
more to come later

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Answer 1


Topic sentence


Related Questions

How does Thoreau defend his approach in the second paragraph of “Economy” in
He uses the word “I” because he feels it sounds more interesting.
He does not use first-person point of view because his is a fictional account.
He uses first-person point of view to get his readers’ attention.
He uses the word “I” for the sake of sincerity and honesty.


The way that Thoreau defends his approach in the second paragraph of "Economy" in Walden is D. He uses the word "I" for the sake of sincerity and honesty.

Who was Thoreau?

According to history, Henry David Thoreau was a well-known American naturalist, essayist, poet, philosopher, and a leading transcendentalist.

He authored the book, Walden, as a reflection on his simple living in natural surroundings.

Thus, to show his sincerity and honesty, Thoreau uses the word "I."

Learn more about Henry David Thoreau at

Thoreau defends his approach in the second paragraph of "Economy" in Walden through option D. He uses the word "I" for the sake of sincerity and honesty.

Who was Thoreau?

Henry David Thoreau was a well-known American naturalist, essayist, poet, philosopher, and development critic, surveyor, and historian.

He also published the book, Walden, as a reflection on his simple living in natural surroundings.

Therefore, in order to show his sincerity and honesty, Thoreau uses the word "I."

Learn more about Henry David Thoreau, refer to the link:


what is the grammatical name of the bag in the field is mine​


the grammatical name of the novel things fall apart.

Select the correct answer.
Read the sentence from the passage.
In Boston, they had a grand "tea party."
What does the author suggest through the use of the words "grand 'tea party'"?
O A.
The words suggest the superiority felt by Americans compared to the king.
The words illustrate the splendor of tea parties during the British rule.
The words emphasize the richness of traditions of the British monarchy.
The words convey the significance of the way that the Americans rebelled.


The correct answer is B

Answer: D mate


cause Im on edmentum and had it right

QUESTION 3 10 points
3. Do you think deception is sometimes acceptable to keep
the peace? Why or why not ?



it depends on the type.

At the end of the story, the mourners at the house


hey you have to be more specific or else we cant understand

Both independent and dependent clauses



b. have a subject and verb.

Explanation: correct

Answer: B).have a subject and verb


Examples of characterization in The Most Dangerous Game


Answer:An example of direct characterization is when Rainsford meets General Zaroff and the narrator explains


give me a five star

Choose the word which has a different stress from the other words

A. simple

B polite

C. formal

D. instant


I’d say it’s “Instant” because all the other words can be used to describe but the word “Instant” refers to time

3. Since I changed my study habits, my test scores have improved.
Select Answer

compound-complex sentence

compound sentence

complex sentence

simple sentence



the answer is complex sentence

adapted from NASA

1 Our understanding about the universe and our place in it has changed over time. New information can cause us to rethink what we know and reexamine how we classify objects to better understand them. New ideas and views can come from questioning an existing theory.
What is a Planet?
2 This simple question doesn't have a simple answer. Defining the term planet is important, because such definitions reflect our understanding of the origins, architecture, and evolution of our solar system.
3 Pluto, discovered in 1930, was identified as the ninth planet. Pluto is much smaller than Mercury and is even smaller than some of the planetary moons. Though Pluto kept its planetary status through the 1980s, things began to change in the 1990s with some new discoveries.
4 Technical advances in telescopes led to better observations and improved detection of very small, very distant objects. In the early 1990s, astronomers began finding numerous icy worlds orbiting the Sun in a doughnut-shaped region called the Kuiper Belt beyond the orbit of Neptune—out in Pluto's realm. With the discovery of the Kuiper Belt and the icy bodies known as Kuiper Belt Objects, or KBOs, it was proposed to think of Pluto as the biggest KBO instead of a planet. Pluto triggered a scientific debate—a vigorous debate that continues to this day.
The Planet Debate
5 The International Astronomical Union (IAU), a worldwide organization of astronomers, took on the challenge of classifying the newly found KBOs. In 2006, the IAU passed a resolution that defined planet and established a new category, dwarf planet. Pluto is now a dwarf planet as recognized by the IAU.
The New Definition of Planet
6 The most recent definition of a planet was adopted by the IAU in 2006. It says a planet must do three things:
It must orbit a star.
It must be big enough to have enough gravity to force it into a spherical shape.
It must be big enough to have its gravity clear away any other objects of a similar size near its orbit around the Sun.
Debate—and Discoveries—Continue
7 Astronomers and planetary scientists did not universally agree with these definitions. In fact, the lively planethood debate continues till this day. As our knowledge deepens and expands, the more fascinating the universe appears. Whether our definitions of planet can be applied to newly found objects in the future remains to be seen.
Select the correct answer.
Based on the selection, what is the author's message about the new definition of planets?

It is uncertain whether the definition of planet will remain the same in the future.
Pluto should not have been the reason why IAU changed the definition of planets.
The new definition for planets needs to be considered as settled moving forward.
The IAU used poor methods when setting a new definition for planets.


A. It is uncertain whether the definition of planet will remain the same in the future.

Which place does “ the home of your ancestors”? refer to?



Cobo Verde


The place of “the home of your ancestors” is refer to Cabo Verde. These are particularly referred to in certain instances as the patriline's residence.

What do you mean by “ the home of your ancestors”?

A person's extended family's origins are represented by their ancestral home, which is typically a house that has been owned and maintained for many generations by the same family.

The phrase can be used to describe a single home or estate as well as a larger geographic area, such as an entire town, region, or nation.

According to research, these hometown identities are vital in national identity processes and negotiations. Chinese culture and society attach great importance to ancestral dwellings.

Therefore, the place of “the home of your ancestors” is refer to Cabo Verde. These are particularly referred to in certain instances as the patriline's residence.

To know more about “the home of your ancestors”, visit:


how much do you charge____a bunch of red roses?


About 40 to 50 dollars according to the Color and I will check if it is rare

D. Assure someone.
34. Huy and his friends often goes to the cinema to enjoy the new film. (Find a mistake)
A. his B. friends C. goes D. enjoy



c. goes


:) hope this helped!

Match the description to the type of source.
1 . thesaurus a book containing selected words in a language, noting spelling, pronunciation, and meanings
2 . periodicals magazines and journals which are published and distributed weekly, monthly, or quarterly
3 . encyclopedia people who are authorities on a subject
4 . human resources a yearly book that gives a calendar, weather predictions, holidays, and other miscellaneous information
5 . atlas often contain an in depth discussion of a particular subject
6 . concordance an alphabetical list of the principal words in a book, citing the passages where they occur
7 . Internet a dictionary listing synonyms, antonyms and related words
8 . dictionary a computerized information bank
9 . books a book or set of books giving a brief overview of a variety of subjects
10 . almanac a book of maps



1. thesaurus- a dictionary listing synonyms, antonyms and related words

2. periodicals- magazines and journals which are published and distributed weekly, monthly, or quarterly

3. encyclopedia- a book or set of books giving a brief overview of a variety of subjects

4. human resources- people who are authorities on a subject

5. atlas- a book of maps

6. concordance- an alphabetical list of the principal words in a book, citing the passages where they occur

7. Internet- a computerized information bank

8. dictionary- book containing selected words in a language, noting spelling, pronunciation, and meanings

9. books- often contain an in depth discussion of a particular subject

10. almanac- a yearly book that gives a calendar, weather predictions, holidays, and other miscellaneous information

What are some themes and symbols in "The Great Gatsby?" Explain
You have to use 2 pieces of evidence to support your answer



The Eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg

The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are a pair of fading, bespectacled eyes painted on an old advertising billboard over the valley of ashes. They may represent God staring down upon and judging American society as a moral wasteland, though the novel never makes this point explicitly. Instead, throughout the novel, Fitzgerald suggests that symbols only have meaning because characters instill them with meaning. The connection between the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg and God exists only in George Wilson’s grief-stricken mind. This lack of concrete significance contributes to the unsettling nature of the image. Thus, the eyes also come to represent the essential meaninglessness of the world and the arbitrariness of the mental process by which people invest objects with meaning. Nick explores these ideas in Chapter 8, when he imagines Gatsby’s final thoughts as a depressed consideration of the emptiness of symbols and dreams.


Select the prepositional phrase in this sentence:

Please put the flowers on a high shelf so that the baby doesn't knock them over.

Question 8 options:

Put the flowers

On a high shelf

So that the baby doesn't

Knock them over


I don't know too bro

I don't know too bro

I don't know too bro


The Answer is (on a high shelf)


I Took The Test And got it right! you can trust me btw!

Make sentences with “maneuver, murmured, exhausted, violently, groaning”



Conan maneuvered the bike to avoid crashing.

Lucy murmured to his ears gently "I love you".

They were exhausted while trekking for the first time.

Harold violently clashes with a snake, Harold was a brave cat.

Michelle could not stop groaning in pain after the hammer fell on her foot.


(for the points(

who was mahendran and what was his full name??​


Yecha Gunja Mahendran was a Indian film director, screenwriter and actor, known for his work in the Tamil film industry.


Which sentence from Roosevelt's speech expresses his main purpose?

A. "For all our domestic problems are now a part of the great emergency."

B. "The need of the moment is that our actions and our policy should be devoted

primarily-almost exclusively—to meeting this foreign peril."

c. "Today, thinking of our children and of their children, we oppose enforced isolation for

ourselves or for any other part of the Americas....

D. "But in no case had a serious threat been raised against our national safety or our

continued independence."





it says the need of the moment,so that should be his main purpose

what is the answer ??????????fast​


We walked along the road of the ocean

Define ‘Human dignity’ and explain what the Catholic Church teaches about human dignity? Give TWO examples from Catholic Social Teaching


The Catholic social teaching principle of human dignity is about understanding that each of us is made in God's image. Every person has an innate human dignity no one can take away. Human dignity is given freely to all human beings; whether saint or sinner, imprisoned or freed, powerful or marginalised.

Need help with essay



People fight wars to protect their country, families, and beliefs.


People fight wars to protect the things/people they love or want/need. They risk their lives to keep others safe or try their best to help society become a better generation than before.

For example, most people fight for families. They fight for their families because they love and care for them. They put their family before themselves because they’re loving, generous, and selfless.

Another example is that they go into war because each side has something they want to receive after the war. It can be reassurance that they’re safe, freedom in a situation, or gaining something that the other side had before the war.

The final and last reason people go to war is because they care. They care about how the next generation will be when they set an example for this one. They also care about how people are affected by such things like freedom or having rights that they didn’t have before the war.

People go into this war knowing the percentage of how much chance they’ll win or lose. They know that they are risking their lives for others, which makes them extremely kindhearted.

Here is an example of what you can write in your essay, feel free to add! :)

This is a really good phone. I think I'm buying/
'll buy it.
I help/'ll help you if you need me.
We meet/'re meeting Tom at 9 pm. Be there.
I think Joe will win/wins the tournament.
The train leaves/is leaving at 8 pm.
I'll call/'m calling you later. I promise.
I think life will be/is being better in the future.
Take it easy! You're going to break/'re
breaking the joystick.



What is the actual question


I need to know the question in order to solve it.


1 I'll buy it,

2 I'll help you if you need me,

3 we're meeting tom at 9 pm. be there,

4 I think joe will win the tournement,

5 the train is leaving at 8 pm,

6 I'll call you later, I promise,

7 I think life will be better in the future,

8 Take it easy! You're going to break the joystick.

Select the correct text in the passage. Which sentence speeds up the pace of the story by creating a sudden change? (3) It was midday, the sun was shining full upon me and the heat of it was rather intense upon [my] body, yet no greater than would have been true under similar conditions on an Arizona desert. Here and there were slight outcroppings of quartz-bearing rock which glistened in the sunlight; and a little to my left, perhaps a hundred yards, appeared a low, walled enclosure about four feet in height. No water, and no other vegetation than the moss was in evidence, and as I was somewhat thirsty I determined to do a little exploring. (4) Springing to my feet I received my first Martian surprise, for the effort, which on Earth would have brought me standing upright, carried me into the Martian air to the height of about three yards. I alighted softly upon the ground, however, without appreciable shock or jar. Now commenced a series of evolutions which even then seemed ludicrous in the extreme. I found that I must learn to walk all over again, as the muscular exertion which carried me easily and safely upon Earth played strange antics with me upon Mars. Reset Next





Springing to my feet, I received my first Martian surprise, which speeds up the pace of the story by creating a sudden change. Thus, option B is correct.

What is a passage?

Passage can be defined as an extract that is being taken from a book or novel or from a research paper it is written as it is without any changes, it is a collection of sentences.

To my feet are the receiver, first Martin's surprise will be the passage in which the sentence speeds up in the face by creating a sudden change in the story. In their sentences as there is a surprise that creates anticipation and eagerness for what will be in there.

By this, there is a shock and a change in the evolution of the sentences. Anticipated the person is receiving the surprise, as a could not send on the earth they are on the seventh heaven to receive the present. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about the passage, here:


PART I: Rewrite these sentences to "show, don't tell" using strong, active verbs.
1. The crowd was noisy.
2. The backpack is heavy.
3. The movie was sad.
4. Alexa is funny


1. The band show was very busy.
2. * I’m literally carrying a car right now.
3. The movie had very incredibly miserable in many of part.
4. Alexa is directly and the same as a monkey.

Hey can anyone pls answer dis in ur own words!!



In your own words :D


I need help with writing a story on the lifetime movie the dirty teacher​



Ok ive watched a ton of lifetime movies but i don't rmbr one about this, Can you give me some context about the movie and what you need to exactly write about and how long the story is supposed to be?


Match each sentence to the type of Rhetorical device it contains. Not all tiles will be used.




here hope it helps js look at the pic <3




By the way those are self grades so you don't have to do any of it ;)


23) Which BEST describes revisions that would improve this paragraph?
A) Combine sentences to remove unnecessary repetition and add variety to the length and types of sentences.
B) Combine sentences to shorten the paragraph to avoid misunderstanding and conflicting opinions.
C) Change punctuation by adding exclamation points to show the expressiveness of the paragraph's message.
D) Add supporting details including the names of consumers who buy fresh market products,





Why has the Indian government recently permitted women to fly fighter planes? 1. To provide equal opportunities to women in defence services 2. Lack of manpower in defence services 3. To pay respect to women of the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) 4. To encourage young females to join defence services​


They left the money
Other Questions
SOMEONE PLZ HELP!!! IDEK IF THIS IS HEALTH CLASS Part A: For each numbered blank, write the correct form of the verb in the sense indicated inParentheses (" for preterite and / for imperfect). Read the whole sentence carefully in order todetermine the correct subject. Number your answers, (2 points each for a total of 24 points)San Martin 1. _(ser. P) el libertador del Sur, el padre de la Repblica Argentina, el padre de(ser, 1) espalloles, y a el lo mandaron a Espaa para que fuese militardel rey. Cuando Napolen 3.(entrar, P.) en Espalla con su ejrcito, para quitarles a losespaoles la libertad, los espatoles todos pelearon contra Napolen: pelcaron los viejos, lasmujeres, los nios...) San Martin 4. pelear, P.) muy bien en la batalla de Bailn, y lohicieron teniente coronel. Hablaba poco: parecia de acero: miraba como un guila: nadie lodesobedecla. Su caballo iba y 5. (venir. 1.) por el campo de pelea, como el rayo por el aire.En cuanto supo que Amrica 6. (pelear, 1.) para hacerse libre, 7.(venir, P.) aAmrica: que le importaba perder su carrera, si iba a cumplir con su deber?: 8.(llegarP.) a Buenos Aires: no 9 (decir, P.) discursos: levant un escuadrn de caballeria: en SanLorenzo fue su primera batalla: sable en mano se fue San Martn detrs de los espaoles, quevenan muy seguros, tocando el tambor, y se quedaron sin tambor, sin caones y sin bandera. Enlos otros pueblos de Amrica los espaoles iban venciendo: a Bolivar lo habia echado Morillo elcruel de Venezuela: Hidalgo estaba muerto: O'Higgins sali huyendo de Chile: pero dondeestaba San Martin sigui siendo libre la Amrica. Hay hombres asi, que no pueden veresclavitud. San Martin no podia; y se fue a libertar a Chile y al Per. En dieciocho dias cruz consu ejrcito los Andes altsimos y fros: 10. (ir, 1.) los hombres como por el cielo,hambrientos, sedientos [...]. San Martin se encuentra al ejrcito espaol y lo deshace en la batallade Maip, lo derrota para siempre en la batalla de Chacabuco. Liberta a Chile. Se embarca con sutropa, y va a libertar al Per. Pero en el Per 11.(estar, I.) Bolivar, y San Martin le cede lagloria. Se fue a Europa triste, y muri en brazos de su hija Mercedes. Escribi su testamento enuna cuartilla de papel, como si fuera el parte de una batalla. Le haban regalado el estandarte queel conquistador Pizarro 12.(traer, P.) hace cuatro siglos, y l le regal el estandarte en eltestamento al Per. Un escultor es admirable, porque saca una figura de la piedra bruta: pero esoshombres que hacen pueblos son como ms que hombres. [...] El corazn se llena de ternura alpensar en esos gigantescos fundadores. Esos son hroes; los que pelean para hacer a los puebloslibres, o los que padecen en pobreza y desgracia por defender una gran verdad. Los que peleanpor la ambicin, por hacer esclavos a otros pueblos, por tener ms mando, por quitarle a otropueblo sus tierras, no son hroes, sino criminales. Do you think Laura has a fixed mindset or a growth mindset about starting a garden? How did you come to this conclusion? which of the following country is follow presidential dimocracy system a) france b) Senegal c) USA any one answer from the 31: Name the types of rainfall. How is convectional rainfall different from cyclonic rainfall?2: Explain the types of rainfall with the help of a diagram.3: The windward side of a mountain will get more rainfall. Justify. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why would wet clothes take longer time to dry on a humid day? In Mesoamerican several groups thrived with the discovery of what? What were some of there other advances overtime? (100 points) Jada mixes 2 3/5 liters of fruit juice with 1 7/10 liters of seltzer to make a fruit punch. Complete the steps to find the amount of fruit punch what is the sum of the fraction parts? 21.2x+c is equivalent to 5.3(4x-2.6) Can someone please explain how to find the answer please. Make sentences with maneuver, murmured, exhausted, violently, groaning What is greater than in mathematice Select the correct answer.In which process are fossils formed by the compression of dead organisms over time?A. carbonizationB. extinctionC. mineralizationD. radioactivity what is pollution? what is noise pollution? which emperor made christianity the official religion of rome Difference between cultural and natural attractions in tourism (BEST AND FASTEST GETs BRAINLIEST)Michael works at a furniture store. He makes commission for every piece of furtniture he sells. He sold a couch for $1245 he got a check for $62.25. What was the % of commission he made? Up arrow, right arrow, down arrow, left arrow, up arrow, right arrow, down arrow, left arrow. What's the conjecture Explain how Americans' commitment tofreedom led to the creation of the Bill of Rights. Find the area brainliest if correct no links A store manager paid $181 for an item and set the selling price at $253.40. What was the percent markup