H20fall, how do I find out how much salt is in my pool?


Answer 1

A very peculiar question, kind sir

I supposed one can start by allowing his pool water to evaporate in the blazing summer heat in order to separate the solute (salt) from the solvent (water). After the separation, the obtained mass of salt can be measured on a scale in order to determine the concentration of salt that is present within thy swimming pool. This technique is the most classic of all, and is also the most expedient way to extract salt from water.

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electrical waste management and deforestation

pls help ill give brainlist!!!!!!!!!​




Mitochondria are membrane-bound cell organelles (mitochondrion, singular) that generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions. Chemical energy produced by the mitochondria is stored in a small molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

A vacuole is a membrane-bound cell organelle. In animal cells, vacuoles are generally small and help sequester waste products. In plant cells, vacuoles help maintain water balance

Lysosomes function as the digestive system of the cell, serving both to degrade material taken up from outside the cell and to digest obsolete components of the cell itself

Centrioles play a role in organizing microtubules that serve as the cell's skeletal system. They help determine the locations of the nucleus and other organelles within the cell.

The cell wall surrounds the plasma membrane of plant cells and provides tensile strength and protection against mechanical and osmotic stress. It also allows cells to develop turgor pressure, which is the pressure of the cell contents against the cell wall.

The cytoplasm is responsible for holding the components of the cell and protects them from damage. It stores the molecules required for cellular processes and is also responsible for giving the cell its shape.

What can differentiate between multiple layers of the ocean floor?


magnetic imaging


seismic reflection



seismic reflection is the answer

Which of the following cell membranes is the most fluid?

Membrane A, because it is composed of saturated fatty acids that have one or more cis bonds that form stable aggregations

Membrane A, because it is composed of saturated fatty acids that lack weak hydrogen bonds that continually break and reform to permit macromolecule movement

Membrane B, because is it composed of unsaturated fatty acids that form weak covalent bonds at the site of their cis bonds, which permit easy movement

Membrane B, because it is composed of unsaturated fatty acids that have one or more bends, which prevent tight packing



Membrane B, because it is composed of unsaturated fatty acids that have one or more bends, which prevent tight packing.

A sealed Ecosphere is able to perpetually sustain life until what happens?


Answer:Oxygen is DEPLETED


what is photosynthesis???​


the process green plant taking food from sun light is called photosynthetis


Photosynthesis is a process through which plants and other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy, which is then released to power the organism's metabolic processes through cellular respiration.


As compared to the circulatory system of most fishes, the circulatory system of adult amphibians has the advantage of a single circuit. partially-separate circuits for gas exchange and systemic delivery of blood. complete separation between oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. a four-chambered heart. a pocket of the gut that serves as an air bladder.



Partially separate circuits for gas exchange and systemic delivery of blood.


Adult amphibians have separate circuits for gas exchange and systemic delivery of blood. Fishes usually breathe through gills  and very few have nostrils. The fishes can breathe underwater with the help of their gills.

Human Population Growth and Overpopulation
Can someone please help me I don't understand what I have to do.



all you're trying to do is create a histogram of what has happened in the past and what could happen in the future.


for example and AD you feel the first little bar because it's not more than a billion and its last therefore it would be the zero billion

and then for 1850 you feel to bars because they had 1 billion people so therefore you feel the 0 billion and the 1 billion part

Which best describes a difference between transcription and DNA



DNA replication involves synthesis of DNA molecules, while transcription is a process that involves synthesis of RNA molecules. In both processes, DNA acts as template and provides information for synthesis of new daughter DNA or RNA strand.


The organisms native to an area will impact the types of soil found in that area.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Answer : T

Please mark me Brainliest
Answer :
mark me as branliest and thank me pls

The molecules of water move farther apart in the water cycle and water changes from the?



I think the ans is evaporation

Which of the following describes a scenario that could increase the winds of the jet stream?
O Faster global convection currents
O Decreasing radiation from the sun
O Equal heating of the Earth's surface
O Stopping conduction from the ground​



faster global convection currents!

Fortunately I just took this quiz and received 100%!

The statement that explains scenerio that can bring an increase to winds of the jet stream is A: Faster global convection currents.

Jet streams can be regarded as a fast flowing as well as narrow and meandering, air currents which is found on Earth and other planet. It is a bands of strong wind which moves to east from west in the globe.

The wind of jet stream do increase by the action of wind current, because convection current do aid the movement of this this wind from a place to the other

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more at:


In the scientific process, what is the correct sequence for the following steps: A: Recognizing a problem/Asking a question; B) Testing a hypothesis; C Drawing inferences
Group of answer choices









Ask questions, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze results, draw conclusions, communicate results.

what type of energy transfer happens when something freezes


Alternate interior angles is the chemical answer

1. Assertion: Mother may be a carrier for haemophilia.
Reason: The father is always a carrier for haemophilia.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but the Reason is true.





The assertion is true,but the reason is false because the mother is the carrier.

I hope this helps

what is hiberbation?​




                         Hibernation is an adaptation that allows an animal to escape cold weather and food shortages over winter.

calculate the area of the following rectangular box.​



here is your answer hope it helps you..

briefly describe what the outer layer of bone tissue is like






Plz refer image for your answer


Hope it helps.. if yes plz mark me as brainliest

hormones in the bloodstream






chemical messenger.


I'll give brainliest the brainliest. ​



resists the turgor  pressure of the cell:  A : cell wall

controls the activities of  the cell : C : nucleus

site of the chemical  reactions of the cell  including synthesis of  proteins:  D : cytoplasm


1. A -  Cell Wall

2. C - Nucleus

3. B. Mitochondria

Give brainliest

explain how bacteria cam develop resistance to an antibiotic?



Bacteria develop resistance mechanisms by using instructions provided by their DNA. Often, resistance genes are found within plasmids, small pieces of DNA that carry genetic instructions from one germ to another. This means that some bacteria can share their DNA and make other germs become resistant.

hope this helps you

have a nice day

laws of thermodynamics



The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics states that if two systems are in thermodynamic equilibrium with a third system, the two original systems are in thermal equilibrium with each other. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can be converted from one form to another with the interaction of heat, work and internal energy, but it cannot be created nor destroyed, under any circumstances. The 3rd law of thermodynamics will essentially allow us to quantify the absolute amplitude of entropies.

Using complete sentences, explain how proximity to major rivers influenced the location of early cities.



Locations along rivers meant faster travel upstream and downstream to rule territories. The city became the place where the ruler or rulers lived together in a stationary spot. The city's location along early rivers encouraged stronger government, which in turn encouraged stronger cities.

Rivers are one of the most crucial resources that played a major role in the development in ancient times. It led to river valley civilization that influenced the location and kingdoms.

What is river valley civilization?

The river valley civilization was one of the most important events that led to the establishment of many kingdoms and regions. The proximity to the river banks influenced many factors.

The cities located on the riverbanks have greater development in services including import, export, travel, agriculture, accessibility, etc. This allowed the people to practice agriculture on a large scale due to the availability of the irrigation system.

The river banks allowed the cities to grow as major trade centers and allowed downstream and upstream travel easier. This also led to the emergence of strong government systems.

Therefore, the proximity to major rivers led to river valley civilization.

Learn more about river valley civilization here:



The element with atomic number of 4 is



Beryllium is the element with the atomic number 4.


Which of the following statements can you infer would happen If one organ system stopped working?
a. The other organ systems would have to work harder to make up for the broken system
b. The other organ systems would stop working too.
c. The other organ systems would still work on their own but might have to work harder to complete their function correctly.





After one system shuts down, the others would slowly start to shut down as well until the body can no longer maintain homeostasis and the person would slowly die. 3. All systems would be working together but the main ones would be muscular, nervous, and skeletal.

Write one functions of seed.​


Seeds serve several functions for the plants that produce them.

Two lizards with different coloring exist within the same ecosystem. One lives in the trees, and the other prefers hiding among rocks. They are separate species because
they behave differently
Othey have different characteristics
Othey cannot successfully reproduce
Othey exist within the same ecosystem


They are separate species because they have different characteristics.
Which means their adaptation methods will be different.

Natural selection is that the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change.

What are the adaptations behavior in organisms?

Many animals are well adapted to biotic and abiotic conditions due to behavioral, physiological, or structural adaptations that increase their chances of survival and reproduction.

Behavioral - responses made by an organism that help it to survive/reproduce.


Physiological - a bodily process that helps an organism to survive/reproduce.

Structural - a feature of an organism’s body that helps it to survive/reproduce.

Thus, we can conclude that the correct option is (b).

They are separate species because they cannot successfully reproduce.

which means they have different adaptation methods.

You  can learn more about adaptation methods here:



What is the control for “which bait works best for a homemade fly trap?”



A glass of water or an empty cup


If no flies are attracted, that means your experiment is not flawed.

Most fresh water fish are hypertonic, meaning their body cells contain more salt than the surrounding water. Since osmosis should push water into their cells, why don't they explode? They don'­t drink any water because they get so much from osmosis. They have adapted to live with high osmotic pressure. They urinate a lot, so the water does not build up. Their cells have adapted to absorb salt. All of the above



They urinate a lot, so the water does not build up.


Freshwater fishes are fishes that live in freshwater habitat i.e. little or no salt. This means that the fishes are hypertonic (have more salt) to their external environment. Due to their hypertonicity, freshwater fishes tend to take in more water via osmosis.

Freshwater fishes, however, do not explode despite this phenomenon because they pass out the excess water via urine waste. Freshwater fishes urinate a lot, hence, the absorbed water does not build up in their bodies.

biological term for control of the body temperature​


Thermoregulation is a process that allows your body to maintain its core internal temperature. All thermoregulation mechanisms are designed to return your body to homeostasis. This is a state of equilibrium
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