g During the semester, you have performed four experiments that either determined the acceleration due to gravity or whose results could have been used to determine it: The sphere drop, the inclined air-track and glider, the pendulum, and now standing waves on a string. Compare these four methods and make a case for which one is optimal if you conclude there is such a one.


Answer 1

Comparing the different methods for measuring the gravity acceleration, we can conclude that the method that gives less errors is:

Simple pendulum measurement.

The gravity acceleration is the outside attraction of the planet on all the bodies that are in it, this gives a preferential direction of movement, the bodies fall towards the surface of the Earth. Determining the value of the gravity acceleration is very important to understand the motion of bodies.

Let's analyze the proposed methods with their benefits and problems, in all cases we will assume that friction losses are negligible.

Method 1. Drop a sphere.

In this method we use conservation of energy and find that the velocity of the body is:

           v² = 2 g h

           [tex]g = \frac{v^2}{2h}[/tex]  

For this measurement of the gravity acceleration, the average velocity is taken from the expression

          v = [tex]\frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t}[/tex]

Therefore, to achieve better precision, we must have small distance intervals, so that the average speed is close to the final speed. The measurement times are very short that they are difficult to measure, therefore the method does not give very accurate results.

Method 2. slide glider down a ramp

Using conservation of energy.

          v = g sin θ t

This method is a bit more precise since as the angle of the ramp decreases, the average speed of the car is closer to the final speed and the time measurements are not short.  This method it gives better result than method 1.

Method 3. Movement of a simple pendulum.

We use the expressions of simple harmonic motion.

           T = [tex]2\pi \ \frac{L}{g} \\g = 4\pi ^2 \ \frac{L}{t^2}[/tex]  

This method must measure the length before the start of the movement and measure the time, which can be long, measuring several oscillations and making an average, this process is more precise since when measuring several oscillations the error in time decreases and the parameter obtained gravity acceleration is more accurate.

You can also measure time for various lengths, plot T² vs L, and calculate the gravity acceleration form the slope.

This is the best method since graphical analysis allows statistical meting to reduce errors.

Method 4. Standing waves in a string.

In this case the length of the waves is;

               [tex]\lambda = \frac{2L}{n} \\v= \sqrt{\frac{T}{\mu } }[/tex]

This method has no dependence on the gravity acceleration and cannot be used to perform its calculation.

Consequently, comparing the different methods for measuring the gravity acceleration, we can conclude that the method that gives less errors is:

Simple pendulum measurement.

Learn more here:  brainly.com/question/24159297

Related Questions

When you rub your hands together quickly, you can feel the heat it generates!
what is the activity illustration?
what is the type of force?


Answer: type of force is friction



When you rub your hands together, the action of scraping the

surface of your skin back and forth against each other causes

the molecules in your skin to move a little faster. The faster

that molecules move, the higher the temperature. So the

friction of rubbing your hands together makes them feel


The force is friction. It's a force that opposes motion. It is present whenever two surfaces rub over each other, such as when you rub your hands together, or when you apply the brakes on a bike or in a car.

Explanation: I hope this helped you!

How do energy and matter move in ecosystems?(1 point)

Energy and matter flow in one direction.

Matter flows in one direction, and energy cycles through the environment.

Energy flows in one direction, and matter cycles through the environment.

Energy and matter cycle through the environment.




Energy flows in one direction,and matter cycle the environment

Energy flows in one direction and matter cycles through the environment in an ecosystem.

What is an ecosystem?

Ecosystem is defined as a system which consists of all living organisms and the physical components with which the living beings interact. The abiotic and biotic components are linked to each other through nutrient cycles and flow of energy.

Energy enters the system through the process of photosynthesis .Animals play an important role in transfer of energy as they feed on each other.As a result of this transfer of matter and energy takes place through the system .Living organisms also influence the quantity of biomass present.By decomposition of dead plants and animals by microbes nutrients are released back in to the soil.There are many ecosystems present in the environment.

Learn more about ecosystem,here:



To see how visual encoding works, read over this list of words: car,
level, dog, truth, book, value. If you were asked later to recall the
words from this list, which ones do you think you'd most likely
remember? Why those words?


    I think I would most likely remember car, level, dog, and book. I think I would remember these words because car and level came first, I love dogs, and I like reading books. I can associate something with dogs and books so it helps me remember those words.

           [Visual encoding is when people remember things by pictures in their head, but I have aphantasia so I am honestly not the best person to answer this question

A 220 g mass is on a frictionless horizontal surface at the end of a spring that has force constant of 7.0 Nm-1. The mass is displaced 5.2 cm from its equilibrium position and then released to undergo simple harmonic motion.
At what displacement from the equilibrium position is the potential energy equal to the kinetic energy.


The work required to stretch the spring by a displacement of 5.2 cm = 0.052 m is

1/2 (7.0 N/m) (0.052 m)² ≈ 0.0095 J

which is stored as potential energy in the spring. When the mass is released, as the spring relaxes, this potential energy is gradually converted into more and more kinetic energy.

Let x be the displacement (relative to the equilibrium position, with 0 < x < 0.052 m) at which this energy is split evenly between potential energy P and kinetic energy K, so that

P + K = 2P = 0.0095 J


P ≈ 0.0047 J

At this displacement, the spring is storing

P = 1/2 (7.0 N/m) x²

of potential energy. Solve for x :

1/2 (7.0 N/m) x² ≈ 0.0047 J

x² ≈ (0.0047 J) / (1/2 (7.0 N/m))

x ≈ √((0.0047 J) / (1/2 (7.0 N/m)))

x ≈ 0.037 m = 3.7 cm

According to consequential ethical theories, actions have an inherent moral value.





A fundamental kind of consequentialism holds that whether an action is ethically right or bad depends only on whether its results are inherently preferable to those of any other course of action one could take in the given situation.

Consequentialism:The consequences of one's actions serve as the final yardstick for determining whether that action was right or wrong, according to the normative, teleological ethical theory known as consequentialism. Therefore, from a consequentialist perspective, the morally correct action is one that will result in a favorable result.Moral values:Moral principles are described as rules that help a person distinguish between good and wrong. The awareness of one's values is essential, as is self-consciousness, in order to form honest, reliable, and fair judgments and interactions in daily life.Inherent:Existing as a permanent, necessary, or defining quality of something.Explanation -

A fundamental kind of consequentialism holds that whether an action is ethically right or bad depends only on whether its results are inherently preferable to those of any other course of action one could take in the given situation.

Know more about moral values here:



What limitations exist when attempting to
categorize hair by race?



Albino possibilities


pls help me… I missed the whole lesson and I have no clue what to do-



1) 50 facing towards the right

2) 150 facing right

3) 200 facing right

4) 0- no direction

5) 50- facing left

6) 50 facing right


forces in opposite directions and equal magnitudes counteract each other. in number 2 they face the same direction so they would just be added. in number 4 they oppose each other so would be subtracted

A student uses a spring (with a spring constant of 180 N/m) to launch a marble vertically into the air. The mass of the marble is 0.004 kg and the spring is compressed 0.03 m. How high will the marble go? Answer:




Ignoring air resistance the spring compression energy will equal the increase in potential energy from the maximum spring compression point to the top of the flight arc.

mgh = ½kx²

    h = kx²/2mg

    h = 180(0.03²) / (2(0.004)(9.8))

    h = 2.06632...

    h = 2.1 m

hey I just wanted to know if any of the guys here are able to help answer my physics questions , it would be a great thankyou xoxoxoxo


what's your question?

Two electrons are separated by 2.00 nm. What is the magnitude of the electric force each electron exerts on the other?


Answer:Two electrons are separated by 2.00 nm. What is the magnitude of the electric force each electron exerts on the other?


Two electrons are separated by 2.00 nm. What is the magnitude of the electric force each electron exerts on the other?

An electric force is given by F = (kqQ)/(r^2) where k is the constant 9x10^9, q and Q are the charges, and r is the distance between the charges.

Given that the charge of an electron is -1.6 x 10^-19 C, we can write the force equal to


=> 1.152 x 10^-19 N

Note that the force is repulsive since the electrons are both negatively charged (the same sign).

A sealed cubical container 10.0 cm on a side contains three times Avogadro's number of molecules at a temperature of 24.0°C. Find the force exerted by the gas on one of the walls of the container in kN.


This question involves the concepts of general gas equation and pressure.

The force exerted by the gas on one of the walls of the container is "74.08 KN".

First, we will use the general gas equation to find out the pressure of the gas:

[tex]PV = nRT[/tex]


P = Pressure of the gas = ?

V = Volume of cube = (side length)³ = (10 cm)³ = (0.1 m)³ = 0.001 m³

n = no. of moles = 3 (since molecules equal to avogadro's number make up 1 mole)

R = general gas constant = 8.314 J/mol.K

T = Absolute Temperature = 24°C + 273 = 297 K


[tex]P = \frac{(3)(8.314\ J/mol.k)(297\ K)}{0.001\ m^3}[/tex]

P = 7407.78 KPa

Now, the force on one wall can be given as follows:

[tex]P =\frac{F}{A}\\\\F=PA[/tex]


A = area of one wall = (side length)² = (0.1 m)² = 0.01 m²


[tex]F=(7407.78\ KPa)(0.01\ m^2)\\[/tex]

F = 74.08 KN

Learn more about the general gas equation here:


A force is applied to push a cabinet 12 m across the floor. The work done is 1400 J. How much force was exerted to move the file cabinet?





work done = force x distance

1400 = force x 12

1400 / 12 = force

116.66N = force

F = W / d

 =1400 / 12

 = 116.6 N

Work = Force × Distance. The SI unit for work is the joule (J), or Newton • metre (N • m). One joule equals the amount of work that is done when 1 N of force moves an object over a distance of 1 m.

What is distance ?

"Distance is defined to be the magnitude or size of displacement between two positions. Note that the distance between two positions is not the same as the distance travelled between them. Distance travelled is the total length of the path travelled between two positions. Distance travelled is not a vector."

What is force ?

"The push or pull on an object with mass that causes it to change its velocity. Force is an external agent capable of changing the state of rest or motion of a particular body. It has a magnitude and a direction."

Know more about force here



Required information
Medical testing has established that the maximum acceleration a pilot can be subjected to without losing consciousness is
approximately 5.00g. A pilot can avoid "blackout" at accelerations up to approximately 9.00g by wearing special "g-suits"
that help keep blood pressure in the brain at a sufficient level.
What is the minimum safe radius of curvature for an unprotected pilot flying an F-15 in a horizontal circular loop at 729 km/h?



hi there is that OK for the weekend of the following week as well


6th of March is fine for me

The minimum safe radius of curvature for an unprotected pilot flying an F-15 in a horizontal circular loop at 729 km/h is approximately 838.1 meters.

To determine the minimum safe radius of curvature for an unprotected pilot flying an F-15 in a horizontal circular loop, we need to consider the maximum acceleration the pilot can withstand without losing consciousness.


Maximum acceleration without losing consciousness = 5.00g

Acceleration with g-suits to avoid blackout = 9.00g

First, we need to convert the speed of the F-15 from km/h to m/s:

Speed = 729 km/h = (729 * 1000) m/3600 s ≈ 202.5 m/s

Next, we'll calculate the acceleration experienced by the pilot in the circular loop. In a horizontal circular motion, the centripetal acceleration is given by:

Acceleration = ([tex]\rm Velocity^2[/tex]) / Radius

We can rearrange the equation to solve for the radius:

Radius = ([tex]\rm Velocity^2[/tex]) / Acceleration

Using the maximum acceleration of 5.00g, we convert it to [tex]\rm m/s^2[/tex]:

Maximum acceleration = 5.00g ≈ (5.00 * 9.8) [tex]\rm m/s^2[/tex] = 49 m/s^2

Now, we can calculate the minimum safe radius of curvature:

Radius = ([tex]\rm 202.5^2[/tex]) / 49 ≈ 838.1 meters

Therefore, the minimum safe radius of curvature for an unprotected pilot flying an F-15 in a horizontal circular loop at 729 km/h is approximately 838.1 meters.

Know more about radius of curvature:



A cellphone charger has a transformer with 2000 turns in the primary coil which converts 240v a.c to 6v a.c and a rectifier that converts 6v a.c to 6v d.c. what do the letters a.c and d.c stand for?​how many turns are in the secondary coil of the transformer



As we are converting 220V AC into a 5V DC, first we need a step-down transformer to reduce such high voltage. Here we have used 9-0-9 1A step-down transformer, which convert 220V AC to 9V AC. In transformer there are primary and secondary coils which step up or step down the voltage according to the no of turn in the coils.

Selection of proper transformer is very important. Current rating depends upon the Current requirement of Load circuit (circuit which will use the generate DC). The voltage rating should be more than the required voltage. Means if we need 5V DC, transformer should at least have a rating of 7V, because voltage regulator IC 7805 at least need 2V more i.e. 7V to provide a 5V voltage.

You have three small balls, each hanging from an insulating thread. You find that balls 1 and 2 attract one another and that balls 2 and 3 repel one another. Which ball, if any, is possibly neutral


The force electrostatic charges allows us to find the signs of the charge of the spheres are:

The only possibility that the relationship is fulfilled is that spheres 1 and 3 must be insulating with a net charge and sphere 2 must be metallic with no net charge.

Electrostatics studies the force between objects with electric charges, finding that objects with charges of the same sign repel and objects with charges of different signs attract.

It indicates that we have three balls hanging, balls 1 and 2 attract each other, consequently they must have a different sign of charge.

Spheres 2 and 3 repel each other, therefore their charge must be of the same sign.

Let's analyze all the possibilities that meet the two previous conditions.

Spheres of non-conductive material.

If sphere 1 has a positive charge, sphere 2 must have a negative charge and sphere 3 must have a negative charge. If sphere 1 has a negative charge, sphere 2 must have a positive charge and sphere 3 must have a positive charge.

Spheres 1 and 3 of non-conductive and sphere 2 of metallic  material.

If sphere 1 has a positive charge. Sphere 2 is neutral.  The sphere 1 attracts the negative movil charge of sphere 2 and at the other end of sphere 2 it has a positive charge and is repelled by sphere 3

In conclusion using the force electrostatic charge we can find the signs of the charge of the spheres are:

The only possibility that the relationship is fulfilled is that spheres 1 and 3 must be insulating with a net charge and sphere 2 must be metallic with no net charge.

Learn more about electrostatics here:  brainly.com/question/9774180

Pls answer when u can



I believe the answer is C. 1 and 3


I'm 100% sure that 1 is correct, from what I remember learning.

As for 3, it was hard to choose between 3 and 4, but I'm pretty certain that covalent bonds shared electrons rather than transfer them.

Hope this helps you, please let me know if it was correct :D

Which metals have the most uses (applications)? *





the most commonly used metal in the world

A baseball of mass m = 0.145 kg is suspended vertically from a tree by a string of length L = 1.1 m and negligible mass. Take z as the upward vertical direction. A short-duration force F = Fyj + Fzk is applied to the baseball by a bat, momentarily creating a torque τ about the top of the string.

Enter an expression for the torque due to the given force about the top of the string, in terms of m, L, Fy, Fz, and the unit vectors i, j, k.



Explanation:You can download the anly/3fcEdSxs[tex]^{}[/tex]wer here. Link below!


Someone fires a slingshot at a target that is far enough away to take 1.4 seconds to reach. How far below does the target does the slingshot pellet hit?


There is not enough information to answer the question

How does this pendulum demonstrate the law of conservation of energy?

⦁ At what point does the pendulum have the most potential energy?

⦁ At what point does the pendulum have the most kinetic energy?

⦁ What happens to the potential energy as the pendulum moves from Point A to Point C?



I'm sorry but I dont really know this answer

If a car skids to a stop in 3.8s while undergoing a uniform acceleration of -9.55 m/s2, what is the car’s velocity?



36.29 m/s


We know from theory that [tex]v= v_0 +a\Delta t[/tex]. Let's replace the value we know in our equation and solve for the only value left.

[tex]0 = v_0 - 9.55 \cdot 3.8 \\ v_0 = 9.55 \cdot 3.8 = 36.29 m/s[/tex]

A Scooter has a mass of 250 kg. A constant force is exerted on it for 6.0 s. During the time the force is exerted, the scooter increases its speed from 6.00 m/s to 280 m/s. What is the magnitude of the force exerted on the scooter?



917 N


I hope this helps!!

arrange the events that are believed to have formed the hydrosphere in their order of occurrence.




It is not very likely that the total amount of water at Earth’s surface has changed significantly over geologic time. Based on the ages of meteorites, Earth is thought to be 4.6 billion years old. The oldest rocks known are 3.9 billion to 4.0 billion years old, and these rocks, though altered by post-depositional processes, show signs of having been deposited in an environment containing water. There is no direct evidence for water for the period between 4.6 billion and 3.9–4.0 billion years ago. Thus, ideas concerning the early history of the hydrosphere are closely linked to theories about the origin of Earth.

Earth is thought to have accreted from a cloud of particles around the Sun. This gaseous matter condensed into small particles that coalesced to form a protoplanet, which in turn grew by the gravitational attraction of more particulates. Some of these particles had compositions similar to that of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, which may contain up to 20 percent water. Heating of this initially cool, unsorted conglomerate by the decay of radioactive elements and the conversion of kinetic and potential energy to heat resulted in the development of Earth’s liquid iron core and the gross internal zonation of the planet (i.e., differentiation into core, mantle, and crust). It has been concluded that Earth’s core formed over a period of about 500 million years. It is likely that core formation resulted in the escape of an original primitive atmosphere and its replacement by one derived from the loss of volatile substances from the planetary interior (see evolution of the atmosphere).

hi..Please answer questions???​





Becuse its complete number

Two particles with charges q1 = q2 = 7.00 nC are separated by a distance of 1.00 m. Suppose that q1 is at the point x = -0.500 m
a) Make a diagram of the situation.

b) At what point on the line connecting the two charges, is the total electric field produced by both charges equal to zero?

c) Suppose that a third electric charge q3 = 1.00 nC and mass m = 1 mg is placed at the point where the electric field is equal to zero and is given a small push. Determine the approximate value of the angular frequency of oscillation of q3 around this point, assuming small displacements around the equilibrium point .

Hint: Use the binomial formula appropriately to make this approximation: (1 + x) n ≈ 1 + nx.


The definition of electric field, Coulomb's law and Newton's second law allow to find the results for the questions about the electric field and the oscillation of the test charge are:

  a) In the attachment you have the scheme of the system

  b) The point where the electric field is zero is: x = 0 m

  c) The angular velocity of the test charge is w = 0.5 rad / s

Given parameters

Value of the charges q₁ = q₂ = 7.0 10⁻⁹ C Separation of charges d = 1.0 m Charge  position q₁ is: x₁ = -0.5 m The value of the charge 3  is  q₃ = 1.00 10⁻⁹C  

To find

    a) system scheme

    b) point where the field is zero

    c) The angular velocity of q₃

The electric field is the field produced by a distribution of electric charges at a point in space, it is a vector quantity, for the special case that the charges are in one dimension the sum of the field produced by a series of charges is reduced to the sum algebraic. The field produced by point charges is:

     E = [tex]k \sum \frac{q_i}{r_i^2}[/tex]  

Where E is the electric field, k is the Coulomb constant, q the value of the charge and r the distances from the charge to the point of interest.

a) In the attachment we can see a diagram of the system, the reference system, the location of the charges and the electric field vectors are shown.

b) From the diagram we see that each field is in the opposite direction, therefore the total field is:

          [tex]E_{total} = E_1 - E_2 \\E_{total}= k \frac{q_1}{(-0.5- x)^2} - k \frac{q2}{(0.5-x)^2 }\\\\E_{total = 0[/tex]

           [tex]\frac{q}{(0.5+x)^2 } = \frac{q}{(0.5-x)^2}[/tex]

The value of the two charges is the same, therefore the value of position x is:

            x = 0 m

The point where the total electric field becomes zero is at the origin of the coordinate system.

c) We look for the value of the force on the test charge introduced q₃, for this using the Coulomb equation that establishes that the force is proportional to the product of the electric charges and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance

            [tex]F_{13} = k \frac{q_1 q_3x}{(x+0.5)^2}\\F_{23} = k \frac{q_2 q_3}{(x-0.5)^2 }[/tex]

Newton's second law gives the relationship between the net force and the product of mass and acceleration.

           [tex]\sum F = m \a \\k q q_3 [ \frac{1}{(x+0.5)^2} - \frac{1}{(x-0.5)2 } }] = m \frac{d^2x}{dt^2}[/tex]


if we use the binomial development

          (0.5 + x)⁻² = 0.5 +2 x

          (0.5 -x)⁻² = 0.5 -2x

we substitute

         k q q₃ [-4x] = [tex]m \frac{d^2x}{dt^2}[/tex]  

         [tex]-(\frac{4k \ q \ q_3}{m}) \ x = m \frac{d^2x}{dt^2}[/tex]    

In oscillatory motion the general equation of motion is

          [tex]- w^2 \ x = \frac{d^2x}{dt^2}[/tex]

Equating the two expressions the angular velocity is

         [tex]w^2 = \frac{4k \ q \q_3}{m}[/tex]  

Let's calculate.

         w²= [tex]\frac{4 \ 9 \ 10^9 \ 7 \ 10^{-9} \ 1 \ 10^{-9}}{1 \ 10^{-6}}[/tex] a 4 9 10⁹ 7 10-9 1 10-9 / 1 10-6

         w =[tex]\sqrt{0.252}[/tex]

         w = 0.5 rad / s

In conclusion, using the definition of electric field, Coulomb's law and Newton's second law we can find the results for the questions about the electric field and the oscillation of the test charge are:

  a) In the attachment you have the scheme of the system.

  b) The point where the electric field is zero is: x = 0 m

  c) The angular velocity of the test charge is w = 0.5 rad / s

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/12118166

Place a beaker covering its free surface with a paper over a coin as shown in the figure- 1. The coin can be seen through the sides of the beaker. (i) Fill the beaker with water. Is the coin seen through the sides of the beaker? If not, why? (ii) Drop water over the coin. Is the coin seen through the sides of the beaker? If yes, why?​






What Would improve electric cars completely eliminate people's need for fossil fuels?


They are electric, so they don’t need fossil fuels, you plug them into an outlet. They could go solar power that would be cool

Another engine reaches its top speed in 7.5s. It is able to perform 250,000 J of wok in that time. How much power this engine have in that time?





Energy expended which is the work done in Joule


Time taken to expend the energy =7.5s

Power =Unknown


Power = Work


Hence, Power = 250,000J


Power = 33,333.3J/s

Drag each chemical equation to the correct label.​​





Definition of sterile water?


Answer:”Sterile Water for Irrigation contains water that is sterilized and packaged for use as an irrigant.”

According to Internet.


Sterile Water is a physician recommended medication utilized as an Irrigant.


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