Explaining the Japanese philosophy of life reflected in Architecture? Illustrated through example tools.


Answer 1


Japanese architecture refers to the constructed structures of Japan as well as their surroundings. The concept of the natural environment as a source of spiritual knowledge and an instructional mirror of human feeling is a ubiquitous feature of Japanese architecture as well as of all of Japan's creative arts.

Related Questions

What is one thing the U.S. government did to prepare to mobilize troops?

The War Production Board helped factories quickly shift from only making consumer goods to making war materials.

The War Production Board made deals with other allied countries to trade for war materials.

The government decided to adjust the amount of troops needed so that war materials could be limited.

The government negotiated with enemy nations to ensure that war materials would not be damaged beyond repair.


Answer: a.  The War Production Board helped factories quickly shift from only making consumer goods to making war materials.


A key part of the U.S. being able to join the Second World War and contribute so effectively in the time that it did, was the War Production Board's efficiency in shifting American consumer production to war materials for use by the U.S. military and the Allies.

Thanks to the Board, companies shifted their focus from consumer goods even though there was initially some massive pushback. Following a national campaign, opposition subsided and the U.S. was able to pump out so much war material that the war would not have been won without.

The leader of the Senate is
the sergeant at arms.
the majority party whip.
the majority party leader.
the president of the Senate.



president of the senate


Which of the following describes federalism?

A strong loyalty to a state or region, sometimes at the expense of a nation

The idea that the us constitution periodically can be updated or changed

The idea that a state could refuse to follow a federal law it disagreed with

A system that divides power between national and state governments





our government has different branches


A strong loyalty to a statebor religion, sometimes at the expense of a nation.

What are two ways an interest group can influence government leaders and lawmakers?

Hire a labor union organizer.
Hire a lobbyist to represent them.
Write newspaper opinion articles.
Provide misinformation to lobbyists.


Two ways in which an interest group can influence the government is by hiring a lobbyist to represent them and then provide misinformation to that lobbyist.

What is a lobbyist?

A lobbyist is someone hired to try and influence politicians and/or lawmakers in order to achieve certain groups' interests. It is important to understand that lobbyists do not usually work for the common well-being of society.

For example, suppose a wealthy soda producer hires a lobbyist. They can provide that lobbyist misinformation, telling him that it is okay to drink up to 2 liters a days of their soda rather than water. The lobbyist will then try to convince lawmakers to change a law that forbids selling large amounts of soda at schools or stadiums, for instance.

With the information above in mind, we can choose options 1 and 4 as the correct answers.

Learn more about lobbyists here:



What are two reasons that the authors of the Constitution created a federalist system of government?
They wanted state governments to serve as a check on the national government.
They recognized that the national government had too little power under the Articles of
They wanted to balance power among three branches of government.
0 They wanted the Supreme Court to rule on decisions involving state governments.
They believed state governments had too little power under the Articles of Confederation.



"The Framers chose federalism as a way of government because they believed that governmental power inevitably poses a threat to individual liberty, the exercise of governmental power must be restrained, and that to divide governmental power is to prevent its abuse."

Did this help?



name and explain 5 causes of the CUBAN REVOLUTION



1.  Batista regime:  Political causes of the revolt during the Batista administration. Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar gained control of the Cuban government on September 4, 1933, in an uprising known as the "Revolt of the Sergeants." The coup ousted Gerardo Machado's liberal government, signaling the commencement of military control over the country. Under the government of Ramón Grau San Martin, Batista rose to become a self-appointed chief of the military forces and a US-friendly figure. In April 1933, US Ambassador Benjamin Sumner Welles was dispatched to Cuba and found a friend in Batista.

2.  In 1940, Batista was elected president in a free and fair election, the first under the new Cuban constitution. During Batista's administration, the following things happened:  Trade relations with the United States improved; War taxes placed on Cubans grew.

3.  Economic corruption was a hallmark of the Batista era. Foreign industry ownership, industries not held by Cubans in Cuba, U.S. reliant 1928, 75 percent sugar mills controlled by the U.S.

4.  In 1953, the 26th of July Movement was attacked. General Martin Tamayo was commanded by Batista to "kill ten rebels for every soldier killed" in the attack. The "ten-for-one" law was enacted as a result of the order.

5.  Movement of the 26th of July the revolution (1953) Fidel Castro's failed guerilla campaign against the Moncada Barracks in Oriente Province, Cuba's easternmost province, chose July 26 because it coincided with a large celebration in Santiago de Cuba celebrating the city's patron saint, Apostle James the Elder, as well as the end of the sugar harvest.



In both India and China:
rapid industrialization and population growth have caused significant air pollution.
strict emissions controls are steadily reducing pollution
pollution has decreased significantly over the past decade.
None of these choices are correct.


rapid industrialization and population growth have caused significant air pollution

Which generalization is best supported by the information on this map?

1)No trade occurred between East Africa and the Persian Gulf region.

2)The monsoon winds influenced trade between East Africa and India.

3)Trading states developed primarily in the interior of East Africa.

4)Trade encouraged the spread of Islam from East Africa to Arabia.



2). The monsoon winds influenced trade between East Africa and India.


As per the question, the conjecture that can most adequately be supported through the information provided by the given map would be that 'the monsoon winds affected the trade and commerce between East Africa and India.' This is because the directions of the monsoon winds determine the propelling of the trade ships to the coast. The northeast and southwest monsoon winds allow the traders to predict the right time for their trade and reduced the risk factors. Hence, option 2 is the correct answer.


it is india


1Since Reagan what actions have the Republican Party generally supported as ways to grow the



2 kids per girl


How did world events affect American society? How did Americans respond to economic and social turmoil?



After WWI Americans treated Europeans and everything affiliated with them as demonetizing.


In 1948-1949, the city of Berlin was blockaded by Soviet forces. Which sectors of the city supplied by the airlif?



The residents of West Berlin remained left lacking food and starvation, clothes, or medical supplies once the Soviet quarantine ended. Some US officials pushed for an aggressive response to the Soviet inducement, but calmer minds prevailed, and a plan for a supply airlift to Berlin Wall was devised.

Answer: french, american, and british


Why was this video created?

1.to encourage American women to work in factories
2.to ask the public to make donations to the war effort
3.to ask citizens to save gasoline and other supplies
4.to help increase the size of the American military



4. to help increase the size of the American military

have a nice day


Help increase the size of the American military.


Which ratio compares the number of students in the Spanish club to the total number of students





The ratio is asking for spanish club and the total, so just find how many in spanish club and find total

________ was hired as the first public school teacher



Reverend Richard Salmon

And actually, in 1839, Houston hired the first public school teacher, Reverend Richard Salmon. He was hired to be the first teacher. Every town now had a private elementary school.


Have a great day please mark Brainliest:)

This political cartoon was published in 1980.

The main message of the cartoon is that

the two sides are engaged in a friendly duel.
Muslim rebels have invaded the Soviet Union.
Muslim rebels are resisting the invading Soviet forces.
the two sides are involved in a border dispute.


Answer: Muslim rebels are resisting the invading Soviet forces.


The Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979 and fought a war against Muslim rebels and guerillas for almost 10 years. The war ended in the withdrawal and some might say, defeat of the Soviets.

As part of its Cold War antics, the United States supported the Muslim rebels with arms and money which enabled them to shoot down Soviet aircraft and harass her soldiers until the war became too costly for the Soviets and they had to withdraw.


c-Muslim rebels are resisting the invading Soviet forces.


took test

Which situation best represents a command economy?
A. A father teaches his son a fishing technique passed down for
B. A factory must switch production from cars to boats due to
government orders.
C. A banker quits his job to work at another bank that offers a higher
D. A corporation decides to move a factory overseas to lower labor



Answer is B


Command Economy is an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government.

The situation that best shows a command economy is B. A factory must switch production from cars to boats due to government orders.

What happens in a Command economy?

In such an economy, the government controls all the means of production and decides what to produce and what resources are required.

This means that such a government can order a factory to switch to producing boats from cars.

Find out more on command economies at https://brainly.com/question/26262298.


Name three reasons why people are fleeing Central America?



Escaping their past life, freedom, money


do you love Filipinos?why??​



yes I love filipinos because my dad is a philippines

Describe the relationship between the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union during World War II. What was the basis of their alliance?


Answer: It was twist of highs and lows

Explanation: The usa and britan havent always been the best allies but they were during ww2. But when Ussr joined most of the british wernt happy beacuse they helped the germans invade poland. Althought most countrys overcame this beacuse germany was crushing them when germany opened opertaion barberossa it weakened the german army crushing them opening lines for d-day.

Ayúdenme con la siguiente tarea:

Describir las características fundamentales de América del Norte, América Central y América del Sur: relieves, hidrografía, climas, demografía y principales indicadores de calidad de vida.

Comparar la extensión y características generales de los continentes desde perspectivas geográficas, demográficas, económicas, etc

Comparar algunos rasgos geográficos relevantes entre las Américas, especialmente relacionados con la economía, la demografía y la calidad de vida.



Características de América del Sur América del Sur o también denominada Sudamérica es el subcontinente austral de América, la línea ecuatorial la atraviesa por la zona norte, con lo que la mayor parte queda en el Hemisferio Sur. Sudamérica se encuentra entre dos océanos, el Pacífico y el Atlántico, con una extensión de 17,8 millones de km² y una población del 6% de todos los habitantes del mundo

La colonización dio comienzo a una combinación racial e identificación cultural que agrupa elementos amerindios, africanos y europeos, y esa diversidad se refleja en la forma de vida del subcontinente.

Características de América del Norte América del Norte se caracteriza por: El predominio de la lengua inglesa. Le sigue el español que se habla en la parte sur de Norteamérica y, en menor medida, el francés que se habla en diversas regiones de Canadá.

América Central es un subcontinente que forma parte de América. Su territorio de 522.760 Km2 comprende la franja que se encuentra entre América del Norte y América del Sur, desde Tenhuantepec hasta Colombia.

América del Sur, Sudamérica o Suramérica[10] (también llamada América Meridional, América del Mediodía, América Austral o Continente Meridional) es el subcontinente austral de América, o también considerado por muchos uno de los continentes que conforman el supercontinente América.[11] Está atravesada por la línea ecuatorial en su extremo norte, quedando así con la mayor parte de su territorio comprendida dentro del hemisferio sur.

América del Sur

Gentilicio: sudamericano, -na[1]

suramericano, -na[2]

South America (orthographic projection).svg


18 200 000 km²


442 000 000 hab.


22,1 hab./km²


Bandera de Argentina Argentina

Flag of Bolivia.svg Bolivia

Flag of Brazil.svg Brasil

Flag of Chile.svg Chile

Flag of Colombia.svg Colombia

Flag of Ecuador.svg Ecuador

Bandera de Francia Francia[3]

Bandera de Guyana Guyana

Flag of Paraguay.svg Paraguay

Flag of Peru.svg Perú

Bandera de Trinidad y Tobago Trinidad y Tobago[4]

Bandera de Surinam Surinam

Flag of Uruguay.svg Uruguay

Flag of Venezuela.svg Venezuela


Bandera de Islas Malvinas Islas Malvinas[5]

Flag of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.svg Islas Georgias del Sur y Sandwich del Sur[6]

Bandera de Aruba Aruba

Bandera de Curazao Curazao

Bandera de Bonaire Bonaire

Idiomas regionales


español, portugués, francés, inglés, neerlandés, quechua, guaraní, aimara

Está situada entre el océano Atlántico y el océano Pacífico quienes delimitan los extremos Este y Oeste respectivamente, mientras que el mar Caribe delimita por el norte y el océano Antártico su extremo sur. Está conectada con América del Norte por el estrecho puente territorial que representa América Central. América del Sur es la zona terrestre más próxima a la Antártida a través del pasaje de Drake al sur. Ocupa una superficie de 18,2 millones de km², lo que representa un 42,9 % del continente americano y un 13,0 % de las tierras emergidas,[12] y está habitada por el 6,5 % de la población mundial.[13]

After the Battle of Hastings, which two nations’ cultures combined to create a new culture for England?
Germany and England
France and England
France and Spanish
Rome and Germany

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



The answer is B France and England:)

What clues do you see in this image that would help you determine which side created it?



The British


The british started the american revolution

What are the signs of an undemocratic regime?


1) Voter participation across liberal democracies is weak and even falling.

2. Money buys political Influence.

3. Political freedom is on the decline

4. Trust in political structures is waning.

5. Non-democracies are gaining favor.

6. Younger generations are turning away from democracy.

What are the two (2) main reasons the Roman Empire, the Han Dynasty, and the Gupta Empire fell?



1. What are the Two main reasons the Roman Empire fell?

•Invasion of Barbarian Tribes.

•Government Corruption and Political Instability.

2. What are the Two main reasons the Han Dynasty fell?

•Bad rulers.

•The influence of empresses and court eunuchs over child emperors too young to rule by themselves.

3. What are the Two main reasons the Gupta Empire fell?

•The Gupta empire was continuously attacked by Huns.

•Dynastic Dissensions And Weak Rulers.

Hope this helps...... :)


All three fell because of internal conflicts and external invaders.




Georgians can best show good civic participation by fulfilling their legal duties and by participating in their


The available options are:

A. communities

B. education

C. own interests

D. family's lives




Georgians can best show good civic participation by fulfilling their legal duties and by participating in their COMMUNITIES

The above statement is based on the fact that Civic Participation is a form of activity that deals with people or individuals taking responsibilities or performing various actions that have direct impacts on their respective social and societal environments.

For example, individuals activities such as voting, volunteering, participating in community activities, and neighborhood or group cooperation.

Hence, in this case, the right answer is "Communities."

What did the Colonization Law of 1823 do for Stephen Austin?
It gave him 640 acres of land in Texas.
It allowed him to buy land in Texas for $1.25 per acre.
It made him empresario over 100,000 acres of land in Texas.
It allowed him to overthrow the governor of Texas and take his land.


B I believe it allowed him to buy land in Texas for $1.25 per acre


it both C and B

hope it helps

What is the message of this cartoon?



This cartoon represents the Boston Massacre and shows soldiers firing upon the people. It essentially is war propaganda to show how the citizens in Boston are being treated.


If is not clear enough, I found this website that could also be beneficial :)


In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson states that governments deceive their power from



According to the Declaration of Independence, the government gets its power to govern from the people that it governs. As the Declaration says, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.



receive their  just powers from the consent of the governed

(house of representatives website)


Despite racial discrimination and segregation on the home front, many
African Americans distinguished themselves in World War II. The Tuskegee
Airmen, an elite group of pilots, made up the first African American flying unit
in the U.S. military. They flew 1,578 bombing missions over Europe and were
awarded the Distinguished Unit Citation. After the 1948 desegregation of the
military, the Tuskegee Airmen were in demand throughout the air force. Which
of the following is an effective summary of this paragraph?
A. The war might have been won sooner had the military been
desegregated before 1948.
O B. The American military had a long history of refusing to train
African American pilots.
C. The Tuskegee Airmen distinguished themselves in combat.
D. The Tuskegee Airmen fought racism despite their



The Tuskegee Airmen distinguished themselves in combat.

Environmental science


Answer : B) Caterpillar

Primary consumers are the herbivores in an ecosystem that eat the plants (autotrophs).
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