitat
2 a single species that lives in a habitat
3 all the species that live in a habitat
4 a population that lives in a single habitat



3. All the species that live in a habitat.

A community is where all the species live in a habitat. Hence the correct option is 1.

A community is an ecological term that encompasses all the different species of organisms that coexist and interact within a specific habitat or geographic area. It includes plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms that share the same environment and form intricate ecological relationships with each other.

These relationships can be competitive, predatory, symbiotic, or other forms of interactions that influence the dynamics and structure of the community. Understanding the composition and interactions within a community is vital in studying the biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and overall health of a given habitat.

Hence the correct option is 1.

To know more about community here



Amoeba sisters video recap Biomagnification


I suggest you watch the Amoeba Sisters video again, 1-2x and take notes.

Biomagnification is when toxins / heavy metal are present in small amounts in fish, but accumulate as you move into higher trophic levels. This is one reason why it can be toxic for humans to eat tertiary or quaternary consumers, such as swordfish, shark, etc.

Biomagnification refers to the presence of higher concentration of chemical toxins as a result of the accumulation of toxins in organisms.

What is biomagnigication?

Biomagnification is best explained as a condition in which the chemical concentration of a toxin is amplified in an organism compared to the environment in which the organism is found.

Biomagnification usually is observed as one goes higher in the trophic levels of organisms.

For example, chemical pollutant found in water may be present at tolerable levels. However, in organisms, living in the water, the concentration of the pollutant is higher as these organisms accumulate these toxins in their tissues.

Therefore, biomagnification refers to the accumulation of toxins in organisms higher than found in their environment.

Learn more about biomagnification at: https://brainly.com/question/1900067

Some of the largest mountains in the world, including the Himalayas, occur where

Select one:

two oceanic plates diverge.

two continental plates converge.

an oceanic and a continental plate diverge.

an oceanic and a continental plate converge.



b. two continental plates converse

In a certain breed of dog, the alleles B and b determine black and brown coats respectively. However, the allele Q of a gene on a separate chromosome is epistatic to the B and b color alleles resulting in a gray coat (q has no effect on color). If animals of genotype B/b ; Q/q are intercrossed, what phenotypic ratio is expected in the progeny



12 gray , 3 black, 1 brown


If Q allele of a gene on a separate chromosomes is epistatic to the B (black) and b (brown) color alleles, in cross between two animals with genotypes BbQq produces 12 gray coat color, 3 black coat color and 1 brown coat color animals.

                                        BbQq      x      BbQq

                                   Gray coat        Gray coat

                   BQ                  Bq                 bQ                 bq

   BQ    BBQQ(gray)  BBQq(gray)   BbQQ(gray)   BbQq(gray)

   Bq     BBQq(gray)   BBqq(Black)  BbQq(gray)   Bbqq(Black)

   bQ     BbQQ(gray)  BbQq(gray)   bbQQ(gray)   bbQq(gray)

   bq     BbQq(Gray)   Bbqq(Black)  bbQq(gray)    bbqq(brown)

So the phenotypic ratio is  Gray : Black : Brown

                                        =      12  :      3   :      1

Eutrophication occurs when excess nutrients are supplied to a region, leading to an algae bloom and ultimately ______
A. Coral bleaching
B. Ocean deoxygenation
C. Ocean acidification
D. Overfishing



The correct answer is - B. Ocean deoxygenation.


Eutrophication is the process in which a water body gets excessively rich in nutrients that leads to the algal growth or plankton growth in this region and covers the complete surface or most of the water body.

Due to this algal and plankton growth, there is a significant decrease in the concentration of the dissolved oxygen in water bodies that result in the incapability of supporting the lives found in it. The primary and main reason for this deoxygenation is eutrophication. Ocean deoxygenation is the reduction of the oxygen concentration of the oceans.

What would be most likely to happen if some of the proteins Ik one of the photo systems were to change shape due to a drop in cell pH?
A. A decrease in the formation of NADPH
B. An increase in the formation of NADP+
C. A decrease in chlorophyll production
D. An increase in sugar production



Option A


If some proteins in one of the photosystems undergo change in their shape due to a drop in pH of cell, they will not perform their activity. Due to this, there will be a decrease in the formation of NADPH ( that is less reduction of NADP due to blockage in the transport of electron).

DNA is referred to as a______, meaning that it has
strands that are______together.






DNA is the chemical name for molecule. The strands wind together and form a double helix.

The answers should be
1. Molecule

2. Wound

Name one geographic region that has few or no fossil primates and explain why.





Fossils are preserved remains (or mouldings) of ancient living things which are preserved in sedimentary rocks. Primate fossils are generally found along with other fossils, usually in ancient soils that contain information on the conditions under which they were formed. Primate fossils are generally found in tropical and subtropical regions (which represent the natural habitat in which these species live). Primates never lived in Australia, and therefore no fossil primates from this geographic area have been found.

why do sun spots appear darker than their surroundings



they are comer than their surroundings.

Sunspots are cooler because their magnetic fields inhibit the replenishing of heat from convective flows (due to the interaction between plasma and magnetic fields). This allows them to cool radiatively. The rest of the solar surface is constantly being replenished by convective cells that reheat it.


because they are significantly cooler than the rest of the Sun's surface Despite their gloomy appearance, they are nonetheless extremely hot. A sunspot would shine brightly if it were alone in space.


Match the terms in column B to the descriptions in column A.

Column A:

1. Connects the larynx to the main bronchi
2. Includes terminal and respiratory as subtypes
3. Food passageway posterior to the trachea
4. Covers the glottis during swallowing of food
5. Contains the vocal cords
6. Indentation on the lung where the lung root structures enter and exit
7. Pleural layer lining the walls of the thorax
8. Site from which oxygen enters the pulmonary blood
9. Connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx
10. Pleural layer in contact with the surface of the lung
11. Increases air turbulence in the nasal cavity
12. Separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity

Column B:
a. alveolus
b. bronchiole
c. conchae
d. epiglottis
e. esophagus
f. hilum
g. larynx
h. palate
i. pharyngotympanic tube
j. parietal pleura
k. trachea
l. visceral pleura



1. Connects the larynx to the main bronchi k. trachea

2. Includes terminal and respiratory as subtypes b. bronchiole

3. Food passageway posterior to the trachea. e. esophagus

4. Covers the glottis during swallowing of food d. epiglottis

5. Contains the vocal cords g. larynx

6. Indentation on the lung where the lung root structures enter and exit f. hilum

7. Pleural layer lining the walls of the thorax j. parietal pleura

8. Site from which oxygen enters the pulmonary blood a. alveolus

9. Connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx. i. pharyngotympanic tube

10. Pleural layer in contact with the surface of the lung l. visceral pleura

11. Increases air turbulence in the nasal cavity c. conchae

12. Separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity h. palate


1. The trachea is between the main bronchi and the larynx. It has semicircular rings of cartilage. The function of this organ is to conduct the air from the larynx to the primary/main bronchi.

2. After the primary (main), secondary, and tertiary bronchi, the terminal and the respiratory bronchioles come. They also conduct the air towards the alveoli so that the oxygen can enter the blood. The diameter of the bronchi terminal is smaller than the bronchi, and the diameter of the respiratory bronchi is smaller than the previous ones.

3 and 4. The esophagus is not part of the respiratory system. It is a tube that belongs to the digestive system since food has to pass through it to go to the stomach. The esophagus is posterior to the trachea, and the epiglottis closes the entrance to the larynx when we swallow to stop food from going to the lungs.

5. The vocal folds are in the larynx. This one is between the trachea and the pharynx. There are two types of vocal folds, the true and the false vocal folds. Both of them vibrate when air passes through them, allowing us to speak and make different tones.

6. The hilum is the lungs section where the bronchus, the pulmonary artery, and the pulmonary vein enter the lung. It is an indention that is in the middle part of the lungs.

7 and 10. The pleura has two sides, the parietal one and the visceral one. The first one is in contact with the lungs and the second one with the thorax's walls. Between them, there is a space called the pleural cavity. The cavity has fluid that allows the movement of the two pleurae. As a result, the lungs can move and fill with air.

8. After the respiratory bronchioles, we have the alveolar duct. The alveolar ducts lead to alveolar sacs. The alveolar sacs has the alveolus. They are thin walls that are in contact with capillaries. When the air is there, the oxygen passes through the thin walls. Then it goes through the capillaries' walls and into the blood.

9. The pharyngotympanic tube is also known as the Eustachian tube. It connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx. Its function is to regulate the pressure in the ear.

11. The conchae are in the nasal cavity. They are three projections in the nasal cavity, the inferior one, the middle one, and the superior. Their function is to increase the surface of the nasal cavity so that more air can enter with every inspiration. As they are projections, they modify the laminar airflow producing a turbulent flow.

12. The palate is between the nasal cavity and the oral cavity. It has two parts, the soft palate, and the hard palate. The palate helps in the production of certain sounds and divides the nasal cavity from the mouth.

How do bacteria develop resistance to drugs


Answer: Bacteria gain resistance to drugs because of mutations (permanent and random changes to their DNA) which means they have changed DNA coding, giving them the ability to resist the drug fighting them off. As a result, they survive and reproduce. Over time, more and more bacteria are generated as the DNA code for resistance is passed on over generations. This results in bacteria having the ability to resist drugs. This is particularly prevalent with antibiotics.

Bacteria develop drug resistance through genetic mutations, acquisition of resistance genes, production of inactivating enzymes, efflux pumps, and biofilm formation.

Bacteria can develop resistance to drugs through several mechanisms. One common way is through genetic mutations or acquisition of resistance genes. Mutations can occur in the bacterial DNA, leading to changes in the target site of the drug, rendering it ineffective. Resistance genes can be transferred between bacteria through horizontal gene transfer, allowing the recipient bacteria to acquire resistance traits.

Another mechanism is the production of enzymes that can inactivate the drug. Bacteria can produce enzymes, such as beta-lactamases, that break down antibiotics like penicillin, preventing them from functioning properly. Bacteria can develop efflux pumps that actively pump out drugs from their cells, reducing their concentration and effectiveness. This mechanism helps bacteria evade the lethal effects of antibiotics. Biofilm formation provides a protective environment for bacteria, making them less susceptible to drugs and immune system attacks.

To learn more about Bacteria follow the link:



The correct question is:

How do bacteria develop resistance to drugs?

* Explain about monohybrid and diyhybrib cross with the help of punnet square​


In a monohybrid cross, such as the one in Figure below, the Punnett square shows every possible combination when combining one maternal (mother) allele with one paternal (father) allele. In this example, both organisms are heterozygous for flower color Bb (purple). Both plants produce gametes that contain both the B and b alleles. The probability of any single offspring showing the dominant trait is 3:1, or 75%. To develop a Punnett square, possible combinations of alleles in a gamete are placed on the top and left side of a square. For a monohybrid cross (Table below), individual alleles are used, whereas for a dihybrid cross (Table below), pairs of alleles are used. A Punnett square for a monohybrid cross is divided into four squares, whereas a Punnett square for a dihybrid cross is divided into 16 squares. How many boxes would a Punnett square need if three traits were examined? The squares are filled in with the possible combinations of alleles formed when gametes combine, such as in a zygote.

Which organelle is labeled A?


Is their a diagram or picture?

For each of the genotypes (AA,Aa or aa) below determine what the phenotype would be. Purple flowers are dominant to white flowers.

PP_____ Pp_____ pp_____



PP and Pp are purple flowers. pp is white flowers.


Capital P is the dominant gene, while lowercase p is the recessive gene.

explain how the various specialiesed cells are modified to Cary out to their function 20mark​


Sperm cell; has acrosome containing lytic enzymes; that digest the egg membranes for penetration during fertilization; has a long tail; containing numerous mitochondria; to generate maximum energy for propulsion/swimming in the vaginal fluid after ejaculation; Red blood cells; are flattened, circular/spherical biconcave in shape; to increase the surface area for packaging of haemoglobin; has haemoglobin; that combines with respiratory gases; for transport to and from body tissues; White blood cells; are amoeboid in shape hence able to change shape; to engulf pathogens through phagocytosis; lymphocytes produce antibodies to fight pathogens; Nerve cell; has extensions/dentrites; to receive and send information for sensation; Ciliated epithelial cells; have cilia for propulsion of mucus that traps dust and micro-organisms in the respiratory tract; Muscle cells; elongated, striated and contractile; to bring about movement; Plant cells: Guard cells; bean-shaped; to regulate the size of the stomata allowing gaseous exchange; and control water loss; has chloroplasts with chlorophyll; for photosynthesis; Root hair cell; elongated; thin-walled; with dense cytoplasm for absorption of water and mineral salts; Epidermal cell; thin; for protection of inner tissues from mechanical and micro-organism attack; Palisade cell; contains numerous chloroplasts with chlorophyll; for photosynthesis; elongated; to increase surface area for trapping maximum amounts of light energy; Meristematic cell; thinwalled; with dense cytoplasm; for primary and secondary growth

Read the information below then answer the questions which follow:
To grow, plants require water. They cannot get this water unless it is available in the soil. Plants
obtain water from the soil through their roots. It then passes up the stem and to the leaves and
flowers. The plant does not take all the water available in the soil. Much of the remaining water
evaporates into the surrounding air.
In an experiment, a stem which contained several flowers were placed in a beaker of water
containing red ink.
(1 mark)
What is the purpose of the experiment?​



I believe the experiment was too see if the flowers that would grow from the stem would turn out to be red in color. (Which is the reason they put red ink.)

(hope this helped :P)

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Should we, as Americans, be concerned with the economies and standard of living of other countries? 18. The maintenance department ordered $3,450 worth of supplies from a valve and fitting supplier. Thesupplier will allow a 15% discount because of the large order. How much will the maintenance departmenthave to pay for the supplies?A. $2,932.50B. $3,398.25C. $3,406.45D. $2,954.50 5. Rectangle ABCD is graphed in the coordinate plane. The following are vertices of the rectangle: A(-1,-6), B(-1,-7), C(1,7), and D(1,-6). Given these coordinates, what is the length of side AB in this triangle? On the lines below, provide the length of the side as well as your reasoning for how you arrived at your answer. You're trying to save to buy a new $207,000 Ferrari. You have $57,000 today that can be invested at your bank. The bank pays 6.5 percent annual interest on its accounts. How long will it be before you have enough to buy the car? At the end of the previous year, a customer owed Days Company $400. On February 1 of the current year, the customer paid $600 total, which included the $400 owed plus $200 owed through February 1st. The journal entry on February 1 is? (Check all that apply.) What volume of each solution contains 0.14 mol of KCl? Express your answer using two significant figures.1.8 M KCl Find the surface area of therectangular prism.2 cm6 cm3 cm[?] sq cmEnter Dentro de los distintos motivos que se pueden considerar como causas de la muerte masiva de la poblacin indgena del Nuevo Mundo, segn denominacin europea, se puede afirmar que el principal de todos es:1-La poblacin del Nuevo Mundo se redujo drsticamente por motivos del genocidio y los malos tratos, ya que se calcula que el 95 por ciento de los pobladores indgenas de Amrica perecieron en los primeros cien aos de la llegada de Cristbal Coln, reducindose de unos cien millones a slo tres, por obra de las matanzas, primero, y, luego, de los malos tratos, como las inhumanas condiciones de trabajo impuestas por los nuevos amos2-Segn la Leyenda Negra, difundida en primer lugar por los ingleses y los franceses celosos del podero espaol, pero iniciada por la indignacin cristiana de un sacerdote dominico que tena por nombre Bartolom de Las Casas, el cual llev a cabo todo un plan de exterminio contra la poblacin indgena con su poltica llamada Leyenda Negra.3-Debido a mortferas epidemias de enfermedades nuevas y desconocidas, venidas del Viejo Mundo Europa-, entre el choque de pueblos que llevaban separados trescientos siglos (desde la Edad de Piedra), como la viruela y la sfilis, el sarampin, el tifo, o ante el simple catarro trado de ultramar. X( = [?]DKx AK140BHCAngles are not drawn to scale en chile. una caracterstica de la situacin poltica una vez terminado el gobierno de OHiggins en 1823? what gender of offspring are most often affected by sextinked inheritance?-What gender-are-usmally-carriers-of the trait?-males, males -males, females -females, females -females, males O O Imagine that you wanted to write a program that asks the user to enter in 5 grade values. The user may or may not enter valid grades, and you want to ensure that you obtain 5 valid values from the user. Which nested loop structure would you use?A. A "for" loop inside of a "while" loopB. A "while" loop inside of a "for" loopC. None of the aboveD. Either a or b would work What two dynasties were able to unite india Noah Webster's A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language, written in 1806, is significant for which two reasons?It listed American words omitted from British dictionaries.It distinguished between American and British definitions whenever necessary.It showed the complete etymology of each word.It was continuously updated. PLS HELP ME ON THIS QUESTION I WILL MARK YOU AS BRAINLIEST!! What type of factors would have thegreatest influence on a denselypopulated area?A. droughtB. density-dependent factorsC. density-independent factors ? 1) 1. What is the central idea of the article?A People have a large influence over others when they are in a group.B One can avoid a group's influence by staying aware of who they are.C People lose a sense of who they are as individuals when they are in a group.D One can look to group behavior for the cause of some of the worst atrocities in history. Simplify Square root (150n^2) Imagine you found S. aureus to be resistant to Penicillin by Kirby Bauer analysis, but susceptible to Penicillin treatment in liquid culture (in other words, a MIC was determined). Which of the following are possible explanations for this inconsistency?a. The concentration of Penicillin was higher in the Penicillin antibiotic disk than that used in liquid culture treatment. b. The Penicillin disks used for Kirby Bauer analysis were expired/no longer active. c. The concentration of bacteria was lower on the Mueller Hinton plate for Kirby Bauer analysis than that used in liquid culture treatment