The assumption that a person who goes to a community college cannot afford to attend a four-year college is an example of a) generalization. b) discrimination. stereotyped image. D) tolerance.


Answer 1
C. Stereotyped image

Related Questions

39. How many ethnic groups are in Nigeria? Name five.


370 ethnic group


edo peoplefula peopleegbo peopletiv peopleefik people


there are 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria

5 are






I may be wrong tho

What is the melting pot theory?
O A. The belief that each different culture should live in a different part
of the United States
B. The idea that each race should adopt a single culture to separate
it from all other races
C. The belief that it is possible for people of many different cultures
to live with one another peacefully
D. The idea that the different peoples who have come to the United
States have blended to create a new culture





America is a melting pot. Our great and great-great grandfathers originated from all over the face of the earth, and over time, we've created our own special, unique culture.



Its D

The expression means that people have come from all over. They have come to identify themselves as being American. Therefore they have abandoned their culture to take on the American way of life.

A study conducted by the University of Illinois in the 1950s found that pilots with insufficient instrument flying ability lose control of their airplane in an average of only ________ once they lose outside visual references



178 seconds


A study conducted by the University of Illinois in the 1950s found that pilots with insufficient instrument flying ability lose control of their airplane in an average of only 178 SECONDS once they lose outside visual references.

The research was conducted by aviation researchers to determine the extent of danger and estimate of pilot's ability to cope with flight in inferior visibility conditions or situations.

why nepal is still poor in transport?​


There was insufficient road network???

Useful websites:

SITUATION OF LAND TRANSPORTATION IN  NEPAL - Sadan Kumar Bhagat (researchgate)Nepal - Economy (Britannica)Strengthening Connectivity in Nepal (The World Bank)Poverty and sustainable transport (

Hand washing has external health benefits, helping prevent the spread of communicable diseases. If a program were somehow devised so that people received a small reward every time they washed their hands, we would expect the frequency of hand washing to:_______.
A) remain constant
B) increase
C) decrease and the number of people who are sick to:_______.
A) remain constant
B) increase
C) decrease



Hand washing has external health benefits, helping prevent the spread of communicable diseases. If a program were somehow devised so that people received a small reward every time they washed their hands, we would expect the frequency of hand washing to increase.

Explanation: People who are given something (A reward of some sort) are proven to do something more, (in this case washing their hands more), or better then they would do without a source of motivation.

Which type of food should we eat in the morning and in the evening?​



At morning you need to eat apple at night you need not food to eat

what did Ganeshman Singh mean when he said history cannot be bent​



Ganesh mansingh was one of the main leader of Nepali Congress party. so when the said history cannot be bent he meant people were trying to suppress the truth and even if it is suppressed truth will be certainly revealed to go down to the history.


Hope it helps

Answer: I don't know who the guy is but the quote sounds like it means history cannot be bent to confrom to a certain group of people's interpretaion.

Explanation: Versions of history differ greatly depending on who you're asking since everyone "bends" it slightly adapt to their own needs or make themselves/their country look better. So by saying it cannot be bent, he is reminding us that history is history, only one thing happened, so don't trust everyone's stories that could be biased, or twisted in someway.

Explain the digestion in amoeba​



The food is digested in the food vacuole with the help of enzymes. Absorption: It is then absorbed in the cytoplasm of the Amoeba by diffusion. Assimilation: The absorbed food provides energy and a part of nutrition is used for growth. Egestion: The undigested and the waste food particles are thrown out.


Amoeba is a unicellular organism. It undergoes intracellular digestion. The mode of nutrition in Amoeba is holozoic.: When a food particle is near the Amoeba, it forms temporary finger-like projections called pseudopodia around the food particle and engulfs it. 

The food is digested in the food vacuole with the help of enzymes.

It is then absorbed in the cytoplasm of the Amoeba by diffusion.  The absorbed food provides energy and a part of nutrition is used for growth.The undigested and the waste food particles are thrown out.Amoeba is a microscopic organism which has fingerlike known as pseudopodia.

The amoeba extends its pseudopodia around the food and engulfs it.

The food is trapped in the food vacuole where it is digested by the digestive enzyme and finally the food is absorbed and distributed all through the body. 

What benefits are you getting from your society? Make a list​.




financial security

assistance for education

enhance self discipline

satisfaction of physical and mental needs

provide security

providing employment opportunities

what is government?
pls answer fast​



the government is the major organ of a state

Answer: i hope it's help you

               plz mark me as a Brainliest


A government is the system or group of people governing an organized community, generally a state. In the case of its broad associative definition, government normally consists of legislature, executive, and judiciary.

Tại sao nói: Lễ hội là cuộc đời thứ hai bên cạnh cuộc đời thật, là sự tổng hòa văn hóa nghệ thuật, là một hiện tượng văn hóa dân gian mang tính trội?


Do you have an English version or Spanish

As the amount of time one spends with an individual rises, one's liking for that person tends to:______.
a. increase.
b. remain unchanged.
c. vary unpredictably.
d. decrease.



i think it would be C


Answer is C
Vary unpredictably

Which consumer is eligible for a stand-alone Medicare Prescription Drug Plan?


Its the last one the answer is D

Who is the congressman/woman of union city nj



Congressman Albio Sires


He represents Belleville and parts of Newark in Essex County, Elizabeth in Union County, and Fairview in Bergen County, New Jersey, USA.

1 and a half to 2 pages is ideal.



yes you are so right very very right


When it comes to writing your resume, size does matter. Resume experts weigh in on how many pages your resume should be, based on your level of experience and occupation.

how has the religious identity been maintained in nepal? discuss​



Secularism helps promote religious tolerance,

which is required to maintain peace,

co-operation, and unity among people. ...

Nepal has maintained Religious tolerance. Lord

Gautama Buddha was also a perfect examples

He introduced Buddhism although he was from

Hindu background.



Do you know about gehendra shumsher if you know him i think you about his invention birgun can you please describe me about birgun short paragraph.​



gehendra sumsher , was the first scientists of nepal . he was born in push, 1928 b.s in a Rana family he studies in her own place for some time .then he was admitted to Durbar school. however, his qualifications is not know. from his childhood , he as agile, argumentative, whimsical and a boy with determination. he established laboratories and factories to manufacture different arms and ammunition he investigation many things and in just the age of 35 he. died . and the country lakaunu st a great scientist and inventor.

Bir Gun image on left side.

Gehendra Shamsheer image on right side.

Gehendra Shamsher got 6 lakh rupees from his father, the then Sri 3 Maharaj & Prime Minister Bir Shamsher JB Rana, and used the money to make an automatic machine gun. That was in the year 1898/99 AD. Although machine guns had been around for many years, that was the first one built in Nepal. For this reason, he is considered to be the first scientist of Nepal.

Gehendra Shamsher was also the first person to bring a motor car into Nepal. it was a Ford. He presented this car to the young King Prithvi Bir Bikran Shah.

His machine gun is currently in the possession of a private gun collector in the USA.

Thank you...

Analyze the impact of risky teenage behavior on others by referring to the following spheres of well-being: Social, Physical, Spiritual​


The answer to the question is explained below, the impact of risky teenage behaviour is discussed.

Social: There can be risky teenage behavior when they reach at the age of 16 or above. They will not pay concerns to their health and may undergo unprotected activities.

Physical: They can harm them selves by consuming drugs or other related things. They can have physical and mental issues with overdosing. They can have violent activities which can result in death or serious injuries.

Spiritual : They do not pay attention to their religious traditions and are focusing more on their entertainment activities.

Learn more at

(b) How can social problems and evils be controlled? Suggest two measures. ​



1.government policies and rules should act strong and proper visualization should be done.

2.Awareness and development of people's mind should be there by conducting informal education.

Keep smiling and hope u are satisfied with my answer.Have a nice day :)

why is the present day world called the world of service?​



because of technology and mind of science and environment.

Which scenario best illustrates the need for currency exchange? People paying for things when traveling in a foreign country People trading goods and services across state lines People trading apples for oranges at a local market People paying for things when traveling in another state


People paying for things when traveling in a foreign country best illustrates the need for currency exchange.

Answer: A: People paying for things when traveling in a foreign country.


write a short note on birgun which was invented by gehendra shumsher.​


Gehendra Shamsher is credited for modernization of Nepal Army. He was able to make his own mechanical machine gun similar to Gardner gun and named it Bir gun after his father. He is also credited for modifying Martini–Henry into new gun Gahendra Martini and Ge-rifle, a double-barrelled machine gun.

Hope it helps you

Mark my answer as brainlist

have a good day

Gehendra Shamsher got 6 lakh rupees from his father, the then Sri 3 Maharaj & Prime Minister Bir Shamsher JB Rana, and used the money to make an automatic machine gun. That was in the year 1898/99 AD. Although machine guns had been around for many years, that was the first one built in Nepal. For this reason, he is considered to be the first scientist of Nepal.

Gehendra Shamsher was also the first person to bring a motor car into Nepal. it was a Ford. He presented this car to the young King Prithvi Bir Bikran Shah.

His machine gun is currently in the possession of a private gun collector in the USA.

Thank you...

why is oil such an important natural recorce in the middle east


Answer:  You can consult:

However, oil has made the region strategically important for the world's superpowers in the 20th century, whereas the significance of the Middle East today had increased even more because oil is the major fossil fuel along with natural gas and the Middle East is one of the major suppliers of oil in the international


I'm not sure but hope it helps.


It's one of the major source of income.

__________ Involves the presence or absence of dissatifiers, such as working conditions, pay, company policies, and interpersonal relationships.



Hygiene factors- involves the presence or absence of job dissatisfiers, such as working conditions, pay, company policies, interpersonal relationships. When poor work is dissatisfying. Good does not motivate employees.


Write 2 interesting features of your houses


The architecture they are built on is always unique. And the colours that they are coded with their furniture may also contribute to the diversity.

Explain the zone of proximal development? How is it used and why?


The zone of proximal development refers to the difference between what a learner can do without help and what he or she can achieve with guidance and encouragement from a skilled partner. I hope this help

2. What is the difference between fascism, Marxism, communism, and socialism?



Fascism is a government system which is led by one person, who is known as a dictator. He has complete power over the country. Fascism is also known as a totalitarian government. Citizens of fascist countries have no choice but to surrender their individual liberties and extreme allegiance to their leader.Communism, or a Communist government, focuses on equal treatment and opportunities for all citizens. It opposes the idea of private profits and the empowerment of the individual.Socialism is a government system where the people or state own the general means of production, such as farms and factories. Socialism believes that everything in society is made by the combined efforts of the people and citizens.Lastly, Marxism is a system based on the private ownership of the means of production and the exploitation of the labor force.

What are the consequences of gender based discrimination in family and society ? What are the remedies to avoid them?​



was assigned with this problem (the reference text is attached):

Which of the following, if included in a student's paper, would NOT be an example of plagiarism?

1. In the game of baseball, which is rather boring, the batter stands on home base (Hughes 1).

2. Baseball is rather surprisingly known as "America's Favorite Pastime."

3. Baseball is "a rather boring sport played between two teams of nine players" (Hughes 1).

4. All of these are plagiarism.

The answer tells that only the third choice is NOT a plagiarism. My question is, why is the first choice a plagiarismwas assigned with this problem (the reference text is attached):

Which of the following, if included in a student's paper, would NOT be an example of plagiarism?

1. In the game of baseball, which is rather boring, the batter stands on home base (Hughes 1).

2. Baseball is rather surprisingly known as "America's Favorite Pastime."

3. Baseball is "a rather boring sport played between two teams of nine players" (Hughes 1).

4. All of these are plagiarism.

The answer tells that only the third choice is NOT a plagiarism. My question is, why is the first choice a plagiarismwas assigned with this problem (the reference text is attached):

Which of the following, if included in a student's paper, would NOT be an example of plagiarism?

1. In the game of baseball, which is rather boring, the batter stands on home base (Hughes 1).

2. Baseball is rather surprisingly known as "America's Favorite Pastime."

3. Baseball is "a rather boring sport played between two teams of nine players" (Hughes 1).

4. All of these are plagiarism.

The answer tells that only the third choice is NOT a plagiarism. My question is, why is the first choice a plagiarism

1. Write any four differences between the concept of development a region and the concept of federalism



the love or interest  for your religion state language

it does have power like federalism


a country divided into states or provinces with autonomous  power

each state has its autonomous power

Nêu điều kiện bắn bài 1 súng tiểu liên AK? Tại sao khi ngắm bắn và bắn bài 1 súng tiểu liên AK lại thường chọn cách lấy thước ngắm 3 - điểm ngắm chính giữa mép dưới mục tiêu



Those reaction in which one element replaces another element form its place is called Single displacement reaction

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