fifty-five percent of the pupils in a class are girls. What is the ratio of the number of boys in the class?​


Answer 1


45 boys

Step-by-step explanation:

55 + 45 = 100 so if 55% of the class is girls then the rest of the percentage of the class which is 45 should be boys

Answer 2


45 boys

Step-by-step explanation:

55 + 45 = 100 so if 55% of the class is girls then the rest of the percentage of the class which is 45 should be boys

Related Questions

Solve the following equation using
2 (4x – 12) = 5
(3) (4x) – (*) (12) = 5
2x - 6 = 5
2x = 11
.. i need help asap look at pics please i need this class done completely in two hours


Answer: 5.5

Step-by-step explanation: It is basically already solved the only thing I did was isolate x by itself my moving the 2 over and doing 11 divided by 2 which equals 5.5. This means that x equals 5.5

Thank you so much thank y’all



x < 12

Step-by-step explanation:

150 - 20 = 130

x < 130 / 10 - 1

x < 13 - 1

x < 12

Help please, I need with the question​


Answer: [tex]\frac{4}{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

tangent of ∠PLM = [tex]\frac{opposite}{adjacent} =\frac{4}{3}[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

The curve y=(k-6)x^2-8x+k cuts the x-axis at two points and has a minimum point. Find the range of values of k.




answer:  -2 < k < 8

Step-by-step explanation:

As there are 2 roots: Δ>0

As there is a mininum, k-6 <0 ==> k<6,

minimum :y'=0 ==> (k-6)*2x-8=0 ==> x=4/(k-6)

[tex]\Delta=8^2-4*k*(k-6)\\=64-4k^2+24k\\=-4(k^2-6k+9)+36+64\\=100-4(k-3)^2\\=4(8-k)(k+2)\\\\\Delta\ is\ positive\ for\ -2 < k < 8[/tex]

Helpppp Please! Please!





Hope my answer helped u :)

please answer this!!​


triangle is always 180

both sides are equal so both sides are 51


Please help explanation if possible


5/36/5/6:63636366/6/6/6/6/6/66/6/5/6/66/6/6/6/6/67/Augsburgnzhxhbs. ?)))h$)f;dd5yyhb
$g? Gggzb d



Step-by-step explanation:

slope of the line=3/7

slope of the perpendicular = -7/3

equation of the perpendicular:



y=-7/3*x +7+3



Number 13 I don’t get it


Answer:  1/2  (choice A)



The two equations given to us are

ab = 3ab^2 = 18

Divide the second equation over the first equation and that would lead to b = 6

Notice how the 'a' terms divide to 1 and go away, i.e. cancel out.

The b terms divide to (b^2)/b = b

The right hand side values divide to 18/3 = 6

So that's how we end up with b = 6


Now if b = 6, then we can say,

ab = 3

a*6 = 3

a = 3/6

a = 1/2

Or we could say

ab^2 = 18

a*6^2 = 18

a*36 = 18

a = 18/36

a = 1/2

(2/1.3)+(2/3.5)+(2/5.7)+ ... + (2/97.99) > 98%


Step-by-step explanation:


Cho biểu thức : A=(√x+1)/(√x-2) +(2√x)/(√x+2 )+(2+5√x)/(4-x)
a.Rút gọn A
b.Tính giá trị của A khi x=2
c.Tính giá trị của A khi X-5√x+6=0



A= (3*X - 6[tex]\sqrt{x}[/tex])/(X-4)

A=(3*2 - 6[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex])/(2-4)= -3+3[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]

A=(3*4 - 6[tex]\sqrt{4}[/tex])/(4-4) Unknown

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = x2 – 12x – 29
f(3) = (x+ ?)+ ?



-6 and - 65

Step-by-step explanation:

X-12x-29, by completing the square we get (x-6)^2-65

The solution of this equation has an error. Which of the following steps has an error?

Step 1: -2x + 8 - 3x = 7
Step3:-5x = 15
x = -3

O Step 2

O Step 1

O Step 3


3rd step


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -2x+8-3x=7[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -2x-3x+8=7[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -5x+8=7[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -5x=7-8[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -5x=-1[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=\dfrac{-1}{-5}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=\dfrac{1}{5}[/tex]

Marcus has $7000 to invest in a savings account for 3 years. The bank offers two investment options. Option A pays 5 % simple interest per year and Option B pays 4% compound interest per year. (a) How much interest would Marcus earn after 3 years with Option A?



$ 630

Step-by-step explanation:

One is given the following information:

$7000 was invested in a savings accountOption A: 3% simple interest annuallyOption B: 4% interest compounded annually

The problem asks one to find out the amount of interest earned after 3 years of going with option A. The easiest way to do such is to form an equation. The general equation for simple interest is the following:

A * 0.01P(d) = I

Where the parameters indicate the following values,

A = amount invested

P = interest rate

d = time invested (years)

I = amount earned in the form of interest

Substitute the given values into the formula, then simplify to evaluate,

A * 0.01P(d) = I

7000 * 0.01(3)(3) = I

7000 * 0.01(9) = I

7000 * 0.09 = I

630 = I

if the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle has a length of 5 centimeters what is the length of one of the legs



a =b = [tex]\frac{5\sqrt{5} }{5}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]a^{2} +b^{2} = 5 ^{2}[/tex]

a = b

[tex]2a^{2} = 5 ^{2}[/tex]

[tex]2a^{2} = 25\\[/tex]

[tex]a^{2} = \frac{25}{5}[/tex]

a = [tex]\frac{5}{\sqrt{5} }[/tex]

must rationalize...

a =b = [tex]\frac{5\sqrt{5} }{5}[/tex]

Algebra is confusing !! :(



Step-by-step explanation:


x²-4 = 5*5-4= 21

3x= 3*5 = 15

21/15 = 1,4

Answer: Fourth Choice. 1.4

Step-by-step explanation:


Here, we need to understand the idea of evaluation.  

When encountering questions that gave you an expression with variables, then stated: "If x = a, y = b, z = c" (a, b, c are all constants), this means you should substitute the value given for each variable back to the expression.



(x² - 4) / 3x

x = 5

Substitute the value of x

[(5)² - 4) / 3(5)

Simplify exponents

(25 - 4) / 3(5)

Simplify numerator with subtraction and denominator with multiplication

21 / 15

Simplify by division

7/5 = 1.4

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

[tex]2 |3 \sqrt{2} - 2 \sqrt{3} | + |3 \sqrt{8} - 8 \sqrt{3} | + 2 \sqrt{12} [/tex]



hope it helps

Step-by-step explanation:



I need help solving this



E. 248

Step-by-step explanation:

1 to 500 in set A, 250 to 750 in set B

500 - 250 = 250

100 and 200 are divisible by 100.

250 - 2 = 248

I just need the numbers can anyone help me with this ??


Step-by-step explanation:


In order to graph this, a point would have to go through (-6, 1). Then, since it says it needs a slope of 5 (or, to make things a bit easer, we could see it as 5/1) we'd need the next point to be 5 up and 1 across.

One possible solution:

(-6, 1) -> (-5, 6)

One possible solution (-6,1) —-> (-5,6)

Chocolate beans are packed in 250 g and 750 g packages. The number of 250 g packages and 750 g packages are in the ratio 1 : 2. If two of the 750 g packages are replaced into 250 g packages, then the ratio becomes 5 : 3. Find

a) the original number of 250 g packages,

b) the total mass of the chocolate beans.



a) 4 packages

b) 7000 g or 7 kg

Step-by-step explanation:

x is the number of 250g packages and y is the number of 750g packages.

2x = y

3(x + 2 x (750 : 250)) = 5(y - 2)

3(x + 6) = 5(y - 2)

3(x + 6) = 5(2x - 2)

3(x + 6) = 5(2(x - 1))

3(x + 6) = 5 * 2 * (x - 1)

3(x + 6) = 10(x - 1)

3x + 18 = 10x - 10

(3x + 18) + 10 = (10x - 10) + 10

3x + 28 = 10x

28 = 10x - 3x

28 = 7x

x = 28/7

x = 4

y = 2 * 4 = 8

(250 * 4) + (750 * 8) = 7000 g

Please help!!!.......thx


Step-by-step explanation:

sin and tan are the only ones with p positive valued

tìm kiếm x y z
x-1/y =1
y-1/z =1
z-1/x =1


y - 1/z = 1   ==>   y = 1 + 1/z

z - 1/x = 1   ==>   z = 1 + 1/x

==>   y = 1 + 1/(1 + 1/x) = 1 + x/(x + 1) = (2x + 1)/(x + 1)

x - 1/y = x - (x + 1)/(2x + 1) = (2x ² - 1)/(2x + 1) = 1

==>   2x ² - 1 = 2x + 1

==>   2x ² - 2x - 2 = 0

==>   x ² - x - 1 = 0

==>   x = (1 ± √5)/2

If you start solving for z, then for x, then for y, you would get the same equation as above (with y in place of x), and the same thing happens if you solve for x, then y, then z. So it turns out that x = y = z.

can i get some help please


The sum of the interior angles in a triangle is 180 degrees.

72 + 35 + <1 = 180

107 + <1 = 180

<1 = 73 degrees

Hope this helps!


<1 = 73

Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees

72+ 35+ <1 = 180

Combine like terms

107 + <1 =180

Subtract 107 from each side

<1 = 180-107

<1 = 73

Find max, min of f(x)=|x^2+4x-5| (x∈[-3;0])


Oh hey there ain’t nothing lol I just wanted you to be a good man I don’t have to be there

dilations geometry!



A' (0,20)

B' (30,-20)

C' (-10,-40)

Answered by GAUTHMATH

Manish writes the functions g(x) = ^3 sqrt - x - 72 and h(x) = -(x+72)^3

Which pair of expressions could Manish use to show that g(x) and h(x) are inverse functions?


Here we want to find the expressions we need to use to see if the functions g(x) and h(x) are inverses of each other.

The correct option is the last one, counting from the top.

∛((x + 72)^3) - 72  and -(∛(-x) - 72 + 72)^3

Two functions f(x) and g(x) are inverses if:

f( g(x) ) = x

g( f(x) ) = x

In this case, we have the functions:

g(x) = ∛(-x) - 72

h(x) =  -(x + 72)^3

Then the expressions we need to check are:

g( h(x) ) = ∛(-h(x)) - 72 = ∛(+(x + 72)^3) - 72 = (x + 72) - 72 = x

h( g(x) ) = -(g(x) + 72)^3 = -(∛(-x) - 72 + 72)^3 = -(∛(-x) )^3 = x

So we found that the two expressions needed are:

∛((x + 72)^3) - 72  and -(∛(-x) - 72 + 72)^3

Then the correct option is the last one, counting from the top.

If you want to learn more, you can read:



What is the value of x?




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{10}{x} = \frac{4x}{10}[/tex]

[tex]4x^{2} =100\\x^{2} =25\\x=5[/tex]

What is the value of x?



The triangles are similar, therefore the ratio of 2:1 is constant for all sides as shown in 20:10.

Therefore, x is 14.

Which equation represents a parabola that has a focus of (0,0) and a directix of y = 2?​


Answer: D

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]a=0,\ b=0,\ k=2\\equation\ of\ the\ parabola:\\\\y=\dfrac{(x-a)^2}{2(b-k)} +\dfrac{b+k}{2} \\\\\\y=-\dfrac{x^2}{4}+1 \\\\x^2=-4(y-1)\\\\Answer\ D[/tex]

find the 10 degree value can u help me on it ​



As <AGQ and <EQG are corresponding interior angles

[tex]\\ \qquad\quad\sf{:}\twoheadrightarrow 60°+a=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \qquad\quad\sf{:}\twoheadrightarrow a=180-60[/tex]

[tex]\\ \qquad\quad\boxed{\sf{:}\twoheadrightarrow a=120}[/tex]


[tex]\\ \qquad\quad\boxed{\sf{:}\twoheadrightarrow b=75°}[/tex]

According to angle sum property

[tex]\\ \qquad\quad\sf{:}\twoheadrightarrow b+c+<PQR=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \qquad\quad\sf{:}\twoheadrightarrow c+75+60=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \qquad\quad\sf{:}\twoheadrightarrow c+135=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \qquad\quad\sf{:}\twoheadrightarrow c=180-135[/tex]

[tex]\\ \qquad\quad\boxed{\sf{:}\twoheadrightarrow c=45°}[/tex]

Is student is reading a book about 370 words per minute convert this rate to words per hour


22,200 words per hour
step-by-step explanation:
60 minutes per hour
370 words per minute

Answer: 22,200 words per hour.

Step-by-step explanation:

You can set up a proportion for this: 370 words/per 1 min= x words/ per 60 mins. Cross multiply and you get 22,200=1x which basically equals to 22,200 words per hour or 60 mins.

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