Exercise b) 1) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word: a) The pressure exerted by the air in atmosphere is called b) Pressure is the applied per unit area, c) The pressure ........as the depth of liquid increases. d) The SI unit of density is Az object fisats on water if the ...of the object is leva​


Answer 1


atmospheric pressure



d) ....

Related Questions




14°F = 263.15 K

31°F = 272.594 K

71°F = 294.817 K

35°F = 274.817 K


Use the formula 273.15 + ((°F–32)•5)/9

The sky is blue because: Select one: a. the index of refraction for air is slightly larger for blue than for red b. atomic hydrogen is blue c. air molecules tend to polarize light along a horizontal axis d. oxygen and nitrogen molecules are small compared to the wavelengths of visible light e. oxygen molecules have a lower energy ground state than nitrogen molecules



a. the index of refraction for air is slightly larger for blue than for red

A car has a mass of 2000 kg. While it is traveling along a perfectly flat road, it goes around an unbanked turn that has a radius of 40.0 m. The coefficient of static friction between the car tires and the road is 0.500. The car travels successfully around the turn at a constant speed of 10.0 m/s. Calculate the magnitude of the car's acceleration as it goes around the turn. _______ m/s^2



2.5 m/s²


The given parameters are;

The mass of the car, m = 2,000 kg

The radius of the car, r = 40.0 m

The coefficient of friction between the car tires and the road, μ = 0.500

The constant speed with which the car moves, v = 10.0 m/s

The normal reaction of the road on the car, N = The weight of the car;

∴ N = m × g


g = The acceleration due to gravity ≈ 9.81 m/s²

N ≈ 2,000 kg × 9.81 m/s² = 19,620 N

The frictional force, [tex]F_f[/tex] = μ × N

The centripetal force, [tex]F_c[/tex] = m·v²/r

The car moves without slipping when [tex]F_f[/tex] = [tex]F_c[/tex]

Therefore, [tex]F_f[/tex] = 0.500 × 19,620 N = 2,000 kg × [tex]v_{max}[/tex]²/40.0 m

∴ [tex]v_{max}[/tex] = √(0.500 × 19,620 N × 40.0 m/2,000 kg) ≈ 14.007 m/s

Therefore, the velocity with which the car moves, v < [tex]v_{max}[/tex]

The cars centripetal acceleration, [tex]a_c[/tex] = v²/r

∴ [tex]a_c[/tex] = (10.0 m/s)²/40.0 m = 2.5 m/s²

The cars centripetal acceleration as it goes round the turn, [tex]a_c[/tex] = 2.5 m/s².

can someone please help me with a and b? what do they mean by amplitude?​



first answer is that the to and fro movement of a pendulum is known as amplitude

Calculate the upthrust on a object immersed in water if the object displace water of mass 2 kg.(g=9.8m/s²) ​


Thrust is force

Mass=2kgAcceleration due to gravity=g=9.8m/s^2

Using Newtons Second law

[tex]\boxed{\sf Force=Mass\times Acceleration}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \qquad\quad\sf{:}\dashrightarrow Thrust=2(9.8)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \qquad\quad\sf{:}\dashrightarrow Thrust=19.6N[/tex]

We have that the the upthrust on a object immersed in water is


From the Question we are told that

mass= 2kg

Gravity g=9.8m/s^2

Generally the equation for the upthrust  is mathematically given as





For more information on this visit


calculate the potential energy stored in a meta ball of mass of 80 kg kept at a height of 15m from the earth surface . What will be the potential energy when the metal ball is kept on the earth surface Take (g- 9.8 m/s] ​



11760 J


cuz potential engery is PE = MHG

SO 80×15×9.8= 11760 J





mass(m)=80 kg


acceleration due to gravity(g)=9.8m/s^2


potential energy = m×g×h

= 80×9.8×15

= 11760j

For a given prism the angle of incidence is changed from 0° and 90', the angle of deviation [ ]
b) decreases
c) first decreases and then increases
d) first increases and then decreases
a) increases





please mark as brainlyest




Please help have due very soon?thank you


The answer is :78 I think

Which type of reactions usually happens slowest?



option b is correct..................

Write the dimension of a / b in the x = at + bt2. Where x is the distance and t is the time?​


The dimension of a/b where x is the distance and t is the time is T

Given the expression

x = at + bt²


x is the distance

t is the time

Based on the homogeneity principle, the expression on the left-hand side must be equal to that on the right. Hence;

x = at

[tex]a = \frac{x}{t}[/tex]

Since x is the distance and distance is measured in metres, the dimension equivalent will be the length 'L'

Since t is the time and time is measured in seconds, the dimension equivalent will be the seconds 'T'



x  = bt²


Next is to get a/b;

[tex]\frac{a}{b} = \frac{L}{T} \div \frac{L}{T^2}\\\frac{a}{b} = \frac{L}{T}*\frac{T^2}{L} \\\frac{a}{b} =\frac{T^2}{T}\\\frac{a}{b} =T[/tex]

Hence the dimension of a/b is T

Why do scientists not use US customary units when reporting their data?


One of the scientist's jobs is to report the results of his experiments to all the other scientists in the world.

There isn't a single real science shop anywhere in the world that uses the US customary system of units. Not one.

Even in the measly three countries that use it for measuring carpet, pumping gas, and weighing fish ... Myanmar, Liberia, an the USA ... the scientists do their work in the SI/MKS/metric system.

An object moving north with an initial velocity of 14 m/s accelerates 5 m/s2 for 20 seconds. What is the final velocity of the object?
39 m/s
90 m/s
114 m/s
414 m/s



option C


Final velocity of the object is 114 m / s. Hence, final velocity of the object is 114 m / s.

Here is the answer ! Hope it helps.

A particular electric car is supplied with 300 kJ of chemical energy by the battery. Of this, a total of 70.5 kJ of energy is wasted as heat.
Calculate the overall efficiency of the electric car.


Supplied energy=300kJ

Wasted energy=70.5J

Used energy:-

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 300-70.5=229.5kJ[/tex]

We know

[tex]\boxed{\sf Efficiency=\dfrac{Used\:Energy}{Supplied\:Energy}\times 100}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Efficiency=\dfrac{229.5}{300}\times 100[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Efficiency=\dfrac{229.5}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Efficiency=76.5\%[/tex]

The overall efficiency of the electric car = 76.5 %

To find the efficiency the given values are:

Energy supplied = 300 kJ

Energy wasted = 70.5 kJ

Define efficiency and calculate the value of efficiency.

      In the system the output energy is compared to the input energy is known as efficiency. That can be written as percentage ratio of output energy to the input energy.

Formula of efficiency is,

             Efficiency = ( E out / E in ) × 100

Here, Energy supplied = 300 kJ

so, energy used = Energy supplied - Energy wasted

                           = 300 - 70.5

                           =  229.5 kJ

Thus, substituting E out = 300 kJ , E in = 229.5 kJ

            Efficiency = ( 229.5 / 300 ) ×100

                             = 229.5 / 3

                             = 76.5

Hence, The overall efficiency of the electric car is 76.5 %

Learn more about efficiency,



A ferrari has a mass of 1485kg.what is it's weight on Earth ​


F = m · g

m = 1485 kg

g = 10 N/kg

F = 1485 kg · 10 N/kg = 14 850 N = 14,85 kN

Answer: The weight on Earth is 14,85 kN.

cho 11,2 lit hỗn hợp gồm metan và etilen tác dụng với dung dịch brom. sau phản ứng xảy ra toàn thấy có chất khí thoát ra và 40 gam brom tham gia phản ứng .
a) viết phương trình phản ứng xảy ra
b) tính thành phần phần trăm thể tích mỗi chất trong hỗn hợp
c) đốt cháy toàn bộ thể tích khí thoát ra sau đó cho chất khí thu được tác dụng với 100ml dung dịch Ca(OH)2 1,25 M. tính khối lượng chất thu được sau phản ứng . biết metan ko tác dụng với brom , các chất khí đo ở điều kiện tiêu chuẩn


Yes he was the strongest hahaha

A cricketer throws a ball sideways with an initial velocity of 30 m/s. She releases the ball from a height of 1.3m. Calculate how far the ball travels before hitting the ground.






Why do scientists not use US customary units when reporting their data?


from britaññica it said time and money. They didn’t have either to switch over from the industrial period and never did. Also from my own person reasoning i think most of the world uses not US customary, so to make stuff more accessible. hope this helps!

A sound frequency 100Hz and wavelength 3.34m is travelling through air, calculate the Velocity of sound in air.





If you take the data you gave and insert it into the equation f=v/λ the frequency would come out to be 3.34m

334 m/s is  the Velocity of sound in air.

What is the velocity of a wave?

Wave velocity in common usage refers to speed, although, properly, velocity implies both speed and direction.

The velocity of a wave is equal to the product of its wavelength and frequency (number of vibrations per second) and is independent of its intensity.

Mathematically , v=fλ

According to the question,

Sound frequency (f)  = 100Hz

Wavelength (λ)= 3.34m

Computing the values in the formula,


v = 100Hz x 3.34m

v= 334m/s


Velocity of sound in air is 334 m/s.

Learn more about  velocity of a wave here:



when you throw a ball
and it
bounces back to your hand,
is it elastic collision ? Explain.



The ground hits the ball with same force with which the balls hit the ground. That's why ball bounces back.

Gravity stops it from bouncing forever.

Hope this helps..

what is momentum
what is momentum in words​



It's a strength or force


the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity


momentum is a quality define as the product of the mass and velocity of an object.

numerical filing method is more scientific why give me 4 reason ​



Numerical Methods are mathematical way to solve certain problems.Whether the equations are linear or nonlinear, efficient and robust numerical methods are required to solve the system of algebraic equations.

Analytical solutions are exact solutions based on mathematical principles.

However, the governing partial differential equations of fluid flow are complex and cannot be solved by analytical means. The partial differential equations are therefore converted into a system of algebraic equations that are subsequently solved through numerical methods to provide approximate solutions to the governing equations.

Although we rarely reach on exact answer , we can get really close to the exact answer much quicker than solve analytically.


oh my god


how long answer is this

Help me frfr I don’t understand


The points are



[tex]\boxed{\sf slope(m)=\dfrac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m=\dfrac{0-10}{6-1}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m=\dfrac{-10}{5}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m=-2[/tex]

Write down the role played by four digestive juices in digestion and the
organs which secrete them.



Digestive juices secreted by various organs such as salivary glands in the mouth, stomach, liver and pancreas help in the process of digestion of food. Saliva secreted by the salivary glands in the mouth aids in the breakdown of starch present in the food to simple sugar


State any ten reasons why students in Uganda need to study physics?use examples of the possible technological advancements which can be made using the knowledge of physics



1.it also hleps us to became doctors becuase without physics you can't be a doctor

2.physics needs to be steady whether you like it or not it helps you in life so everybody must study physics no matter is in Uganda USA and plenty more countries there must be physics to dare to be studied

A train 90m long stops in a train station with its front buffers in line with a lamp post on the platform. Later it starts off with an average acceleration of 0.45m/s. What will be its speed in kilometers per hour when the tail buffers pass the lamp post P?​



The speed of the train when the tail buffers pass the lamp post is 9 m/s


The given parameters are;

The length of the train = 90 m

The initial velocity of the train, u = 0

The average acceleration of the train, a = 0.45 m/s²

When the tail buffer pass the lamp post, P, we have;

The distance travelled, s = The length of the train = 90 m

The kinematic equation of motion is given as follows;

v² = u² + 2·a·s


v = The speed of the train when the tail buffers pass the lamp post

∴ v² = 0² + 2 × 0.45 m/s² × 90 m = 81 m²/s²


v = √(81 m²/s²) = 9 m/s

The speed of the train when the tail buffers pass the lamp post, v = 9 m/s.

help with this physics question please :)



is that rm in you profile pic

Tính công của dòng điện



CG gh sure er go b vh pxuh FPI OO c AM h kh

Las carreras de velocidad pura en el atletismo son:
A. Un ladrón perseguido por la policia
B.100 y 200 mts planos
C. salir corriendo cuando la mama lo va a castigar


La respuesta es la letra b

Two rams run toward each other. One ram has a mass of 44 kg and runs south with a speed of 6 m/s, while the other has a mass of 50 kg and runs north with a speed of 3 m/s. What will the momentum of the system made up of the two rams be after they collide? Assume the total momentum of the system is conserved.
A. 114 kg-m/s south
B. 414 kg-m/s south
C. 414 kg m/s north
D. 114 kg-m/s north


Answer = D. 114 kg-m/s north

20. A semiconductor is a
crystalline solid that conducts current under any condition
metallic solid that conducts current under any condition
metallic solid that conducts current under certain conditions
crystalline solid that conducts current under certain conditions



D. crystalline solid that conducts current under certain conditions


Semiconductors are crystalline solids that has the ability to conduct electrical currents but on certain conditions e.g heat. The conduction of semiconductors is less than that of conductors (metals) but more than insulators (nonmetals), hence, they are said to be intermediates of conductors and insulators in terms of electrical conductivity.

Examples of semiconductors are silicon, boron, carbon, germanium, arsenic etc.

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