Help me please……………………


Answer 1


A.figure out areas where you need improvement

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Is it ethical for a professor to deny a student an opportunity to write exam since he or she's late n didn't write his or her assignments then allowing other students to write an exam while they are also late , reasons plss​



it is not ethical because it is not fair. reason is because the principle denied one student to write a late exam, but allowed others to. he is having favoritism on all students besides the one he didn't allow to write a late exam. it would be more ethical to allow ALL students an opportunity to write their exams late, or even disallow everone. that would be a less biased choice as a professor.

Your best friend has just been suspended from school for truancy. write a letter to him/her expressing your displeasure and advising him/her to turn a new leaf.



dear friend


i am very happy that you are suspended for school now i cant get scholded by my teachers

stay safe stay happy

i hate you soso much

be safe from corona when you will return school i should sit with you so if you have corona i also may be suffer so be safe

your very loving bestfriend



here you go on the

basic of my life

a. What is the main attraction of a birthday party?​


The main attraction of the birthday party would be anything like ;dreses they wear, foods they had served ,drinks,decoration, cakes and balloons, etc. it would also be a person's personality.

Write choose the closest synonym for the word BELITTLE.
(A) cleanse
(B) criticize(correct answer?)
(C) describe
(D) shrink



synonyms for belittle









the closest synonym for the word BELITTLE


(B) criticize


Write choose the closest synonym for the word BELITTLE.

= The closest synonym for the word BELITTLE is Criticize .

Hope it is helpful to you ☺️✌️❣️☘️☪️❇️☪️❇️☘️❣️✌️☺️

You witness a bank robbery, and follow the perpetrator down an alleyway. He stops at an orphanage and gives them all the money.
Would you:
A) Report the man to police since he committed a crime
B) Leave him alone because you saw him do a good deed





He's basically Robin Hood lol

Your newest coworker is not as productive as other members of your team. You and your coworker have to work harder to make up for this



(C)  Give her advice and tips for how to get things done correctly and efficiently.


Your newest coworker is not as productive as other members of your team. You and your coworker have to work harder to make up for this

What would you be most and least likely to do?

(A) Be patient. Give her more time to learn the job so that her productivity will increase.

(B) Ask her how the job is going. Let her know you're available if she has any questions.

(C) Give her advice and tips for how to get things done correctly and efficiently.

(D) Talk to your supervisor about the situation. Suggest that this might not be the best role for your coworker.

You would be most and least likely to: Provide her with suggestions and pointers on how to complete tasks correctly and efficiently.

What is a limitation of first-person narration in a story?
A. The reader is too far removed from the story's action.
B. The thoughts of too many characters are displayed.
C. The other characters' views and thoughts are left out.
D. The reader does not feel a connection to the narrator.


C. Sorry if it’s wrong lol.

What was Sojourner Truth's background?
She was a wealthy suffragist and social activist.
She was a highly educated woman.
She was born in Africa and kidnapped into slavery.
She was born a slave in New York.



She was born a slave in New York.


Truth was born into slavery in Swartekill, New York.

Sojourner Truth's background is that she was born a slave in New York.

What was Sojourner Truth's background?Sojourner Truth was an African American evangelist, abolitionist, women’s rights activist and author who was born into slavery before escaping to freedom in 1826. After gaining her freedom, Truth preached about abolitionism and equal rights for all. Sojourner Truth became known for a speech with the famous refrain, "Ain't I a Woman?Truth continued her crusade throughout her adult life, earning an audience with President Abraham Lincoln and becoming one of the world’s best-known human rights crusaders.

Hence, Sojourner Truth's background is that she was born a slave in New York.

To learn more about Sojourner Truth, refer to:


What’s your __________? - I am Spanish



yar isme batana kya hai send me

What’s ur nationality

06. Treasure Island. 1. What is the name of that creature Jim met while running for his life into the forest and who was he before?​



he was a poor guy but one day a sunami came so that's why he has now house and food

What Is the Main Topic in this sentence, or is there none?

The Spanish Club is holding its annual bake sale. Club members will meet in the gym at 11:30 A.M. to start the sale. Each item is only $1!



The Spanish Club is holding its annual bake sale.


The main sentence is what describes what will happen in the rest of the text and this sentence basically explains that there will be an annual bake sale hosted by the Spanish club

Fill in the blanks using appropriate reflexive and emphatic pronouns. 1. She washes her clothes ………………….. a) herself b) her c) herselves 2. We enjoyed ………………….. at the party. a) ourself b) ourselves 3. The little boy sat by ………………… a) himself b) him c) himselves
He absented ………………… from the class.

a) himself

b) himselves

c) him

5. The minister …………………… said this.

a) himself

b) him

c) himselves

6. She was so much in love with …………………… that she thought of none else.

a) her

b) herself

c) herselves

7. He …………………… told me this.

a) himself

b) themselves

c) him

8. You …………………… know better than anybody else.

a) yourself

b) yourselves

c) your
He ..................................... is responsible for this.

a) himself

b) themselves

c) himselves

10. She is old enough to dress................................... now.

a) her

b) herself

c) herselves​




I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and give brainliest pls

describes Phonemic Awareness?



Phonemic awareness means to the specific ability to focus and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words. Phonemes combine to form syllables and words.

why are trees important to the environment?



I hope above information will help you a lot.

Have a great day ahead.


providing oxygen,

improving air quality,

climate amelioration,

conserving water,

preserving soil


Hi! ❤️ pls help asap pls



add a comma after the word fierce


place a comma between the two adjectives (fierce and protective)


add a comma after the word fierce


Multiple choice question
2.Who is _______ person in your class?


the more intelligent

the most intelligent

the intelligentest



the most intelligent


Who is the most intelligent person in your class. Hence option 3 is correct.

What is intelligence?

Intelligence is defined as the capacity to pick up new information, comprehend it, or handle challenging circumstances. Intelligence can offer unique perspectives that alert to potential risks and opportunities, evaluate likely outcomes of suggested policy options, provide leadership profiles on foreign figures, and warn of counterintelligence and security threats to official trips.

You must develop receptivity if you want to become intelligent in the classroom. Always be open to hearing what people have to say and make an effort to comprehend them. Even if you believe that you are accurate, you should still pay attention to other people so that you can pick up on their knowledge and, if necessary, be corrected if you are mistaken.

Thus, Who is the most intelligent person in your class. Hence option 3 is correct.

To learn more about intelligence, refer to the link below:


Please correct the following sentence.

hi my name is jessica. it’s a really cool name dont u think



Hi my name is Jessica it's a really cool name don't you think.



(Their, They’re, There) was hardly a week that went by that I didn’t go to tutoring to get the help I needed.


Vas happenin!
Hope your day is good
There is correct
Their is used for people
They’re is they are

Answer: There


Happy Learning! : )

What is the basic economic problem that societies must solve?
How will the goods and services be produced?
How to allocate resources in order to best satisfy the needs and wants of people. Who will consume the goods and services?
What goods and services should be produced?


The basic economic problem that societies must solve is: B. How to allocate resources in order to best satisfy the needs and wants of people.

Economic needs can be defined as the goods and services that are required by the people or consumers for their daily survival. Some examples of economic needs are: shelter, food, water, land, air, etc.

Economic wants can be defined as the goods and services that are desired by consumers but are not important for their survival. Some examples of economic wants are air conditioner, mobile phone, radio set, automobile cars, computer, carpet, clothes, television, furniture, etc.

Generally, the basic economic problem within societies revolve around economic needs and economic wants. Thus, it is very important that the government of a particular country decides on how scarce resources are to be allocated to the manufacturer of goods and services, so as to best satisfy the needs and wants of people.

In conclusion, the allocation of resources is a basic economic problem that societies must solve, in order to best satisfy the needs and wants of people.

Find more information:


B. How to allocate resources in order to best satisfy the needs and wants of people.

How can discussions, projects , campaigns and events support victims of human rights violations (xenophobia )



It is synonymous to racism and discrimination. Discussions, projects, campaigns and events can support victims of xenophobia because 1. these activities raise awareness among people to learn about the issue and its underlying causes; 2. ... Xenophobia is the dislike and fear of the foreign and strange bodies.

In Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," the main focus is the tragic love story between
Romeo and Juliet. However the play also tells the story of fighting between the
Montagues and Capulets. What is this called?




here is a link I hope this helped you :)

Answer: subplot.


The subplot of the long-standing rivalry between their two families (the Montagues and the Capulets) unfolds to increase conflict and add to the drama of these young lovers' forbidden romance

What are some methods a media designer uses to let us know what the focal point of an advertisement is? Select all
that apply.

contrasting colors
hierarchy of design
the focal point larger in size
the focal point a different texture
lots of small text
analogous colors


It is larger than all of the other items.
Its color contrasts with the other colors in the picture, making it standout.
The advertiser uses hierarchy in his design.
If you want something to stand out, making it bigger is the simplest answer possible.
By adding contrast, you create a sense of separation between what you want to expose and the rest. Being the rest, in this case, the most dominant aspect (as in, a black screen and a white ball in the middle of it, the white ball will get more attention).
Hierarchy in Design is a way of combining elements of visual design to guide the eyes of who is looking at the ad, commercial or whatever the piece is. By making things diminish size or change colors in an specific order, you can ensure that the target will look at where you want him or she to look at.

Great customer service is more a mindset than a checklist, and it has to do with:



Customer service is a mindset, and it is made to help people feel listened to, and have their questions, concerns, and problems addressed.


There are always going to be customers who will not entirely understand what they are doing, what the product is intended for, or just need help, or have questions, and it's the Customer Service employee who needs to help them.

The services to the customer is more a mindset than a checklist, and it has to do with helping customers feel listened to and understood. Thus, option (D) is correct.

What is customer service?

Customer services refer to the services provided by the organization or the company to its clients regarding any issues and problems arises by the usage of their product. It meant to help and solve the grievance of the customers.

The main aim of the customer service is to maker the clients feel heard and understood. There are always certain issues regarding the product to the customers who are dissatisfied with their purchases, or even potential customers who just do not grasp the goods or services the business is providing.

Customer feels satisfied when are issues are heard and resolved in the timely manner.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Customer service is more of an attitude than a checklist, and it focuses on making clients feel heard and understood. Hence, option (D) is correct.

Learn more about customer service here:


Your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was...

A. Keeping overhead costs low and providing the best products imaginable

B. Having customer orders shipped promptly

C. Staying ahead of competitors at any cost in order to win customer loyalty

D. Helping customers feel listened to and understood

For many adults, learning .......................... as something only for school children.
A. doesn't see
B. don't see
C. aren't seen
D. isn't sên



i think doesn't is the answer

Ramesh loves swimming .Everyone likes him​


swim swim that's answer


Tip: Try using words that might appear on the page you’re looking for. For example, "cake recipes" instead of "how to make a cake."

In a sort of Runic time is a example of figurative lanuage




I think it's Personification and Rhyme.


That's because in a sort of Runic time, Personification and Rhyme are more connected than Alliteration and Onomatopoeia.

Tom had no idea that you were planning to make a test. You......him.
b) would have warned
c) should be warning
a) should have warned
d) might be warned



a)should have warned


Tom had no idea that you were planning to make a test. You should have warned him.


A) should have warned

Children often ____ (look / make / take)
up imaginative stories.


The correct answer is B. Make. So the complete phrase is "Children often make up imaginative stories.


"Makeup" is a verb that refers to the action of inventing something; is an action that involves the imagination and creativity to innovate. Additionally, this action is very related to children because in the early years, people tend to ignore reality and create their world. According to the above, the correct answer is B.

If you want to improve your grammar skills, what would you do? Write 5 ways for students and 5 ways for teachers. ​




Leer mas libros

Estudiar más

Mirar videos subtitulados para saber nuevas palabras

Poner atencion en clases

Siempre estudira las reglas gramaticales


Leer más

Aprender mas idiomas

Socializar más

Dejar de usar mucho las redes sociales

Hablar con gente de distintas regiones

Students: Watching videos, reading books, writing essays, speaking with native speakers, listening to podcasts
Teachers: show students videos, show them how to write an essay, only speak English with them, ask them to read

John/ drive/ cars/ for a living.

I/ do/ research/ at the moment.


is/this/a question ?
John drives cars for living.
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