Find the area bounded by the curves x = 2y2 and x = 1 - y. Your work must include an integral in one variable.

Please help!!


Answer 1



in order to simplify, i have taken the inverses functions

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\int\limits^\frac{1}{2} _{-1} {(-2x^2-x+1)} \, dx \\\\=[\frac{-2x^3}{3} -\frac{x^2}{2} +x]^\frac{1}{2} _{-1}\\\\\\=\dfrac{-2-3+12}{24} -\dfrac{-5}{6} \\\\\boxed{=\dfrac{9}{8} =1.25}\\[/tex]

Related Questions

can you help me with these high rated questions
I wish you will help me with his highlighted questions​



52 is (a)

55 is.( d)

56. is (d)

Complete the table for the function y = x−−√3 + 7.



option D (5 6 8 9) is the answer


X [tex]\Longrightarrow -8\Longrightarrow -1\Longrightarrow 1\Longrightarrow 8[/tex]

Y[tex]\Longrightarrow 5\Longrightarrow 6\Longrightarrow 8\Longrightarrow 9[/tex]

[tex]Answer\hookrightarrow D)[/tex]


Hope it helps...

Have a great day!!

Initial amount problem help






Step-by-step explanation:

he following chart reports the number of cell phones sold at a big-box retail store for the last 26 days. a. What are the maximum and the minimum numbers of cell phones sold in a day? b. Using the median, what is the typical number of cell phones sold?



Maximum = 19

Minimum = 4

Median = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

The maximum number of phone sold per day is the value to the right of the horizontal axis as the values are arranged in ascending order ; Hence, the maximum number of phones sold per day is 19

Also, the minimum number of phones sold per day is the value to the left of the plot, Hence, minimum number of phones sold per day is 14.

The Median value : 4, 9, 14, 19

The median = 1/2(n+1)th term

1/2(5)th term = 2.5 th term

Median (9 + 14) /2 = 13 /2 = 11.5 = 12 phones

please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!​


Step-by-step explanation:

24. = 249030/30

=8,301 rs


24. 8301, divide 249030 by 30

25. 9989001, but i dont know the property

Step-by-step explanation:

Remember the dataset of alligators which was about the length and weight of several aligators in Florida. The variable X is the length of aligator and the Y variable is the weight of them. A researcher decided to use decision tree and designed two steps: X<4, X>4. What is the name of this method of splitting?A. Multi-way splitting.B. Entropy classification.C. Binary splitting.D. Gini index.



A. multi-way split.

Step-by-step explanation:

Multi way split consists of internal at decision tree branches. Gini index measures probability of impurity in the random variables chosen. Entropy is measure of uncertainty in the sample selected. Binary splitting is used to speed up numerical evaluation.

An alarm clock is slow. It falls behind 4 minutes every 24 hours. If the clock was showing the correct time at 6:00 this morning, how many seconds ahead was the clock at 10:00 last night?



80 Seconds

I dont really want to type the whole thing out, just think about it again, or go to a tutor website, you should be able to get it, you have to use these, multiplication of three numbers, and multiplication and division by factorization of numbers.

Simplify the following expression: (4x2)2 • (3x3)3




Step-by-step explanation:

(4x^2)^2 • (3x^3)^3

We know that a^b^c = a^(b*c)

4^2 x^2^2  * 3^3 x^3^3

16 x^4  * 27 x^9

We know that a^b ^ a^c = a^(b+c)

16*27 x^(4+9)




Step-by-step explanation:

( 4x² ) ² • ( 3x³ ) ²

( 16x²)² • ( 27x³)²

[tex]16 x{}^{2 \times 2} \times 6 {}^{3 \times 3 } \\ 16x {}^{4} \times27 {}^{9} [/tex]

[tex](16 \times 27)x {}^{4 + 9} [/tex]


Test for symmetry and then graph the polar equation.



Symmetric with respect to the x-axis

Symmetric with respect to the y-axis

Symmetric with respect to the origin

Help with solving this Functions problem



See answers below

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the following functions:

r(x) = x - 6

s(x) = 2x²

r(s(x)) = r(2x²)

Replacing x with 2x² in r(x) will give;

r(2x²) = 2x² - 6

r(s(x)) = 2x² - 6

(r-s)(x) = r(x) - s(x)

(r-s)(x) = x - 6 - 2x²


(r-s)(x) = - 2x²+x-6

(r+s)(x) = r(x) + s(x)

(r-s)(x) = x - 6 + 2x²


(r-s)(x) = 2x²+x-6

If the total income generated from Gasoline for AER was $408 millions, how much would be the cost for a barrel of gasoline



$20 per gallon

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the figure to find u.



u = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

cos theta = adj side / hypotenuse

cos 45 = sqrt(2) / u

u cos 45 = sqrt(2)

u = sqrt(2) / cos 45

u = sqrt(2) / 1/ sqrt(2)

u = sqrt(2) * sqrt(2)

u =2



Solution given:

Relationship between base and hypotenuse is given by cos angle.

Cos 45°=base/hypotenuse


doing crisscrossed multiplication



A human resources office is working to implement an increase in starting salaries for new
administrative secretaries and faculty at a community college. An administrative secretary
starts at $28,000 and new faculty receive $40,000. The college would like to determine the
percentage increase to allocate to each group, given that the college will be hiring 8
secretaries and 7 faculty in the upcoming academic year. The college has at most $5,000 to
put towards raises. What should the percentage increase be for each group?​



Step-by-step explanation :

Let % increase in administrative secretary be = x

Let % increase in new faculty receive be = y

Administrative secretary salary = 28,000

New faculty receive Salary = 40,000

(8)*(x/100)* (28000) + (7)*(y/100)*(40000) = 5,000

2240x +2800 y = 5,000

224x +280 y = 500

56x +70y = 125

Therefore, x and y should be chosen such that it satisfy the above equation.

A class contains 18 girls and 14 boys. For all parts of this question, each boy and girl are distinguishable from one another. Answer the following questions:a)In how many ways can a committee of one boy and one girl be chosen



The total number of ways is 252.

Step-by-step explanation:

Number of girls = 18

number of boys = 14

Commitee of one girl and a boy

(18 C 1)(14 C 1)

= 252

Each side of a square is increasing at a rate of 8 cm/s. At what rate (in cm2/s) is the area of the square increasing when the area of the square is 49 cm2



Step-by-step explanation:

This is nice and simple. I'm going to walk through it like I do when teaching this concept to my class for the first time. This is a good problem for that.

We are given a square and we are looking for the rate at which the area is increasing when a certain set of specifics are given. That means that the main equation for this problem is the area of a square, which is:

[tex]A=s^2[/tex] where s is a side.

Since we are looking for the rate at which the area is changing, [tex]\frac{dA}{dt}[/tex], we need to take the derivative of area formula implicitly:

[tex]\frac{dA}{dt}=2s\frac{ds}{dt}[/tex] that means that if [tex]\frac{dA}{dt}[/tex] is our unknown, we need values for everything else. We are given that the initial area for the square is 49. That will help us determine what the "s" in our derivative is. We plug in 49 for A and solve:

[tex]49=s^2[/tex] so

s = 7

We are also given at the start that the sides of this square are increasing at a rate of 8cm/s. That is [tex]\frac{ds}{dt}[/tex]. Filling it all in:

[tex]\frac{dA}{dt}=2(7)(8)[/tex] and


The surface area of a square of side L is given by

[tex]A = L^2[/tex]

The rate of change of the area per unit time is

[tex]\dfrac{dA}{dt} = 2L\dfrac{dL}{dt}[/tex]

We can express the length L on the right hand side in terms of the area A [tex](L = \sqrt{A})[/tex]:

[tex]\dfrac{dA}{dt} = 2\sqrt{A}\dfrac{dL}{dt}[/tex]



What is the difference of the two polynomials? (NineX squared plus 8X) minus (twoX squared plus 3X)



[tex]7x {}^{2} + 5x[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]9x {}^{2} + 8x - (2x {}^{2} + 3x) \\ \\ = 9x {}^{2} + 8x - 2x {}^{2} - 3x (remove \: brackets) \\\ \\ = 7x {}^{2} - 5x [/tex]


The table shows the results of a survey of students in two math classes.
Find P(more than 1 hour of TV | 6th period class). Round to the nearest thousandth. Be sure to show and explain your work.

Did You Watch More Than One Hour of TV Last Night?




Step-by-step explanation:

In this question, the | symbol means "given", so we can phrase the question as "Find the probability that a student watches more than one hour of TV given that they are in the 6th period class"

Next, because there is a 100% chance that the student is in the 6th period class, we can disregard the results of the 3rd period class.

Given that the student is in the 6th period class, there are 15 total students (as 9+6=15 = the sum of the yes and no answers for 6th period) and 9 students that said yes. Therefore, there is a 9/15 = 3/5 = 0.6 probability that a student watches more than 1 hour of TV given that they are in the 6th period class

for every 5 people who bought $9.75 tickets to the football game, 3 people bought $14.50 tickets. If each of 35 people bought a $9.75 ticket, how many people bought the more expensive ticket?




Step-by-step explanation:


3 x 35=105

5 x x= 5x




The number of people who bought the more expensive ticket is 21.

What is an expression?

Expression in maths is defined as the collection of the numbers variables and functions by using signs like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Given that:-

For every 5 people who bought $9.75 tickets to the football game, 3 people bought $14.50 tickets. If every 35 people bought a $9.75 ticket,

Let the number of people be X so we can form the following expression given below:-


3 x 35=105

5 x x= 5x




Therefore the number of people who bought the more expensive ticket is 21.

To know more about Expression follow


Let $f$ be a linear function for which $f(6)-f(2)=12$. What is $f(12)-f(2)?$ Please explain how you found your answer. Thank you!


Answer:   30



Since f(x) is linear, this means f(x) = mx+b

m = slopeb = y intercept

Let's plug in x = 6

[tex]f(x) = mx+b\\f(6) = m*6+b\\f(6) = 6m+b[/tex]

Repeat for x = 2

[tex]f(x) = mx+b\\f(2) = m*2+b\\f(2) = 2m+b[/tex]

Now subtract the two function outputs

[tex]f(6)-f(2) = (6m+b)-(2m+b)\\f(6)-f(2) = 6m+b-2m-b\\f(6)-f(2) = 4m\\[/tex]

The b terms cancel out which is very handy.

Set this equal to 12, since f(6)-f(2) = 12, and solve for m

[tex]f(6)-f(2) = 12\\4m = 12\\m = 12/4\\m = 3\\[/tex]

So the slope of f(x) is m = 3


Next, plug in x = 12

[tex]f(x) = mx+b\\f(12) = m*12+b\\f(12) = 12m+b[/tex]

We can then say:

[tex]f(12)-f(2) = (12m+b)-(2m+b)\\f(12)-f(2) = 12m+b-2m-b\\f(12)-f(2) = 10m\\[/tex]

Lastly, we plug in m = 3

[tex]f(12)-f(2) = 10m\\f(12)-f(2) = 10*3\\f(12)-f(2) = 30\\[/tex]

Please help 20 points an will give Brainiest to who ever is right


It’s number B I feel like it’s the correct one


horizontal expansion factor of 2

2^x =2(2)=4

2^4=2×2×2×2= 16

How many spaces does it move over



The point at the bottom has to move over 2 to the left to be aligned with the point at the top however they will have a 3 space in between the 2 same for the point at the top, the top point moves over 2 to the right to be aligned with the bottom point, then they will have a 3 square space between each other.

Answer:Around 3 spaces between?

Step-by-step explanation:

Kenji simplifies 3^5 x 4^ 5and gets the result 12^10, but Darlene is not sure. Is Kenji correct? Justify your answer.


That's a question about exponentiation.


Kenji is wrong because he does not aply the porperty correctly.

Step-by-step explanation:

A exponetiation has this form:


a is the base

b is the power or exponent

To understand that situation it's important to know a property about exponentiation. When we have a multiplication with the same exponent and diferent bases, the result is the multiplication of the bases with the same exponent. Let's see this above, in mathematical language:

[tex]\boxed{a^b \cdot c^b = (a\cdot c) ^b}[/tex]


[tex]2^3 \cdot 8^3 = (2 \cdot 8) ^3 = 16^3[/tex][tex]10^9 \cdot 23^9 = (10 \cdot 23) ^9 = 230^9[/tex]

Now, we can say why Kenji is wrong. It's easy simplify [tex]3^5 \cdot 4^5[/tex]! We know that the result is [tex](3 \cdot 4) ^5 = 12^5[/tex], but Kenji multiplied the bases and added the exponents, that's why he is wrong.

I hope I've helped. ^^

Enjoy your studies! \o/

what is the length of a rectangular solid with a volume of 180 cu ft, if it is 9 ft high and 4ft wide?



5 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for Volume is V=lwh, or Volume = length x width x height.

The equation would be:




To find the answer, divide by 36.

[tex]\frac{180}{36} =\frac{36l}{36}[/tex]


Find the solution(s) of the system of equations. y = x2 + 4x y + x2 = –4x Question 7 options: A) (–4, 0) and (0, 0) B) (0, 0) C) (–4, 0) and (4, 0) D) (0, 0) and (4, 0)




Answer A (-4,0) and (0,0)

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}y&=&x^2+4x\\y+x^2&=&-4x\\\end{array} \right.\\\\\\\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}y&=&x^2+4x\\y&=&-x^2-4x\\\end{array} \right.\\\\\\\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}y&=&x^2+4x\\x^2+4x&=&-x^2-4x\\\end{array} \right.\\\\\\\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}2*x^2+8*x&=&0\\y&=&x^2+4x\\\end{array} \right.\\\\\\\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}x(x+4)&=&0\\y&=&x^2+4x\\\end{array} \right.\\\\\\[/tex]

[tex]\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}x&=&0 \\y&=&0\\\end{array} \right. \ or\ \left\{\begin{array}{ccc}x&=&-4 \\y&=&0\\\end{array} \right.[/tex]



It doesn't change because to add fractions, you need a common denominator. To find it, they multiplied 1/3 by 2 to make 2/6, to add to the 3/6.

Choose the correct solution for the given equation x^2-6x=40




Step-by-step explanation:

not sure where the options are but if you were to solve this equation first bring everything to one side.

x^2 - 6x - 40 = 0

factor it

(x-10)(x+4) = 0

set each part to 0

x-10 = 0 and x+4 = 0

solutions are 10 and -4

A town recently dismissed 8 employees in order to meet their new budget reductions. The town had 9 employees over 50 years of age and 16 under 50. If the dismissed employees were selected at random, what is the probability that at least 7 employees were over 50? Express your answer as a fraction or a decimal number rounded to four decimal places.



The probability that at least 7 employees were over 50 is 0.0073%.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that a town recently dismissed 8 employees in order to meet their new budget reductions, and the town had 9 employees over 50 years of age and 16 under 50, if the dismissed employees were selected at random, to determine what is the probability that at least 7 employees were over 50, the following calculation must be performed:

9/25 x 8/24 x 7/23 x 6/22 x 5/21 x 4/20 x 3/19 = X

0.36 x 0.33 x 0.304 x 0.272 x 0.238 x 0.2 x 0.157 = X

0.000073 = X

100X = 0.0073

Therefore, the probability that at least 7 employees were over 50 is 0.0073%.

Consider the function z(x,y) describing the paraboloid \[z = (2x - y)^2 - 2y^2 - 3y.\]Archimedes and Brahmagupta are playing a game. Archimedes first chooses $x.$ Afterwards, Brahmagupta chooses $y.$ Archimedes wishes to minimize $z$ while Brahmagupta wishes to maximize $z.$ Assuming that Brahmagupta will play optimally, what value of $x$ should Archimedes choose?


Answer: -3/8

Step-by-step explanation:

Expanding z we get  

z = 4x^2 - 4xy + y^2 - 2y^2 - 3y

  = -y^2 - (4x + 3) y + 4x^2.

After Archimedes chooses x, Brahmagupta will choose

y=-(4x+3/2) in order to maximize z


z=-((-4x+3)/2)^2 -(4x+3)(-4x+3)/2)^2)+4x^2


To minimize this expression, Archimedes should choose x=-3/8

Translate To An Algebraic Expression:

S% of 1/r




Step-by-step explanation:

S% of 1/r = (1/r x S) : 100

(1/r x S) : 100

S/r : 100



Have a great day! Stay safe. Hope it helped

Solve the following system of equations by using the inverse of a matrix.
Give your answer as an ordered triple (x , y , z)



(x, y, z) = (-8,4,-2)

Step-by-step explanation:


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