giving 10 points+brainliest

What does it mean when an author develops a plot?


Answer 1


Plot development means ensuring that your novel contains what makes stories enjoyable to read: Action and event, change, wonder and surprise

Answer 2


it means when developing a plot, the author will make it the sequence of events that makes up the story


A author can select a setting for the plot and then throws in a few detailed characters. With a plot, setting, and characters, the story can begin A plot-driven story captivates readers or audiences through the excitement of events.

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What is a contour interval ?
A. the elevation difference between two adjacent contour lines.
B. A looped formed by contour lines that indicate a peak or depression
C. An imagery line that joins of equal elevation
D. The degree o a slopes steepness


The vertical distance between or difference in elevation between contour lines.

Short answer? A.

A is answering because you’re my cousin

How did the war affect herman melville?


The war deeply affected Herman Melville writing

The chair stood up straight and tall



Based off of the assumption you want us to tell you what kind of figurative language that is:


This is a great example of personification because it gives an inanimate object human qualities. In reality, a chair can't "stand up" at all.

i dont have a question to ask


i dont have an answer to give

What would life be like if there were no government, rules , or controls?



Chaos and Anarchy


People going around doing whatever they want. not the way you would wanna go, similar to Somalia today, they have been in civil war for decades


Some people choose not to follow laws on a regular basis. ... There would be no laws, rules or regulations regarding the environment, traffic safety devices, or repair of streets and roads. Sidewalks wouldn't be shoveled and open to the public. Crimes would be committed, and there would be no punishment or rehabilitation.

Christopher explains that a lot of people do no like the truth because they find the truth to be rude. Is Christopher correct? Why or why not?



Christopher is right.


The reason why people don't like to always hear the truth and they can be easily offending and whoever may be telling them the truth, the person being told will think wow how rude of them but in reality people need to learn to take criticism.

Exercise 8: Find and correct the mistake in each sentence
1. The earthquake not only caused physical damage but also left victims suffering of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).
2. Studies have found that it takes a full day to recover over jet lag each time zone you travel through. 3. Someone that is allergic with one type of nuts might have a similar reaction to a similar one. 4. Being physically active not only helps prevent people on getting lung cancer but it appears to improve survival and quality of life for those already diagnosed.
5. After the parent-teacher conference, my mother carefully considered to take my brother to evening classes due to his low performance recently.


Answer:the see

Explanation:please explain

How has Hanrahan used hatching as a form of tonal variation in her work? In your answer, reference Girl with a Cat OR Mother and child to support your response with specific examples.

Barbara Hanrahan
Born in 1939 and died in 1991 in Adelaide, South Australia.
The strange mix of naïve and fantasy characterises Hanrahan’s prints. Her work has an intimacy, which draws the viewer increasingly into a macabre world, which Hanrahan creates. The intimacy is created through the use of decorative elements such as textured rugs and cloth, which give the viewer the impression that they are looking into a domestic scene. A familiar scene, which on closer inspection, is strange, haunting and fraught with danger. Her work has been described as ‘fairy-like and vulnerable’.

In 1963 she travelled to London. The trip was to become one of many. In London she worked at the central school and was influenced by the works of Gertude Hermes and the early pop art of Hockney and Peter Blake.

In the mid sixties Hanrahan produced a series of works which explored the nature of her parents' relationship. The series titled ‘Bob and Ronda’ explored the bond between her parents, a bond that she had not witnessed as her father had died when she was one. Barbara was their only child and was reared by her mother, who worked as a commercial artist.
Many of Hanrahans images play with themes from popular culture, especially pop songs. Her works have a strong narrative and often combine images of frivolity with a note of fear, pain and insecurity.

Barbara Hanrahan created a distinct and powerful body of work during her career, which spanned from the 1960s until her death in 1991. Trained as a printmaker in Adelaide and London, she lived between the two cities for much of her adult life. Both of these places exerted profound influence on her work; Hanrahan drew on the experiences of her childhood in Adelaide for much of her imagery, while the social upheavals of London in the 1960s, and artistic influences of the British Pop artists, formed her stylistic development. Using the expressive possibilities of the printmaking medium, she explored with an unflinching directness some of the most complex facets of female experience. Hanrahan’s prints delve into the fraught nature of intimate relationships between women; men and women; and women’s relationships with their own bodies. Returning to and re-working images created over several decades, Hanrahan treated these themes with a mixture of rawness and humour.



Hanrahan is a girl mixed with the talent of prints with the color of ambition and happiness with naive and fantasy characters. She used hatching as a form of tonal variation in her work by experiencing the work as well as life's practical knowledge.


Hanrahan is a girl who has started working at a predefined age and gained a wilful experience of life and the situations of living life. It is an awful experience for her with the work she does and with understanding the practical relationships between different couples.

f. When do most of the people go to Godawari for picnic?​



Year-round access is available to those who visit Godawari Botanical Garden, however the best time to attend is in the spring as it is a botanical garden. Since much of the garden will be in full bloom in the spring, it will be an even more amazing experience to visit and have a picnic.

The following six motives are not the right motives for serving. Explain what is wrong about each motive. Then, list what you think are the worthy motives that should drive a Christian to serve. - ambition for personal promotion - lust for personal power - greed for money - desires of parents or pastors - pride - self-serving


What makes these six motives wrong are;

-ambition for personal promotion: When a person only seeks to promote himself, true love for the people will be absent. The individual will only care about his prestige and not the well-being of others.- lust for personal power: Similar to the first point lusting for personal power makes peoples' needs secondary and personal gratification primary. -greed for money: This trait can make a person engage in cutbacks and bribery, thus providing inferior services for the people. - desires of parents or pastors: Serving should come from a willing heart. If it is done because of the desires of parents and pastors, then it will be done grudgingly.- pride: A proud person cannot serve because he views others as beneath him.  - self-serving: A self-serving person seeks his own betterment first. He thus lacks the ability to make sacrifices for the people.

Worthy motives that should drive a Christian to serve are love, passion, empathy, humility, kindness, and compassion. When a Christian is motivated by a true love for the people he serves out of joy and not grudgingly.

Humility entails recognizing that others are superior to us. When we are humble, serving becomes easy because we do not place ourselves on a high pedestal. Empathy which is fellow feeling is another good motive to serve for it helps us to feel the pain of others.

Summarily, love, passion, empathy, humility, kindness, and compassion are good reasons to serve.

Learn more about Christian service here:

When did Robert Hooke discovered cells?
A) 1665
B) 1670





I learned this last year, you got this


A) 1665


HELP ME PLZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I don't think there are any errors....

how many alphabet are they?​





a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v x z


there are 5 alphabets in english

measles has broken out in the the school and offices (be into correct tense)


syq-krrf-bnv aajao no bad words allowed

In ceramics what seems to be universal human trait



If we're summarizing their properties, we can say that ceramics have: High melting points (so they're heat resistant). Great hardness and strength. Considerable durability (they're long-lasting and hard-wearing).


High hardness

High elastic modulus

Low ductility

High dimensional stability

Good wear resistance

High resistance to corrosion and chemical attack

High weather resistance

High melting point

High working temperature

Low thermal expansion

Low to medium thermal conductivity

Good electrical insulation

Low to medium tensile strength

High compressive strength

Medium machinability



Poor impact strength

Low thermal shock resistance

Use the sentence below to answer the question.

I didn’t do my homework; consequently, I did not get credit for the assignment.

What is the conjunctive adverb in this sentence?

A. didn’t
B. consequently
C. get
D. assignment



Conjunctive adverb: consequently.

Purpose: It shows the effect of the first part of the sentence.


Conjunctive adverbs are the adverbs that are used as a conjunction to join independent clauses. They are also used to clarify or modify and also to transition between the clauses. They are also used to show sequence, cause, effect, or contrast in a sentence.

In the given sentence, the first part of the sentence presents a cause while the second gives the effect. The conjunctive adverb "consequently" is used to present the relationship of the cause and effect in the sentence.

Thus, the correct answers are

Conjunctive adverb: consequently.

Purpose: It shows the effect of the first part of the sentence.





because conjunctive adverb are used to connect two sentences.

Examine the quote below for the author's craft. What figurative language is used to make their point?

The world has no room for cowards. We must all be
ready somehow to toil, to suffer, to die. And yours is
not the less noble because no drum beats before you
when you go out to your daily battlefields, and no
crowds shout your coming when you return from
your daily victory and defeat.


crowds shout your coming when ypu return from

What is always coming, but never arrives?





Mr smiths classroom was very neat on the first day of school .possessive nouns​



mr sms


mr smiths is a possesive noun because it shows that the classroom is belong to mr sm.

i edit the name because the system dont let me to use the word

figures of speech in the poem throwing a tree​



In "Throwing a Tree," the poet uses personification, a literary device that uses human qualities to describe an object.

Themes what truth about life or a human nature do the story elements help develop. Read the article the grapes of wrath


Explanation: i looked that up hope it helps

PLEASE help me i’ll give you BRAINLIEST!!!!
Write your thesis statement below for your prompt: Are mental health issues among teens a
serious societal concem that needs to be addressed or is this just a generational issue (meaning
teens these days can't handle the amount that teens in the olden days could)?



Mental health issues are among teens a serious problem because of online games and this pandemic childrens are getting addict through the game and not giving time for studing so it is a serious problem

In this passage what does Henry is figurative use of the word purchased in price in paragraph to suggest about those who choose safety over freedom



i don't know


im doing this for points :)

REREAD Reread lines 20-31. How does the author develop the
sense that events are unfolding quickly? Support your answer with
explicit textual evidence.
from the story the good soldiers by david finkel



I don't know about this question so can you give brainliests ok plz plz

Please help ASAP!!!!


i’m guessing it could be “during”

What is the difference between plot and moral



both aren't the same


plot is a piece of land which where the crops that will so Deliciously devour are planted & grown on while morals are your principals & values those rules that you live you life by

2. Imagine your friend Namita Sharma has come regional level Drawing Competition '. Now write a letter to her congratulating on her success.​



We are proud of your great success.We all send your our heartiest congratulation.You have really worked hard. You deserved this succees .



dear friend Namita,

My happiness knew no bound when I heard the news that you are selected for regional level drawing competition. congratulations as you has got to show your drawing skills on the regional level Drawing Competition.I will pray for your win.

I hope that you are very excited for this competition and you will give your best to win this contest. You have always been a good artist as you can draw any type of images which has been proved by your drawings. Words failed to express how glad I am as you have got a chance to show your drawing skills on the regional level drawing competition. I am very very very happy for you. May God bless you with a bright future.

withmuchlove, aayusa

I hope this will help you.please mark my answer as BRAINLIEST if you liked it....

In “Upon the Burning of Our House,” Bradstreet explains the loss of her house has helped her realize that the promise of heaven is more important and valuable than any material possessions.

Which lines from the poem best convey this thought?

A. “There’s wealth enough, I need no more, / Farewell, my pelf, farewell, my store.”

B. “When by the ruins oft I past / My sorrowing eyes aside did cast”

C. “And to my God my heart did cry / To strengthen me in my distress”

D. “Here stood that trunk, and there that chest, / There lay that store I counted best.”


Bradstreet claims that having a promise from heaven is enough wealth for her and that comforts her at the difficult time she is living. For her, if she has the promise of heaven, she doesn't need any other wealth.

For this reason, we can say that option A is the correct answer.

In "Upon the Burning of Our House," Bradstreet is a mixture of melancholy and comfort, as the loss of the house has a great impact on her life, but she consoles herself, in the certainty that God will take care of her.

In this poem, we can see that:

Bradstreet is shaken by the loss of her home and all the memories she had there.Bradstreet recognizes the economic and emotional impact that the destruction of the house had on the family.However, she consoles herself with the certainty that God will take care of this problem.That care of God is a promise from heaven and Bradstreet believes she has that promise, which is more valuable than anything.In this case, Bradstreet bids farewell to the wreckage of the house, claiming that it doesn't need any wealth beyond the promise of heaven.

You can find more information at the link below:

Answer: “There’s wealth enough, I need no more, / Farewell, my pelf, farewell, my store.”


1. Make a present simple ‘wh’ question with ‘be’. 1. How ________________________ (he / be)? 2. Where ______________________ (you / be)? 3. How old ________________________ (she / be)? 4. Why ________________________ (Nga / be) at the airport? 5. Why ________________________ (they / be) on the bus? 6. Why ________________________ (we / be) awake? 7. Where ________________________ (they / be) from? 8. Why _______________________ (the dog / be) hungry? 9. Why ________________________ (these people / be) here? 10. How much ________________________ (it / be)?



1 .he

2 .you

3. she

4. be

5. they

6. we

7. they

8 .the dog

9 .these people

10 . it


please mark me brainliest

why was dorothy and the wizard of written


It was written because the author wanted to entertain people
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