Explain how abnormal troponin levels will lead to weakness


Answer 1


High levels of troponin in the blood can indicate that a person has recently had a heart attack, which occurs when blood flow to the heart muscle is cut off, causing tissue damage.


High levels may also explain why someone experiences chest pains, also known as angina, which is a risk factor for a heart attack.

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Aneurysm is the abnormal dilation of an artery. An aneurysm can rupture and cause bleeding or remain without bursting ...

b) an aneurysm dawgg

A vial of streptomycin sulfate is to be reconstituted for IM injection in
a hospitalized patient. The vial contains 5 g of the medication. The
instructions say to add 9 mL of sterile water; this results in a
concentration of 400 mg/mL. What is the volume of the dose in mL
needed to fill a doctor's order for 500 mg daily?
1.25 mg
1.25 L
1.25 mL
1.25 mg/ml




9 mL contains 400 mg/ mL

If you want a dose of 500 mg you would need to take 1.25 mL of the dilute solution.

This problem couldn't be more deceptively worded. The only fact you can rely on is the concentration becoming 400 mg / mL

You come to the answer by figuring out how to get 500 mg.

400 mg / mL * x = 500 mg      Divide by 400 mg / mL. Watch the units.

x = 500 mg// 400 mg / mL      The mg cancel out.

x = 1.25 mL

help please quick




Human Heart beats 100,000 times a day. (1 option is the correct answer)

approximately a human heart beat about 100,000 times in a day

After many years of being a student, supporting herself through gardening and
landscape jobs, Neka received her degree and took a position as a teacher in a
small town. She is most likely to experience which of the following?
an identity transition
a gender transition
an identity negotiation
an identity interrogation
X Clear Selection
Submit Answer(s)


Neka is experiencing an identity transition.

An identity transition simply refers to a process whereby an individual disengages from a particular identity and then explores while new opportunities and eventually integrates into a different identity.

In this case, Neka has been into gardening and landscape jobs for some years but after she got her degree, she got a teaching job. This scenario explains that there's a transition regarding her identity.

In conclusion, the correct option is A "an identity transition".

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Which manual therapy technique is more efficient in shoulder mobility deficitproblems



Specific Manual Physical Therapy Techniques

Soft Tissue Mobilization. It is important to recognize the role of muscles and their attachments around the joints. ...

Which of the following would be the most cost-effective approach to achieving improvements in hygiene and sanitation in a low-income, developing country?

a. Promoting a community-based hand washing campaign

b. Building a piped water supply system

c. Building a sewer system

d. None of the above are cost-effective





because if we add piped everything will be sorted

B. Building a piped water supply system

Explanation: If we built the water system, nobody would be forced to use dirty water from rivers, lakes, etc. Everybody would be able to have access to clean water to not only wash with, but to drink, cook, and clean with as well. This would help the country with cleanliness as a whole.

Understanding Bioenergetics 1. During a 3-minute boxing round, identify which energy system is the predominant system being used to fuel the specific activity described below:
First punch within 3 seconds of starting the round--___________ A continuous flurry of jabs and fast moves lasting about 30 seconds after 1.5 minutes into
the round—______________ During the last 30 seconds of 3 minute round, while moderately moving around the ring--
__________ Sitting on the stool in the corner of the ring during the 1-minute rest between rounds--
2. For each of the energy systems you listed above, list which macronutrient(s) is being utilized.
Sitting on the stool in the corner of the ring during the 1-minute rest between rounds— ___________________________________
First punch within 3 seconds of starting the round—____________________ A continuous flurry of jabs and fast moves lasting about 30 seconds after 1.5 minutes into
the round--______________ During the last 30 seconds of 3 minute round, while moderately moving around the


The mechanism by which energy is produced for our ability to do work is known as energy systems

1. The correct option that fills the gaps for the type of predominant energy system being used are;

Phosphagen systemGlycolytic systemOxidative systemOxidative system

2. The macronutrients utilized are;

Carbohydrates, fats and proteinsPhosphocreatineGlycogen

The reason the above energy systems and macronutrients are correct are as follows:

The three energy systems used boxing are;

The phosphagen system; 10 to 30 seconds of intense activities, and replenishes in 3 to 5 minutes

The glycolytic system; Intense activity that lasts from 30 seconds to 3 minutes

The oxidative system; Low intensity activities that last for long duration

The first punch within 3 seconds of starting makes use of the

phosphagen system. The body makes use of the store of ATP to create an

explosive effect of throwing first punch

During the continuous flurry of jabs and fast moves that lasts up to 30

seconds after 1.5 minutes into the round, the body makes use of glycolytic


The oxidative system is used for the moderate activity of moving

around in the ring that last 30 seconds out of the 3 minutes round

The oxidative system is used when resting such as sitting on the stool

in the corner of the ring during the 1-minute rest between rounds

2. The micronutrients being utilized are;

Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are the micronutrients used when sitting on the stool in the corner of the ring during the 1-minute rest between rounds when the oxidative system is being usedPhosphocreatine and the store of ATP is used within 3 seconds of starting the round when the phosphagen system is being usedGlycogen is used as the macronutrient during the 30 seconds of 3 minute round while moderately moving around the ring

Learn more about energy systems here:


Assuming that a person going to community college can't afford to go to a four-year college is an example of a) a generalization. b) discrimination. O c) a stereotype. O d) tolerance.



a) generalization

A patient is given an initial dose of 200 mg of quinidine sulfate, followed later in the day by two 200-mg doses. The daily dosage is then increased by 200 mg/day until a daily dose of 3000 mg is reached. How many 200-mg quinidine sulfate tablets will be needed for this regimen?


The number of 200-mg quinidine sulfate tablets that will be needed for this regimen is 15 tablets.

Since the patient is given an initial dose of 200 mg of quinidine sulfate, followed later in the day by two 200-mg doses. And since the daily dosage is then increased by 200 mg/day until a daily dose of 3000 mg is reached.

His daily dosage is thus 3000 mg per day.

Since we have 200-mg quinidine sulfate tablets, we require the number of 200-mg quinidine sulfate tablets that would give a dose of 3000 mg.

so, number of tablets required, n = dose/dose per tablet.

The dose = 3000 mg and the dose per tablet = 200 mg

n = dose/dose per tablet.

n = 3000 mg/200 mg

n = 15 tablets

So, the number of 200-mg quinidine sulfate tablets that will be needed for this regimen is 15 tablets.

Learn more about dose here:


According to OCEAN theory, which trait is dominant in your personality?​



I think you have to read the ocean theory, and decide for yourself what trait is dominant in your personality, as it's asking you for an answer.


keywords: "your"

Food maintained at a specific temperature when sitting is known as hot or cold...





The food is thawing when you just leave it out

Food maintained at a specific temperature when sitting is known as hot or cold thawing.

What is thawing?

At the time when frozen food is thawn. So it is the best plan ahead or it should be thawn in the refrigerator at a similar kind of temperature that is likely to be 40 degrees or below.

The three ways can be like

In the refrigerator. In cold water.In microwave.

Hence, the third option is correct.

Learn more about food here: https://brainly.com/question/18790879

Create a poster in either Word or PowerPoint for nursing staff that highlights one holistic philosophy, one holistic theory, and one ethical principle in professional nursing practice. Your handout should include the following:

a. Define one holistic philosophy and provide one example of how to apply this philosophy to nursing practice.
b. Define one holistic theory and provide one example of how to apply this theory to nursing practice.
c. Define one ethical principle and provide one example of how to apply this principle to nursing practice.
d. Provide at least three graphics on the poster (for example, photos, clip art).


This is not hard. All you have to do is follow the steps it gives you! Try to be creative and have fun with it! Don't rush yourself to get it done either. You got this!!

Mrs. Margolis contacts you in August because she will become eligible for Medicare for the first time in November. She would like to meet and discuss plan choices with you. What advice should you give her?



Tell her to wait until October to discuss plan choices with you so that you can share plan benefits for the current year as well as any changes for the following year that may impact her choice


I will inform her that she will have to wait till October. This is important in order to be able to share the plan benefits with her and other changes.

Medicare is a health insurance plan for people in the United States and it was put in place in order to help the poor and help people have a healthy life.

Based on the question asked, I will inform Mrs Margolis that she will have to wait till October. This is important in order to be able to share the plan benefits with her and other changes. This will help her in making the best choice.

Read related link on:


How is specialization applied in settings such as a hospital, restaurant, and church?



um explain more plz I can help I just don't understand

How is the process of sperm creation different from the process of egg creation?


Answer: A motile spermatozoa is created during the sperm cell development process. An ovum is spherical in shape and stationary while it is forming egg cells. It is generated and has a larger size than sperm cells. There is also a distinction in the way these cells are formed, which includes hormones.

Which statement describes a focus of behavioral science and health education?
O Studying the spread of diseases and their health impacts
O Organizing health data so that it may be better understood
O Creating interventions that work to improve public health
O Managing the finances of a public health organization



creating interventions that work to improve public health.it is also the study of human health and human behaviour in respective to Environmental science.

Why do children require more wellness vistis than adults do?



Their still growing, developing, and often play and hurt themselves in a way that adults don't.



It is because children do not think too much than what adult do.

Identify the fossa between the medial and lateral condyles of the femur



he intercondylar fossa of femur ( intercondyloid fossa of femur, intercondylar notch of femur) is a deep notch between the rear surfaces of the medial and lateral epicondyle of the femur, two protrusions on the distal end of the femur (thigh bone) that joins the knee.

FMA: 43748

Latin: Fossa intercondylaris femoris

TA2: 1387

TA98: A02.5.04.028

The intercondylar fossa of femur (intercondyloid fossa of femur, intercondylar notch of femur) is a deep notch between the rear surfaces of the medial and lateral epicondyle of the femur, two protrusions on the distal end of the femur (thigh bone) that joins the knee. On the front of the femur, the condyles are but much less prominent and are separated from one another by a smooth shallow articular depression called the patellar surface because it articulates with the posterior surface of the patella (kneecap).

The intercondylar fossa of femur and/or the patellar surface may also be referred to as the patellar groove, patellar sulcus, patellofemoral groove, femoropatellar groove, femoral groove, femoral sulcus, trochlear groove of femur, trochlear sulcus of femur, trochlear surface of femur, or trochlea of femur.

On a lateral radiograph, it is evident as Blumensaat's line.


Hepatitis B vaccine should be made available to a new healthcare
worker in all the situations below except
at any time after the initial offering, if the employee at first
declines the vaccine.
B) within 10 days of beginning employment.
at no cost to the employee.
upon the employee's payment of the fee to the dentist.


D) Upon the employee’s payment of the fee to the dentist.

Who has the authority to sign an medicare Enrollment Application?



A authorized official


An authorized official is granted legal access to your medicare Enrollemet Application to make changes and updates, you will need to fill out the application (signature is really important), that is where your application is viewed and sent to an MAC (Medicare Administrative Contractor) and then your MAC will give it to someone else, and that someone else is granted access, i believe.

Your MAC is a submits the application, you will find him when you fill out your application as a guide i believe.

Answer: must be legally authorized in the state such as Power of Attorney.

Explanation: correct answer

Hugging, kissing, holding hands, and sexual relations are all examples of:
O A. Love
B. Physical affection
C. Pressure
OD. None apply


B physical affection

if we do not wash our eyes regularly, what can happen to our eyes?


if we do not wash our eyes regularly, what can happen to our eyes?

Protection against Bacteria

Whenever we walk out in the open, we are always exposed to high levels of dust and bacteria. These microorganisms can prove to be extremely harmful to eyes. Most Americans do not have a habit of cleansing their eyes. No matter how much you care for your eyes, tiny bacteria will always be resting on your eyelids and eyebrows. Cleansing eyes with cold water just before going to bed can be of great help in removing those bacteria. Eye cleansers are available on almost every cosmetic store.


Do you have dust allergies? Are you someone who gets itchy eyes after moving out in the open? If yes, then you surely need to discipline your hygiene. There are several allergy symptoms of allergies in your eyes such as mold, pollen eyes, etc. Make sure that you keep a small towelette so that you can wipe your eyes whenever you feel that are tiny signs of itching or redness. In case you have severe eye allergies then you can get LASIK eye surgery New Jersey to get rid of the issue.

Immunity against makeup

Aesthetics have become a major part of our routines. Putting on contact lenses for a genuine eye sight issue or merely to join the fashion bandwagon has become very common. The number of times that you touch your eyes is directly related to how many times you are putting so many bacteria in the sensitive place. Protection can be enhanced if you clean your brushes and makeup products regularly. Moreover, it is also imperative that you don’t use products that have been personally used by others.

Competitive eyesight

Many people across the world are suffering from the issue of having weak eyesight. For many people it is genetically an issue; however there are many others whose lifestyle results in them having weaker eyesight. Taking care of the eyes with simple steps such as not directly facing the skin, keeping yourself away from television, not using mobile phones and gadgets will all protect the eyes from this chronic issue.

Lastly, we cannot overlook the fact that our eyes play a very crucial role in our lives. Keeping eyes clean will not only protect them in the short run but will help us in the long run. Moreover, had it not been for our eyes then we would never have been able to see this beautiful world........


In the manual method of processing, the length of developing time
for a film is
A) four and one-half minutes at 68° to 70°F.
B) longer if solutions are warm.
C) two minutes at 85°F.
OD) shorter if solutions are cold.


C ). two min at 85 hope this helps!

What can exercising right after eating do to you body?



Exercising Fasted Increases Your Body's Ability to Use Fat for Fuel. Your body's primary sources of fuel are body fat and carbohydrates. Fat is stored as triglycerides in fat tissue, while carbs are stored in your muscles and liver as a molecule called glycogen. Carbs are also available in the form of blood sugar.

Possible cramping from digesting while exercising.
May fatigue faster since your body uses a decent amount of energy to digest. This combined with exercise is sure to slow you down a touch.
Other than that I don't think there are many negatives. I eat an hour before I exercise, and I exercise for about an hour and fifteen.

The secondary sources of population data​



Data obtained from existing sources such as journals, newspapers, magazines, annual research reports, etc. and not directly by a government or a research organization is called secondary population data collection


journals, newspapers, magazines, annual research reports, a research organization.

Which behavior would best describe someone who is productive at work ? a) Multitasks as much as possible b) Takes frequent breaks to answer personal calls and emails c) Sticks to routines and prioritizes work d) Waits for directives from the boss before simple tasks





contaminacion del agua


contaminated water?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is best defined as


Body fat, ratio of weight to height

Body Mass Index (BMI) is best defined as a person's weight in kilograms (or pounds) divided by the square of height in meters (or feet).

What is BMI?

The Body Mass Index is best stated as an individual's weight and height. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by body height squared and is universally stated in kg/m2 units, coming from mass in kilograms and height in meters.

Unfortunately, BMI is not the most accurate approach to determining your optimal weight. For example, a person may be short but have a lot of muscle and be classified as obese on the BMI scale. The correct BMI is 18 and 24.9. But of the BMI increases from 25, this is called obese.

Therefore, Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms (or pounds) by their height in meters squared (or feet).

To learn more about BMI, refer to the link:



31. What exercise should be performed LAST?
A. Shuttle runs
B. Power snatch
C. Overhead press
D. Front raise


I hope this helps

Answer- B

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Why do prices of a menu vary with changing times?
The prices of a menu vary with changing times because sometimes stiff competition forces other catering services to___
the prices of food ingredients.
their prices. Also, inflation ____ the prices of food ingredients

1. Stabilize, increase, lower
2. Increases, lowers, stabilizes





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