he excretions of living organisms are best categorized as which type of factor in an environment?


Answer 1




It's definitely not abiotic and nonliving because they are living and who would categorized 'excretions of living organism' "living".

Related Questions

Which of the following statements about the 2011 earthquake off the coast of Honshu, Japan, is false?
A. More than 120,000 people were killed.
B. The earthquake had a magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale.
C. Whole cities and towns were washed away.
D. The earthquake triggered the F - uk - us - hi - ma accident. (that word i spread out would not let me post this question so i spread it out)



A.More than 120000 people were killed.


A.More than 120000 people were killed.

Based on the wintertime La Niña weather map, what do you think Florida's temperature and precipitation would be like during a winter El Niño event?




El Nino would probably warm up Florida's temperatures. It's already a bit warm in Florida during the winter so it would sort of feel like summer.

President Kennedy and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev: Group of answer choices engaged in a dangerous game of tactics and bluffs because the US wanted the Soviets to remove missile sites from Cuba decided which non-aligned nations would ally with the US and which would ally with the Soviets together planned and carried out the Bay of Pigs invasion became good friends after their Vienna summit meeting



Engaged in a dangerous game of tactics and bluffs because the US wanted the Soviets to remove missile sites from Cuba


President Kennedy and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev were both engage in negotiating a peaceful outcome to the crisis related to the missiles.

Relationships between the U.S and the Soviet Union was a complex that led frequent hostile power rivalry over the years. The political differences of these two countries often prevented them from leading a mutual arrangement on issues like the Cuban crisis that brought them close to the war. Both nations have advance technology and military progress with the missile race and nuclear weapon.

Both agreed after meeting to remove missiles from respective places. Kennedy removes the missiles in Turkey and Italy where Khrushchev remove the missiles in Cuba.

Helpp :)) no links okey



work on economic reform. Although i am not 100% sure i would say the last one??

i think it’s the last one

What led to the Great Migration, which occurred between 1910 and 1920?



What led to the Great Migration,  was poor economic conditions and racial segregation. Amongst many other things.


President Eisenhower's most important and far-reaching domestic initiative was the passage of the Interstate Highway and Defense System Act of 1956. funding for a huge increase in Social Security benefits. the most progressive civil rights bill since Reconstruction. the establishment of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.



It's option a. The passage of the Interstate highway and defense system act of 1956


President Eisenhower's most important and far-reaching domestic initiative was the passage of the Interstate Highway and Defense System Act of 1956. It was hi s most ambitious and pushing domestic project. The Interstate Highway program, which was created in 1956, made over a 41,000-mile road system.

who was the first astronaut to be in space​


The first astronaut to be in space was Alan B. Shepard

Which of the following statements best describes Rome's expansion into the
Mediterranean region?



C. Following its victories in the Punic Wars, Rome launched a series of wars. Rome's role in the Mediterranean trade expanded significantly as a result of those military campaigns.


The statement that best describes Rome's expansion into the Mediterranean region is that following its victories in the Punic Wars, Rome launched a series of wars. Rome's role in the Mediterranean trade expanded significantly as a result of those military campaigns.

What does it mean for a social movement to be successful?



When their goals are consistent with the central values of society, have wide popular support, and fit the needs of political leaders.

PLS HELP 40 points
If you had the opportunity to fight against machismo, what would be some of the actions you would take to combat this social phenomenon?


Answer: I don't know random stuff that others would do.


who invented bicycle



Karl von Drais was the first person to invent the bicycle

which of the following statements is true concerning the racial and ethnic composition of the us



In 2016, the total Hispanic proportion of the American population was 17.8 percent.

The statement that is  true concerning the racial and ethnic composition of the United States is in 2016, the total Hispanic proportion of the American population was 17.8 percent.

What is ethnic group?

A group of people who are related through language, religion, genealogy, culture (beliefs, values, and behaviours), or some other trait that is passed down from generation to generation. They may be neighbours or citizens of the same country, depending on where they live.

An ethnic group is a community or group of people who share a common cultural background, history, or ancestry. Examine how to recognise ethnicity, how to describe an ethnic group, and look at a variety of ethnic examples, including Arabs, Irish, Scottish, Kurds, and Romani.

Therefore, in 2016, the total Hispanic proportion of the American population was 17.8 percent.

To know more about ethnic group visit :



Vào 1097 năm trước đã xẫy ra những chuyện gì



vào 1097 năm méo có truyện gì xảy ra hết :))

14. Is Puerto Rico is closer to South America or Florida?




1000 miles south east of Miami Florida

Which of these is an example of hanging out?

A. Surfing the Internet for information about game websites

B. Making and sending out your own original music video

C. Sending your friend an email with a link to a new music clip

D. Playing an adventure game with people all over the globe


Answer: d -- it's the only answer where you're having actual contact with someone else, live at the moment.

Answer: C


please help me please



the whole forest / bows and dances


personification is the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form. forests cannot bow nor dance, but are given these human qualities in the poem

What was the Final Solution, and how was it developed?



If you're talking about World War 2:

The Final Solution, also known as The Final Solution to the Jewish Question was a plan created by the Nazis for genocide on the Jews. This killed more than 6 million Jewish people. Sad :((


Have a great summer :)

In sharp contrast to World War I, during World War II, the United States was a ready to use conscription if necessary to raise an army. b forced to sacrifice civilian economic well-being for the military effort. c weakened by constant isolationist criticism of the war effort. d nearly unanimous in support of the war. e actually invaded by enemy forces.



the answer is c hope that helps

I. Fill in each gap with a suitable word to complete the passage.
I come (1)……………. a family of five people. My mother is a very caring woman. She takes the
responsibility for running the (2)…………….. She is always the first one to get up (3)…………….in
the morning to make sure that we leave home (4)…………….school having eaten (5)…………….and
dresses in suitable clothes. In the afternoon, after hospital, she rushes (6)…………….the market,
then hurries (7)…………….so that dinner is ready on the table by the time Dad (8)…………….home.
Dad (9)………….always willing to give a hand with (10)…………….the house.












What percentage of slaves worked as domestic service or in trades



the answer is 75 percent :)

In a trial, lawyers introduce the jury to their main arguments and the evidence
that supports their case during
O A. sentencing
O B. cross-examination
O C. deliberation
O D. opening statements


I’m pretty sure it’s opening statements,

because sentencing happened at the end, cross examination is when you try and prove the prosecution wrong, and deliberation is when the jury is trying to make a decision so it should be opening statements

lockdown its challenges and opportunities ​




Which of the following would be an
example of "Island Hopping" during
World War II?
A. The Allies advance through France after D-Day,
B. The Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor in 1941.
C. The Axis invade northern Africa in 1940,
D. Iwo Jima, on the doorstep of Japan, is captured by
the U.S.





Island hopping was how the U.S fought with Japan as they would take an island and then move to another one until they reached mainland Japan.

What was the south like right after the Civil War ended?



Much of the Southern United States was destroyed during the Civil war. Farms and plantations were burned down and their crops destroyed. ... The rebuilding of the South after the Civil War is called the Reconstruction. The Reconstruction lasted from 1865 to 1877.

Get it :)

What areas in Eurasia developed advanced civilizations first? What role did geography play in that development?


Areas like the Indus Valley Civilization (India), Egypt and China developed advanced civilizations first. Yes, geography played an important role. All of these civilizations had large rivers to support agriculture, Indus river in Indus Valley Civilization, Nile river in Egypt and Yellow river in China.

Which statement is true?





Which statement best reflects a typical U.S. point of view that contributed to
conflict during the Cold War?
A. It is unacceptable for an able-bodied person to be unable to find a
job in a rich country
B. No citizens should have immense wealth while others experience
hunger and poverty
C. Governments should have the right to control industries for the
good of all citizens.
D. Communist countries strip businesses and consumers of their
right to economic freedom





The correct option is D. Communist countries strip businesses and consumers of their right to economic freedom reflecting a typical U.S. point of view that contributed to conflict during the Cold War.

What do mean by the Communist economic system?

Where people and groups, not the government, are in charge of the free exchange of commodities and services. The Communist-style economy in which the government owns all property, including real estate, businesses, and industries.

Because of the heated competition between the two superpowers, the United States was concerned that Communists and leftist sympathizers there may actively collaborate with Soviet spies and endanger American security.

Learn more about Communism Economy here:



What was the main reason Joseph Stalin created collective farms?

A. Soviet farms were old-fashioned and inefficient

B.Collective farms would create many new jobs

C.Farmland could be turned into industrial land

D.Wasteful crop surpluses would be eliminated



A. Soviet farms were old-fashioned and inefficient

Which of these affect real investment value? Check all that apply



you may need to add a picture to this question for me to answer it

The answer is A, B, and E.

A) fees and expenses

B) inflation

E) taxes

which policy is most similar to soviet totalitarianism under joseph stalin



Empowering the police to monitor citizens at all times

The first police shortly created after the overthrow of the Tsarist regime, would be an instrument to be used in a totalitarian command

The secret police of Stalin NKVD was a force that drew later under Stalin the totalitarian policy most scandalous for carrying out Stalin's Purges.

The secret police was mostly used for securing that Stalin would stay in power indefinitely,

The alleged national security and their aims were far beyond and contributed for cruel work camps, famines and social engineering.

They wanted to create conditions for a new socialist system to born.

Stalin also used the NKVD for eliminating close people to him when he became suspicious.

Periodically he will use systematically "cleaning lists" for setting a quota of people to be killed.

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Validate user input is a single positive digit [0 - 9]. rewrite the sentence so that it means the same as the first one beginning with the given words1. The lasr time i went swimming was 2 months ago=> I Someone, please help me on this one While traveling on a commercial bus line, a passenger was injured when some luggage fell on him. As required by applicable state law, the bus company's in-house attorney conducted an investigation and filed the required report with the state transportation department. The passenger subsequently filed a civil action against the bus company in federal district court, seeking compensatory damages for the injuries he suffered. During discovery, the passenger's lawyer served on the bus company a request for production of documents, including a request for the report that the bus company filed with the state. 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What was a purpose of the devshirme system?A. To convert Shi'a Muslims to SunniB. To provide soldiers and bureaucratsC. To enable efficient tax collectionD. To establish fair land distribution f(x) = -22 14Find f(9) Write a program num2rome.cpp that converts a positive integer into the Roman number system. The Roman number system has digits I 1 V 5 X 10 L 50 C 100 D 500 M 1,000 Numbers are formed according to the following rules: a. Only numbers 1 to 3,999 (inclusive) are represented. b. As in the decimal system, the thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones are express separately. c. The numbers 1 to 9 are expressed as I 1 II 2 III 3 IV 4 V 5 VI 6 VII 7 VIII 8 IX 9 As PLEASE HELP!!!! Answer the following question. You want to know when your plane is leaving. 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