given a∥b and c∥d, m<4=35. find m<1, m<2, and m<3
its the rsm problem lesson 6 homework geometry


Answer 1


<2 = 35degrees

<3 = 55degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the diagram attached:

From the diagram:

<3 + <4 = 90

<3 + 35 = 90

<3 = 90 - 35

<3 = 55degrees

Also m<1 + m<2+ m<3 = 180 (sum of angles in a traingle)


145+<2 = 180

<2 = 180 - 145

<2 = 35degrees

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A four digit password is a number that begins with a 3. If digits can be repeated how many possible passwords are there? show and explain your work



The answer is 1,000

SInce the beginning number is 3 and there are ten possible numbers to put in the remaining three slots, there are exactly 1,000 possible combinations for a 3-digit code. The answer is 1,000. There are 3 rows of 10 digits. The number of combinations 10 to the thid power which is 1000 (10 * 10 * 10)

What is the derivative of (x + 1) sin x?



By the Sum Rule, the derivative of 1−sin(x) 1 - sin ( x ) with respect to x x is ddx[1]+ddx[−sin(x)] d d x [ 1 ] + d d x [ - sin ( x ) ] .

find x on this special right triangle, 45 is not an option!!!!


let the line between 2 tria be y

sin 60/8√2 = sin 90/y


sin 45/13.06 = sin 90/x



First, find the hypotenuse of the right triangle with the 60° & 30°.

Hypotenuse = hsin(x) = opposite side/hypotenuse

[tex]sin(60) = \frac{8\sqrt{2}}{h} \\\\sin(60)h=8\sqrt{2}\\\\\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} h=8\sqrt{2}\\\\h=\frac{8\sqrt{2}}{\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}}=8\sqrt{2}*\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}} =\frac{16\sqrt{2} }{\sqrt{3}} =\frac{16\sqrt{2}(\sqrt{3}) }{\sqrt{3}(\sqrt{3})} =\frac{16\sqrt{6} }{3}[/tex]

Use that side length to find x.

sin(x) = opposite side/hypotenuse

[tex]sin(45)=\frac{\frac{16\sqrt{6}}{3}}{x}\\\\sin(45)x=\frac{16\sqrt{6}}{3} \\\\\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}x=\frac{16\sqrt{6}}{3} \\\\x=\frac{\frac{16\sqrt{6}}{3}}{\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}}=\frac{16\sqrt{6}}{3}*\frac{2}{\sqrt{2}}=\frac{16\sqrt{2}\sqrt{3}(2)}{3\sqrt{2} }=\frac{32\sqrt{3} }{3}[/tex]

Operations and scientific notation math project need to know how to find the scientific notation



how did not orderstan that

what are the answers to the questions below?



You have to follow PEMDAS or parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. It's an order to solve equations. I listed the steps and the answers for you below :) I have throughly checked them so they should be correct! yw :D

Step-by-step explanation:

1. 5x + 4x - 6x = 24

9x - 6x = 24

3x = 24

24/3 = 8

x = 8

2. 8y + 5 - 4y + 1 = 46

8y - 4y = 4y

5 + 1 = 6

4y + 6 = 46

4y = 46 - 6

4y = 40

40/4 = 10

y = 10

3. 33 = 5 ( x + 8 ) + 3

33 =  5x + 40 + 3 (because we distributed)

33 = 5x + 43

5x + 43 = 33 (just rewriting it to make it easier)

5x = 33 - 43

5x = -10

-10/5 = -2

so x = - 2

4. 2m + 3 ( m - 8 ) = 1

2m + 3m - 24 = 1

we got 3m - 24 because we distributed the 3

5m - 24 = 1

5m = 25

25/5 = 5

m = 5

5. p + p - 2p + 4p = - 48

2p - 2p + 4p = - 48

4p = - 48

- 48 / 4 = - 12

p = - 12

6. 2 ( y + 5 ) + 3y = 25

2y + 10 + 3y = 25

5y + 10 = 25

5y = 25 - 10

5y = 15

15/5 = 3

y = 3

7. 1/4 h + 3/4 h + 1/2 h + 2 = 5

1/4 h + 3/4 h + 1/2 = 3/2 h

3/2 h + 2 = 5

3/2 h = 5 - 2

3/2 h = 3

h = 2

8. 60 = 4 ( k + 3 ) + 2 ( k - 3 )

60 = 4k + 12 + 2k - 6

4k + 12 + 2k - 6 = 60

6k + 6 = 60

6k = 60 - 6

6k = 54

k = 9

9. - 2 ( d + 1.4 ) - 1.8 = 20.6

-2d + - 2.8 - 1.8 = 20.6

-2d - 2.8 = 22.4

-2d = 25.2

d = - 12.6

10. 8 - 2 ( w + 4 ) = 10

8 + - 2 w + - 8 = 10

-2w + 9 + - 8 = 10

-2w = 10

10 / -2 = -5

w = -5

6) Frazer cycles the first 20 miles at an average speed of 21mph. The second
part is more uphill, and he only manages 13mph. By what percentage did his
speed decrease?
How to solve


9514 1404 393


  38.1% decrease

Step-by-step explanation:

A percentage change is found from ...

  % change = (change)/(original amount) × 100%

  = (new value - original amount)/(original amount) × 100%

  = (13 -21)/21 × 100% = -8/21 × 100% ≈ -38.1%

Frazer's speed decreased by 38.1% during the second part.


Additional comment

A negative % change represents a decrease; a positive % change represents an increase.

Which side of the pentagon on the right corresponds to
side KJ on the pentagon on the left.



side st.

Step-by-step explanation:

st corresponds to kj since a it has five sides.

Write each percent as a fraction in simple form 15 3/5%




Step-by-step explanation:

15 3/5 = 78/5 and percent means per 100, so

(78/5)/100 = (78/5)(1/100)

=78/500 = 39/250

Help me asap!!



z -2 = 10

Step-by-step explanation:

11z-9-10z+7 = 10

Combine like terms on the left side

11z -10z     -9+7  =10

z -2 = 10

Answer: z=12

Step-by-step explanation:


12 workers take 4 hours to complete a job. How long would it take 15 workers to complete the job?



3.2 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

12 workers * 4 hours = 48 worker hours

15 workers  * x hours = 48 worker hours

48 /15 =3.2 hours


3 hours and 12 minutes.

Step-by-step explanation:

12 Workers complete a job in 4 hours

1 worker complete a job 12 × 4 = 48

15 workers complete a job = 48/15 = 3³/¹⁵ = 3¹/⁵

= 3 hours + 1/5 × 60  minutes = 3 hours 12 minutes.

Simplify the following expression:


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]{ \bf{( \frac{ - 10 {a}^{3} {b}^{5} \times 6 {a}^{6} {b}^{2} }{ {12a}^{9} {b}^{5} } ) {}^{3} }} \\ \\ = { \sf{( \frac{ - 60 {a}^{9} {b}^{7} }{12 {a}^{9} {b}^{5} } ) {}^{3} }} \\ \\ = { \sf{(5 {b}^{2}) {}^{3} }} \\ = { \sf{125 {b}^{5} }}[/tex]

Execute the following 18/3+2*8-5.


I got 17 as my answer

Aakash, Bao Ying, Chris and Donna all live on the same street as their school, which
runs from east to west.
• Aakash lives 5 blocks to the west.
• Bao Ying lives 4 blocks to the east.
• Chris lives 2: blocks to the west. .
• Donna lives 61 blocks to the east.
a. Draw a picture that represents the positions of their houses along the street.
b. Find how far is each house from every other house?
c. Represent the relative position of the houses on a number line, with the school at
zero, points to the west represented by negative numbers, and points to the east
represented by positive numbers.
d. How can you see the answers to part (b) on the number line? Using the numbers
(some of which are positive and some negative) that label the positions of houses on
the number line, represent these distances using sums or differences.


The distance between each of the students' houses are:

Aakash & Bao Ying live 9 blocks away from each other

Aakash & Chris live 3 blocks away from each other

Aakash & Donna live 66 blocks away from each other

Bao Ying & Chris live 6 blocks away from each other

Bao Ying & Donna live 57 blocks away from each other

Chris & Donna live 63 blocks away from each other

To solve this question, we represent each with the first letter of their names.

So, we have:

[tex]A= 5\ west[/tex] --- Aakash

[tex]B= 4\ east[/tex] ---- Bao Ying

[tex]C = 2\ west[/tex] --- Chris

[tex]D = 61\ east[/tex] ---- Donna

I've added the picture and the number line that represent the scenario as an attachment.

To calculate how far each lives from each other's, we start by representing west as negative and east as positive.

So, the representations become:

[tex]A = -5[/tex]

[tex]B = 4[/tex]

[tex]C = -2[/tex]

[tex]D = 61[/tex]

The absolute difference of each represents how far they live from one another.

Aakash & Bao Ying         Aakash & Chris                 Aakash & Donna

[tex]AB = |-5 -4| =9[/tex]          [tex]AC = |-5 --2| =3[/tex]         [tex]AD = |-5 -61| =66[/tex]

Bao Ying & Chris                 Bao Ying & Donna

[tex]BC = |4 --2| =6[/tex]                [tex]BD = |4 -61| =57[/tex]

Chris & Donna

[tex]CD = |-2 -61| =63[/tex]

This means that

Aakash & Bao Ying live 9 blocks away from each other

Aakash & Chris live 3 blocks away from each other

Aakash & Donna live 66 blocks away from each other

Bao Ying & Chris live 6 blocks away from each other

Bao Ying & Donna live 57 blocks away from each other

Chris & Donna live 63 blocks away from each other

To carry out the above computations from the number line, we simply count the numbers from one to the other.

For instance:

There are 3 numbers from Akash to Chris.

This means that: Aakash & Chris live 3 blocks away from each other

Learn more about number line at:

k = 2; f(x) = 2x3 + 3x2 - 4x + 4; Lower bound? (1 point)


f(x) = 2 x 3 +3 x 2 - 4x + 4
0 = 6 + 6 - 4x + 4
0 = 16 - 4x
4x = 16
x = 4
(sorry if that’s not what you’re looking for)

A cement mixture costs $33 a ton. It is composed of Grade A cement at $36 a ton and Grade B cement at
$24 a ton. How were these two cements mixed?


If we used “a” tons of grade A and “b” tons of grade B we would get a + b tons of mixture.
Converting to costs we get 36a + 24b = 33(a + b)
36a + 24b = 33a + 33b
36a - 33a = 33b - 24b
3a = 9b
a = 3b
This means the mixture contains 3 times as much of grade A than grade B
The ratio of grade A : grade B = 3 : 1

For example if we mixed 3 tons of A with 1 ton of B we would get 4 tons of mixture
The cost would be 3 x 36 + 1 x 24 = 108 + 24 = $132 for 4 tons = $33 per ton

Slide 1.
1) The polygons below ore similor. Find the value of y.



y =6

Step-by-step explanation:

We can write a ratio to solve

3           y

----- = ----------

4            8

Using cross products

3*8 = 4y

24 = 4y

Divide by 4

24/4 = 4y/4

6 = y

i don’t quite get the concept yet and i really don’t wanna bother the teacher again :/ please help



they are asking which claims are true vs false

Step-by-step explanation:

I totally get not wanting to bother our teachers again,... (that is why we're here)

m (AB = 20

m<ABD = 140

m (AD = 60

I think they want to know which ones (based on the "graph") are true,...

Which equation results from isolating a radical term and squaring both sides of the equation for the equation



[tex]c - 2 = 25 + 10 \sqrt c + c[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\sqrt{c-2} - \sqrt c = 5[/tex]


Isolate radical, then square both sides

We have:

[tex]\sqrt{c-2} - \sqrt c = 5[/tex]

Isolate radical

[tex]\sqrt{c - 2} = 5 + \sqrt c[/tex]

Square both sides

[tex](\sqrt{c - 2})^2 = (5 + \sqrt c)^2[/tex]

[tex]c - 2 = 25 + 2 * 5 * \sqrt c + c[/tex]

[tex]c - 2 = 25 + 10 \sqrt c + c[/tex]

6. Find x and y plz help ​



x=6 square root 3 y=9

Step-by-step explanation:

x= 3 square root 3 * 2

y=3 square root 3 times square root 3

Sandy used these rules to write a 6-digit number.
• 3 in the tens place
• 6 in the hundreds place
1 in the thousands place
• 8 in the ten thousands place
4 in the ones place
• 2 in the hundred thousands place
What number did she write?
A. 281,634
B. 361.842
C. 681,234
D. 864,321


9514 1404 393


  A. 281,634

Step-by-step explanation:

You can identify the number after the first two "rules".

Choices A and C have 3 in the tens place.

Choice A has 6 in the hundreds place.




jo pahle wale X hai na na X + x plus 1 unhen Yad Karke answer 1 aaega FIR X + 2 =_= + 3 X + 3 yah answer Aaya 1 or 2 X + ka ok

Step-by-step explanation:

FIR hai x+ x and ++ 2021 x


FIR + Kannan donon ko x


x - 3 X

x - 4042

yah answer aayega ine donon ka the solve this question ok friend

which function is positive for the entire interval (-3,-2)



There can be several such functions; however, the basic condition that needs to be met for a function to be positive for the interval [–3, –2] is that it should be multiplied by (-1) Hence, one such function that is positive for the entire interval is f(x) = -x

Step-by-step explanation:

6. How many rational number are there Between ⅕and⁹/⁵​


9514 1404 393


  an infinite number

Step-by-step explanation:

Between any pair of numbers, there are ...

  an infinite number of rational numbers, and

  an infinite number of irrational numbers

Find the L.C.M. of: a2 + 2a +1, a? + 3a + 2​


Step-by-step explanation:

sorrry .......................

if x = -5

x2 + 3
x - 2



Step-by-step explanation:

Help only #31,33, please thank you



31) 4d + 28            33) 10 + 5

Step-by-step explanation:

31) 4 ( d + 7) = 4 x 7 = 28 = 4d + 28

33) 5 ( 2m + 1 ) = 5. 2m + 5 . 1: 10m + 5

Which of the following is equivalent to 0 equals 3 x squared minus 12 x minus 15 when completing the square?



x = 5, -1

Step-by-step explanation:

0 = 3x^2 - 12x - 15 or

3x^2 - 12x - 15 = 0

By solving for x, use the Quadratic Formula.

… x = 5 and/or -1

After completing the square the quadratic equation [tex]3x^{2} -12x-15=0[/tex] is equivalent to [tex](x-2)^2=3^2[/tex].

What is a quadratic equation?

"It is a polynomial equation with degree two."

What is completing the square method?

"It is a method that is used for converting a quadratic expression of the form [tex]ax^2 + bx + c[/tex] to [tex]a(x - h)^2 + k[/tex] "

For given example,

We have been given a quadratic equation.

[tex]3x^{2} -12x-15=0[/tex]

First we divide above quadratic equation by 3,

[tex]x^{2} -4x-5=0\\\\x^2-4x=5[/tex]                             ................(i)

Now for completing the square first find [tex](\frac{-b}{2a} )[/tex]

[tex]\frac{-b}{2a}\\=\frac{-(-4)}{(2)(1)}\\\\ =\frac{4}{2}\\\\ =2[/tex]

Add [tex](\frac{-b}{2a} )^2[/tex] on both the sides of equation (i),

[tex]x^{2} -4x+4=5+4\\\\(x-2)^2=9\\\\(x-2)^2=3^2[/tex]

Therefore, after completing the square the quadratic equation [tex]3x^{2} -12x-15=0[/tex] is equivalent to [tex](x-2)^2=3^2[/tex].

Learn more about completing the square here:


[tex] \frac{2}{4} + 5 \times 36 + 2 \frac{6}{3 } = [/tex]
what is answer ​


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \frac{2}{4} + 5 \times 36 + 2 \frac{6}{3} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{1}{2} + 180 + 2 \times \frac{2}{1} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{1}{2} + 180 + 4[/tex]

[tex] = \frac{1 + 360 + 8}{2} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{369}{2} [/tex]

[tex] = 184 \frac{1}{2} \: or \: 184.5(ans)[/tex]

Find the lengths of the other two sides of the isosceles right triangle












The answer is 7 I’m quite sure

14. The area of 10 square plots is 160 ares. Find the length in metres of the side of each plot (3mks)​



Step-by-step explanation:

1 are = 100 m²

Assuming the ten squares are congruent, the area of each square is 160/10 = 16 are

16 are × 100 m²/are = 1600 m²

each side is √1600 = 40 m

The length of side of plot is 40 meters.

What is area?

The total space occupied by a flat (2-D) surface or shape of an object is known as area.

Draw a square on a piece of paper with a pencil. It has two dimensions. The term "area" refers to the area that the shape occupies on the paper.

Now picture your square as being comprised of smaller unit squares. The number of unit squares required to cover a 2-D shape's total surface area is used to calculate its area.

Given the area of 10 square plot is 160 are,

here 1 are = 100 m²

area of 10 square plot = 160 x 100 = 16,000 m²

area of 1 square plot = 16000/10 = 1600 m²

area of square is "a²"

where a is side of square

area = a² = 1600 m²

a = √1600

a = 40 m

Hence the length of side of each plot is 40 meters.

Learn more about area;


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