Explain the main privacy issues associated with use of IT in Walt Disney?


Answer 1


privacy policy describes the processing of information provided or collected on the sites and applications

Related Questions

The use of Quick Styles is a great way to save
a. money
b. grades
C. time
d. files
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


I believe the best answer choice is A money.





A person's oral communication skills can give either a positive or negative first impression.





oral communication can be awkward or good.

Write an algorithm that accepts two numbers,
divide the first number by the second and display the


Let’s write the algorithm in the form of a pseudocode!

Declare: num1, num2, quotient
Display (Enter a number)
Read num1
Display (Enter a number)
Read num2
quotient = num1/num2
Print (“Quotient”)

Write a program that includes the following while loops.
Input radius (double) values and prints the diameter, circumference, and area of a circle. The loop will stop executing when a 0 or negative value is entered. Declare a global constant for PI, where PI = 3.14159265. Be sure and echo the input and display all output to 3 decimal places.
a second while loop that works as above, but instead asks the user if they want to enter radius (Y/N). What happens if you enter a negative radius?
Input temperatures until 999 and print whether above or below freezing.
Input temperatures until 999 and count number above and below freezing.
Input temperatures until 999 and print the average temperature.
Ask user if they want to enter a temperature and print whether above or below freezing.
a while loop that repeatedly enters test scores (integer) (pick a sentinel) and counts the numbers of As, Bs, Cs, Ds, and Fs and also prints the average test score.




The following code is all written in Java. It is a very long program that contains methods for all of the requested while loops in the question. Each one is called inside the main method itself. A part of the output is shown in the attached picture below due to the output being so long. Due to technical difficulties, I have attached the code as a txt file below.

LAB: Divide input integers
Write a program using integers userNum and divNum as input, and output userNum divided by divNum three times. Note: End with a newline.
Ex: If the input is:
2000 2
the output is:
1000 500 250
Note: In Java, integer division discards fractions. Ex: 6 / 4 is 1 (the 0.5 is discarded).
import java.util.Scanner;
public class LabProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
/* Type your code here. */
(My professor wants us to use this temple and I'm not sure how I should start typing the code were it says "type code here". I've tried differnt forms like the one provided below but they all have errors according to the program. it tells me that i have to place ; .
import java.util.Scanner;
public class LabProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
userNum= int(input())
divNum= int(input())
# calculating the division three times
#i have used end=' ' so that it does not produce new line
# instead of that it produce space
print(userNum,end=' ')
print(userNum,end=' ')
print(userNum,end=' ')
Program errors displayed here
LabProgram.java:5: error: '.class' expected userNum= int(input()) ^ LabProgram.java:5: error: ';' expected userNum= int(input()) ^ LabProgram.java:6: error: '.class' expected divNum= int(input()) ^ LabProgram.java:6: error: ';' expected divNum= int(input()) ^ LabProgram.java:7: error: illegal character: '#' # calculating the division three times ^ LabProgram.java:7: error: ';' expected # calculating the division three times ^ LabProgram.java:7: error: ';' expected # calculating the division three times ^ LabProgram.java:9: error: illegal character: '#' #i have used end=' ' so that it does not produce new line ^ LabProgram.java:9: error: ';' expected #i have used end=' ' so that it does not produce new line ^ LabProgram.java:9: error: ';' expected #i have used end=' ' so that it does not produce new line ^ LabProgram.java:9: error: ';' expected #i have used end=' ' so that it does not produce new line ^ LabProgram.java:9: error: ';' expected #i have used end=' ' so that it does not produce new line ^ LabProgram.java:9: error: ';' expected #i have used end=' ' so that it does not produce new line ^ LabProgram.java:10: error: illegal character: '#' # instead of that it produce space ^ LabProgram.java:10: error: ';' expected # instead of that it produce space ^ LabProgram.java:10: error: ';' expected # instead of that it produce space ^ LabProgram.java:10: error: ';' expected # instead of that it produce space ^ LabProgram.java:11: error: ';' expected print(userNum,end=' ') ^ LabProgram.java:12: error: ';' expected userNum=userNum//divNum ^ LabProgram.java:13: error: ';' expected print(userNum,end=' ') ^ LabProgram.java:14: error: ';' expected userNum=userNum//divNum ^ LabProgram.java:15: error: ';' expected print(userNum,end=' ') ^ 22 errors


Mark Brainliest please

# The user is prompted to enter number as dividend
# The received number is assigned to userNum
userNum = int(input("Enter the number you want to divide: "))
# The user is prompted to enter number as divisor
# The divisor is assigned to x
x = int(input("Enter the number of times to divide: "))
# divideNumber function is defined to do the division
def divideNumber(userNum, x):
# counter is declared to control the loop
counter = 1
# the while-loop loop 3 times
# the division is done 3 times
while counter <= 3:
# integer division is done
# truncating the remainder part
userNum = userNum // x
# the result of the division is printed
print(userNum, end=" ")
# the counter is incremented
counter += 1
# the divideNumber function is called
# the received input is passed as parameter
# to the function
divideNumber(userNum, x)
# empty line is printed
The // operator in python works like the / operator in C. The // operator returns only the integer part of division operation. For instance 6 // 4 = 1. The fraction part is discarded

In the given code you include two languages, that's why it will give the error messages, and for better understanding, we give the program into two languages:

Following are the Java and Python Program to these questions:

Java Program:

import java.util.*;//import package

public class LabProgram  //defining a class LabProgram  


public static void main(String[] ar)//defining main method  


int userNum,divNum;//defining integer variable

Scanner on=new Scanner(System.in);//defining Scanner class Object for user-input

userNum=on.nextInt();//input value

divNum=on.nextInt();//input value

for(int i=0;i<3;i++)//defining loop to divide value 3 times


userNum=userNum/divNum;//dividing userNum by divNum and store its value into userNum

System.out.println(userNum);//print userNum value




Python Program:

userNum= int(input())#input integer value

divNum= int(input())#input integer value

# calculating the division three times

userNum=userNum//divNum#using userNum that divides userNum by divNum and store its value

print(userNum)#print userNum value

userNum=userNum//divNum#using userNum that divides userNum by divNum and store its value

print(userNum)#print userNum value

userNum=userNum//divNum#using userNum that divides userNum by divNum and store its value

print(userNum)#print userNum value


Please find the attached file.

Learn more:


When a sentinel is used in a (______/posttest) loop to validate data, the loop repeats as long as the input is (valid/______). pretest, invalidPress enter after select an option to check the answer posttest, invalidPress enter after select an option to check the answer pretest, validPress enter after select an option to check the answer posttest, valid



When a sentinel is used in a (pretest/post test) loop to validate data, the loop repeats as long as the input is (valid/invalid).



Fill in the gaps

Sentinel are used to validate or invalidate loops (pretest and post test loops).

Since , some parts of the brackets have aready been filled, we simply complete the blanks with the opposite of the term in the bracket. i.e. the opposite of post test is pretest and the opposite of valid is invalid.

So, the blanks will be filled with pretest and invalid.

how to make an app according to peoples will



Follow these steps to create your own app:

1)Choose your app name.

2)Select a color scheme.

3)Customize your app design.

4)Choose the right test device.

5)Install the app on your device.

6)Add the features you want (Key Section)

7)Test, test, and test before the launch.

8)Publish your app.



Devices which are used to receive data from central processing unit are classified as



Input devices are used to receive data from central Processing Unit.


what mechanical advantage does a hydraulic press have when punching holes in a metal sheet with a force of 800N using only 200N ? provide answer as a ratio ​



Ratio is 1/4

Explanation: The thing is when using small force on such hydraulic presses you can get much more force than you used. The thing is a small force on small surface generates much much more force on bigger surface which is the main principle of hydraulic press. Therefore a hydraulic press can push holes in metal with a starting force of only 200 N

You are the IT administrator for a small corporate network. The employee in Office 1 needs your assistance managing files and folders. Your task is to use the command prompt to complete the following:

a. Create the D:​\​utilities​\​recover directory. Use the md or mkdir command to create (make) a directory.
b. Delete the D:​\​software​\​arch98 directory and all of its files.
c. Use the rd command to delete (remove) a directory.
d. Use the /s switch to remove the directory and all of its contents at once.



(a) mkdir /d D:\utilities\recover    


    mkdir D:\utilities\recover    

(b) rd  /s  D:​\software​\arch98


(a) To make a new directory we use the md or mkdir command followed by the name of the directory as follows;

mkdir [name_of_directory]

The name of the directory could also be a relative or absolute path depending on the request.

In the task, the specified directory uses an absolute path given as D:​\​utilities​\​recover. This path is in a drive D. Therefore, if you are in another drive different than D, to run this command, it is a great idea to do that with the /d switch.

In summary:

i. if in drive D, to make a directory D:\utilities\recover, type the following command;

mkdir  D:\utilities\recover    

ii. if otherwise in a different drive, type the following command.

mkdir /d D:\utilities\recover

(b) To delete a directory, we use the rd or rmdir command. If the directory has contents that also need to be deleted, we use the switch /s alongside the rd or rmdir.

In the task given, the directory to be deleted is D:\software\arch98. This includes deleting all of its files too. To do this, type the following command;

rd /s D:\software\arch98

Which effect is used in this image?

A.sepia effect

B.selective focus

C.zoom effect

D.soft focus



A.sepia effect.

It is Selective focus!

Consider three strings instr1, instr2 and instr3 having only lowercase alphabets. Identity a string outstr, with the smallest possible length such that when strings instr1, outstr and instr2 are concatenated in the same order instr3 becomes a substring of the concatenated string. Print the smallest possible length of (instr1 + outstr - instr2) satisfying the given criteria. Note: The string outstr can also be an empty string Input Format: The first second and third line contain strings instr1instr2 and instr3 respectively. Read the input from the standard input stream. Output Format: Print the smallest possible length of (instr1 + outstr + instr2) satisfying the given criteria. Print the output to the standard output stream You're Explanati CIAR Sample Output Jusuen that when strings instr 1. outstr and instr2 are concatenated in the same order instr3 becomes a substring of the concatenated string. Print the smallest possible length of (instr. outstr - instr2) satisfying the given criteria


10 points is nothing to answer this junk just saying

In a void function, the return statement is not necessarily. True or false? ​








In a void function, who the name says,  void = empty, you dont need to return any result.

g Write a program that keeps asking the user for new values to be added to a list until the user enters 'exit' ('exit' should NOT be added to the list). These values entered by the user are added to a list we call 'initial_list'. Then write a function that takes this initial_list as input and returns another list with 3 copies of every value in the initial_list. Finally, inside main(), print out all of the values in the new list. For example: Input: Enter value to be added to list: a Enter value to be added to list: b Enter value to be added to list: c Enter value to be added to list: exit Output: a b c a b c a b c Note how 'exit' is NOT added to the list. Also, your program needs to be able to handle any variation of 'exit' such as 'Exit', 'EXIT' etc. and treat them all as 'exit'.



Following are the code to the given question:

def list_function(initial_list):#defining a method list_function that takes list in parameter

   l = initial_list*3#defining l that multiple the list by 3

   return l#return list  

def main(): #defining main method    

   initial_list = []#defining an empty list

   while True:#defining while loop

       i = input("Enter value to be added to list: ")#defining i variable that input list value

       i = i.rstrip()#use rstrip method

       if i.lower() == "exit" and "EXIT" and "Exit":#defining if block that checks list value is in lower case  

           break#use break keyword

       initial_list.append(i)#use list that adds input value

       l = list_function(initial_list)#defining l variable that calls the list_function method

   for i in l:#defining for loop that print list items

       print(i)#print value



Please find the attached file.


In this code, a method "list_function" is declared that takes list "initial_list" in parameter and defines "l" variable that multiple the list by 3 and return its list value.

In the main method an empty list "initial_list" is declared that defines a while loop that input list value and use rstrip method and define and if block that checks list value is in lower case and pass into the method and use for loop to prints its values.

Assign sum_extra with the total extra credit received given list test_grades. Iterate through the list with for grade in test_grades:. The code uses the Python split() method to split a string at each space into a list of string values and the map() function to convert each string value to an integer. Full credit is 100, so anything over 100 is extra credit.Sample output for the given program with input: '101 83 107 90'Sum extra: 8(because 1 + 0 + 7 + 0 is 8)user_input = input()test_grades = list(map(int, user_input.split())) # test_grades is an integer list of test scoressum_extra = 0 # Initialize 0 before your loop''' Your solution goes here '''print('Sum extra:', sum_extra)



Replace ''' Your solution goes here '''


for i in test_grades:

   if i > 100:

       sum_extra+=i - 100


This iterates through the list

for i in test_grades:

This checks for list elements greater than 100

   if i > 100:

The extra digits (above 100) are then added together

       sum_extra+=i - 100

Write a program that accepts inputs, outputs them and exits correctly when - 1
is pressed




The following program is written in Python. It simply creates an endless loop that continously asks the user for an input. If the input is not -1 then it outputs the same input, otherwise it exists the program correctly. A test output can be seen in the attached image below.

while True:

   answer = input("Enter a value: ")  

   if answer != "-1":




For the following machine code expressed in hexadecimal, write the corresponding MIPS assembly instruction. Note: in case of branch or jump instructions, you should write the target address in hexadecimal notation in the MIPS assembly instruction. e.g., j 0x00000016.

Machine code:0x08100008
Assembly instruction:??



Assembly instruction is j 0x00400020


j 0x00400020


GIVEN Machine Code = 0x 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 8

Step 1:

Now convert 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 8 Each digit to Binary

= 0000 1000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000

= 000010 00000100000000000000001000

000010 is opcode of j instruction

we are left with

0000 0100000000000000001000

Step 2:

Add two zeroes to right

0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000

Step 3:

Remove 4 highest bit

0100 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000

Decimal of it is 4194336

Step 4:

Now convert it into Hexadecimal

we get 400020

So Assembly instruction is j 0x00400020

j 0x00400020





Self Join



The type of JOIN

Notice that the given query joins the customer table and the order table without using the keyword join.

SQL queries that join tables without using the keyword is referred to as self join.

Other types of join will indicate the "join type" in the query

in online education is intrinsically related to equity. Professionalism Communication Accessibility
a. professionalism
b. communication
c. Accessibility ​



The correct answer is C. Accessibility.


Online education is understood as the educational system by which knowledge is acquired through the use of computer media in which students interact with teachers electronically without personally attending classes in person. This type of education has advantages and disadvantages: in terms of the pros, it is an education system that requires less time and mobility on the part of the student, thus facilitating the process of learning and making the times more effective, but in terms of its cons, online education is not always accessible, as in order to access it requires a certain connectivity capacity, that is, the provision of a computer and an internet network capable of guaranteeing the functioning of online educational systems.

In this context, accessibility is understood as the ability of each individual to acquire an online education through the use of the necessary means for this, so accessibility implies the possibility of accessing said electronic media. This is related to equity, as online education systems should be able to guarantee their use by means of equipment that is as less specific as possible so that any common person can access them.


C. Accessibility ​


Intrinsic motivation is doing something for the sake of personal satisfaction.

In TCP, a welcoming socket is (a) used by the server to receive incoming request from a client (b) closed by the server when interaction with that client is completed (c) bound to a specific port number (d) all of the above


Answer: (d) all of the above


The Transmission Control Protocol refers to a transport protocol which is used to ensure the transmission of packets on top of IP.

In TCP, a welcoming socket is:

• used by the server to receive incoming request from a client

• closed by the server when interaction with that client is completed

• bound to a specific port number.

Therefore, the correct option is "All of the above".

is defined as the condition in which all of the data in the database are consistent with the real-world events and conditions


[tex]\boxed{Data \:anomaly}[/tex] is defined as the condition in which all of the data in the database are consistent with the real-world events and conditions.

[tex]\red{\large\qquad \qquad \underline{ \pmb{{ \mathbb{ \maltese \: \: Mystique35}}}}}[/tex]

I don't know, but could you get all edmentum.com answers by creating a teacher's account and choosing the lesson your on and get all the answers that way?



you have to have some authorization

Explanation: just tried

Please write 2 paragraphs on where you envision yourself academically, and personally in 5 years, and in 10 years.
(What would you have accomplished by the year 2026, and 2031).




This is a personal answer because everyone envisions something different.

In 5 years, I hope to have a well established Front-End Development freelancing site and various clients. Hopefully, this will drastically increase my income and allow for more options. I also would like to start investing heavily in different areas of interest. As for personal life, I would like to learn an instrument and work on developing relationships with those close to me.

In 10 years, I hope to have a large sum of money invested in various assets. I would also love to buy a piece of land and build a small home for myself. I see myself also having worked for a startup company developing an application that would drastically better the lives of a specific group of individuals. If all of this were to become a reality, I guess the only thing left that I would love to do would be to travel the world with someone special by my side.

Again, everyone's vision is different/unique and special to them. Hope this helped.

2.11 (Separating the Digits in an Integer) Write a script that inputs a five-digit integer from the user. Separate the number into its individual digits. Print them separated by three spaces each. python



The program in Python is as follows:

number = int(input())

myList = [int(num) for num in str(number)]

for i in myList:

   print(i,end="   ")


This gets input from the user

number = int(input())

This converts the number to a list (each digit of the number becomes the elements of the list)

myList = [int(num) for num in str(number)]

This iterates through the list

for i in myList:

This prints the list element followed by 3 blank spaces

   print(i,end="   ")

Select which is true for for loop​



i dont understand what you mean and what you are asking in the qestion


The students have to create their assignment reports using a word processing program. Some of the questions in their assignment involve
comparison between different items. Which function of a word processing program will be the most useful to present this information?
function of a word processing program will be the most useful





A table allows data to be arranged properly and more efficiently using a two dimensional format based on rows and columns. Once data are arranges in tables, various operations can be done or carried out on the table values including comparison operation. As location of data values can be accessed more precisely using this table function. To access a table in a word processing program, kindly locate the insert option tab and click on the insert table option to create a table where you can also specify the number of row, and columns including other table customization.

Although it is not a term Excel uses, how do most people think of Excel?



People think of Excel as a Spreadsheet.

Used for monitoring web activity by users to make sure that sensitive information won't leave the building.

A, Web server
B, FTP server
C, POP server
D, Proxy server ​


Answer: PROXY


The basic objective of the web server is to store, process and deliver web pages to the users.

FTP server is to allow users to upload and download files. An FTP server is a computer that has a file transfer protocol (FTP) address and is dedicated to receiving an FTP connection. FTP is a protocol used to transfer files via the internet between a server (sender) and a client (receiver)

pop provides access via an Internet Protocol (IP) network for a user client application to a mailbox (maildrop) maintained on a mail server

proxy server is a system that isolates internal clients from the servers by downloading and storing files on behalf of the clients. it intercepts requests for web-based or other resources that come from

What software tool can you use to see the applications that are currently running?



You can use the task manager to see what programs are currently running.



The answer is Task Manager.


The Microsoft Windows Task Manager is a general, quick, and easy method of viewing what programs, background processes, and apps are running on the computer.

Using the Task Manager, you can also view how much memory a program is using, stop a frozen program, and view available system resources.

you should always log out after using a networked computer



Yes , This statement is true .

Other Questions
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