Exercises nswer the following questions in very short.
How are developing countries different from least developed one.Write in a sentence.


Answer 1
Developing countries are actively evolving while least developed are stationary.

Related Questions

we can be socialized by the mean of socialization justify​



Socialization is the lifelong process through which people learn the values and norms of a given society.


socialization is the process of internalizing the norms and ideologies of society. Socialization encompasses both learning and teaching and is thus "the means by which social and cultural continuity are attained".

The results from research have been known to produce harms to members of the sampled population who do not actually participate in the research study. An example of the type of research that could result in group harms by stigmatizing members of the group (even for individuals who do not participate in the research) is: A study of the types and prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in small rural towns in a midwestern state. A study of sleeping patterns and productivity in college students. A study of the efficacy of a new glucose monitoring dev



A). A study of the types and prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in small rural towns in a midwestern state.


The first option most adequately exemplifies the research type that will lead to harm among the group through condemnation of the group members. 'A research of the kinds of STIs(sexually transmitted infections) and their frequency among the people in rural towns.' Since this is a sensitive topic for the rural people and they would not accept it if they have any such disease instead they would blame the other people of the community leading to mistreatment of one another among the group members themselves. Thus, option A is the correct answer.

make a list of the areas of work of gehendra shumsher



Gehendra Shumsher (Nepali: गेहेन्द्र शमशेर, 1871–1906) was a Nepali innovator, firearm designer, and general in the then Nepali Army. He was the eldest son of Bir Shumsher, the third prime minister of the Rana dynasty. He is generally regarded as the first scientist of Nepal.


Gehendra was born in Poush, 1928 BS (1871 CE).[a] He was born in the Nepal where his father was sent to serve as the Nepali representative to India. Born in a noble Rana family, he had the rare privilege to study. Apart from being privately tutored within the palace in English, he later also attended Durbar High School – the oldest modern school of Nepal. With the enrollment in Durbar High School, his interests were kindled, now that he was trying his hand at sports and music as well. However, past Durbar High School, not much is known about his academic part of life. While some references suggest he was sent to Japan along with 5 others to pursue engineering studies, his precise academic qualification remains unknown.

As a kid, Gehendra was intimately drawn to mechanics and ammunition. After the murder of Ranodip Singh Kunwar in 1942 BS, his father, Bir Shumsher, became the nation's prime minister, and opportunities popped up for him. At a tender age of 14 years, he was appointed to take care of the ammunition department in the Royal Nepal Army. This early exposure gutted in him a lifelong fascination for arms, ammunition, and the like.

when did Industrial society begin?​



Industrial societies are a product of the industrial revolution, which began in the mid-18th century with the harnessing of natural elements such as water .

Joshua is in college, and his computer broke. He can get it repaired for $75, but it will take three weeks to fix. What is the best decision that Joshua can make if he wants to spend the least amount of money? Rent a computer for three weeks and get his old computer fixed. Pay cash for a new computer. Use an installment plan to buy a new computer


Answer: the one above me is wrong it is actually A.)Rent a computer for three weeks and get his old computer fixed

Explanation: 2021

The cheapest option would be a situation where Joshua rents a computer for three weeks and get his old computer fixed.

In renting a computer for 3 weeks, Joshua will not have to pay too much because the period of time he would rent it is quite small. Added to the cost of repairing, this would be the cheapest option to Joshua.

Other options wrong because:

A new computer would be quite expensive and cost several hundred dollars Paying in installments would mean that he pays even more than paying cash so this is an expensive option as well

In conclusion, the best option would be to rent a computer and fix the old computer.

Find out more at https://brainly.com/question/14965144.

what do youean by faternity​



In simple words fraternity is called brotherhood.


hope this helps


fraternity means people sharing their common interest or profession.

How can the children enjoy their child rights​



By choosing their own thoughts, opinions and religion.


Which aspect of being a family is illustrated in each example below?


The answer to the question “what does family mean?” is both difficult to answer and highly subjective. The word has shifted its meaning considerably since it entered our language, currently contains many different senses, and in at least one of these senses may signify different things to different people. The earliest uses of family denoted “a group of persons in the service of an individual,” a sense that is now archaic. Although this early meaning may seem far afield from the way that most of us use family today, it is not surprising when we consider that the word comes from the Latin familia, which meant “household,” a designation that included both servants and relatives.


Assume that you are an engineer by profession and that you are trained to invent new technologies that can make life easier. Come up with a simple invention that can facilitate work and increase production in the common means of livelihood in your neighborhood.

Write an essay about the practicality, durability, cost of production, and materials needed to produce your invention. (minimum of 500 words)

please do help if you can for the future grade 8s too!



Packaging that changes color if the product inside is expired.

A water-filtering straw.

A pancake printer.

A mat with a built-in alarm clock.

A pendant that turns speech into text.

A toothbrush that cleans your teeth by itself.

"Smart" glasses.

A glass that turns water into wine.

State four characteristics of a Christian religious home.​


Answer: Seeb


The characteristics of a Christian religious home include:

1. A Christian religious home serves God, follow and also honours him.

2. A Christian religious home speaks the truth always. Irrespective of the situation, speaking the truth is important.

3. A Christian religious home shows unconditional love.

4. A Christian religious home is humble, friendly and forgives.

what are the spectrum of sustainable development​



Development for short period called sustainable development

1. What are the basic notions of philosophy and psychology?

2. What are the stages of development of the human personality?

3. What is the process of socialization?

4. What are the preconditions to the socialization process.

5. What are the main agents of socialization?​


Socialization is the lifelong process of inheriting and disseminating norms, customs and ideologies, providing an individual with the skills and habits necessary for participating within his or her own society.

Fill in the blanks: ______ is in the direction of or nearer to the source of the river.​



The term upriver (or upstream) refers to the direction towards the source of the river, i.e. against the direction of flow. Likewise, the term downriver (or downstream) describes the direction towards the mouth of the river, in which the current flows. The term left bank refers to the left bank in the direction of flow, right bank to the right.

Please mark me as the brainliest answer plss


Answering the Three Economic Questions
Use the drop-down menus to complete each sentence.
Land, labor, and capital also are known as factors of
Economies must answer the three economic questions because resources are
If an economy does not answer the three economic questions, resources may
consequences can result when an economy does not answer the three economic questions.


Factors Of Production is the first one for sure

The three economic questions are- What goods should be produced, how should they be produced, and who consumes the produce.

I don't know the others



production, limited, run out, negative


see pictures

To investigate the focal vocabulary of a language in a particular community, a linguistic anthropologist would most likely: Group of answer choices search for genetic evidence for the origin of syntax and grammar among the current members of that community. seek to discover words that offer sophisticated ways to describe local cultural realities. set up experiments that show how that community uses language differently than others. focus on the dialects that are present within the group based on where they live.


Answer: seek to discover words that offer sophisticated ways to describe local cultural realities.


Focal vocabulary refers to the words associated with concepts that are important in a specific culture, so an investigation that attempts to identify words that are used to describe the cultural reality of a community would be the most suitable to examine the focal vocabulary.

Genetic evidence wouldn´t be relevant in such a study, as linguistic anthropology is centered on the interaction of language and culture.

The origin of their syntax and grammar, how they are different from other communities, and the relationship between dialects and where they live wouldn´t be relevant to an investigation on focal vocabulary.

Who is the founder of making everyday a Mandela day in South Africa​



President Jacob Zuma first introduced the concept of Nelson Mandela Day in 2009

what type of human resources have been used in your school ​


I didn't the understand please read and tell

Hebbian learning happens when Select one: a. a synapse is strengthened by the synchronous activity of the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons. b. short-term memories represented in the cortex are consolidated to the hippocampus. c. short-term memories represented in the hippocampus are consolidated to the cortex. d. a synapse is weakened by the synchronous activity of the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons.



A synapse is strengthened by the synchronous activity of the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons



This is simply known as the steps or process by which long-lasting changes occur in behavioral potential of an individual or animal due to a result of experience. Memory is said to be a product of learning. Long-term learning usually at behavioral level occur due to long-term plasticity in the brain.

Hebbian learning

This form of learning often makes small changes in the connection weights between two units. That is a sender and a receiver. It is said that If both units are active, the connection grows strong. That is also Units that fire together, wire together. If one unit is active but the other is not, the connection grows weaker.

What are the role of students at home?​



The role of students at home is Reading on a regular basis. Respecting themselves and others. Attending classes on time and regularly.


Rendering help to their parents by doing the house chores

Reading what they have been taught in school

Doing their assignment

Jose enjoys biking every single day after he gets home from school. However, he lives in Florida and the summer season is approaching, which means rain almost every day at about 3 p.m., exactly when he would begin his bike rides. To modify his activity to avoid bad weather, he can


Answer: Bike at the gym on a stationary bike until the season passes


Exercising at gyms could fit in for some normal outdoor exercises. One of those that can be done either ways is cycling. Asides the sight exposure, cyclist tend to gain the same energy when they equally race at gym's. Due to the weather condition Jose can consider this option too as racing under the rain is convenient and could lead to ill health or accident.

The nation that Georgia belongs to:



United States of America


What did cyrus hope to achieve by leaving local rulers in charge after he conquered them?



Greater control, peace, less uprisings and increasing loyalty to his rule.

1. Make a list of the ancient human civilizations including the rivers where they were developed.








Option A


the sum of protons and neutrons

Please Mark As Brainliest


a. the sum of protons and neutrons


this is correct answer cause I have check the answer

5.5 Evaluate the impact of risky behaviour on your personal expectations in relation to the career you want to follow. (3​



I have other dreams I want to follow and achieve in life other than living to the expectations of others. People often become a distraction in a person's life


Kira's parents let her stay up as late as she wants. She is allowed to pick out her own clothes and decide when and what she wants to eat. Her parents act more like her friends than authority figures. What kind of parenting style is this, out of the four parenting styles we discussed





Parenting Styles

This is also a form of genetics influence. It is said that parent's behaviors and attitudes is directly linked to parent and child interactions. Parenting style tend to remain stable across situations and it is said to be biologically in all situations because interactions remain stable.

4 Types of Parenting Styles

1. Authoritarian Parenting

2. Authoritative Parenting

3. Permissive Parenting

4. Uninvolved Parenting

Characteristics of Permissive Parenting

1. Parents here are often high in warmth but low on control

2. There is no form of punishment and this makes the child to do as they pleases.

3. Parents here do accept their child's behavior and punishment is irregular.

4. Children under this parenting style are very impulsive and usually act out more etc.

This parenting style simply covers when parents do not give much discipline. They can step in sometimes, in a serious problem. They are said to be more of a friend role than a parent role. It usually increases confidence and creativity. Example is when a child gets an F as good .and the parents rather pay for better grades than punishing their child for it.

who are called Guthiyaar and thakali​



here u go


Each member of the guthi is known as a guthiyar and have responsibilities according to the current leadership formation within the group. Thakali people are an ethnolinguistic group originating from the Thak Khola region of Mustang District in the Dhaulagiri zone of Nepal

Hope this helps u

MacKenzie is studying how welfare policies affect working families. She has paid several visits to families who have agreed to participate in her study and has interviewed them. She has also asked them to fill out a questionnaire about the issues in their daily lives, such as household budget and martial harmony. With this info, she is trying to link the effects of welfare policies to these family issues. The study conducted by MacKenzie is part of _________.






This is mostly defined on a large scale perspective. It is simply viewing big outcome that is said to affect big portion of population. Such as Social structures and institutions, whole civilizations/populations. It is the looking for patterns and effects the incidence has on lives on small groups. It also deals with matters like poverty, war, health care, world economy.

It is also defined as a means or approach to sociology which capitalizes or is based on the analysis of social systems and populations on a large scale, also at the level of social structure, and at high level of theoretical abstraction.

Conflict theory.

A Marxist-based social theory stated that individuals and groups (social classes) within society have different amounts of material and non-material resources (such as the wealthy and the poor). He stated that the more powerful groups use their power in order to exploit groups with little power.

how is traditional sources of energy different from the modern source of energy​



tradtional source of energy is the form of coal, natural gas, involves the burning of fossil fuels laid down millions of years ago.while modern source of energy is the form of renewable energy, sources of energy which is form from nature such as solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy etc.

Name two countries that have similar flags to two other countries?


Chad and romenia! They look oddly the same, I would’ve said Mexico and Italy but Italy Is in Europe! But yes.. Chad and Romenia


Chad and Romania and Monaco and Indonesia


I know the flags

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