Explain the difference between mandatory and discretionary spending


Answer 1
Mandatory would be things that are needed to keep things running like schools or healthcare discretionary is like the military it’s not necessary

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The byzantine empire struggled with low moral, corrupt leadership, bad politics, and excessive spending in the military

I hope that helps!

Elaboración individual de un organizador gráfico sobre el papel que cumplen los jóvenes en la vida nacional e internacional a través de ejemplos de diversos países.


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no podemos hacer el organizador gráfico por ti, porque esa es tu tarea, con gusto te podemos ayudar con la información apropiada para que lo puedas elaborar.

El papel que cumplen los jóvenes en la vida nacional e internacional

es de ser los agentes de un cambio positivo para las sociedades de sus diferentes países, demostrando que la juventud tiene una idea muy diferente a la de los gobiernos actuales que sólo buscan el poder y ambicionan el control de la riqueza a toda costa.

Tomemos el ejemplo de lo que sucedió en la Primavera Árabe del 2011.

Durante la primavera de ese año, millones de jóvenes musulmanes en lugares como Egipto, Túnez, Argelia, Siria, o Libia, entre otros, salieron a a las calles a protestar, exigiendo profundos cambios, pidiendo cambios que permitieran un gobierno democrático, mejores oportunidades educativas y mejores condiciones de vida. El resultado de estas protestas fue algo impresionante y nunca visto.  Países como Egipto y Túnez lograron derrocar a sus gobernantes dictadores, y todo por la presión que ejerció la juventud de esos países.

The astronomer Copernicus challenged traditional beliefs by suggesting

A.Heliocentric theory

B. Geocentric theory

C. that planets and stars moved in the sky.

D. that Jupiter had moons.


The answer is C that planets and stars moved in the sky

A minority group that was important in war production in factories at home was




Its between Afican American and female population


Because it was the African American female population

So maybe choose African American population

¿Cual es la causa que detona el problema Tomochic?


What ?..............

which organization would most likely celebrate the news mentioned in the headline



It would be B.


During America’s early history, women were denied some of the basic rights enjoyed by male citizens. For example, married women couldn’t own property and had no legal claim to any money they might earn, and no female had the right to vote. Women were expected to focus on housework and motherhood, not politics. The campaign for women’s suffrage was a small but growing movement in the decades before the Civil War.


B. The National American Women Suffrage Association

How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act radicalize John Brown?



Brown and the free-state settlers were optimistic that they could bring Kansas into the union as a slavery-free state. ... A sheriff-led posse from Lecompton, the center of pro-slavery activity in Kansas , destroyed two abolitionist newspapers and the Free State Hotel. Only one man, a Border Ruffian, was killed.

Read the second half of the speech by Lyndon B. Johnson and answer the following question.

As I rode the George Washington Memorial Parkway back to the White House only yesterday afternoon, I saw nature at its purest. And I thought of the honor roll of names--a good many of you are sitting here in the front row today--that made this possible. And as I thought of you who had helped and stood up against private greed for public good, I looked at those dogwoods that had turned red, and the maple trees that were scarlet and gold. In a pattern of brown and yellow, God's finery was at its finest. And not one single foot of it was marred by a single, unsightly, man-made construction or obstruction--no advertising signs, no old, dilapidated trucks, no junkyards. Well, doctors could prescribe no better medicine for me, and that is what I said to my surgeon as we drove along.

This bill does not represent everything that we wanted. It does not represent what we need. It does not represent what the national interest requires. But it is a first step, and there will be other steps. For though we must crawl before we walk, we are going to walk.

I remember the fierce resolve of a man that I admired greatly, a great leader of a great people, Franklin D. Roosevelt. He fought a pitched battle in 1936 with private interests whose target was private gain. And I shall long remember the words that I believe he echoed at Madison Square Garden, when he declared to the Nation that the forces of selfishness had not only met their match, but these forces had met their master.

Well, I have not asked you to come here today to tell you that I have a desire to master anyone. But until the clock strikes the last hour of the time allotted to me as President by vote of all the people of this country, I will never turn away from the duty that my office demands or the vigilance that my oath of office requires.

And this administration has no desire to punish or to penalize any private industry, or any private company, or any group, or any organization of complex associations in this Nation. But we are not going to allow them to intrude their own specialized private objective on the larger public trust. Beauty belongs to all the people. And so long as I am President, what has been divinely given to nature will not be taken recklessly away by man.

This Congress is to be thanked for the bill that you have given us. I wish it could have been more, but I realize, too, that there are other views to be considered in our system of checks and balances.

The grandchildren of those of you in this country that may have mocked and ridiculed us today, someday will point with pride to the public servants who are here in this room, who cast their lot with the people.

And unless I miss my guess, history will remember on its honor roll those of you whom the camera brings into focus in this room today, who stood up and were counted when that roll was called that said we are going to preserve at least a part of what God gave us.

Thank you very much.

The first paragraph of the excerpt uses mainly _______ to persuade the audience.

categorical claims
opinions and emotional appeals
facts and logical appeal
ad hominem
appeals to ego


As I rode the George Washington Memorial Parkway back to the White House only yesterday afternoon, I saw nature at its purest. And I thought of the ...

How did Hitler’s rule in Nazi Germany exemplify totalitarian rule?

Be sure to explain the characteristics of totalitarian rule, and to what extent this type of government was seen in Nazi Germany. Use evidence from at least five documents in your essay. Support your response with relevant facts, examples, and details.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

We gladly can help to answer your question with the following useful concepts. Hope these complement your search for more evidence.

Totalitarian rulers use scare tactics, violence, and their ideology to force people to obey propaganda and dictators.

Totalitarianism is the radical form of government that forbids citizens from expressing liberty. Totalitarian leaders exert absolute control and power over people and institutions. Totalitarian governments have a strong central government that directs the life of its citizens, imposing decisions and criteria that are against the will of the people. The term totalitarian was coined by fascist Italian leader Benito Mussolini in 1920. And of course, Adolph Hitler was a totalitarian ruler.

Hitler’s rule in Nazi Germany exemplifies totalitarian rule because Hitler used fascist and totalitarian strategies to rise to power in Germany.

Adolph Hitler promoted Nazism, an extreme form of fascism

Adolph Hitler promoted racist hatred and anti-Semitism to persecute Jewish people.

Hitler wisely used propaganda to make German people believe that they were a superior race and were going to dominate other races. His right hand was Joseph Goebbels, the real "mind" behind all propagandistic actions that positioned Hitler as the kind of leader he was.

Adolph Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party that ruled Germany in times of World War II. He became the leader of Germany in 1933, after the failure of the Weimar Republic.


hope this helps


Totalitarian rulers use scare strategies, violence, and their ideology to pressure humans to obey propaganda and dictators. Totalitarianism is the novel form of presidency that forbids citizens from expressing liberty. Totalitarian leaders exert absolute manage and strength over humans and institutions. Totalitarian governments have a strong central government that directs the existence of its residents, imposing choices and criteria which can be against the need of the people.

The term totalitarian became coined by using fascist Italian chief Benito Mussolini in 1920. And of direction, Adolph Hitler changed into a totalitarian ruler. Hitler’s rule in Nazi Germany exemplifies totalitarian rule because Hitler used fascist and totalitarian strategies to rise to power in Germany.

Totalitarian regimes can be visible as the exact opposite of democracy and are characterized by repression, manage over public and personal life and use of terrorism. No freedom of speech or motion became allowed and the nazis created a state where competition became punished with violence through spreading worry and terror among the population. In the first location, Hitler created groups just like the SS which maintained the nazi rule. Together with Goebbles, the minister of propaganda, he exerted control over the news and media and manipulated the mass. Along with it, he received the support of his humans by way of the usage of propaganda which facilitated and promoted genocide. Films also performed a leading position in disseminating antisemitism and affirming the superiority of the arians.

Following the assassination of the German diplomat, a clean instance of the Nazi violence become the so called "night of damaged glass" while 7000 Jewish businnesses have been destroyed and synagogues were smashed. However, this became simplest one of the many episodes of the Nazi violence which culminated in the creation of the attention camps.

Adolph Hitler promoted Nazism, an excessive shape of fascism Adolph Hitler promoted racist hatred and anti-Semitism to persecute Jewish human beings. Hitler wisely used propaganda to make German human beings accept as true with that they were a advanced race and have been going to dominate different races. His right hand became Joseph Goebbels, the real "thoughts" at the back of all propagandistic movements that positioned Hitler as the type of leader he became. Adolph Hitler turned into the chief of the Nazi birthday celebration that ruled Germany in instances of World War II. He have become the chief of Germany in 1933, after the failure of the Weimar Republic.

One difference between work in the 18th and 19th century



18th century ::::::::::⟩ In 18th century no much development activities were held .

19th century ::::::::::⟩ In 19th century in comparison of 18th century more development activities were done .

hope it is helpful to you ☺️

The chief difference between 18th and 19th century was the transition from lack of individual rights to establishing a society where individual rights became protected. The early colonial period viewed reform as a means of rebellion. During this era individuals possessing rights was unheard of, especially women

2 reasons why there were more deaths in ww2 than ww1​



There were also much more automatic guns, nuclear weapons, chemical warfare utilization, better grenades and explosives, better fighter jets and attack planes. The main reason there were more total deaths, however, was because of the number of civilians that died throughout the war.



The Holocaust... not really part of the war though... I would say higher population and better technology.

Why were social clubs like the Prince Hall Masons important early civil rights organizations in Oklahoma? A. They gave African American residents opportunities to gather to form political agendas. B. They sought test cases to sue public institutions that segregated students. C. They raised funds to ensure that Oklahoma segregation policies remained in place. D. They rioted in major Oklahoma cities to draw attention to the injustices of Jim Crow laws.




Black social clubs gave African Americans the opportunity to gather and formulate their political agenda.

The Works progress administration created jobs building and repairing



the anser is public infrastructure.



public infrastructure

In the United States, the belief that "individual rights are not absolute but relative" is BEST illustrated by the statement that

A. only certain freedoms are listed in the Bill of Rights.
B. the exercise of one's rights should not infringe on the rights of others.
C. the Supreme Court has the power to interpret laws.
D. the Declaration of Independence guarantees unalienable rights.


D. The Declaration of Independence guarantees unalienable rights

Why was appeasement an ineffective strategy for leading with German expansion before world war ll?


German leaders would not settle for controlling only parts of the territories they wanted.

what is the war world 2 ?



its a war from 1939-1945 between (germany, italy, and japan) (france, great britain, usa, soviet union, and china)

World War II, also known as the Second World War and abbreviated as WWII or WW2, was a global conflict that took place between 1939 and 1945. The vast majority of countries in the world, including all of the great powers, formed two competing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis forces.

Which of the following is an example of what to produce?

deciding where to drill for oil

hiring new workers

regulating air pollution caused by factories

printing new textbooks



Hello There!!


I believe the answer is printing new textbooks.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


Printing new textbooks

The United Nations includes both the General Assembly and the Security Council

True or False??


Answer: i think it true if not sorry





No, appeasement was not the right choice.


Great Britain and France's policy of ignoring Hitler's numerous violations of past treaties and blatant disregard for anything but building Germany's power caused Hitler to slowly take over most of Europe. Though the countries were struggling financially at the time, they should have done more to stop this aggression, such as declaring war on Germany sooner, while there were more unoccupied countries to work against Hitler. If Great Britain and France had acted sooner, they might have saved many countries from German oppression and ended the war sooner.

Which principle is at work when a person goes to vote for their mayor?





The principle which is at work when a person goes to vote for their mayor is election.

Election is the choice by the electorate to select a leader, a representative to represent their interests in government, usually by means of ballot box voting.

Which of the following Depression era problems was most directly the result
of Americans following the philosophy of unregulated capitalism?
A. Both businesses and intellectuals made extremely risky
investments hoping to quickly earn huge profits.
B. Herbert Hoover's tariffs on imported goods provoked foreign
governments to put tariffs on American goods.
C. Widespread drought and improper farming techniques led to
massive dust storms in the Great Plains region.
D. Homeless Americans were forced to live in tent cities called
"Hoovervilles," named after President Hoover.





Both businesses and intellectuals made extremely risky

"Both businesses and intellectuals made extremely risky investments hoping to quickly earn huge profits.", this Depression era problem, was most directly the result of unregulated capitalism by Americans.

What was The Great Depression?

The Great Depression lasted from 1929 to 1939, it was a period of the worst economic downturn in the history of the industrialized world. It began after the stock market crash of October 1929, which wiped out millions of investors and sent Wall Street into a panic. The Great Depression led to unemployment as many people lost their jobs.

What was the main cause of the Great Depression?

The Stock market crash of 1929 was the main cause of The Great Depression. As stock prices rose, investing in the stock market came to be seen as an easy way to make money, and even people of ordinary means used much of their disposable income and even mortgaged their homes to buy stock. People purchased hundreds of millions of shares with loans. On October 1929, the stock prices began their inevitable decline and millions of shareholders fell into a panic and this affected the economy a lot.

Hence, option A is correct.

To learn more about The Great Depression here:



Which best describes the way historians consider letters and journals?
primary source documents that are useful in the study of history
reliable sources for the study of history only if from a named source
secondary source documents that are useful in the study of history
unreliable sources for the study of history because they are too subjectiveWhich of these describes the Apollo 11 flight plan as a historical document?


D used hshssh lalalqlqkqlqq

a student wants to know how the number of geese in a study area affects the number of part​


Answer: Quantitative and Empirical

Explanation: I did the quiz and I got those two right


1)What is a trench?

2) 2 facts about trench life for the soldiers

3) Why were letters popular in WW1?



1)narrow ditch.

2)Trenches were long, narrow ditches dug into the ground where soldiers lived. They were very muddy, uncomfortable and the toilets overflowed. These conditions caused some soldiers to develop medical problems such as trench foot.

3)During the First World War, letter writing was the main form of communication between soldiers and their loved ones, helping to ease the pain of separation. ... Receiving letters from family and friends was also vital to morale, keeping men and women connected to the homes they had left behind.

A trench is a long, narrow excavation or ditch dug into the ground, typically used as a defensive position during warfare. In World War I, trenches played a significant role in the style of warfare known as trench warfare.

Two facts about trench life for soldiers in World War I are:

Challenging Living Conditions: Trenches were often muddy, waterlogged, and infested with rats and lice. Soldiers endured harsh weather conditions, limited sanitation facilities, and inadequate shelter, leading to increased risk of diseases such as trench foot and trench fever.

Constant Danger: Life in the trenches exposed soldiers to constant danger from artillery bombardments, sniper fire, and the threat of gas attacks. Soldiers had to remain alert at all times, enduring the psychological strain of the constant presence of death and the uncertainty of when the next attack would occur.

Letters were popular in World War I for several reasons:

Communication with Loved Ones: Letters provided a vital means of communication between soldiers and their families, friends, and loved ones back home. It allowed soldiers to share their experiences, express their emotions, and receive news from home, which served as a crucial source of comfort and support.

Boosting Morale: Receiving letters from home was a morale booster for soldiers amidst the challenging and often bleak conditions of trench life. Letters provided a sense of connection to their loved ones, reminding them of their purpose and the support they had back home.

Preserving a Sense of Normalcy: In the midst of the chaos and brutality of war, letters allowed soldiers to maintain a sense of normalcy and personal identity. By writing and receiving letters, soldiers could briefly escape the harsh realities of the trenches and maintain a link to their civilian lives.

Historical Documentation: Letters from World War I serve as valuable historical documents, providing insights into the experiences, emotions, and perspectives of soldiers during the war. They offer a glimpse into the human side of conflict and provide a firsthand account of the impact of war on individuals and their relationships.

Does the United States have a mission to expand freedom and democracy?



The U.S. government generally pursues the latter bottom-up approach by funding international organizations that help strengthen the bases for gradual democratic transition (the rule of law, accountable government institutions and expanded political competition) by offering technical assistance and training to political

Which of the following was the origin of today's marathons?

the announcement of the Athenian defeat at the Battle of Marathon
the announcement of the Athenian victory at the Battle of Marathon
the announcement of the defeat of the Persians at Mount Marathon
the announcement of the victory of the Persians at Mount Marathon



ans is.... The announcement of the Athenian victory at the battle of marathon .

True or False: The Seventeen Articles Constitution was influenced by Daoist beliefs. *





jdjjshduxixuxuududiididc random

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