Give 5 examples of military personal


Answer 1


Their roles, pay, and obligations differ according to their military branch (army, navy, marines, air force, space force, and sometimes coast guard), rank (officer, non-commissioned officer, or enlisted recruit), and their military task when deployed on operations and on exercise.

Related Questions

This passage presents of positive view of American Idol. what is the main way it achieves this?


Need more explanation of question :)

He said , "Pawan will come today." (Indirect speech)​


He told that Pawan would come that day

The lodge staff asked the guest to store his…in the safe to prevent them from getting stolen.



A. Valuables

that's the answer


valuables is the answer

In the future, you really ----- plan your finances better.

Select one:
A. should
B. has to
C. have better
D. need



D. need

D. need.

D need

D need


its A i gues bcuz ( 'B' is probably not the answer, nor 'C' and about 'D' if we write 'need' we also add 'to'

What is the speaker's attitude towards war ? ( The gift at war time )​



The speaker's attitude toward war is quite negative. She has experienced the terrible war between America and Vietnam. She has lost the most lovable person of her life due to war.

I Need a 5-7 sentence paragraph about the picture down below.



You will only know what a man is like with the way he treats people younger/in a smaller position than him. He will tend to be very secretive when it comes to behaving with the people equal or in the same position than him. I strongly agree with this line as it is very true. People tend to act different towards different types of people. You get to know their character only by seeing their attitude and behavior toward other people


answer to the passage advantages of public transport



Improves Community Health.

Economic Benefits to the Community.

Improves Fuel Efficiency.

Public Transportation Reduces Air Pollution.

Improves Road Congestion.

Improves Community Mobility.

Provides an Equitable Transportation System.

Public Transportation Improves Commuters Productivity.

The teacher is telling a story. The cat is chasing a mouse.into negative ​



The teacher is not telling a story. The cat is not chasing a mouse.


hope this help you

have a great day

another words for gold



it mostly could mean money


there's just one way to be sure of the answer you get depending on what you meant

six risky situations to which our youth is frequently exposed to



Alcohol and drug abuse

Behaviour that contribute it accidental injury

Tobacco use

Unhealthy diet behaviour

Lack of physical activity

Unintended teen pregnancy and sexual transmitted diseases

Read the following sentences. Identify the type of phrase used in the underlined portion of
each sentence.
Our team surprised us all by scoring a goal during the last minute.
B noun
C adjectival D absolute
A prepositional


the answer you're looking for is C

What do the Eskimos look like ?​



they have allot of furry clothes on to create warmth like the people who saved the avatar in the first episode ( i forgot lol)



The average height of the an Inuit person is five foot four inches. Their height varies very little, less than two inches. They are a small and hardy race. people’s skin retains a bronze glow.


An Eskimo is a member of the group of peoples who live in Alaska, Northern Canada, eastern Siberia, and other parts of the Arctic. These peoples now usually call themselves Inuits or Yupiks, and the term Eskimo could cause offence.

9. They ________ all the Harry Potter films.
A. have saw B. has seen C. have seen
10. Ren ________ a famous director, Woody Allen.
A. has met B. has meet C. meets
11. She ________three short films so far.
A. wrote B. has written C. has wrote
12. Most TV programmes are very ____________
A. interest B. interested C. interesting
13. I’m ________about children watching too much TV.
A. worried B. worrying C. worry
14. I think listening to the radio is _________
A. bored B. boring C. bore
15. I’ve never been _________ at the cinema.
A.frightened B. frightening C. frighten
16.When One Direction didn’t win UK X-factor 2010, I was_____________.


A. disappointing B. disappointed C. disappoint
17. I’m really _________in art.
A. interesting B. interest C. interested
18. I was __________ by something I read recently.
A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising
19. Tim never watches horror films. They’re too_________ and he can’t sleep after that.
A. frighten B. frightening C. frightened
20. We were _________to hear your good news.
A. thrilling B. thrill C. thrilled



ugiifroocoofdofopvppcp. ocofofco o o o

9. Have seen
10. Has met
11. Has written
12. Interesting
13. Worried
14. Boring
15. Frightened
16. Disappointed
17. Interested
18. Surprised
19. Frightening
20. Thrilled

pls l am searching for a gift for a special person and I am indecisive​



okay firs tell me the gender and then we'll decide from there





Sunday is the day______ I go to Water park with my kinds.

a. when

b. where

c. why

d. which





Is food included in tax free weekend in Missouri?!



I don't think so :(


"Items exempt from taxes in Missouri: Clothing ($100 or less per article), personal computers and computer peripheral devices (not to exceed $1,500 each), school supplies (not to exceed $50 per purchase), computer software (taxable value of $350 or less) and graphic calculators (not to exceed $150)."




list of tax exempt items

Clothing – any article having a taxable value of $100 or less

School supplies – not to exceed $50 per purchase

Computer & technology software – taxable value of $350 or less

Personal laptops/computers – not to exceed $1,500

Computer peripheral devices – not to exceed $1,500

Graphing Calculators – not to exceed $150

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence in this
excerpt from Ernest Hemingway's "In Another Country" uses parallelism?
In the fall the war was always there, but we did not go to it any more. It was cold in the fall in Milan and the dark came very early. Then the
electric lights came on, and it was
pleasant along the streets looking in the windows. There was much game hanging outside the shops, and the
snow powdered in the fur of the foxes and the wind blew theirtails. The deer hung stiff
and heavy and empty, and small birds blew in the wind
and the wind turned their feathers. It was a cold fall and the wind came down from the mountains.



The deer hung stiff and heavy and empty, and small birds blew in the wind and the wind turned their feathers.


It is a balance within one or more sentences of comparable phrases or clauses that have the same grammatical structure that is called parallelism. Repetition of grammatical elements in writing and speaking

At present, the number of confirmed cases in the United States ranks first in the world. When global travel is limited and strict isolation policies are implemented everywhere, the United States will continue to expel illegal immigrants, which will put the world at risk.



what is the question


explain this statement "I can set limits and still be a loving person"​



This means you can restrict yourself of certain actions and still have a loving heart aside it.

People can't take advantage of you but still be nice person

1: I hope the ............can repair our car quickly.
A. mechanic B. reporter C. surgeon D. engineer
2.He got drunk after drinking …………….
A. a school of wine B. a sip of wine C. a flock of wine D. a band of wine


#1 mechanic
#2 i believe, a band of wine

classroom layout

1.What other additional classroom furniture such as filling cabinets, bookshelves, working tables will there be?
2.Do you have other specific needs that is important for your specific subject?
3.How many classroom bulletin boards will you have?
4.What other classroom display ideas as swimming pool around in your head?​



1. I'm looking for a Multi-Use Storage Center with Drawers. This addition will facilitate the organizing of supplies and educational activities and crafts for children. This will be situated on a red carpet to avoid distracting youngsters while the more focused topic is being taught.

2. My goal is to learn about different people's needs so that I can adjust to them. The word "attention to diversity" refers to a wide variety of themes, including educational system activities, school operations, and even the most precise interventions of teachers in their classes. As a result, it's critical to cater to each individual's needs, which can be a tough and time-consuming task when teaching a large group.

3. I intend to have six bulletin boards, allowing for two per wall.

4.To keep youngsters interested, I'll be updating the bulletin boards with contemporary graphics of color and attention, which means I won't be performing a significant redesign. I can leave the majority of the board alone and only update a tiny portion of it on a regular basis. Two half-bulletin, half-white-erase combo boards per wall, featuring current homework assignments, inspiring quotes, facts, and other information.

what do all organism meed? selecet three options
nerves system
a place to live



all organism need water, food, a place to live

many student in rural area do not get access to quality education – they struggle to find well paid job after graduating from University ​





Aug 12, 2021 · Many student in rural area do not get access to quality education – they struggle to find well paid job. many student in rural area do not get access to quality education – they struggle to find well paid job after graduating from University .

some one my stole my pen



Someone has stolen my pen


English is very dynamic to an extend that we all make mistakes. Buh b4 you speak you have to think twice.

Bill's mother is ill. He has to do all of the cooking and cleaning. (because of)



because if his mother illness..


hope this will help you

Question 2 of 10
While writing a persuasive piece, which appeal should you use to get your
audience to believe and trust you?
A. Pathos
B. Tone
C. Ethos
D. Simile


I think the choose (C) Ethos

I hope I helped you ^_^

what is a accounting?​



Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. ... The financial statements used in accounting are a concise summary of financial transactions over an accounting period, summarizing a company's operations, financial position and cash flows

There is no difference between a drama and a novel, each of tell a story



I think that's truth hope this will be correct answer

Which of the following sentences shows an adverb modifying a verb?
A. The extremely fast criminal escaped the police.
B. The daily newspaper arrived.
C. The movie was interesting
D. Bobby should be arriving soon.



I think number D.

is the write answer


and thanks for asking question

The sentence that shows an adverb that modifying a verb is that the Bobby should be arriving soon. Option D is correct.

What is adverb?

An adverb is defined as a word that changes or describes some other word, such as a procedural, a verb, or even a whole sentence. Example, I had brought a pen.

Some examples are:

   He makes well.    He eats very fast    Rama plays harmonium    He ran slowly.    Sunita spoke softly.    James coughed slowly to not attract her attention.    He plays the guitar attractively.

Noun the words “early,” “slowly,” “home,” and “hard” are all adverbs in the phrases “runs slowly,” “arrived early,” “stayed home,” and “works hard.” The sentence that “Bobby should be arriving soon” is also fall under this category, and this sentence fulfills the rules of the adverb.

Therefore, option D is correct that the Bobby should be arriving soon.

Learn more about the adverb, refer to:


Why always.....over spilt? I am tired of what you say A are_ crying. B.do_drink



Can't answer need more text.


I'd love to help you give me more context in the comments and I will answer this for you.

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