help help help please please


Answer 1
The first one “even the smartest people need help sometimes”

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when did the bady langur finally find comporta​



The baby langur finally found comfort when the baby langur's mother cuddled him.

Answer: it had finally comfort him because finally found comparta

he was asking my name intochange into
indirect speech​



he had been asking my name.....I am sure this may help you....

who is the president of sri lanka?​



the president of Sri Lanka is Gotabaya Rajapaksa

Write the sentences correctly pls

1 All his friends will be there except Peter.

This button look as if it will match the material.

They divided the chips equally among the three children.

Where did the Egyptian people live at?

The football player practiced for an hour


All of his friends will be there except for Peter.

This button looks as if it will match the material.

They divided the chips equally amongst the children.

Where did the Egyptian people lived?

The football player practiced for an hour.


1. All of his friends are going to be there, except for Peter.

2. This button looks like it will match the material.

3. They divided the chips equally among the children.

4. Where did the Egyptians live?

5. The football player spent an hour practicing.

Which of the following is an opinion adverb



Opinion adverbs (or prepositional phrases) express a wide range of opinion: certainty, reality, sources, limitations and precision of the situation.

VI: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given verbs so that:
Hang out
1.My brother likes__________ the Internet looking for new music.
2.I dislike_________ too much on other people. I want to be independent.
3.Josh enjoys__________with his classmates after school.
4.My sister and I fancy_______ novels when we have free time.
5.He's very artistic. He enjoys ________ poems in his free time.
6.James_________ talking with his neighbors because he finds them annoying.
7.My uncles love __________ with other people . he has many friends.
8.Ann__________ working with children. She's a teacher.


2. Hang out
3. Socialize
4 read

Does anyone have good book recs



Bridge to Terabithia


It is a very well written book I read in 4th grade! but if you want a longer book i recommend "They Both Die at the End" by Adam Silvera.


It really depends on what you're looking for. Realistic Fiction/Murder Mystery: 14 Ways to Die by Vincent Ralph, Even if We Break by Marieke Nijkamp, The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, One For The Money by Janet Evanovich, The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Killing November by Adrianna Mather, Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart, The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Little White Lies by Jennifer Lynn Barnes and so much more.

Fantasy/Dystopian: Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir, Caraval by Stephanie Garber, Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, Shatter Me by Tahera Mafi, How to Hang a Witch by Adrianna Mather, Flunked by Jen Calonita, The Camelot Code by Mari Macusi, the Hadley Academy for the Improbably Gifted by Conor Grennan, Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian, Everless by Sara Holland, Fate of Flames by Sarah Roughley, The Colossus Rises by Peter Lerangis, Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede... I could go on but I think that's enough.

If you could choose, would you rather be able to fly or to become invisible? Why?What other superpower would you like to have?



becoming invisible because most people are afraid of heights so that superpower will remain unused for eternity. another superpower I want is mind reading so I can always make myself perfect for other people.

I ________ (see) a penguin grammarnya dong



I ___saw_____ (see) a penguin grammarnya dong

Read the following excerpt from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, identify the simile, and answer the question.

ROMEO: The brightness of [Juliet’s] cheek would shame those stars,
As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven
Would through the airy region stream so bright
That birds would sing and think it were not night.

Which of the following best expresses the meaning of the simile in the excerpt above?

Juliet’s appearance is shameful.
Juliet sings like a bird.
Juliet’s beauty surpasses that of all others.
There’s more to Juliet that meets the eye.


simile- "As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright..."

question answer- juliet's beauty surpasses that of all others.

Juliet’s beauty surpasses that of all others best expresses the meaning of the simile in the excerpt. The correct option is C.

What is simile?

A simile is a figure of speech that uses the words "like" or "as" to compare two dissimilar objects.

The adverbs "cool as a cucumber," "cold as ice," and "sly as a fox" are examples of common similes. Similes are frequently used by authors to bring concrete pictures to writing about abstract subjects.

Comparison between two objects that are otherwise unconnected is known as a metaphor. With a metaphor, characteristics of one item are metaphorically applied to another.

A simile is used to compare two things in a figurative, as opposed to literal, manner. The excerpt's simile, "Juliet's beauty transcends that of all others," best captures its meaning.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding simile, visit:


Describe the relationship between Bev and Ezze. Please HELPPP



Maybe they are twins or siblings

The relationship between Bev and Ezze is described as friends who have common interests.

What is the central idea of the story Quiet town?

The story "Quiet town" highlight the two central characters named Bev and Ezze around which the whole narrative revolves and illustrated the theme of Man vs. Nature through the adventurous journey.

The story concerns Bev and her son in their small village as they learn that the sea levels are advancing and that the seas would eventually bury them.

Bev and Ezze have been introduced to us in the build-up, so we are sufficiently immersed in the plot when we learn that the sea wall is flooding in the theme as nature vs men and the consequences they had faced.

The story indicates that Bev is forced to acknowledge the horrible truth by remaining with their peaceful residential village and adopting her late husband's disbelief of climate change. This sad conclusion is reached by her, Benji, and their elderly next-door neighbor Ezze.

Learn more about Quiet Town, here:


How does Douglas is cultural point of you as slavery from the early 1800s shape as motivation to become literate, yet also create obstacles for him? provide at least two examples from the text right at least a 100 word response



Douglass wanted to learn to literate because he was spiritually, emotionally, and physically aware of how slaves were forced to live in ignorance and poverty. In his youth, he would learn that ignorance was a handicap that white masters used to keep African American slaves under control. Douglass was influenced by personal experiences and spiritual breakthroughs. Getting an education was a challenge.




Douglass was willing to learn to literate because he was spiritually, physically, and emotionally aware of how slaves were forced to live in not only poverty, but ignorance. In his youth, he would learn that ignorance was a handicap that white masters used to keep African American slaves under their control. Douglass was influenced by personal experiences and spiritual breakthroughs he had experienced through his time with them. Although getting an education was a challenge, especially for him and his people, but he persisted and eventually was able to not only write what he wrote and do what he did, but also inspire many others to rise an do the same. All despite certain challenges they would have to overcome.

(it says at least 100 words, the other answer has only 62, while this paragraph has 120 word count.)

please rate brainliest and have a great day everyone


odyssey ware

Read the article Skara Brae: Skara Brae is one of the oldest historical sites in Europe, and it stayed hidden for more than 4,000 years. The ancient village of Skara Brae was discovered on the main island of Orkney, in Scotland. A massive storm in 1850 removed the sand that had covered it for thousands of years, exposing the remains of a small village. Skara Brae is a collection of eight round, stone houses that still have their stone furnishings and even some of the belongings of the inhabitants. The contents can tell us a great deal about how people lived in what is called the Neolithic era, or the last period of the Stone Age. Seven of the eight houses appear to have been family homes, with beds, dressers, fireplaces, and even simple toilets. The eighth house may have been a community workshop. It shows evidence of tool-making and the use of a large fire pit. How was Skara Brae built, and what, eventually, happened to it


Answer and Explanation:

As shown in the text above, the Skara Brae was built with stones. Despite being in Europe and wood being more efficient as a thermal insulator for cold weather, wood was very scarce in this region, with stones being a more appropriate material to build houses, as you can see in the remains of this community. Many scientists believe that the roofs of these houses were made from whale ribs and the bones of other animals.

Historians believe that Europe's very cold weather during the winter was the reason the residents of this house left the region. In addition to the fact that their stone houses did not protect them from the intense cold, the region did not have enough food for them during the colder seasons.

It is important to emphasize that Skara Brae is considered a historical heritage by UNESCO.


As shown in the text above, the Skara Brae was built with stones. Despite being in Europe and wood being more efficient as a thermal insulator for cold weather, wood was very scarce in this region


Let’s go out .It______any more ( not,rain)


Let’s go out, it’s not raining anymore

Your class has been discussing how they spend their money and your teacher has asked you to write an essay about what you would spend your money on. ​



I would spend my money on school supplies or life expenses, I think

Fill in the blanks with the passive form of the verbs in the simple future tense: 1 Efforts ________ to generate as many jobs as possible. (make)​



will be made


that's how it's fuure tense

hope this helps ❤

How did Tom manage his life when he ran out of money at first?​



He made a steady income from his friends when he ran out of money at first.

There are many political parties in Nepal. We live in a multiparty............ options are ...... (supreme, expelled, released, democracy, well-to-do, escaped)




There are many political parties in Nepal. We live in a multiparty democracy options are ...... (supreme, expelled, released, democracy, well-to-do, escaped)

Tee gave an informative speech on the poor drinking water conditions of local water. He brought in a test kit and presented statistics that proved local water was dangerous to drink. He advised the class to purchase a certain type of water filter pitcher guaranteed to remove these impurities. At the end of his speech, he mentioned that he worked for the company that made the pitcher and had them for sale. What was Tee's mistake



The answer is "Lee disregarded the ethical norm that a speech should have a responsible objective."


When a Process Employee appears before the Ethics Committee and is determined to have violated a code of ethics, the Procedure Worker is responsible for the expenditures incurred in managing the case. By providing this information to the partner, a process worker who thinks that an associate has breached the Process Work ethical code can attempt to reach an informal conclusion. As just a consequence, confidentiality may not be violated in either way.

What informational text gives a detailed account of events?



I don't know anything about this one

write a poem on being underwater. In your own words. plz plz ​




I was drowning.


Fighting for air,

fighting to swim.

Drowning, underwater.

Something held me down,

Something kept me from taking a breath.

Drowning, underwater.

I tried to float, but always sank.

I tried to breathe, but always choked.

Drowning, underwater.

I had no escape.

But you saved me.

You cut me loose.

Taught me how to swim,

taught me I could breathe.

Inhale, exhale.

Taught me I could smile,

taught me I could laugh.

You showed me kindness.

You showed me happiness.

When I found you,

I found me.

You gave me life,

you gave me purpose.

But you changed your mind.

Was I not enough?

not smart enough

not pretty enough

not skinny enough

not **** enough

not happy enough?

Was I too much?

Did I ask too much?

Did I care too much?

Did I love too much?

Did I need too much?

Did I hurt you?

Did I scare you?

Why were you so ******* afraid

Afraid of change

afraid of unknowns

afraid to let me in

afraid to feel what we felt

afraid of distance

afraid of trying

afraid to love me

afraid to let me love you

afraid of the future

afraid of us

afraid of this happiness

afraid it wouldn't last

But I needed you.

Now I'm drowning.


Fighting for air,

fighting to swim.

Drowning, underwater.

You're holding me down,

You're keeping me from taking a breath.

Drowning, underwater.

I'm trying to float, but I'm sinking.

I'm trying to breathe, but I'm choking.

Drowning, underwater.

There is no escape.

But I can't forget you.

Your words grab my ankles,

tying me to the ocean bottom.

I'm kicking and fighting,

but your touch paralyzes me.

I'm crying for help,

but your memory suffocates me.

No one sees me,

no one hears me,

no one saves me.

You don't save me.




Work with your group to create a digital presentation about a chapter from The Way
to Rainy Mountain. Your presentation will need at least one paragraph of text that
explains the overall meaning of the chapter, one paragraph that explains how the
historical context of the chapter relates to its meaning, and one paragraph that
explains how your media elements relate to your analysis.
Your presentation should include the following elements:
• Text that explains the overall meaning of a chapter from The Way to Rainy
Mountain and its historical context, and that makes references to the media
• Digital media elements that help the reader better understand the purpose of the



remained, there was an additional text above the second voice, indicating a change in format and that its contents may be important to acknowledge. Bravery leads to great strength and integrity ,life is all about sacrifices , family always comes first ,fear results in failure.

This is the story of Kiowa greatness, the part of Kiowa history on which Momaday prefers to dwell. Momaday structures the story loosely around the three major periods of Kiowa history, and this passage describes the first two: the Kiowa journey out of the hardship of the northern plains, and the golden age in which the Kiowas ruled the southern plains. Notably, the story of Kiowa greatness is not limited to a focus on Kiowas; Momaday also gives credit to horses and the Comanches


The overall meaning of the chapter is the narration of the Kiowa history to show both their times of hardship and their golden ages.

What is a Golden Age?

This refers to a period in the history of a given people in a time frame that is characterized by prosperity and growth which leads to happiness, satisfaction, and expansion.

Hence, we can see that some of the values of the Kiowa people were that of:

BraveryIntegrityStrengthFamily, etc

Read more about The Way to Rainy Mountain here:

Identify the theme of Audre lorde poem "" Fourth of July""


it is a narrative poem that addresses and glorified America’s liberty!

Comparison of the cost of adding two desktops vs. one or two laptops.
Comparison of the cost of replacing the modem with a router/modem.
Comparison the cost of building a WAN vs. a LAN or a VPN.
Summary of the total cost of maintaining your home office as the only computing space for your three-worker company. Compare this cost with the option of building a network that includes your home office and two satellite locations.


The cost of laptop and desktop differs from each other. The cost of replacing modem with another modem or router will also be an expense to the business.

Laptop cost $890

Desktop cost $1,130

Modem $50

while a used modem is $20

WAN is $0.02/GB

LAN is $20,000/year

This expense is basic in both the setups

Laptops $890 * 3 = $2670

Home Based additional expense

Rent $1,400

Modem $50

LAN $20,000

= $21,450

Building Network

Modem $50 * 3 = $150

WAN $0.02/GB *  950,000 = $19,000

= $19,150

Building a Network would be less costly.

Learn more at

What is literature?​



Literature is pretty much written works, poems, books, etc..

Literature is defined as books and other written works, especially those considered to have creative or artistic merit or lasting value.

How do the character relationships connect to the theme of the kite runner?


The Kite Runner focuses nearly exclusively on male relationships. While the relationship between father and son is important to the novel, male friendship is central as well. Amir's relationship with Hassan is the most obvious example.

Guided Practice

Type your answer and then click or tap Done.

Type the words in bold, changing them to show joint ownership.

Sheri and Randy baby was born last week.



Sheri and Randy's would be the answer


all three level of professionals are required to run and organizations or a smoothly justify it​



Most organizations have three management levels: first-level, middle-level, and top-level managers. These managers are classified according to a hierarchy of authority and perform different tasks. In many organizations, the number of managers in each level gives the organization a pyramid structure.

Which amendment expanded the right to vote to about half the population?

Fifteenth—African American men
Twenty-fourth—no poll taxes
Twenty-sixth—18 years old



The 19th Amendment, ratified in 1920, gave American women the right to vote.


write me a poem based off of identity!

must include

- my love for music
- i’m a musician (drummer)
- inspirations “rush, black sabbath, led zeppelin.” the bands who make me who i am



Music is the ocean that draws me to shore.

The beat of music thrills me to my core.

When I'm down, I turn to music for comfort.

Music raises my spirits and helps me to persevere.

When I'm most inspired, I'm drumming with my favorite bands, Rush, Black Sabbath, and Led Zeppelin.

It's obvious that music was present.

When no one seems to care, music is a much-needed companion who helps to shape who I am.

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